Domino Simulator 2020

Domino Simulator 2020

Great potential for a huge world of contraptions to be made, already has a stellar selection of items and gizmos to have fun with and the polish on everything looks so nice you can’t even imagine it. I zoomed in on a popsicle stick so close I could see the individual grooves of the wood in the texturing. It’s baffling how much detail is in each piece haha. Runs nicely on my computer so long as there aren’t 10,000 dominoes falling at once XD Dev deserves all the support they can get for this project. Love what I’m seeing so far.

Real player with 40.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Early Access Physics Games.

I am glad someone took the time to make a simulator of domino toppling irl.

I used to be a domino builder and playing this is near accurate.

This game’s simulation is the most smooth! All other domino sims can’t preform like this, they were too clunky or hard to control. Controls are straightforward. The domino set up is easy as well! When dominoes are fully toppled they don’t shake for no reason. Resetting actually resets when or before a domino topples is smart!

Rotation system is good! I don’t have to changed a domino all the time. The scrolling system in others just always off puts it.

Real player with 11.4 hrs in game

Domino Simulator 2020 on Steam

Cubic Juice

Cubic Juice

This is a game requiring both logic and strategy where the goal is to build solid layers of cubes without empty spaces using given figures with some certain shape. A player gets score with each built layer and this layer of cubes is removed from the matrix. The game may help to develop 3D space orientation skill and may seem difficult for players who naturally don’s have this skill. The game speeds up a bit with each complete layer, but it also possible to choose your own speed of the game via options. I feel some kind of satisfaction and relax playing it. Hope you too.

Read More: Best Early Access 3D Games.

Cubic Juice on Steam



This is a fantastically well made game that I’m sure many people will enjoy playing. A simple premise but also becomes more and more complex as you move to the higher level settings. I would definitely recommend this game and it is a great way to pass a few hours playing and quickly becomes one of those games that you can’t stop playing. Great work!!

Real player with 33.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Early Access Strategy Games.

TetraLogical is a turn-based strategy game in Early Access in which the goal is to obtain the most optimal score with your random given pieces across a board filled with numbers 1-12 in each block. The game can be played single-player or local MP currently, with plans to implement online MP eventually.

What is there right now is a set of maps/grids with a level editor as well. There are single-player modes that are purely the player working on the highest score or best moves, with or without a time limit. The standard mode removes blocks after they have been used. There is a Blitz mode there now that gives you a map that refill the blocks that you have used and the goal is to score as high as possible before the timer runs out. (Best possible move will yield extra time.) The developer is working on two more game modes at the moment. From what I can gather, one will be trying to score as high as possible with limited number of moves, and the other will be more of a puzzle type.

Real player with 29.1 hrs in game

TetraLogical on Steam

Bullet Hell ADVANCED

Bullet Hell ADVANCED

this game looks great it sounds great it plays pretty good but I have some problems. The game is fun but when there are so many bullets on screen at the same time it is a little hard to see the enemies though I got used to it pretty quickly. the controls were horrible at least at first. It reversed left and right so it was hard to remember my directions while moving but you can swap the controls in the settings menu. Now my two biggest problems,repetition and game errors. so talking more about the “repetition” so when playing the game you have four unique secondary abilities and three primary fire choices. I enjoyed trying the different abilities but the primary fires are not great. the primaries called plasma and kinetic are the same or extremely similar I couldnt tell which. That leaves only two real options for primary fire hitscan or a projectile and I always use laser. The second major problem is the framerate dips(very uncommon but happened) while I have a high end computer may just be my settings though and the game crashing/freezing which really ruined my expierence though it never happened mid game. the game is fun but with all these problems I wouldnt recommend this.(edit this game has made many improvements since I reviewed it and I think its a whole lot better now I still encounter some glitches here and there but overall its a very good game.)

Real player with 12.1 hrs in game

it is a very fun game, and very engaging. it takes a bit of time to find the controls, and needs a tutorial, but is fun once you get the hang of it. some functions I would add would be a high score, a multiplayer (that would be very fun) and for all the stray bullets that hit the enemies to do damage. once you figure out the containers that carry weapons, it can be very hard to grab the weapons, so maybe an asteroid or junk floating around the weapon to provide cover while picking it up? the game overall is very fun, but could use difficulty levels. I found myself not really ready for a hard mode when I didn’t really know the functions of the game. also switch the defualt a and d keys for left and right movement, it is confusing. I feel that too much of the game revolves around finding a good weapon at the start without taking too much damage, but once you get a good weapon, it is very fun. if you found some means to extend the game length, that would be awesome, because I always die once the big thing comes out (don’t know what it’s called).

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

Bullet Hell ADVANCED on Steam

Zyxia: Neon Termination

Zyxia: Neon Termination

Control the cool, steel body of The Zyxterminator to terminate wave after retrowave of space spawn in rad, bombastic style. Unleash an arsenal of weaponry to eliminate your foes while you discover secrets and complete bonus objectives to maximize your bounty payout.

Early Access

Zyxia: Neon Termination will have an active content cycle, bringing new stages, weapons, and secrets on a bi-weekly basis for 6 months after launch!


