Bang-On Balls: Chronicles

Bang-On Balls: Chronicles

After putting a considerable amount of time into this game and getting all the items I can safely say that this game is awesome! It is made with so much love and care and there are little details, easter eggs or secrets in every corner of the map. You can really tell that the dev team put a lot of effort into making this game the best it can be and because the viking map is so varied collecting all items did not get really boring or grindy towards the end. The biggest problem at the time is probably the lack of content because after you have finished collecting all the items there isn’t really much left to do but I hope that through regular updates or the addition of other gamemodes that can be played repetitively, this problem will be fixed eventually.

Real player with 26.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Early Access 3D Platformer Games.

New Level available! Let’s update my review!!

The new “Space Race Chronicle” provide us of two separate sections (the Soviet and the US) to explore, fight and destroy. In terms of things to do, is on the same level (if not better) of the Viking one, so take an afternoon free, because completing it will require more than 4 hours!

Pros and cons remain mostly the same like before:

The Good

I played on Easy, and was already a bit challenging: some enemies (especially the mini-bosses) require strategies to overcome.

Real player with 12.9 hrs in game

Bang-On Balls: Chronicles on Steam

Tribal Hunter

Tribal Hunter

With 41 hours put into so far n’ more to rack up, this game has been worth playin’ every second.

What had originally drawn me to Tribal Hunter was a few clips of it on YoutTube, then after watchin’ a full playthrough of it from a YouTuber, I was totally hooked to it n’ proceeded to add it my wishlist to then be treated by a close best friend of mine who got it for me the next day.

The story of Tribal Hunter is a simple, straightforward one. You’re an ancient guardian spirit ( and for some out there, I’m not referrin’ to Ori from the Blind Forest/Wisps series) named Much, who was summoned to help protect their village from evil n’ to destroy said evil. Through your adventures you’ll have some well written character dialogue n’ a nice servin’ of funny moments to add to the game’s charm n’ also slap your knees with good ol’ comedy.

Real player with 144.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Early Access Platformer Games.

An excellent Indie game with an original gimmick as its gameplay loop

I needed something to cleanse my palate after playing Fallout: New Vegas and Wasteland 2 back-to-back. I love both games, but there’s only so much I can take before I become weary of the two desaturated nuclear deserts; each filled with complex, dark storylines. So when this colorful, simple-looking game caught my eye, I snagged a copy and tried it out. It obviously did the trick!

Tribal Hunter is a 2D platformer with a light touch of metroidvania. It also has making the main character (named Munch) huge and fat as a central part of its gameplay loop. Throughout the game, the player needs to keep an eye on the lizard’s weight, and manage how best to use it. A thin, light Munch punches faster, is a smaller target, and takes piercing attacks better. However, he isn’t as physically powerful, and only has scant amounts of fuel for his breath attacks; as those pull straight from his fat level. Conversely, being large and in charge makes Munch’s physical attacks more powerful, gives them more of a crowd control effect, and gives him plenty of fuel for breath attacks. Yet Munch is also much more vulnerable to piercing attacks in this form, an obviously-larger target, and runs the risk of exploding should he exceed his body’s limits.

Real player with 81.6 hrs in game

Tribal Hunter on Steam

Frog Fighters

Frog Fighters

Considering the first Frog Fighters was released soon after the PSone’s debut, and Frog Fighters Melee accompanied the PlayStation 2 at the console’s launch, it’s surprising to see the franchise make its current-gen debut so far into the lifecycle. The wait has proved worth it, as this sixth installment is the most refined since the almost universally loved Super Smash Frog Fighters.

One of the first things you’ll notice is the comically huge character select screen. For the standard arcade, versus, and ghost battle modes, players have access to every fighter from the very beginning. This includes dozens of returning favorites, as well as some new faces. Apparently there’s a rule that every new fighting game has to feature a fat, surprisingly agile blonde Frog, as Frog’s rotund Bob joins in this role. Dr. Bosconovitch’s creation Alisa appears a polite young girl at first, at least until her chainsaw arms and robot wings pop out (and it only gets worse when she pulls off her own head and uses it as a weapon).

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Early Access PvP Games.

