Rise of Humanity

Rise of Humanity

Super fun game for X Com and Deck Building fans. Seems difficult at first, till you learn the amazing combo’s you can make (just make sure you don’t damage your team mates … too much !)

It’s still early access so there’s only 6 story missions yet, but there are side missions up for grabs!

Daily challenges are also a hoot, Hoping to see some real battles for the top of the leader board!

Real player with 56.5 hrs in game

An interesting twist on XCOM2…

XCOM2 but with cards, is how this game can best be described. Now, this game doesn’t have the budget behind it that XCOM2 had, which almost automatically means that it’s going into a gun-fight with XCOM2 but this game is armed with a pistol and XCOM2 has a hellfire missile launcher… not very fair, but that’s the fight that the devs have chosen to engage in, and good luck to them… they’re gonna need it.

Pros: #1. Very good graphics (I’d say it’s almost as good as XCOM2)

Real player with 32.4 hrs in game

Rise of Humanity on Steam

Jack Move

Jack Move

Jack Move is a JRPG that features a unique blend of gritty cyberpunk story telling, turn based battles, and beautiful modern pixel art. Coming to Steam in 2022.

Take on the role of Noa: A young vigilante hacker from Bright Town. As the overreaching mega-corporation, Monomind, kidnaps her estranged father, Noa has no choice but to get him back, before it’s too late. Help her find her dad, as she finds herself on the way.

Noa won’t be alone on her journey. She’ll be helped out by her best friend and tactical planner, Ryder, as well as her Martini drinking uncle and ex-corporate spy, Guin Blakely.

Jack Move features beautifully animated, exciting and tactical turn based battles.

Customise the software of your Cyber Deck to switch roles mid battle, balancing offence, defence and buffs. Choosing which software you load during battle is the key to victory! Hardware upgrades can help boost your stats, increase the amount of software you can install or give Noa extra abilities.

  • Gorgeous “Hi-Bit” pixel art inspired by retro RPG’s and enhanced with modern techniques.

  • Battle your foes in cyberspace. Take them down using a multitude of sweet hacking software.

  • Explore the dangerous world of Monocity-1 and take down Monomind, the evil mega corporation that controls it.

  • Play as Noa Solares, a sassy hacker out to save her father and the world.

  • Fight your way through a bunch of dungeons filled with allsorts of cyberpunk villany. Street punks, gangsters, corporate militia, secret service agents, and horrific cyber-experiments-gone-wrong will all be battling against you!

Jack Move on Steam

Colony Ship: A Post-Earth Role Playing Game

Colony Ship: A Post-Earth Role Playing Game

This is an Early Access review. The game contains bugs and is only feature complete for Chapter 1. I will not mention bugs in the review, because there aren’t any game-breaking ones and the ones that do exist are minor. Also, please download the combat demo before purchasing.


The game takes place in a post-apocalyptic post-Earth world revolving around a multi-century trip on a colony ship. You are just one person, who lives in an area of the ship, called the Pit. You are not a hero, nor are you anyone special – yet.

Real player with 90.4 hrs in game


I now have a good handle on the combat system. Here is what I was doing wrong:

  • Character spec:

Decide how you intend to play and spec accordingly. For example: my tank maxed Con and Str this prevents his from being knocked down as I took the Juggernaut feat. It is critical that you also take the Armor Feat with this kind of build. My primary weapon is a shotgun, and he feels really strong. Go all in on your chosen spec, I cannot understate this!

  • Easy Target

Pay close attention to what you are wearing. If you make yourself an iron brick you will get prioritized by the enemy AI and get more holes in you than a cheese grater.

Real player with 60.7 hrs in game

Colony Ship: A Post-Earth Role Playing Game on Steam

Nomads of the Fallen Star

Nomads of the Fallen Star

I stumbled upon this game and have been pleasantly surprised. This is a sci-fi tactical rpg. The mechanics are similar to Battle Brothers with more viability to trading. I’ve really been enjoying the game. The writing is not annoying and the art is original and compelling. The developer is very active with patches coming out every few days at this point. Several little quality of life things that were bothering me have already been patched away. I have only encountered one serious bug. If a dirty, hard scrabble sci-fi world and turn-based combat are things that you enjoy, you should give this a try.

