Sword and Space

Sword and Space

  • Game operations: The mouse can take walk and talk, and the keyboard W A S D or ↑ ↓ ← → control direction, space and enter control OK key,too. Press “OK” for a second will be fast forward the plot.

    SORRY, Only win7 can play this game.Thanks for AngelineFletcher’s correction.

Read More: Best Dynamic Narration Story Rich Games.

Sword and Space on Steam

The Franz Kafka Videogame

The Franz Kafka Videogame

A point & click which celebrates surrealism more than the novelist himself.

It is an original puzzle/adventure game inspired by the writings of Franz Kafka. But unfortunately, the story has very little to do with Kafka, except that the protagonist of the story, named simply K. is involved in events that are beyond his own control and tries to find the way out of it (kind of, there are no clear motives for what he’s doing), which is somewhat Kafkaesque, I must admit.

The art style is well-done and nice. Although is nothing surprisingly spectacular, is queer enough to allow characters like K. to seamlessly inhabit the same world as the Duck or Insect Detective without being too jarring. I also genuinely enjoy a lot of the music the game has to offer, even if the loops are relatively short. It manages to generate the correct theme and feeling the game clearly want the players to feel.

Real player with 8.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dynamic Narration Adventure Games.

Do I ever try and like this game…

There are a great many issues that are hard to overlook and a great many subtle nuances I keep trying to convince myself are worthwhile canceling out the problems, but ultimately I can’t…I just can’t.

On first playthrough I was excited about the artstyle and potential subject matter… and upon delving in I was even more pleased with the small pieces of detail and pastice that are probably lost to most; be that the Scheele green walls, the SS Blumfeld (the elderly bachelor), and I did get so many giggles from the vulture wine advert; but so much of it was just so shallow and of no substance and concequence. The more I tried to prove that was not the case to myself the more I found quotes and disclamers from the sources proving my wimsy wrong.

Real player with 7.4 hrs in game

The Franz Kafka Videogame on Steam

The Mammoth: A Cave Painting

The Mammoth: A Cave Painting

A short, potentially thought-provoking story, lasting mere 5 minutes. Completion grants an achievement.

It tells about a woolly mammoth whose child is lost, so she leaves the herd to go and find them. In more general terms it describes the relationship between mammoths and ancient hunter-gatherers. It’s cool and in fact pretty metal, though a bit simplistic. But it’s free after all.

Art style is ingenious, resembling the style of cave paintings, very fitting to the theme.

As for controls, you can use either keyboard, gamepad or even mouse. It’s easier to maneuver with mouse or gamepad than with keyboard as you’re not restricted to strict compass directions.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dynamic Narration Indie Games.

My first thoughts: hey, this is kinda cute, I guess.

My final thoughts, less than ten minutes later: FUCKING CHILD ABUSE!!

If you have kids, and want them to grow up really, REALLY fast, this brief taste of 100-proof bottled bleakness should have them reaching for the razor blades before they’ve grown all their teeth back. Borderline misanthropes like yours truly should enjoy it, however. Nothing like a bit of nihilism to get your morning/mid-to-late afternoon started, with a bowl of sour, soggy corn flakes to wash it all down.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

The Mammoth: A Cave Painting on Steam

The Stanley Parable

The Stanley Parable

Stanley? What are you doing trapped in a steam review Stanley? Get out of there this instant! This is not a joke Stanley! You are ruining my story.

Real player with 37.5 hrs in game

god, an absolute classic to be sure. and getting the Don’t Play For 5 Years achievement legit feels amazing

Real player with 6.6 hrs in game

The Stanley Parable on Steam

Keep in Mind: Remastered

Keep in Mind: Remastered

All of the other negative reviews are complaining about the short play time, but I honestly don’t care about that. A game can be incredibly short if the quality of the content is very high (e.g. What Remains of Edith Finch). This game has a much more fundamental problem.

I was under the impression that this would be a thoughtful narrative examination of depression and alcoholism, both of which I have suffered from and understand all too well. The thing is… it absolutely isn’t. It’s a ludicrous, over-the-top, Hollywood-esque exaggeraton of what these conditions are actually like, filled with tired cliches about mental illness and how it’s possible to magically “get better” if some emotionally meaningful thing happens to you.

