Game Master Engine

Game Master Engine

I would rate this programme. It is obviously still in Early Access still and I am a new dungeon master (DM) which means I am probably bias with how flashy this comes across.

I DM online (with a group of friends that are located in different cities) and primarily use this as a world map “top world/view/map (can’t remember what it is called)” and use the “battle map” for creating townships and combat arenas. I definitely do not use the bulk of the functions and the availability of models (animals, certain races etc) is still limited. I use the screen share option on Discord because this is what we use for our DnD group voice and text channels. It appears that the Dev’s are working on a multiplayer update but I probably will not use this function anyways.

Real player with 6.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dungeons & Dragons Online Co-Op Games.

It is important to keep in mind that this game is in Early Access, however I can confidently say that this game (“program” is a more accurate term) has an infinite amount of potential. The controls are currently quite clunky but with some playing around you can get the gist and begin to compromise. As a DM for 5 years this program has already helped me create our world as a 3D model and my players are ecstatic to see the alternate world they’ve been living brought to life. I still have some playing around to do but I have a few suggestions thus far:

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

Game Master Engine on Steam

Fantasy Grounds Classic

Fantasy Grounds Classic

OK, so please read the full review instead of just taking note of my thumb down vote for this game. That was a tough choice to make. This program is a very mixed bag, some wonderful things in here that are blended together with some horrible design decisions.

Context: I use this program as a face-to-face tool for my gaming group, no outside connections. So this review will ignore any feature dealing with that. Also, will not be comparing this to any competitors. My setup is a dual screen PC, with two instances of the program open. One (GM) on my monitor and the second (Player) on a TV laying flat. Players are using miniatures and real dice, while I am using tokens and the program’s dice.

Real player with 1343.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dungeons & Dragons Strategy Games.

*** Update as of 3-July-2020****

I’m not going to remove the previous review because it’s all accurate still. That being said, FGU has more features and is better than classic, mostly.

However, even perhaps more importantly…. There is a piece of software called “Foundry” that is LOADS and HEAPS better than every other options out there. You pay 50 bucks for software as the host and it works just.. seamlessly. Check it out, it’s outstanding and incomprehensibly good. People connect via their browsers, but with NO exaggeration, it has 1/50th the load time of FGU or FG, and is so utterly beautiful. Check it out, you will be impressed.

Real player with 530.5 hrs in game

Fantasy Grounds Classic on Steam



This tabletop will change the way you play your online sessions forever.

If you are a DM and felt at any point that your sessions were “flat”, that combat was lacking the 3d aspect, or that your maps were not detailed enough, you need to get this.

If you are a player and you appreciate when the DM had a table with an impressive set of walls, traps and miniatures waiting for the game session, you need to get this.

If you at any point looked at your game board, and said. I’d love for it to be as impressive as videogames, with animations and lights, you need to get this.

Real player with 160.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dungeons & Dragons Tabletop Games.

This program is amazing, and it has allowed many in our group to get into D&D that never would have before. We’ve been running a campaign for a few weeks now, and it has been a blast using this program. We all live far away from each other, so getting together was not an option, but the visual aspect of this game has helped some of our players enjoy D&D that never would have enjoyed sitting around a table and playing.

This game is also a huge money saver. For $25, you get to create all these maps and have access to so many minis, which would cost a fortune getting real ones from Dwarvenforge (for example, an unpainted cottage stone set on there is $40, that’s just the cottage).

Real player with 110.0 hrs in game

TaleSpire on Steam



My favorite purchase all year.

If you’re wondering what I’ve been able to do with FlowScape that led to my review, you can take a look at all of my projects here .

I knew the moment I laid eyes on this, I would most likely love it. It exceeded my expectations as a casual design & illustration tool that just about anyone can use. I have spent many hours putting together village & macro background scenes. The Sculpting tool allow you to create mountains, hills, lakes, rivers, as I see fit. The Painting tool allows you to create walkways. I can construct anything from realistic waterfalls to lost ruins with the Transformation tool to manipulate just about any object.

Real player with 2803.3 hrs in game

Wow, it’s difficult to say in words how impressive and relatively deep this instant gratification “game” is! Marketed as a game, but used by many as a 3D design tool. Oh, it’s not Maya, or Lightwave, or even Bryce or Blender, which is cool because we already have those. This is something different, and special, and FAST, and easy! And for all its limitations, what IS here is a lot deeper and impressive than you might imagine!

I’ve made a nice living from building scenes in 3D software for many decades, and I’ve spent countless hours working with wire-frames and pallets of textures and bump maps and lighting devices, and scratching my head over each new entries' exploration into the 3D modeling' procedures. It doesn’t replace those high-end spreads for many projects, but this WILL be replacing the high-rollers on a few projects and making my life so much easier!

Real player with 2204.8 hrs in game

FlowScape on Steam

Low Magic Age

Low Magic Age

TL;DR: The game is a fun grind, but it is not well balanced.

