Dungeons & Dragons: Dark Alliance

Dungeons & Dragons: Dark Alliance

16 hours between Wulfgar / Drizzt Solo and Multiplayer before deciding to put my 2 cents.

First I’ll start by saying that two main complaints are legitimate but pretty exaggerated.

  • Netcode does need work and diminishes the value of twitch mechanics which otherwise work flawlessly Solo but at the same time you’re in a group so unless you’re the type to scream “But I pressed the button!” and rage. It’s mostly an annoyance right now and not bad enough to kill enjoyment of the game.

  • Enemy AI is indeed a bit derpy taking “Action Movie” turns to attack the player. This is most notable Solo. At the same time if the enemy were to aggro stick the player all at once I doubt it would be Solo’d above 2. Hero difficulty. Far as I’ve seen the issue with hitting enemies from range, esp bosses is generally fixed and in the end this isn’t a competitive game. I’ve seen 5/5 star games where the AI is still easily exploited. Just play the game and stop trying to break it.

Real player with 207.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dungeons & Dragons Co-op Games.

To start this review, many of the first negative reviews, and highest rated ones, are both much too critical and based off of a low amount of hours.

This game is marvelous, but it would be ignorant to write this review and say there are no issues. Of course, there are some glaring issues. But many of them are no where near as detrimental as some of the high rated negative reviews make them seem.

The worst issue in my opinion is the lackluster AI. Many of the enemies, simply won’t attack you, if you don’t start attacking them. And you get warmed up to that very fast. However, there are some AI, who are very aggressive, and being warmed up to AI not generally attacking you, it makes it feel like… a normal game. However, if you’re playing with a team, I have not yet encountered an enemy who will actively attack you whilst reviving a teammate.

Real player with 89.0 hrs in game

Dungeons & Dragons: Dark Alliance on Steam

Dungeons & Dragons Online®

Dungeons & Dragons Online®


I have spent many hours on this game over the years, and even though it may feel a little antiquated now, it is still one of the best RPG’s that I have played in a very long time.

It feels like a true RPG, and a true adaptation of the AD&D Rule Set that true AD&D gamers are familiar with. There is none of that level scaling crap in this game which has become a trend recently. It is all leveled content.

This is one of the few games which I install every time I have to do a re-install of Steam for what ever reason.

Real player with 2656.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dungeons & Dragons Multiplayer Games.

I have been playing this game for years and only recently started playing it through steam. I would say my actual hours are probably closer to 2000. this is a huge, well established MMO with tons of content. if you like customized builds, look no further. you have the ability to create your character from the ground up. you choose where every ability, skill, feat and enhancement point goes, and you can even multiclass. ever wondered how an Archer Monk Wizard would fare in combat? Now you can find out.

Real player with 639.2 hrs in game

Dungeons & Dragons Online® on Steam

TRPG Workshop

TRPG Workshop

Driven by their intense zeal for making an easier-to-use and more user-friendly online TRPG platform providing players more freedom, these veteran gamers develop TRPG Workshop. It is deemed as a comprehensive TRPG auxiliary platform that gives players a great degree of freedom. This means that TRPG Workshop almost contains all the functions needed for TRPG games and renders a visible and simple solution.

  • Interactive Visualnovel-like gameplay brings more engaging game experience

  • Act as GM, Player or Spectator

The GM and Players in a single room have different abilities and rights including visible methods to throw a dice or switch the background – all for your convenience!

  • Check visible profiles in game anytime

  • In-game map editor

Share maps via Steam Workshop or other ways. On a map, there exists the Fog of War blocking your vision, little Tokens representing your characters, and even different accidents that may take place to change the world.

  • Replay your game when it ends!

Every game in TRPGWORKSHOP will be recorded. Any choice you have made and any throwing of dice will remain unchanged. Logs are replayable and shareable.

Rulebooks are supported. Share them with friends or on Steam Workshop!

  • Share and re-create

Steam Workshop will be fully available for TRPG Workshop. Backgrounds, character illustrations, map, map resources, scenario mods and even rulebooks or character cards are all free to customize and share on Steam Workshop at will.

Powerful resource manager is also supported for TRPG Workshop. Just one click to sort out your creations as easy as blowing off dust.

  • Future

Apart from various built-in resource packages for the platform, we are engaging in developing many convenient functions including QuickNote, voice-to-text log or even illustration production and facial capture for Live2D visual characters.

