GangV | VR & PC Battle Royale

GangV | VR & PC Battle Royale

Honestly, DON’T listen to any bad reviews from people who have only played it for an hour or so, because this game is very very early in development, so visually it may not look very polished but it truly as a LOT of potential if you give it a chance…

The dev team is a group of amazing people who are eager to hear your feedback good and bad so they can learn from it and improve it.

I have been a part of this beta for quite a while, sadly I haven’t been able to play it as much as I’d like due to work, but i saw how much better this game became through a very short time,

Real player with 104.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Early Access Open World Games.

I’ve been enjoying this game a bit. I’ll most likely be returning to update my review as time goes on.

Very unpolished battle royale but can lead to some very fun times for a group of friends. The developers are very friendly in their discord and seem to take suggestions & answer to bugs pretty fast which is nice.

I’ll be reviewing it as a PC player, VR experience may differ.

The Good:

  • The gang / takeover system is pretty refreshing in the BR genre.

  • Driving is actually enjoyable.

  • Community is fairly nice so far.

Real player with 46.3 hrs in game

GangV | VR & PC Battle Royale on Steam

Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodhunt

Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodhunt

World of Darkness - a setting I would’ve never expected to accommodate a genre like Battle Royale (BR). This weird, but bold move from the developer, piqued my interest, and in a way, earned them my respect. So, I’ve decided to give Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodhunt (BH) a try, and I’m glad that I have.



  • Fluent, fast-paced, and very vertical movement.

  • All weapons are useful, depending on the situation.

  • Clans and classes have unique, fun, and gameplay-defining abilities and traits.

Real player with 137.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Early Access Vampire Games.

It’s good. Probably the only battle royale i’ve ever actually liked, and I have tried fortnite, PUBG, mc hunger games and what not.


1. I love the atmosphere. Vampires are fucking cool. I love how different types of vampires actually look distinct.

2. The feeding is such a nice concept, and some of the powers are really epic. I like the parkour, and way things are handled.

3. The humans in the city and enemy guards give the city a bit more life. Rather than having only players.

4. Pretty good graphics.

Real player with 61.8 hrs in game

Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodhunt on Steam

Islands of Nyne: Battle Royale

Islands of Nyne: Battle Royale

Islands of Nyne: Battle Royale

I already had access to closed alpha so I can review it straight away.

It is a long time, perhaps months or years when I was so hyped for relase of new game. I am looking at development for a very long time. And when was announced that the next wave of closed alpha keys will start sell, I was so incredibly excited. I remember how great the interest was for all the keys and almost no one knew about this game. Thousands of people spam the Islands of Nyne discord server that they can´t wait. After I successfully purchased the game and activated it on steam it was not possible to tear my eyes off. In the meantime, I played an extremely sellout, broken PUBG with a bunch of idiots that try to make more and more money from that game they never fix. But when I saw the Islands, which was only in a closed alpha where only few V.I.P people would get access. I was so surprised. A game that had fewer bugs, better optimization, and a comparable graphical interface like PUBG. And this is unlike PUBG still in closed testing. I can not describe how I was upset at PUBG Corporation and so happy for Define Human Studios. It is also necessary to say that Islands has been developed for three years, in small and certain steps not as a hurried broken PUBG which is finished from 40% and was relased only for profit. The game has created a small studio with no budget, and it’s already a miracle. You can talk with developers any time on Islands Discord server. And their approach is absolutely perfect. You can talk with them any time, they help with everything and answer any question. Of course, for example, PUBG Corporation does not answer anywhere on social networks. So I would summarize that communication and approach to studio is absolutely perfect. And the developers are also kind and friendly. I hope it stays that way, and it will only help to make the most great game. The game is reasonably optimized in the current stage and I believe it will improve much. The graphics is very beautiful. And with bugs I haven’t meet often. For closed Alpha this is the best start. I absolutely like the futuristic style and the concept of the game, that makes it unique. I really appreciate the fast paced style. And the game reminds me very nostalgically if you did BR with Crysis. Small features such as jump / launchpads will surely please you. I also like the restrictions on home campings and that the player can not lie down and crawl like a snake in the boring PUBG. I also almost forgot to mention that the game has a built-in training course and a very good gun game on the warm-up before the game starts. I hope the studio will remain as it is, and will repair/improve the game not like PUBG Corporation. Define Human Studios, I wish good luck and I´m putting my best hope in you. Do not disappoint a Pancake because you have the chance to make the best Battle Royale game in the world.

Real player with 122.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Early Access Multiplayer Games.


After 60 hours in this game since EA launch, I have decided to write a comprehensive review based on what I have seen so far.

TLDR: Game is good. Fast games, faster TTK, if PUBG is too slow and the shooting mechanics of fortnite are not your type you will probably like this game.

Gunplay - The gunplay in this game is very fast and twitchy. Headshots greatly improve your chance to kill someone but you can get by without hitting every HS. The spray patterns are a sort of mix between PUBG and CSGO. Each kill feels very satisfying and hit registration is great, especially for a BR game.

Real player with 74.4 hrs in game

Islands of Nyne: Battle Royale on Steam

Food Chain

Food Chain

Was playing while friends were watching. Got 6th place and one of them yells “You died because you didn’t eat enough elephant butt”.

