Clunky Hero

Clunky Hero

I wrote a quick thumbs-up review after 20mins of playing the game. Now that I finished it, I am editing my review cause I cannot give a thumbs-up anymore. I got to give 2 thumbs-up! I haven’t had so much fun playing a platform game since I played Wonderboy in Monsterland back in the 80s. Clunky Hero features gorgeous gfx, excellent soundtrack, and some of the most brilliant sfx and speech (speech?!) you’ll ever hear in a game. And while all that is great, a platform game needs to pay attention to 2 major areas: controls and difficulty curve. And Clunky excels here as well. The controls are so smooth, they can have the ladies swooning. And the difficulty curve is perfect, giving you plenty of time to frolic about before things start getting tough. Add to that all the cool secrets and bonuses, and Clunky Hero cannot be recommended enough. And that’s just the early access version I played.

Real player with 29.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Early Access Hack and Slash Games.

A metroidvania platform game with funny characters, dirty jokes and nerd references!

As seen for the studio’s previous games like Encodya, there is a lot of love for old school games.

The difficulty level is pretty high and some of the puzzles are not so straightforward. You will need to navigate and visit again old areas to access parts thanks to newly acquired skills.

The art is delightful, both for the monsters and for the wonderful backgrounds. Special mention for the original music and the “dialogues” (sort of…)

Real player with 22.7 hrs in game

Clunky Hero on Steam

Trivia Tricks

Trivia Tricks

Anyone who enjoys quiz games should take a look at this game.


Different game modes (everyone against everyone, boss mode)

  • Everyone against everyone: Classic game mode in which all players compete against each other

  • Boss mode: All players compete against a boss (currently 2 different bosses)

Can be played online and offline

  • With up to 7 other players

  • If no friends are available at the moment, you can play against bots

Real player with 60.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Early Access Colorful Games.

Honestly a great trivia game

My buddy bought himself and I a copy the other day because we were in search of a fun game to play for the time being. I like trivia games so I thought it would be a bit of fun for an hour or 2 but it is a lot more addictive then thought. I can see myself playing this for many more hours to come and from here on out will be my go to trivia game. if you like trivia it is easily worth the price and you wont regret it.

Also a previous review I seen mentioned it being heavily geared towards the USA which is entirely not the case, I am from The United States and I can with certainty say it has a healthy mix and if anything its more EU then USA because most of the sports questions revolve around Soccer/EU Football but aside for those then its seems very balanced.

Real player with 39.3 hrs in game

Trivia Tricks on Steam

Wanted Raccoon

Wanted Raccoon

I really love how fun WANTED RACCOON is & I’ve been really looking forward to playing this awesome game everyday as new content missions are added almost daily. I play a lot of RPG type games & they can quickly get boring with mindless button mashing & uninspired content. That isn’t the case with this game because so far the missions are very interesting to complete & sometimes the things you have to do are really funny. I can easily see myself replaying this game just for the sheer fun it offers plus the animal characters are super cute! The concept of using animals as the main characters is so cool that I wish more games would follow their example. I hope they offer a way to customize your raccoon in the future like maybe different shirts &/or hats & different styles of the backpack would be pretty neat. Another idea would be ways to vary the fur color pattern like maybe different under the eye fur patch shapes or different stripe patterns.

Real player with 8.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Early Access Stealth Games.

I will say that the game has a fair share of bugs–however, within the hour of the first game-breaking bug being found, the devs rolled out a patch to fix it. So, I’m not horrendously appalled by bugs, because they’re already showing how quickly they will fix them. It’s also very simple and quick to file bugs either on Discord or in-game.

The only other jarring potential is some localization issues to English. Which, I’m sure will be updated in time, as the devs are not English-based from what I can tell on their Discord. With the community as helpful as they seem, I’m sure a lot of the localization will be ironed out over time.

Real player with 7.7 hrs in game

Wanted Raccoon on Steam

One Day of an Insurance Agent

One Day of an Insurance Agent

how are u gonna do my boy jim like this, my man plays these dumb fucking child games and u dont give him some victory pussy my guy, sad

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

I like the idea?

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

One Day of an Insurance Agent on Steam

Cat Saves Halloween

Cat Saves Halloween

A charming game where you play as a cat during Halloween and try to save people from monsters. This game is still in early development but is already quite fun. I haven’t figured out all the controls yet and my only real concern is that there doesn’t seem to be any help menu that tells me what the keyboard & mouse controls are. How do I climb?! At one point, my cat randomly flew up onto a rooftop and I’m still not sure if that was a glitch or a feature. All in all, I would highly recommend this game to anyone who loves both cats and Halloween.