In many ways, the work of a critic is easy. We risk very little, yet enjoy a position over those who offer up their work and their selves to our judgement. We thrive on negative criticism, which is fun to write and to read. But the bitter truth we critics must face, is that in the grand scheme of things, the average piece of junk is probably more meaningful than our criticism designating it so. But there are times when a critic truly risks something, and that is in the discovery and defense of the new. The world is often unkind to new talent, new creations. The new needs friends. Last night, I experienced something new: an extraordinary game from a singularly unexpected source. To say that both the game and its maker have challenged my preconceptions about fine game developing is a gross understatement. They have rocked me to my core. In the past, I have made no secret of my disdain for Diam0ndGames' famous motto, “Frog Fighters is a light-hearted, fast-paced, third-person-shooter where you become a frog on a lily pad with an ability to shoot other flying frogs with different types of laser-leafs..” But I realize, only now do I truly understand what he meant. Not everyone can become a great artist; but a great artist can come from anywhere. It is difficult to imagine more humble origins than those of the genius now game development at Diam0ndGames', who is, in this critic’s opinion, nothing less than the finest game developer in France. I will be returning to Diam0ndGames' soon, hungry for more.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Frog Fighters on Steam



Having played the original game, this one has yet to come even remotely close to the original and has actually seem to have added multiple features specifically to make the game harder at the cost of enjoyment. A number of thing such as the graphics have been improved, sure, but at the cost of being able to tell what’s going on. For instance, the mole people which are the bane of my existance. I have taken so much damage from these fuckers it’s unreal. They blend so easily into the background and during the “contemplate” sections I’ve cleared every enemy then just thought “wow, that’s strange, the door hasn’t opened yet.” They just blend into the background and don’t announce themselves until you’re in melee range. It’s kind of very annoying.

Real player with 33.3 hrs in game

A promising start to the sequel of 20XX. Much like the first game, 30XX is a roguelike Megaman X clone. You can play as Nina or Ace, who are this game’s X and Zero respectively and navigate through a platformer obstacle course riddled with enemies and hazards to reach the end and take on the boss of the area. Defeating them will yield a Power for Nina or a Technique for Ace.

Things different from the original:

Bosses and levels - Rather than the traditional eight bosses, there are only seven (As of the Fires of Industry Update), but each boss has its own unique stage aesthetic as well as theme song (this also includes the boss and victory music). In addition, minibosses have been included in the stages which are a neat challenge and they also reward you with a lot of Bolts, Memoria, and an augment of your choosing.

Real player with 22.9 hrs in game

30XX on Steam

Bot Wars

Bot Wars

I have been playing this game since it first came out. It was broken at the beginning, barely playable do to the AI. The Dev listened, AI is great now, I like this game, one of my favorites. I believe it’s fully functioning and worth the play. My complaint is no longer about it’s stability, It’s been fixed, smooth game play. My complaint at this point is lack of content. The core is good, there’s not enough maps. I can run thru the entire game in 10-30 minutes. Initially the game is very difficult. You spend more time respawning then anything else. As you get better however you find yourself avoiding bases or trying to find a more difficult way of doing things to make the game last longer. at this point I can go thru and wipe everything out on all maps with the first 3 units. Don’t need my team, a base, nothing else.

Real player with 42.2 hrs in game

I really like this game so far. The combat is fun and beautiful looking with all the lasers, leveling up the bot and guns as you play with a single “Commander” is really cool and incentivizes being somewhat careful and strategic with your bots which is really cool.

Though I will say that for one, the pinned discord link doesn’t seem to be working for me and secondly, you HAVE to nerf the tiny, $2 spider bots you get from the enhanced money generator building. You get a squad of those and rush into the enemy and just win. I can take out the big bot in 2 shots after leveling up a bit. I end up after like 5 minutes running around with over 10,000 health on each bot even without the upgrade to increase hp based on total money.

Real player with 18.1 hrs in game

Bot Wars on Steam

Epic Snails

Epic Snails

I’m going to ask you some questions.

-Do you like tank games?

-Do you want to be a slithering snail?

-Do you want to play in a battlefield where you could be positioned from a patio table or a kid’s play castle?

-Do you want to battle it out while listening to cute and peaceful music?

-Do you want to express yourself with snail emotes?

-Do you want to have fun?

If these questions sparked your interest in Epic Snails, I’m not surprised. Epic Snails is all about the above, and more. It’s a tank game with a unique twist, and without the gore (there’s only some green slime upon losing all your life status, that’s it).

Real player with 93.9 hrs in game


This is one of the best Games that I’ve played this Year. It’s still a Beta, but It’s a honor to be one of the closed Alpha Testers :D

It’s a very cute Game for all Ages. The Genre is very similar to many Team Battles like TF2 or CS, but you can move everywhere in the Game, even on the ceiling xD A very good variety for your Freetime. ;-)

I also like the cartoonic Graphics :D You also can earn Coins to buy new Items. I really hope, Epic Snails will be awarded in one of the next Steam Awards xP

Real player with 57.3 hrs in game

Epic Snails on Steam

GTTOD: Get To The Orange Door

GTTOD: Get To The Orange Door

This review is based on the beta version of the June 2021 build.

