

I love this game! For being made by 1 person It beats a lot of AAA games in creativity. I would really like to see more games like this in the future and I will be following the game’s development closely!

Real player with 123.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Early Access Building Games.

I pirated this game from Google, but after playing it for a while I decided to just buy the game to support the developer bcs this game is just super fun, after just 40 hours of playing this game I can say I love it the designing of the hull and turret is simple but is still fun, I’ve already made about 20 tanks just from WW1, the only problem with this game is that it’s empty and lacking a lot of other features that I would like in the game, I understand that it’s only made by one person so I can wait for as long as possible so that he can improve this game a lot, so I’ma just list the problems I have with the game:

Real player with 50.3 hrs in game

Sprocket on Steam

3dSen VR

3dSen VR



my mind has been blown. im surprised at how little attention this has. as of now product is 2% positive reviews away from “overwhelmingly positive” and rightfully so (i hope it makes it there c:). First off i would like to emphasize that this is not a game but an emulator. A very very nice emulator on steroids. i would akin it more as software that you use to run other games. 3Dsen does not come with these games but it will greatly enhance them if you download the games (via a simple google search) and run them with 3Dsen. their very easy to download if i want super mario bro 3 i just google “super mario bro 3 nes download” and boom there it is.

Real player with 18.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Early Access Physics Games.

3DSENVR breathes new life into old classics. Duck Hunt makes for a respectable target shooter in VR. That’s right: Duck Hunt… a game that came out in 1984… is a FUN VR GAME now.

Even stuff that kind of sucked… at the time it came out… is now modernized into a total blast to play: A 1983 Pinball game I otherwise wouldn’t have given ANY thought to as an 8-year-old kid is freaking MAGICAL now. To be clear: I had ZERO nostalgic feelings for that title… but now it’s one of my favorite 3DSENVR games.

Real player with 7.8 hrs in game

3dSen VR on Steam


At first I was skeptical of this game. I guess just something about it looked off- like an advertisement for a mobile game vs. the game itself. I bought it partly because of its low price (it may have gone up by the time you are reading this). While there is definitely some room for more content in general, I was shocked by how convenient it was to do exactly what I wanted: build ships. It’s super easy to stay updated on the dimensions, displacement, total hit points, etc. while in the process of building. What’s more, downloading ships from the Steam Workshop and pitting them against each other is a blast! If you’ve played World of Warships, combat in Navalart is essentially that but a bit simplified. The sheer fact that you can have WoWS-esque battles with ships that YOU and others like you created is amazing. I know there is a plethora of other games where that is possible, but I don’t think I’ve found another one that is, as I said earlier, as convenient as Navalart.

Real player with 651.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Early Access Voxel Games.

This game is what Battleship Craft should have been.

It’s like my dream came true, what would it look like on PC. This is it.

This game has so much potential and I think the dev needs some more time, but it has the potential to be one of the best ship building games out there. You can build anything from small boats, like PT Boats up to Destroyers, Cruisers, Battleships, (Aircraft carriers) and everything beyond your imagination. The limit is your fantasy like really.

For exmaple I have built some realistic destroyers, but also my own creations of BB’s and cruisers, you can build what you want.

Real player with 159.3 hrs in game

NavalArt on Steam



I stumbled upon this game while taking a look through early access titles. The first thing that caught my eye was that it is survival. The second thing that really peaked my curiosity was spiri animals. What, are you kidding me?! Who does that?! How could that work?! Well, let me tell you, I was immediately engrossed in the visually pleasing artistry and placement of all the points of interest giving it a realistic feel which we all try to find in these MMO’s. You can roam this huge map for hours and you’ll see something new every time. There is always something to do as in any survival game, it’s hard not to get distracted! Weather you like solo play or group play, pvp or pve, exploring or building, this is the game for you! The Developers are always interactive and enjoy playing right along side even the newbies so you don’t need to be a high lvl to be noticed! Now, with that said, I won’t go into obvious details which every new game, especially early access, about what I don’t like about Spirit Animal Survival because negatives are to be expected and my likes, or loves rather, outweigh the things that are still being worked on. It is, after all, a work in progress. Look, all I’m trying to say is, stop reading this already and come in, enjoy some great company with friendly people and have some fun! If you’re waiting for the invite, well, this is it! Don’t hesitate, I hear the sale price will be ending soon! Also wanted to add, if you’re concerned with the minimum requirements, I know it says min i5, I’m running an i3 with the only real issues being in the loading and shutting down, the game play is practically flawless! Don’t let that be what scared you away, let it be that big bad T-Rex that one shot you!