I have about 90 hours in the arena and about 10 in the adventure mode. I have raised a party to around level 100 in the arena. I am recommending this game with some suggestions for the devs. I hope the devs will implement some change so the player feels like they are growing more powerful as they level up, instead of feeling like they are barely holding on and crawling towards the inevitable moment when they will no longer be able to beat a single encounter.

Real player with 136.4 hrs in game

Well as of the date of this review we are still awaiting the Campaign Mode to be implemented. I am hopeful from what the developers have shown recently that it will be at least released sometime this summer. It might even be close to Fall before we see the full game come to be. Even so for $6 I still recommend this game.

Right now we have what is called “Arena Mode”. You take a pre-made party or create a custom party to be placed (by the game) as a group on a random map to fight one wave of monsters at a time. These waves are chosen by you as the player and can contain random kinds and numbers of mobs. The waves range from easy to difficult. You get to choose what difficulty you are comfortable fighting against which is nice. After each battle, if your party prevails, you get a certain amount of gold based on how your characters did in the battle. If no one in your party dies you get bonus gold. You also may get a piece of loot or two. After each battle you are also given a chance to buy and upgrade equipment for your party, which is randomly generated, if you have enough gold. You can also level your characters once they have achieved enough XP to do so. The rules mainly try to follow the 3.x DnD ruleset. And it does a pretty decent job of doing so. With each of your characters gaining higher Feats and Talents as they progress. The magic system is different as there is no mana involved for any spells that are cast. Instead you have a cooldown period for each spell. Some do not like the way this mana-less sytem plays but I love it personally. There will also eventually be crafting available which is nice.

Real player with 64.0 hrs in game

Low Magic Age on Steam

Wildshape - Map Editor (free demo)

Wildshape - Map Editor (free demo)

Definitely would recommend giving this map editor/VTT a try if you’re running campaigns with your friends either online or locally. It is best used with a second monitor to have as indicator for what your players see.

The tool sports the most visually impressive map editor I have come across, and whilst the VTT features definitely still need some work to be considered top of the line, they are certainly usable and enjoyable. I am a first time DM, and am very much looking forward to utilizing this tool for a long time to come if it is kept up in the same pace as it has so far.

Real player with 97.2 hrs in game

Absolutely love it. The level of realism and natural beauty you can create with Wildshape is simply unmatched. To me, Wildshape is a simulation for those insanely detailed real world battle map models you see at your local geek shop, but it’s here, on your screen with loads of assets, and textures to bring it to life without ever touching a bottle of glue.

I own several map makers, such as dungeondraft and arkenforge. This is entirely a different product, and with that there is a learning curve. Expect to spend time getting used to creating in a 3D space as it’s not going to be simply drag and drop like other 2D applications (for obvious reasons). So yes, takes time to learn, but the pay off is huge.

Real player with 28.8 hrs in game

Wildshape - Map Editor (free demo) on Steam

Vagrus - The Riven Realms

Vagrus - The Riven Realms

Genuinely good. Multiple ways to play through, interesting conceits and brutal treatment of mistakes. A player really gets the feeling that their choices matter to their future and no decision is taken lightly, whether in the scripted events or even in just where to go. Great game to replay using different builds and goals, which adds longevity. A really good strong start form the devs, they should be proud of their product. I hope they continue to build and improve.

Real player with 496.7 hrs in game

Vagrus is for particular tastes. Do you want an open world trade-simulation oriented RPG with a lot of content, almost all of which is delivered through text? Are you ok with playing a character that never appears in the game except through choices and effects you make on your trade caravan, your companions, and the factions you fight or ally with? Are you ok with these choices changing the course of the overall story only in a limited way, so the bulk of your player effect is in how you choose to advance your caravan and companions and not how you destroy an enemy or change the world? Most of the big moments in the game are finding out about something that is going on, but being unable to completely stop it. Sometimes you can’t effect it at all. But, you learn, and in almost every way in Vagrus, knowledge is power. The user interface is wonky, the gameplay is deep but takes a long time to get your head around, and currently the Internet will not answer all of your many questions about how the world works. You’ll need to figure quite a bit out for yourself. Does that sound fun? give Vagrus a try.

Real player with 286.4 hrs in game

Vagrus - The Riven Realms on Steam

Dungeons & Dragons Online®

Dungeons & Dragons Online®


I have spent many hours on this game over the years, and even though it may feel a little antiquated now, it is still one of the best RPG’s that I have played in a very long time.

It feels like a true RPG, and a true adaptation of the AD&D Rule Set that true AD&D gamers are familiar with. There is none of that level scaling crap in this game which has become a trend recently. It is all leveled content.

This is one of the few games which I install every time I have to do a re-install of Steam for what ever reason.

Real player with 2656.1 hrs in game

I have been playing this game for years and only recently started playing it through steam. I would say my actual hours are probably closer to 2000. this is a huge, well established MMO with tons of content. if you like customized builds, look no further. you have the ability to create your character from the ground up. you choose where every ability, skill, feat and enhancement point goes, and you can even multiclass. ever wondered how an Archer Monk Wizard would fare in combat? Now you can find out.

Real player with 639.2 hrs in game

Dungeons & Dragons Online® on Steam