Join the discord server:

Zyxia: Neon Termination on Steam

Bird Missions

Bird Missions

I bought this game. I liked it very much. The main task is to fly on the map and collect coins. The flight technology itself is well implemented, everything looks pretty pretty

Real player with 26.3 hrs in game

Thought I should take the time to re-review this, but seriously this time.

As a massive fan of flying sims, this is really fun, addicting, and pretty relaxing compared to a good few more expensive flying sims.

My only big gripe with this game honestly, is the fact that literally everything is solid. Like, why should I have to die flying face first into water? smh.

Also, I WAS first on the leaderboard for a good while, not sure how I was beaten. Is there actually a bonus coin in every level or?

Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

Bird Missions on Steam

Life is Hard

Life is Hard

This game is, for me, very very addicting. I’m having an absolute blast with it, and am disappointed only with the fact that it is early access and there isn’t more to do/some issues with the game.

Some of said issues are as such:

The Nord Archers are able to outrange my archers even though they are in a tower (causing the tower to be destroyed and the soldiers to die)

The game doesn’t have much helping in terms of dealing with some of the random situations (one being the crops of your farms getting sick and not growing. I figured out I could destroy and rebuild the farm, but this doesn’t feel right, and granted there may be an actual way you can fix without destroying and rebuilding, but if the tutorial says so then I wasn’t able to know due to my tutorial seemingly starting when I say yes)

Real player with 26.7 hrs in game

This game is Kinda fun? Idk. Here’s my major issue with this game - I honestly don’t even have that much to complain about with the bugs….of which there are many. Getting stuck on menu screens. Having the game crash. Having enemies get stuck on enemies, having workers get stuck in loops. Having my hero charge into hordes of enemies even though I told him 100 times to get well behind the wall so he wouldn’t be tempted. Having the mercenaries get stuck beating the ever living shit out of a dead bear because my contract ended as they were killing it. Having buildings I destroyed never disappear. Etc Etc etc. But all of that would be fine if there wasn’t a literal infinite spawn of enemies. This feels worse than Call of Duty, because at least in COD once you find the correct path and rush forward the enemies stop spawning. This is just an endless nightmare. I currently have 7 fully decked out soldiers trying to take down the village to the East “Which I guess is North, because it tells me to destroy the village to the north”. I have so much faith and I’m spamming damage and healing spells. I have the death knight so I should be pretty F-ing powerful. But Whenever I’m in the Nordic village, which feels like it goes on forever. I’ve destroyed 2 massive towers and at least half a dozen buildings. But anytime I get to far the enemies just infinitely spawn. It will spawn couple archers, a couple weak soldiers and a strong soldier. Just non-stop. I kill them and they’re already popping back up. Why the hell do I have a limited population. But the Nords are backed by the full force of China’s population, all armed and trained. It’s not fun, it’s tedious. I just want to wipe them out for wronging me. That is clearly meant to be an option. I can kill their buildings, but it has absolutely no impact on this endless horde of zombies slowly marching ever westward and chipping away at my forces bit by bit.

Real player with 7.4 hrs in game

Life is Hard on Steam

Shooting Star

Shooting Star

It’s simple, yet sophisticated. It’s challenging, yet comforting. It’s frustrating, yet fun.

Get it.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Best Sperm sim out there!

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Shooting Star on Steam

Differently Fast

Differently Fast

Many people are looking for a fun, built-for-VR racing game that’s doesn’t require a wheel. Well here we are. You move the wheelchair just like in real life, and you can grab either wheel while turning to drift around corners. The surfaces matter too(you slip more on grass, etc), so that’s why I like to almost call it a wheelchair sim, hah. It ends up being a good workout! I’m into DiRT Rally (off-road racing), and this game gives me the same feeling of adrenaline trying to beat ghost times. There are multiple ghost players on the track with you, and they end up being matched to your skill based off of your best recorded time on that track, so it always feels competitive, even if the players aren’t actually there. Since the time I tested it in Alpha the devs have been active and listening to suggestions and they’re adding more tracks.

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

You should get a headband things like tennis players wear - those goofy looking things - that will keep you from sweating all over your VR headset.

Buy this game right now it’s ridiculous fun. The developer is great they love interacting with the players.

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

Differently Fast on Steam

BattleCore Arena

BattleCore Arena

Very well-made game! Imagine Marble Blast mixed with Unreal Tournament stuffed into a sumo-ring… This is a recipe for competitive fun, especially if you love aim-heavy arena shooters such as Quake, CS:GO, and UT. Although this game is in Early Access and has a small player-base, it is worth a buy and giving it a try. The developers are HIGHLY active and aspire to continue to greaten the game, unlike other fun games that showed promise, but lacked a devoted dev team.

This game wants YOU! If you are poor and don’t want to pay for it, then hopefully you read this and copy&paste this steam gift key… Enjoy! ;D

Real player with 65.2 hrs in game

This game is worth a shot if you are into arena shooters and want a new twist to it. There is tons of customization options which (in my experience) takes 15-20 or so hours to unlock it all. The game (at its current state) has no Micro-Transactions. However, Keep in mind that the playerbase is lacking and you will most likely be spending all of your time with bots.

Real player with 25.7 hrs in game

BattleCore Arena on Steam