Read More: Best Dungeons & Dragons Level Editor Games.

TRPG Workshop on Steam

Dark Sauce

Dark Sauce

Its like a beta game.After some levels you dont know where you need to go. So you need for exaple jump from something down and Hope that there IS a Platform.Its also Impossible to finish a later Level without getting damage.

The positive Reviews are positive,because the peole played this game for only 0.2hrs

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

One of the worst platformers I have ever played. This game tries to be fun but ends up being a painful and unpleasant experience due to poor level design and ridiculous trap/enemy placements. Also not being able to see what’s below you often results in jumping to your death multiple times over. Save yourself the headache. Do not buy this mess of a game.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Dark Sauce on Steam

Baldur’s Gate 3

Baldur’s Gate 3

Recommended only if you are willing to accept that it is not complete and is still yet a while away from being done. Very similar to Larian’s previous two games but with just enough tweaks to make it feel fresh and closer to DnD ruleset. Some say it may as well have been called DOS3. While true, it’s also not a bad thing. Those games IMO are responsible for the resurgence of the old-school CRPG genre. Personally, this is my dream game. Huge fan of the originals and huge fans of the DOS games. Actually had the out-loud thought back in 2014…“what if Baldur’s Gate made a comeback and these Larian dudes were the ones to do it?” Wish granted. People will nitpick and complain, but I’m beyond impressed with what I’ve seen so far. The RTWP argument has been done to death and if you want to cry about it, go play Pillars of Eternity. It’s so close a copy to the old Infinity engine games that it honestly got stale and lost its nostalgia shine real fast. I would have been disappointed if a new game bearing the BG name turned out to be the same stuff I played to death 20 something years ago. The scope of what Larian is going for here is extremely ambitious and I’m 110% rooting for them to pull it off. With all of the possible dialogue options and minor little attentions to detail, its like a real tabletop in that everyone who plays will be working through the same “module” but everyone is going to experience that story differently depending on the player or groups decisions. Obviously, proper tabletop DnD cant be played solo, but just like the original Baldurs Gate games, this is/will be the best possible way for a solo player without and IRL group to play with to experience its universe.

Real player with 198.7 hrs in game

This is a pretty amazing game the best DnD based game I have ever played it is very good. There is still a lot of development needed would not recommend this game if you do not have a high performance PC with an SSD they definitely still need to do some work on the performance. When the game leaves early access it will be well worth it I can assure you. For right now once you get bored of the waiting for new content check out what the modding community has done there has been some really great player content.

Real player with 114.3 hrs in game

Baldur's Gate 3 on Steam

Spellsword Cards: Demontide

Spellsword Cards: Demontide

It’s not finished so maybe this review is not fair but it’s not in early access.

I finished only the 1st chapter because the 2nd is not done.


  • creative monsters, unqiue enemies

  • long campaign (example: longer than the Northmark’s campaign)

  • autonavigation in quest menu

  • some art is nice

  • gauntlet / puzzles minigames


  • the campaign is not polished

I couldn’t finish the 1rst chapter when my hero was a warrior because I couldn’t defeat two monsters (stirred up & in flight),

and I don’t like the slow grind (job board)

Real player with 22.3 hrs in game

Sometimes I think what’s happening with Steam and why there are so many negatives. One reviewer says that ‘it needs a pass over with someone who understands card games’. Really, mate? Dev has just designed the whole card system and is good at it. Dev is often active and updates the game, but it seems that you want to push him away.

The game is good, it has a really interesting character development, cool story and well-designed battles in which you have to tune your deck. It is a deep system, not crossing the line of ‘read the fine print’, check the guide here to see it yourself:

Real player with 12.0 hrs in game

Spellsword Cards: Demontide on Steam

Game Master Engine

Game Master Engine

I would rate this programme. It is obviously still in Early Access still and I am a new dungeon master (DM) which means I am probably bias with how flashy this comes across.

I DM online (with a group of friends that are located in different cities) and primarily use this as a world map “top world/view/map (can’t remember what it is called)” and use the “battle map” for creating townships and combat arenas. I definitely do not use the bulk of the functions and the availability of models (animals, certain races etc) is still limited. I use the screen share option on Discord because this is what we use for our DnD group voice and text channels. It appears that the Dev’s are working on a multiplayer update but I probably will not use this function anyways.