Note: Custom Maps and Mods are still not supported in this version.

Imagine you’re a Spartan - one that can wall-surf like a Titan’s pilot and dash like the Doomguy. One that can slow time like they’re in F.E.A.R. and bring it to a halt like they’re friggin' Dio.

This is the Doorguy - this is you.

GTTOD’s Second Excessively Late Update, for those that gave the game a spin before, is in some regards a long overdue rebalance and overhaul.

Real player with 66.7 hrs in game

This is a relatively unpopular opinion: I like the Excessively Late Update. I do not think it’s perfect, and I think Andrew knows this too.

I played v0.3.0 (the last version) and v0.4.0 (this update), but I did not play previous versions (v0.2.0 and earlier).


If you’re like me and picked up Titanfall 2 as soon as it went on sale on Steam, then a) welcome to the club, and b) you’ll like the movement in this game. While not as polished as Titanfall 2, it’s still incredibly crisp and does movement a lot better than most other games. As of v0.4.0, wallrunning is non-magnetized and purely momentum based, but the rework appears to show an option to choose how much magnetization you get when wallrunning.

Real player with 28.8 hrs in game

GTTOD: Get To The Orange Door on Steam

Phantom Abyss

Phantom Abyss

Would you like to run through temples, collecting gold, getting blessings from statues to improve your run, gather whips and relics to fill your collection hall? If yes, I recommend.

If you on the other hand like tight controls, feel like you’re in control of your deaths, a game with mechanics that are consistent, performs well under pressure, has a wide variety of whips and relics, then no.

So here’s my biggest issue with the game. Its controls.

After +49 hours of this game I still close it down for the most part in anger as I do not feel like my death was my own fault. Cleared the inferno temples for all the red whips already, so it’s not just a lack of knowledge around rooms/traps. The anger can come in a couple of different ways.

Real player with 130.3 hrs in game

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Phantom Abyss is a roguelite action-adventure.

Usually, I write fully fleshed-out reviews and explain the game but since most people will know what this is about, I will keep it short. The review will be updated if I feel the need to after playing more hours.


You need to defeat five levels of a temple to get its relict. Only one guy or girl can beat a temple, then it’s closed forever. When you try a temple, you will see up to 10 other people trying and dying. You can get chests with gold, which will let you buy special abilities or more health on statues.

Real player with 51.3 hrs in game

Phantom Abyss on Steam



Because this game is still considered early access (Although it’s a solid game), I’m going to preface this by saying that I’ve been following the development of this game for a little over 6 years and the progress that has happened in the past few years has been enormous, the sole developer tries his best to be active in the community and actually listens to the players. As a matter of fact, the Zombie Survival gamemode and Stealth gamemodes were actually suggested by normal players on the forums, and the developer worked his hardest to get those gamemodes into the game. He put his heart and soul into this fantastic indie game and wont be abandoning it anytime soon.

Real player with 170.6 hrs in game

EDIT (June 2021):

The game has changed so much that everything I’ve said below is no longer true, and I’m not sure what the game’s vision is. It was originally going to be focused on big gang wars and RPG skillbuilding, then it focused on arena shooter combat, then it focused on zombies, then it got 3D models and became a Battle Royale, then it added civilians and recently started becoming more roguelite-ish.


I played back in July 2009 when it was called Subvein/Mutant Factions, and I’m a forum moderator.

Real player with 156.0 hrs in game

Geneshift on Steam

Swords of Gurrah

Swords of Gurrah

Alright so there’s a popular review here that’s got like 100 people marking it as helpful, that review was posted around 5 months ago and the game has changed a lot since then, I’m just going to go point by point on their list of issues with the game to show how it’s changed since then.

Issue 1:

“The worse connection someone has, the less frames they have while fighting. This results in some people feeling unfair to go against given their moves are incredibly hard to read for being as laggy as they are.”

Real player with 240.0 hrs in game

TL;DR Best multi[player melee combat for VR yet. Real combat techniques produce real results.

I’m an armored combat fighter and weapons instructor for multiple historical and athletic groups, so I love me some hand to hand combat. I want to fight more often than I have meetings or events, so I like to dig around in VR for good fighting games. So far the only game that got close to scratching that itch in VR was Blade & Sorcery, which while fantastic is single player. This game handles completely differently from B&S but brings the most fun multiplayer that I’ve seen yet.

Real player with 202.7 hrs in game

Swords of Gurrah on Steam