Real player with 41.6 hrs in game

I just had an epic fight in this game. It was me versus a group of enemy mercs. I started with 4 guys, they with 5. At the end we both had one guy left, each with shredded armor and 1 turn from death. I mean that literally, my character was on fire and was going to burn to death at the end of her turn. And I had 1 shot to take the guy out with 87% accuracy. And this whole time heavy metal was playing as the battle music.

I made the shot and won the fight. Then after some story text it was back to business. I placed the survelience probe and returned for my reward.

Real player with 32.8 hrs in game

Nomads of the Fallen Star on Steam

Aeon’s End

Aeon’s End

If you want to try out Aeons End, or really prefer to play games digitally, it’s pretty good but brief. If you have all the physical base sets, expansions, and so forth, I don’t think you’ll be getting rid of them anytime soon for this (unlike, say, how Sentinels of the Multiverse is so good on digital that I’ll never play the physical edition again).

I won’t comment on game play and such, but there’s a decent tutorial that goes over most concepts (while letting players discover the synergies of the game themselves). There’s also currently no multiplayer for those who demand it (I suspect it’s in the works though), nor AI players either; one player controls all the mages' actions (although you could potentially do “pass and play” gaming). It’s a non-issue to me, but a determining factor for others.

Real player with 86.2 hrs in game

My Biases: I backed this on kickstarter not because I have played the physical game but because I really like the developer and the game seemed to be very fun if their streams were any indication. I really enjoy the game from what I have done so far.

Aeon’s end is a cooperative deck builder game where up to 4 mages try to beat back monsters that seek to destroy humanity. The game is an uphill battle but certainly winnable. There are many ways to approach the battles and lots of variability depending on the mages and supply cards you use.

Real player with 70.1 hrs in game

Aeon's End on Steam



This was the first real game I bought with my own money. I was 13 years old and after a long wait, it finally hit the shelves in 1997. It will always hold a special place in my heart. I love the storyline and character development. So few games at the time (and even now) were able to elicit such a full range of emotional reactions as this one.

Real player with 90.0 hrs in game

Like Skyrim, but the remake is garbage. Play this instead. Try mods.

Real player with 78.3 hrs in game


Rain of Reflections: Set Free

Rain of Reflections: Set Free

It’s the twenty-second century. Humankind has become infertile. Surrounded by hostile wastelands we struggle on the verge of extinction. But there is still hope. The last child from a natural pregnancy.

Rain of Reflections does not tell you too much at the start of the game. Leaving it to the player to discover this beautiful world was a clever move from the developers. The more you find out, the deeper the game pulls you into its story.

I remember enjoying point an click adventures very much as a teenager and young adult. Since then point an click adventures have changed and often don’t seem as enjoyable to me as in the past. Rain of Reflections revived this long lost feeling of a through and through exciting and intriguing adventure.

Real player with 10.9 hrs in game

The review is based on 8 hrs of the gameplay.

The Good:


  • The game blends adventure, RPG, turn-based, and puzzle genres really well.

    • There are mainly two modes: The point and click adventure exploring mode (where you gather background information or objective items when not in combat) and turn-based strategy mode (loud or stealth to reach specific locations). I enjoyed the turn-based system, focusing on the cover and motivation. The player should always stay in cover and keep the enemy in the open.

      ! The player can destroy all the covers in the game! There is also no health bar. The game uses “motivation” instead. When a character is in the open, being shot, staying in the same place for too long, having debuffs, or out of ammo, the motivation drops. When the character’s motivation reaches 0, they will flee and can be easily killed. The player can regain motivation by completing objectives, having buffs, or going into cover.

Real player with 8.4 hrs in game

Rain of Reflections: Set Free on Steam

Shadowrun Returns

Shadowrun Returns

Let me start out by saying that this is the first Shadowrun game that I have ever actually played. Yes I have tried the 1993 Shadowrun for the Super Nintendo but I could never get into it due to it’s… Interesting controls (read point and click with a controller). But the game concept and the universe intrigued me, Over the years I forgot the name of it several times but would bring it up every few years and try to find the name of it and feel that they should remake it for the pc where it ultimately belonged. Well a few months ago was one such time that It popped into my head, I did a quick search for it and what did I find but a new Shadowrun being made for its proper platform (psst its the PC). I instantly fell in love with the style and everything I say was just the best thing I have ever seen.

