

Hexonomy is a game of strategy and economics. Choose from hundreds of different businesses to build and use the resources at your disposal to create the largest economic empire before time runs out. Be sure to keep your eyes open for any weaknesses in your opponents business strategy, placing the right business, at the right time, in the right place, could mean the end of it all for your opponent.


Start with a blank slate. You begin by creating Resource nodes on the map. These will set the basis of the game. Where you place your first resources could affect the outcome of the entire game. All businesses derive from a resources in some shape or form.

From there, you advance into Tiers. Each Tier requires a business from the Tier below it. For example, a Tier 12 business requires a Tier 1 supplier. A Tier 6 supplier requires a Tier 5 supplier. And Tier 1 suppliers always require Resources. The higher the Tier, the bigger the risk, and the bigger the reward. Higher tiers will requires a wider variety of supplies from multiple businesses, so you have to be sure that all the suppliers are met. For each supplier on the map that supplies your business, you get a boost to efficiency, which results in more money for you.

If you own the supplier to your business, you get a HUGE discount on supplies. Meaning, chaining the suppliers and business makes great economical sense when possible. But that may not always be the case.


There can only ever be ONE of any business. Which means if you need birch wood, and your opponent owns the only tree farm, you HAVE to buy from him. You cannot decline to buy from a supplier. If the supplier is available, you have to buy from them, and you have to pay their price. Meaning, if you know your opponent needs Gold in the future for their Jewelry brokerage, it would be wise to put down a Gold mine if they haven’t already. You would profit tremendously selling to your opponent, they wouldn’t get a discount, and that means leverage by trying to hike the price up as much as possible.

However, they can do the same to you, so its wise to be careful about leaving any vulnerabilities in your supply chain. These vulnerabilities sometimes may be unavoidable, since the higher Tier business may already require resources that your opponent bought early in the game. This is where prediction and smart calculations will win you the game.


Businesses location and information varies as well. Certain business only do well in certain time of the year (the time of the game is calculated in a 12 month system, using economic quarters and sprints). Some businesses have higher shipping costs than others. Some require a higher amount of resources to produce their product. Other business may have to be placed next to other tiles. Some business cant be within x amount of tiles of another business.

These placement restrictions and variables make it a little harder to create good economic chains. However, they can also be used to your advantage in order to put your opponent in a tough spot. If you know what their strategy is, you can restrict certain businesses from being built by creating others that counter those businesses. Knowing the supply and demand will help you overcome this as you learn about the Hexonomy.


Once you have businesses placed, you can start thinking about how to upgrade. There are many types of modifiers in the game. Ones that apply to the whole board, ones that apply to all your businesses only, some that affect an area, and some that affect a single business. You can purchase these modifiers for Capital. By doing this, it will effectively cost you Net Worth, but in the long run, may help generate significantly more income. Spend wisely.


As the game goes on, you are constantly trying to increase your company’s Net Worth. The more property you own, and the more successful businesses you have, and the more Capital your businesses earned you, the higher your company’s value. The player with the highest Net Worth at the end of time is the winner.

Create the empire you want! You can choose a hundred different paths to victory, as long as you have a great strategic and economical mind!

Read More: Best Early Access RTS Games.

Hexonomy on Steam

King and Kingdoms

King and Kingdoms

Whatever you do DO NOT buy this game, yes its in development but that is not an excuse for the developers to totally ignore players when they submit tickets reporting faults

The game has a research section, the developers decided to alter it and in doing so the section no longer works, it refuses to carry out any research stating that you have insufficient resources to carry out the research … strange when my resources are over twenty times that needed

The game does not allow you to carry out what is basically the whole idea of it, to take over other kingdoms, it is hard enough to work out how at the beginning with no game instructions but eventually when you do work it out don’t expect it to work

Real player with 21.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Early Access Real Time Tactics Games.

Discord is the best way to contact developers for help.

Real player with 16.9 hrs in game

King and Kingdoms on Steam

We Are The Caretakers

We Are The Caretakers

This game is a great concept, and the Afro-futurist aesthetic adds a layer of depth I did not expect. Yes, it is early access/beta, so there’s bugs, but the dev team is available nearly 24/7 to discuss problems and hear feedback. This is indie game development done right, and what is already a good game will be an outstanding final product as a result. Think of the early access purchase as a long term investment that is going to pay off soon!

tldr: buy this. support indie games, and immerse yourself in Afro-futurist sci-fi!

Real player with 30.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Early Access Turn-Based Combat Games.

One of my friends said this game is sci-fi super soldier park rangers and that is spot-on. 

The combat is a blast. The game is still buggy in early access but that doesn’t block it from being a beautiful and fun experience. Also - that music, man. So. Good. 