Real player with 6.8 hrs in game

It is important to keep in mind that this game is in Early Access, however I can confidently say that this game (“program” is a more accurate term) has an infinite amount of potential. The controls are currently quite clunky but with some playing around you can get the gist and begin to compromise. As a DM for 5 years this program has already helped me create our world as a 3D model and my players are ecstatic to see the alternate world they’ve been living brought to life. I still have some playing around to do but I have a few suggestions thus far:

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

Game Master Engine on Steam



After playing this game for a while, i have to say i have enjoyed many hours of game play. Yes, you can pay ( with a ton of cash, it is not cheap) to obtain the end-game enchantnments and mounts quicker but nothing that you can not get with spending some time grinding out content. The best possible thing for any new player coming into the game would be to find a good guild. This will save you tons of time. Money can not buy you skill, i see 3.2 item players out dps and out play 4.3 players everyday. If you like Wow or mmo’s , you will enjoy this game. ( I suggest buying VIP, it is worth it for 10$ )

Real player with 3242.5 hrs in game

Awesome game. Shitty Free To play structure. If you like nickles or dimes then dont play this shit. RNG boxes will rape your bank before you get anything worth a fuck. Campaigns that force you to log in for ten days to repeat a garbage ass daily before you get enough of what you need to advance to the next portion, rinse repeat until you can move along. The gap between end game people and people that are just coming back or just starting is rediculously huge. To the tune of someone doing 80 million damage while you do 6 million… I know how to get to that damage level i just dont see myself playing this game as a second job to get there. This game was not like this in the beginning when i started to play and would be great if it went back but someone on the management team at this studio is a greedy fuck and needs to calm down. I want to reccomend this game but there is no maybe option so I rounded down like a jerk.

Real player with 538.4 hrs in game

Neverwinter on Steam



My favorite purchase all year.

If you’re wondering what I’ve been able to do with FlowScape that led to my review, you can take a look at all of my projects here .

I knew the moment I laid eyes on this, I would most likely love it. It exceeded my expectations as a casual design & illustration tool that just about anyone can use. I have spent many hours putting together village & macro background scenes. The Sculpting tool allow you to create mountains, hills, lakes, rivers, as I see fit. The Painting tool allows you to create walkways. I can construct anything from realistic waterfalls to lost ruins with the Transformation tool to manipulate just about any object.

Real player with 2803.3 hrs in game

Wow, it’s difficult to say in words how impressive and relatively deep this instant gratification “game” is! Marketed as a game, but used by many as a 3D design tool. Oh, it’s not Maya, or Lightwave, or even Bryce or Blender, which is cool because we already have those. This is something different, and special, and FAST, and easy! And for all its limitations, what IS here is a lot deeper and impressive than you might imagine!

I’ve made a nice living from building scenes in 3D software for many decades, and I’ve spent countless hours working with wire-frames and pallets of textures and bump maps and lighting devices, and scratching my head over each new entries' exploration into the 3D modeling' procedures. It doesn’t replace those high-end spreads for many projects, but this WILL be replacing the high-rollers on a few projects and making my life so much easier!

Real player with 2204.8 hrs in game

FlowScape on Steam



this one is in need of Speed…..havent played very long yet but, it is in need of some speed. looks good. so far, so good for early access. havent had any tech problems with it and, havent found a bug yet. just slow, thats my only problem so far. worth a look but, i would wait for a few more patches/updates. see what happens. will amend as we go

been a while, still needs a lot of work. still slow, i understand that items boost speed but wow is this slow going. also, whats up with not being able to start a mage ? you are stuck with sword and bow. the skelly’s lvl up fast. now dodge until you put points into it. the troll is still a grind. way to slow.

Real player with 9.8 hrs in game

early look at game.

Great graphics. Looks like planned for LONG term play.


Absolutly NO information given. NONE!!

movement is low, aiming is slow and blatently off. the first quest is definatly going to use all your gold and potions and even then you have to be lucky. dont bother tryign to be a mage as you cannot until you get to mid game. and to survie to mid game you have to focus vitality defence and physical. if you kite something, it runs back and heals so kiting not working.

Overall: not a good showing so far. I will play some more to see if it improves, but so far not impressed with the plot thought.

Real player with 9.2 hrs in game

Deadsiege on Steam