Real player with 42.1 hrs in game

Heads up, I need a runner and you need the Nuyen, are we on the same page? Good. If you’re used to quick and easy jobs, well you’d better strap on tight. This one’s a slap to your senses, a bug in the system, a pair of fools in an all-star hand.

If ‘get the job done’ is your middle name, then that’s all I need to know.

Whaddaya say, chummer?

Shadowrun Returns is a lone-wolf style, turn-based strategy with RPG elements, set in the year 2054 within the gritty underbelly of Seattle, combining an urban cyberpunk fantasy with the abrasive narrative of a seasoned crime novel.

Real player with 25.5 hrs in game

Shadowrun Returns on Steam

SteamCity Chronicles - Rise Of The Rose

SteamCity Chronicles - Rise Of The Rose

Really enjoy this game because it’s very unique and fun to play getting really close to a strategic board game and I would love to see more story on it!

Real player with 365.9 hrs in game


Review by Gaming Masterpieces - The greatest games of all time on Steam.


Is this game a masterpiece? No. You have to enjoy challenging turn-based battles and the unique Asian steampunk scenario to like this game. You also have to overlook a few… or better quite a few, annoyances in the game design.

The gameplay consists of different battle scenarios. You are presented with a diorama where you can take a look at everything - buildings and characters (your own, civilians and enemies). So the first thing after learning how to move the camera (the dioramas can be watched from all sides, you can move the camera up and down, zoom in and out) should be to carefully study those scenarios and come up with a plan to achieve your mission goals. You do not command large armies, just a few men, including your heroes. There is no fog of war, so you can see the enemy - and his movements - right from the start. The whole game plays a bit like a board game.

Real player with 20.8 hrs in game

SteamCity Chronicles - Rise Of The Rose on Steam

ATOM RPG Trudograd

ATOM RPG Trudograd

Edit #2

After completing what i believe to be most of the new content and testing the balance changes that came with the latest update, I can gladly say this game is in a pretty good place now. I’ll address the problems I had in the previous patch below and how they were fixed below.

Fist off as always is combat. Enemies now more consistently take damage, so long as you are fully invested in what ever type you choose. There’s really not a lot of room for using multiple forms of combat, if you’re gonna go for automatics or rifles, you have to go in. You’re not gonna have enough points left over for other weapon skills to still have enough points for other skills unless you’re importing a character from the first game that’s some ungodly high level. One final thing to note about combat is that melee enemies still seem to do crazy amounts of damage. This wouldn’t be too much of an issue if they didn’t stun and crit you as often as they do. I swear i must have been crit more times in one hour of this game that the entire campaign of the previous one. Not that it’s too much of an issue, I found that as long as you have enough AP you can run away and shoot every other turn. Just make sure you avoid anyone with armor and a knuckleduster.

Real player with 135.0 hrs in game

Quick and dirty review


-Updated interface

-Perk system

-Weapon mods

-No need to buy the first game if you want to experience the atom world

-The world is still a fucked up hellscape with random and various strokes of gray as most choices just like the first don’t have a good ending just people surviving


-its not fully released yet AND I NEED MY GOOD RPG GAME FIX NOW!

Full review of what i so far think of the game:

So far i’m once again enjoying the atom world this definitely an expansion and for the full experience you should play the first game so you can import your character over and gain a better understanding of both the world and whats going on in this story, but you don’t have to as this can be played alone and with out context from the previous story if you just want a taste before possibly deciding to buy the previous game. While this isn’t as harsh as the previous game you can up the difficulty if needed as people that import there character may find this to be a bit too easy or too hard depending on your builds as you wont be able to fill in gaps using companions right away so for more for those importing characters you may want to even start a new one from scratch, but that’s just my own view you should always give a chance to your current build and see how it turns out. As for the overall story and not revealing spoilers you are thrown into searching for a solution to a very large and imminent threat the world still retains its bleak outset with many citizens within Trudograd suffering within the great city and some having grown soft inside its walls making certain decisions and quests just like the previous game not having the desired effect you want or a happy ending if there even is one. I would simply say this is the Atom team giving us a wonderful expansion and if you cant wait and need a taste give it a try or wait for the full release and get the full product as if you don’t want to wait for updates.

Real player with 71.0 hrs in game

ATOM RPG Trudograd on Steam