Check it out if you like: Final Fantasy-esque combat and graphics and music, Divinity Original Sim’s combat, rhinos, park rangers

Main word that comes to mind when I play this game: protector

Real player with 5.6 hrs in game

We Are The Caretakers on Steam

The Cold War Era 2

The Cold War Era 2

Bored while waiting? Please support our developing by playing The Cold War Era! - https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/10404/The_Cold_War_Era_Bundle/

About the game

There can only be one victory, and it all depends on your skill. Who will win? Us or them? Fight your war on earth, in the sky, and in the offices of the Kremlin and the White House for the promotion of your ideology. The prestige of a power depends only on the best qualities of your character - arrogance, deceit, cunning, guile, the ability to take risks and the thirst for power over the world! Do you deserve to be inscribed in the history of the twentieth century? Will your name be in the history books of the Cold War victory?

Main features :

Total war of ideology

Every citizen on the planet supports some kind of ideology. We must force the people of the world to support our ideology by force of arms, political influence, or prestige of our country. It is the only correct one and brings prosperity to the world. Through propaganda, politics, and diplomacy, we will help them think correctly. Those who continue to dissent will be destroyed by the power of our modern weapons, the best and most effective in the world!

Military unit constructor

Under your command are the best design centers of our power and production. Each military unit has different systems. Improve weapons, engines, armor, radars, countermeasures, stealth, and much more, so that the enemy does not have a chance to win on the battlefield. Improve various military systems and build your own units from these systems. Create your own unique unit that will make the world admire its excellence, and make your enemies shake to their core!

Economy and social development

The world should envy and admire our economic muscle and the level of social development for our happiest citizens on the planet. But to do this, we need to work and completely clear our country of corruption, inflation, and reduce the influence of radical groups. Use the ministers and their influence in the parliament to develop our country in the only right direction.

Political development

The adoption of laws in parliament determines the development of our country for decades to come. Every law can have irreparable consequences. Therefore, the parliament always has a heated discussion of different political ideas and trends for its laws. If the laws are too reformist then a coalition of opposition will gather in Parliament to pass such strong laws. Under your leadership ministers can influence parliament to pass laws that will allow our country to continue to be the most attractive country in the world. Our embassies abroad will do everything possible to influence the parliaments of other states and force them to join our ideological alliance!

Additional game features :

  • 3D map of the world with more than 70 regions on the planet. Each region is individual and has a huge number of indicators - its GDP, army and Navy, leader, Parliament, radical groups, and more.

  • a large number of Embassy missions to help regions or Vice versa, change their regimes through military intervention or revolution.

  • real historical global consequences that will irreparably happen, and only depends on the experience of Ministers if they happen in our favor or against us.

  • in the budget, we have the opportunity to develop the national or private economy. At the expense of the national economy, we can build much cheaper, but the private economy has its own annual growth without government intervention. The national (planned) economy is growing solely at the expense of public administration.

  • participation in proxy wars, where you can transfer your units to certain state regimes or Vice versa, to radical groups during a civil war, or to a revolution. You can initiate your own interventions and if there are military bases in the region, then openly provide your military assistance for the sake of dominating the regions.

  • the war is divided into military phases, in which you need to overcome certain phases to start a fight in the next. Winning in battle is possible only from the military qualities of units and their number on the battlefield. The unit Builder allows you to build your own military units, the qualities of which need to be developed to win battles and pass military phases.

  • Players control game elements such as their political influence, national and private economy, embassy missions, prestige, national monetary fund (savings), political parties, leaders, ministers, parliament and elections, laws, unit designer and systems for all types and branches of the military, corruption, inflation, science, social development for all regions, intervention and revolution, radicals, military morals, military bases and Maritime zones, elections, historical events and much more

  • For players who would like to focus only on a specific gameplay, the game allows you to enable AI mode, in which the game will independently take care of different parts of the game’s micromanagement for the player. AI

auto mode is available in economy, diplomacy, military management, and unit Builder.

Bored while waiting? Please support our developing by playing The Cold War Era! - https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/10404/The_Cold_War_Era_Bundle/

The Cold War Era 2 on Steam

Victory At Sea Ironclad

Victory At Sea Ironclad


Real player with 38.1 hrs in game

this is early but will say that this is unstable at release. Has issues booting and locks up during loads. Pretty much same mechanics of war at sea pacific. I think there is still no weather effects in game…come on man!

Real player with 29.9 hrs in game

Victory At Sea Ironclad on Steam

Attack on Toys

Attack on Toys

Army Men

This is probably the most precious hidden gem in steam store. You get a super cheap price (or free if you download from their main site) for a massive gameplay content with potential to be even more in future. Map is completely free-roam you can hook or jetpack your way onto anything, build anywhere, place any soldier or vehicle everywhere, drive or enter any emplacement or vehicle, even a mega robot. Personally fight the war in a front line or act as a commander and use map feature to command your troop in basic RTS style. Furthermore they have included toybox mode which basically allow you to create your own map and adding any little props or detail however you want, giving an unlimited idea to expand replayability map with community help via workshop feature.