Real player with 12.4 hrs in game

An excellent atomosphere game in which you can become a superhero cat to save the city from monsters. To do this, you will be given cat’s superpowers that you can use to rescue, explore locations and collect treasures. I definitely recommend it!

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

Cat Saves Halloween on Steam

Kitchen Island VR

Kitchen Island VR

The core gameplay is fun, and I was having a blast right away. I am happy to change this review as dev’s have now been engaging with the community on bugs/issues. I am hoping they can solve some of the startup issues as I look forward to playing this game with friends more.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

HTC VIVE binds do not function at all as of this time.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Kitchen Island VR on Steam



Very good,just very short.Cant wait for the rest.Love the random UFO and soccerball haha.

Real player with 7.3 hrs in game

Very good point and click!

Real player with 6.2 hrs in game

Madievals on Steam



Over 100 hours spent, and while mostly enjoyed it, I’ve reached my limit of endless map adjustments and placements and replacements and nudging just to finally get positive balance. Until you buy your next upgrade … and boom. I just spent almost half an hour tweaking two maps to get positive flow for generating t1 & t2 flesh juices. After 10 minutes of enjoying zen equilibrium, I bought two upgrades and watched it all fall apart. Spent another 15 minutes to get things back into balance, but not before being forced into reducing the t1 & t2 income rates. What was the point of buying these upgrades then? Are they not supposed to improve things. Sigh.

Real player with 2737.9 hrs in game

So the game is in early access but I’m operating under the principle that that should not be treated as immunity from criticism. As it stands NGU industries has foundational flaws that make it less playable than NGU-IDLE that are unlikely to be resolved unless the game loop is significantly reworked, hence it’s a thumbs down from me. At the end of the day the game is free so you don’t have much to lose by trying it out but unless you’re crazy into Idle games I wouldn’t recommend it.

My main issue with the game is that the feedback loop is cyclic. Every feature is driven by resources you must grind from your factories (with the exception of BDSM), the main feature of the game, and every subsequent feature & upgrade you can unlock increases the production of these factories. To me this make the game quickly feel pointless, there are no real decisions for me to make other than what ratio I want to grind resources in and no mystery in what I might unlock since I know it all leads to more production. In some cases there are 1-2 extra steps in the loop “obtain resources - obtain resources faster”, for example arranging your beacons and factories in a way that optimizes production. This gives the game some much needed depth but it’s not enough. In the case of beacons I would argue that past the fifth time you balance your supply chain the process gradually starts to become infuriating (every upgrade you obtain will mess up your supply chain, with a knock-on effect on every downstream resource so you end up fiddling your factories constantly, never feeling like it’s worth it to optimize). If you’ve done it ten times you’ve done it 100, It’s just busy work and not all that well incentivised when the “reward” is that you’ll do it all over again when you can afford your next upgrade.

Real player with 2066.7 hrs in game


The Greatest Penguin Heist of All Time

The Greatest Penguin Heist of All Time

noot NOot nOot

Real player with 12.6 hrs in game


Noot noot noot, noot noot noot noot. Noot noot noot noot noot nootnoot.. Noot.

Noot noot noot noot noot noot noot noot noot, noot noot, noot noot noot. Noot noot.

Noot noot noot noot. Noot!

Noot Noot Noot

Noot noot! Noot, noot noot noot noot. Noot noot noot noot noot noot, noot noot noot noot noot noot. Noot noot noot noot noot, noot noot. Noot noot noot noot, noot noot noot noot noot. Noot noot noot, noot! Noot noot! :^)

Noot noot noot!



Real player with 11.1 hrs in game

The Greatest Penguin Heist of All Time on Steam

Turtle’s Quest

Turtle’s Quest

A masterpiece I would say but you cant get past the mission where you pick up wheels and shit cuz Oswald takes everything and then does nothing and he asks you for the same shit again, but guess what it doesnt exist anymore cuz Oswald fakin took it.

Real player with 4.4 hrs in game

Up untill the mission Booty it is ok if we dont consider some of the “minor” glitches. When you retrieve all the materials in Booty and speak to Oswald he just steals all your stuff and you are thrown back to the start of the mission, forcing you to restart the game because the materials dont spawn a second time. I can’t get past this. Devs pls fix your shit!

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

Turtle's Quest on Steam