Mini Golf Arena

Mini Golf Arena

This review is made after going through a few courses to get the feel of the game.



Amount of maps at release.

Workshop is available if you know how to make a course using their unity engine.

Courses have a nice vareity of realistic to fantastical.

The customization is pretty decent, but seems rushed.

It have some decent textures on some courses.

You can continue a course from your last hole if you crash or close game!

Quickmatch is handy if you don’t want to solo or scroll through servers.( if people make servers)

Real player with 34.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Early Access Massively Multiplayer Games.

I received this game as a gift during one of my old livestreams, and I have to say I was not disappointed in this one. While at the current time of writing this the game does need some polishing (as every Early Access Game does), the overall general mechanics of the game function quite well.


  • Beautiful scenery

  • Engaging soundtrack with spine-chilling tunes (especially the horror levels!)

  • Many different customizational tools for both cosmetic and challenge purposes

  • Level Editing

  • Stable servers and connections

Real player with 10.9 hrs in game

Mini Golf Arena on Steam

Complex SKY

Complex SKY

COMPLEX SKY is a futuristic strategy game that takes place in a world, devastated by pollution. You’re tasked with building a fully self-sustainable city in the skies, and populating it with human settlers.

Create a world, unrestricted by gravity. Unite buildings into wondrous formations, gather resources, create production chains and develop the world’s ecosystems - all to build a fully automated, self-sustainable city among the skies.

Created by a solo developer, COMPLEX SKY is a genre-blending mix of a city-building gameplay with puzzle and strategy elements.

  • Stack structures up on other structures, or FLIP buildings upside down to create landscapes unlike any other.

  • Build beautiful, gravity-defying landscapes - and optimize production lines to keep the city alive and growing.

  • Manage city’s mass, processing power and other valuable resources to keep the city afloat.

  • Populate your utopia with people - assign your workforce properly to ensure stable growth

  • Stack or flip any structure in the game

  • Multiple game modes, from a story-based CHALLENGE mode to a free-range SANDBOX

  • Striking minimalist art style, enhanced by a playful, upbeat soundtrack

Read More: Best Early Access Building Games.

Complex SKY on Steam

Estranged: The Departure

Estranged: The Departure

I don’t really review early access games but this time I am making an exception. The reason for that is that Estranged Act I is a great Half-Life 2 mod. I enjoyed every minute of it and when I saw the page for the second act was up and running I immediately jumped in to try it.

There are a couple of things you can notice immediately. First, the game looks superb. Way better than its predecessor - this is understandable as Unreal Engine 4 is responsible for making the 2nd act work. You’ll also notice that the game is incomplete. There are some puzzle sequences and a couple of enemies and in 30 minutes you are done. It was a bit disappointing as the menu allows us to launch several chapters but these are separated by a maximum of 5 minutes gameplay only.

Real player with 7.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Early Access Action Games.

Continuation of the fisherman’s adventures

Estranged: Act II is a continuation of Part One. As a young fisherman, we are walking on an island where there are zombies. Our goal, of course, is to escape from the island, and John helps us to do this, or rather the news he left behind in the form of tapes or radio recordings.

Compared to the first part it will take us a little more time to complete the game. Graphically it is as nice as in the previous part. When it comes to music, it’s very good again. When the action happens, the music becomes louder and more dynamic, and in the moments of exploration it is gentle and slow.

Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

Estranged: The Departure on Steam

Exotic Matter

Exotic Matter

so who should probably buy this game? If you are: a minecraft fan (or crafting/survival/block building) but would like to have a story, and/or If you like flexible, easier modding with much more freedom. the game is essentially an engine, so theoretically you can tweak everything and make a medival sandbox out of the game (not just the visuals). AFAIK Steam Workshop is also going to be a big part of the game.

the game is aimed to change heavily based on player/community feedback, thats why early access. so I highly advise to actively make suggestions/report problems in the forums if you like the idea/potential and think it can improve in different areas, and would want to see more content, more detailed lore or whatnot.

Real player with 38.7 hrs in game

Really interesting game, has an interesting learning curve that wasn’t to difficult to figure out, Was great fun.

I really do recommened this game to anyone who enjoys the block building type of game. Exotic Matter takes the base of these games and really does improve upon it.

Now i am an adult who has a rather short attention span so i give you the feedback of a 7 year old that loves Minecraft.

“you should add swimming effects and i really like this game”

Simple and to the point, if a 7 year old has enjoyed it after a thousand or so hours in minecraft then you cant go wrong expanding your library with a game that expands this genre of Gaming.

Real player with 17.4 hrs in game

Exotic Matter on Steam

GTTOD: Get To The Orange Door

GTTOD: Get To The Orange Door

This review is based on the beta version of the June 2021 build.

Note: Custom Maps and Mods are still not supported in this version.