He was right. Needed to eat more elephant butt.

Note to self for next match: Eat more elephant butt.

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

the best game idea and the playstile is amazing the only point where i can say thats not so good ist the low playercounts but when the game become more popularity it will be easyer to find a game.But the rest is Great thx for this game

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

Food Chain on Steam

Shell Out Showdown

Shell Out Showdown

Shell Out Showdown is a wonderfully engaging game that is also incredibly polished for still being in Early Access. Game play is smooth and enjoyable both with friends and solo against computer players. I love all the cosmetic options available in the shop and the overall art style of the game is top-notch. Highly recommend to any and all types of gamers!

Real player with 5.9 hrs in game

Gameplay is similar to a platform “fighting” game with the rather unique spin that you and your competitors are a bunch of vending machines trying to get rid of all your concessions. It’s not the sort of mechanic I ever expected to see in a game like this but the execution ends up being a hilariously hectic good time.

The controls are tight and movement mechanics are familiar. I’m especially a fan of the dash. The pixel art is cute and fun, and the music is top-tier. And you can even customize your character with effects and paint colors and “buddies.”

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

Shell Out Showdown on Steam



Bomberpet is a multiplayer game with an overhead view and simple controls. In fact, in addition to movement, the player has different abilities due to the power-ups he can collect during the game. Each bomb explodes in four directions, the explosion can destroy enemies or destroy walls. Various bonuses can be found in the walls. The goal of each level is to destroy all enemies. At the end of each game you get rewards.

Bomberpet on Steam

Farm Fatale

Farm Fatale

Although there isn’t much in the game it is still really fun.

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

Farm Fatale is a farm based Battle Royale game and more than just weird. The twist of this game is, that it plays on a farm and all shot opponents turn into animals (horses, pigs, chickens or foxes), who wildly run around the map, creating a total chaos. The animals can not be taken out directly, and if they find some human essense (dropped by other killed players), they can respawn as regular players on the map again. I found it pretty frustrating, that the criteria for a final elimination are completely unclear, because the player count is going to drop throughout the game, but there is no apparent way how players can influence this after downing players and turning them into animals.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Farm Fatale on Steam

Fractured Lands

Fractured Lands

I’ll update the review when i play more :)

So far i love it tho it has problems yes but other then that it is pretty good game the cars and the bikes is a bit funky to use in driving mostly the bikes i’ll….stick to cars thank you :P as for the loot it seems fair but sometimes can be a bit harsh when your not luckily enough to find loot that you need.

The FPS seems fine tho i am not playing from the US so i am most likely in US severs so i am finding it rubber banding now and then in some matches some worse then others which makes the playing experience bit unpleasant and takes away the enjoyment of the game to a degree but i always seem to burst out laughing or be surprised by players that kill me at times :P.

Real player with 137.8 hrs in game

Is it another battleroyale? yes.

Is it Hella fun? do bears shit in the forrest?

Is it smooth with the controlls? they programmed them with digital silk.

Is it worth the money? how much money do you put on shit food compared to a one time payment with a lot of fun?

Is it better than Pubg? That’s very subjective depending who you’re asking, and if they say no they’re wrong and you should burn their mailbox.

So a little about the game per se:

Everyone starts at the middle of a big hangar like house thingie, where they can go in whichever directioni they want, sometimes the ring is in the middle, sometimes it hugs the corner of the map and gives you the middle finger while it steals your wife while you are at the oposite corner of the map.

Real player with 63.9 hrs in game

Fractured Lands on Steam

Not My Car – Battle Royale

Not My Car – Battle Royale

notmycar Is a very enjoyable game, unfortunately the fact that it is Early Access and Free is usually overlooked.


  • Fast paced, high action gameplay

  • Constant updates

  • Friendly & Engaging Community

  • Community discord so that your opinion can be heard

  • Devs that listen, and actively seek your opinions and advice

  • Community playdates & testing - (makes up for one of the cons below)

  • Competitively Priced Season Pass - If you like your cosmetics, this one is for you. The season pass also presents additional in game challenges which keep you further engaged

Real player with 147.7 hrs in game

TLDR; Dead playerbase, ok game, would play again.

I really enjoyed the game, it was fun and exciting to play. Unfortunately, it had a rocky start with numerous issues that should have been hashed out in a closed beta. Optimization seemed to be a large issue for people with mid-grade to potato tier computers with unbearable stuttering. I had high fps but still crashed out of game almost every round when the game first rolled out. Crash logs didn’t even automatically upload, you had to go to their discord and upload manually. Along with other problems it was essentially unplayable for most people at the time.

Real player with 61.1 hrs in game

Not My Car – Battle Royale on Steam

Soulfire : Weapon Master

Soulfire : Weapon Master

Öğretici modunda iksir kısmında takılma oluştu böyle olunca öğretici modu direkt geçip oyuna başladım. Zaten bir iki oyun sonra oyunu kavrıyorsunuz. Çok oyunculu olarak herkese karşı teke tek mücadele ettiğiniz bir arena oyunu diyebiliriz. Geliştirildikçe ve farklı modlar geldikçe tadından yenmez.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Soulfire : Weapon Master on Steam