Real player with 85.4 hrs in game

Before I write my thoughts, I saw someone post false information that I’d like to correct. You actually CAN report bugs without having to use a 3rd party chat software called Discord. There is a big box in the main menu (as seen in one of the videos above) that clearly states you can report bugs by contacting them via their email at support@spiritanimalsurvival.com - if the forum or Discord is not your way to go, there is always that solution for you.

Now on to my actual thoughts of this game in its current state! Spirit Animal Survival (SAS) is another survival game with some unique elements in it. The features you expect in a survival game are there, you need to go get resources, craft and build, while trying to stay alive by eating, drinking and not letting others/animals kill you. You got to do a bit of grinding but that’s part of the games in this genre. The most unique feature of the game is that you can transform/morph into a spirit animal. There is a bunch of them and all of them have their own attacks/features. This does set the game apart from other survival games that I have played. You can see how this work in the videos above.

Real player with 84.0 hrs in game

SAS on Steam

Good Company

Good Company

I see great potential for the game, but as I’m writing the review now I’m only taking those things into consideration that are already in the game.

Gameplay: 5/5

Graphics: 5/5

Tutorials: 4/5

Difficulty: 5/5

Support: 5/5


The gameplay loop is simple:

1. build/rearrange production line

2. set up the logistics for that line

3. tweak bits and pieces to make it profitable

4. plan the next production line / change the line output to another product

For me that is exactly what I was looking for. You create something, an issue arises, you fix that issue and that leads to another issue or you’re set and you create the next new thing.

Real player with 180.1 hrs in game

i loved the concept but the execution is so EXTREAMLY flawed..

market: why is it capped so low in FREEPLAY. ive tried countless times trying to tweak the my out puts. But literally ever single time ive played the supply chains get so damn long that I cannot maintain a profitable business with out producing more then I can sell which ironically makes me go bankrupt

out/in bound shipping: why can we move these? Why is there a limit to how many items I can place in the in/out bound points with out the ability to upgrade them?

Real player with 154.4 hrs in game

Good Company on Steam



Mine resources! Upgrade your gear! Make Profit!

It is a dangerous but lucrative job. Explore this vast procedurally generated world with your jetpack. Extract the minerals with an explosive gel. Expand your mining platform. But most importantly: stay alive.

The game offers you:

  • Mining and selling resources for profit

  • Exploring an infinite procedurally generated world

  • Upgrading your gear

  • A lot of explosions

The depths of the planet hide many unique biomes and treasures, but also dangers. Every biome has its own way to harm you and having the right set of gear will make your life much easier.

On the ground, you can build your base of operation. Different machines allow you to process and trade the resources that you have brought from your last mining operation.


Enchanted Blacksmith

Enchanted Blacksmith

Enchanted Blacksmith is a casual blacksmith simulation game where you sell weapons made by your own hands.

Take on the role of a blacksmith in the world of the sword and magic. Use your workbench to craft/modify/repair weapons and sell them at your shop.

Craft Weapons

Crafting system allows for creating unique weapons. Customize them by choosing from a variety of Blades, Crossguards, Hilts and Runes. Make blades and other items from materials like copper, steel, etc.

Enchanted Weapons

Use runes with various elements such as fire, poison, lightning, etc. to enchant your weapon with magic.