Real player with 146.7 hrs in game

This is a fun game to play. I hope to see more content later on, in the future. Maybe a terrain manipulator tool would be a good idea, so we can be more creative. I Also hope to see some game logic tools as well. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to implement, a player level pallet, so when the player completes a level, it go’s on to the next level, that the player has made. More map props i think are needed. A much needed level variety I think would be good. In the map maker, I think it would be nice to have a clear all option, instead of individually deleting every map prop. I think the camera needs to be fixed, when going into buildings, makes it hard to give commands to units when the camera floats into the ceiling. It would be nice to be able to spawn unites inside on buildings, instead of spawning them out side of the building, then having them follow you inside, then having to fight with the player’s camera. But over all the game is very fun, it brought back childhood memories, like Army men 3D, Army men world war, Army men air sea land, Army men RTS, Army men Sarge’s Heros 1, and 2.

Real player with 69.0 hrs in game

Attack on Toys on Steam

Shadows of Forbidden Gods

Shadows of Forbidden Gods

TLDR - Great, unique Lovecraftian turn-based grand strategy game.

The player takes on the mantle of one of multiple eldritch gods with different play styles, bent on bringing their particular brand of apocalypse. The first unlocked god is the most simple - She Who Will Feast, a giant snake that focuses on corrupting heroes and rulers through “enshadowing” them. She starts weak, without a real worldly presence, before awakening, destroying civilised lands and ultimately eating the world. Other gods include Iastur, the Laughing King who focuses on spreading madness to all, Vinerva a god representing nature’s bounties but with a serious catch, Mammon (unreleased at time of writing) who offers great material wealth for the small price of eating people and Ophanim (unreleased at the time of writing) who offers mankind salvation from the aforementioned enshadowment but at the cost of their autonomy.

Real player with 23.7 hrs in game

My plan to destroy the world was foiled but its okay because I can change the chosen one’s name to Ligma Balls as a final act of primordial malice

Real player with 19.7 hrs in game

Shadows of Forbidden Gods on Steam



Full disclosure: If you couldn’t tell by my number of product reviews and seeing how I received the game for free, I am a backer of Aries from when it was on Indiegogo. Despite this, I feel it necessary to be completely honest while writing a review for it.

The game is in early access and has many features yet to be implemented and plenty of bugs. However, after playing the game for awhile, I can confidently say that in its current state, Aries is still fun and scratched that 4X strategy itch that I had for so long. I love the Total War series and Warhammer 40k and this game is like the combination of the two. I enjoyed both the space and the ground battles. I am also digging the steampunk-like aesthetic the game touts.

Real player with 25.3 hrs in game

i cant recomend this game.. it is an ok game i guess..

Real player with 5.6 hrs in game

Aries on Steam

Galactic Ruler

Galactic Ruler

I love the way they take ground combat seriously in Galactic Ruler. In most 4x space games ground combat feels like a barely thought of after thought.In Galactic Ruler its the main focus. You can be fighting large scale invasions/wars on multiple planets/moons with thousands of units on each planet/moon all at the same time.

You can automate these wars, or manage them yourself .It really shines though, once you learn the combat and manage the wars on your own.Got a tough frontline your having trouble breaking thru ? Airdrop troops behind it and cut off its supply.Got a series of close together urban areas with garrisons you just cant manage to push thru ? Bring in the art and aircraft and bombard it ,heck level it if you have to .

Real player with 583.3 hrs in game

//Update - Oct 10, 2021

Nearly a year has passed since my original review. A lot has changed with this game, but not enough. I speculate that UI design problems are ones the company are not aware of because they got used to it, while the rest of us struggle to figure it out. In time and with patience, you will also figure it out, but it will break the immersion continuously still. Lots of clicks for little things like loading units into transports. It’s just kind of bad design so far. I do have to be pretty critical about that.

Real player with 42.3 hrs in game

Galactic Ruler on Steam

Goblins of Elderstone

Goblins of Elderstone

My first review, finally, wow!

→ Right now i would give this game a Neutral rating, but that is not possible, and also i see great potential in this game, so i recommend it if you want to support the game and the developers. Don’t buy it yet if you’re not very patient and you don’t want to serve, literally, as a crash test dummie. ;-)

Played this game for roughly 6h, i had like 10 or more crashes. Many while i was simply trying to save → Game-Progress lost. It’s always the Unreal4-Engine that is crashing and asking you to send in a report. So the Inbox should be pretty packed by now. ^_^

Real player with 21.4 hrs in game

Check out my Steam Curator page, “Minorthreatt Gaming Reviews.” I have the most organized and extensive genre lists on Steam! Click “FOLLOW” for more of my recommendations: http://store.steampowered.com/curator/31339849-Minorthreatt-Gaming-Reviews/?appid=257170

The Short of it: Currently Early Access, but bursting with possibilities and originality. Building, resource management, raiding, diplomacy, trading, defending - all done by your own customized horde of goblins!

Reminds me of: If you liked Banished, Stone Hearth, or Rimworld, you’ll probably like Goblins of Elderstone. Goblins of Elderstone brings a unique and chaotic twist to the city-building genre - it’s a Goblin Tribe Simulator! Nurture your tiny clan as it grows to stand against the other races and even the gods. Rule over the chaos and feed the growing goblin war machine by raiding dungeons and villages.

Real player with 9.7 hrs in game

Goblins of Elderstone on Steam