Real player with 3.8 hrs in game


I haven’t felt so enlightened and disturbed at the same time, by a video game since discovering Moirai (a short F2P that’s sadly, no longer playable). A strange connection which Keep in Mind: Remastered also shares from the point of view of its gameplay length. Rarely do I find titles that can be finished within 20 minutes or less, but that’s not to say that such a limited time frame cannot suffice for a strong impression. And in case you’re wondering, the initial Keep in Mind was a 2016 release by Little Moth Studios while the 2018 remastered version I’m writing about, is the Steam development debut of Akupara Games (better known as publishers of titles such as Whispering Willows or Star Vikings Forever).

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

Keep in Mind: Remastered on Steam



I’ll admit it: I fully bought the hype for Event[0]. It ticked off so many boxes for me: a (potentially) malevolent AI, a derelict spacecraft, beautiful graphics and design, a well written, alternate-history plot, and the ship AI responds coherently to things that you ask of it? By typing things to it? Does this game really have a semi-unscripted dialogue tree? I was sold.

In the end I did get all of these things with my purchase, but each to a lesser degree than I was hoping for. Things started off really well: the opening sequence of the game sets the stage, hinting at the world you’re about to enter and infusing your character with a bit of backstory. I was excited to start, and my first interaction with the AI was amazing: I typed something out into a terminal, and the world responded accordingly! Wonderful.

Real player with 7.7 hrs in game

I have won a giveaway contest with US$ 20 in steam credits, so I chose this game which was on my wishlist. Original idea with an AI interface, gorgeous graphics, and it had a Linux version! Bottom line though, it disappointed me on all these points.

Before I explain it, the summary:


  • Gorgeous graphics

  • Good soundtrack

  • Original idea

  • Spacewalking is quite good

  • Comfortable typing interface

  • Moderately interesting puzzles

  • Good time-saving feature where the game writes down the passwords and important strings for you.

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Event[0] on Steam

Do Not Buy This Game

Do Not Buy This Game

Wh- What are you doing here?

Did you not read the title?

I’ll put it here again, just for you, but this time I’ll make a tiny change that will probably help you out:

See that small, unnoticeable circle? Yes, the one in red that surrounds the word ‘NOT’.

Yeah? You got it!

Oh, such a happy moment of learning that we got to share together!

And now that you’ve noticed it, I’m sure you will do the respectful thing and immediately stop reading the description for the game. You are now free to go do something else!

Oh, I get it.

You think that by reading this long description you will find out more about the game.


Here is a feature list you might find useful:

  • A whole lot of nothing

  • Me as the narrator

  • More nothing

  • I have some jokes ready I guess?

  • A lot of regrets

See how full of beautiful features this game is?

It was really hard to polish all these features to perfection, but I never gave up and pulled through it!

So now that you have full knowledge of everything you need to know, I am certain that you can go on with your life.

…why are you still reading this?

Do Not Buy This Game on Steam

The Flower Collectors

The Flower Collectors


Review by Gaming Masterpieces - The greatest games of all time on Steam.


Is this game a masterpiece? Nope, it is a little detective story about a political (?) murder in Spain after Franco’s death.

A grumpy ex-policeman, bound to a wheelchair after an accident, spends his time rolling around in his little flat (2 rooms, balcony), smoking, watching the neighbours with his binoculars, drawing little pictures, taking pills against his pain… but mostly sleeping and being bored. This flat is his world, and this is where the game takes place. Suddenly a gunshot in the night, and a dead corpse in the middle of the plaza under his flat. A young, terrified girl knocks on the door, breaking into his little world. And so the story begins…

Real player with 16.8 hrs in game

[url] Please see my curator page for more games that are worth your time [/url]

Approximate amount of time to 100%: 4h+

Estimated achievement difficulty: 3/10

Minimum number of playthroughs needed: 1, but you might end up with at least one more

Has it been in a bundle: No

Is there a good guide available: Not yet. I tried to write one, but it isn’t easy for this game. I hope somebody else will be able to make a good guide.

Real player with 10.0 hrs in game

The Flower Collectors on Steam