Upgrades and Quests

Earn experience points and gold by completing quests and orders. Level up your character and workshop to unlock new tools, resources and recipes.

Craft legendary weapons to seek fortune and Forge Your Legend!

Enchanted Blacksmith on Steam

Era Of Newborns

Era Of Newborns

I don’t understand why everyone is being so negative. This version of the game has only been out one day….ONE DAY! Do ya’ll not understand what early access is? It is access to a game early so you can help the project team squash bugs and make the game work like you all think it should now. $20 is cheap, this game “will be” worth $50-$70 dollars when done and you would have gotten it for $20……Rant over now onto the real review;

I payed my $20, chump change and My first glance at this game was like all the bad reviews but then I told myself, it is almost pre-alpha and I need to dredge up my early access survival skills. Once I did that, my progress skyrocketed! Within 6 hours I was in the steel age and was mining the meteorite that’s needed for endgame stuff! The graphics are not what I expected but that’s an easy fix which will come with time, the game play is great, survival deadly wolves and robots, starvation, thirst, I mean come on, if you really enjoy the genre you will enjoy this game…..period

Real player with 131.4 hrs in game

I have to admit i’m enjoying it. i like the crafting, exploring and scavenging for supply’s. There’s robots, bears,wolf’s,foxes and dear. still early development so its what you make of it. I buy a lot of early access games cause i my opinion that’s where the new ideas come from.

I fell that this has plenty of room to become a good game, just needs the attention and care of the people making it and the community to support it. allot of games started out in early access, allot are dud’s but some have really become something good. So if you want a game ready to play then just wait, if you want to play and watch the game grow and develop then go for it.

Real player with 32.4 hrs in game

Era Of Newborns on Steam



“Give the people what they want and they will… do what they want to do.”

Your Citizens Need You

Rustica puts you in the unique role of a custodian of a Greco-Roman colony. You have land but not much else and it’s up to you to spruce up the place. You’ll need to discover and provide resources for your world and your citizens will interact with it as they see fit, they have free will after all. Watch your world grow over time and with a keen eye for planning and a bit of luck you can sit back and watch your people thrive.

Start Out Small

You’ll need to begin by laying down the foundations. Your citizens can’t build out of thin air so you’ll need to give them the basics like trees and stone and hope they know what to do with it. Each object has requirements called schemas in order to be placed in the world and some need other objects present in specific spots, and it’s up to you to discover how to unlock them.

Plan For the Future

Eventually, some of your citizens will feel the need to specialize and focus on a trade. They’ll become farmers, miners, priests and then some. This will allow them to interact with their world in new ways and this in turn will open up new objects and schemas for your growing community.

A Hero Rises

Once in a while a citizen decides to go on a hero’s quest. Foolish mortals. You can then go and give the hero what they need to finish their quest or don’t mind them because you have better things to do, like making sure that temple gets built over there by those trees.

Sit Back and Watch the Sunset

Tinker and tweak with the world you create and watch your citizens hard work pay off. Or do like Nero and watch the world burn, figuratively.

It’s your world to play with, you decide.

Rustica on Steam

魂之大陆 Soultia

魂之大陆 Soultia

At the time of review, I have only played this for an hour.. I plan to play it more in the coming days, but wanted to share the experience thus far. I am giving this game a positive review because I think it does a lot of things right, and the idea is something I want expanded on more.

With $5 and an open mind, I really do believe you will get your money’s worth.


1. Combat feels really good to me. I love how powerful the dashes (shift by default) feel. I’ve only faced a few beginner mobs so far, but they all have unique attack patterns. Unless I’m swarmed with enemies, the combat always makes me feel in control.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

I just tried the early access version and can see that I definitely will want to play this AFTER they finish it, Playing with a keyboard is something I’ve never been able to do and at the time I tried the game playing with a controller hasn’t been finished. This game intrigues me and I will be watching to see when it has improved enough that a controller can be used so I can give it a better review. So far, I believe this will be a thumbs up for me.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

魂之大陆 Soultia on Steam