Imagine you’re a Spartan - one that can wall-surf like a Titan’s pilot and dash like the Doomguy. One that can slow time like they’re in F.E.A.R. and bring it to a halt like they’re friggin' Dio.

This is the Doorguy - this is you.

GTTOD’s Second Excessively Late Update, for those that gave the game a spin before, is in some regards a long overdue rebalance and overhaul.

Real player with 66.7 hrs in game

This is a relatively unpopular opinion: I like the Excessively Late Update. I do not think it’s perfect, and I think Andrew knows this too.

I played v0.3.0 (the last version) and v0.4.0 (this update), but I did not play previous versions (v0.2.0 and earlier).


If you’re like me and picked up Titanfall 2 as soon as it went on sale on Steam, then a) welcome to the club, and b) you’ll like the movement in this game. While not as polished as Titanfall 2, it’s still incredibly crisp and does movement a lot better than most other games. As of v0.4.0, wallrunning is non-magnetized and purely momentum based, but the rework appears to show an option to choose how much magnetization you get when wallrunning.

Real player with 28.8 hrs in game

GTTOD: Get To The Orange Door on Steam

Battle Motion

Battle Motion

Pretty stupid game. Fun to play when you cant refund it and youre bored of your other games.

Real player with 24.0 hrs in game

its fun in a way but mostly no

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

Battle Motion on Steam

Zombie Killing Simulator

Zombie Killing Simulator


1. clunky game play and mechs.

2. Can’t run graphics on high without extreme heat. (GTX 1060)

3. Might be fun one day, but as stated before needs to focus on 1 or 2 types of play.

4. Multi player won’t be fun with these small maps.

5. Buttons and extras like health need simpler use for players and explain what some even do. I.E. Big health restores

both armour and health. I will revisit this game in the future, but for now not worth the money asked.

Also most of the people giving it a thumbs up played less than 2 hrs!

Real player with 8.5 hrs in game

The game is fun and relaxing! For my part, I love this game and its concept, it perfectly scratches my itch! I got some problems with starting the mars map, but other than that, I recomend it (everyone might not find the current price fitting, but with the work this lone developer has put in, you have to agree). Btw, developer, how bout adding a game mode where you have this tight corridor or whatever and zombies come from one direction, so you mow them down or something. I would quite enjoy that :)

Real player with 8.1 hrs in game

Zombie Killing Simulator on Steam

Skater XL - The Ultimate Skateboarding Game

Skater XL - The Ultimate Skateboarding Game

this is probably the most accurate skateboarding simulator I have ever played. I would say what also makes this game stand out is the modding capabilities that allows this game to not feel stale. I have played this since its first release and the progression of the game combined with the mods makes this really fun!

Real player with 1304.0 hrs in game

Pretty fun with mods sucks donkey ass without mods.

Real player with 69.3 hrs in game

Skater XL - The Ultimate Skateboarding Game on Steam

Open Mod

Open Mod

Open Mod is a free-to-play, tactical first person shooter that, for the time being, revolves around the bank robbery game mode. Being a team of two, we focused our attention on the game mechanics and customizability, having as a main goal providing our players the opportunity to personalize their experience on as many levels as possible.

The gameplay consists of, as expected, a bank robbery, where one team must rob the bank and escape with the money through certain routes, while the military must eliminate them before they do so.

Open Mod on Steam

Song Beater: Quite My Tempo!

Song Beater: Quite My Tempo!

Bought this game to get some fun alternative to BoxVR. And that’s exactly what I got. This is not “serious workout”, unless you try it only in impossible mode (or try some songs from Beat Saber), but that’s why it’s better. You can just let go, listen to the music, box your way and before you know it, you end up with sweaty T-shirt, but loving it. Many people compare this to Beat Saber, but I guess I see it more comparable to some boxing games, I tried other weapons once or twice, but in the end the boxing gloves were the right thing for me. About the songs: definitely more than I’m used to. Combine that with the fact that each song contain 5 different difficulty levels and you have several hours of playtime without repeating same song with same difficulty. It’s true that custom song support is not that great - many songs for Beat Saber simply have too many boxes for boxing game - but you occasionally can find a usable song. Or, do it like me and check “no fail”. But the best thing I see on this is the multiplayer possibility - actually seeing someone else playing it on your left / right, waving etc, that’s something I did not see in VR fitness games before, and definitely loving it.

Real player with 210.4 hrs in game

This has been a full family go to game for many hours already .. Love the constant feature updates and the fact that it has not crashed since day one.

Punching dancing orbs at first did not seem like it would be a great thing. Once I got into it, and of course putting in a few ‘custom mod songs’ obtained from internet sources made the game all the better.

Best workout I’ve had in YEARS and I keep going back .

I cannot wait till it is finished.

One of the best titles in my entire VR library.

Real player with 90.8 hrs in game

Song Beater: Quite My Tempo! on Steam