Warhammer 40,000: Mechanicus

Warhammer 40,000: Mechanicus

One of those few small indie 40k gems that really gets everything right. Gameplay is unique and fun, the mood and lore is 100% on point and the audio is some of the best that’s ever been. Really hoping for more games in this series, I’d love to see a greater variety of factions to fight and more intrigue in the future.

Real player with 90.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dungeon Crawler Turn-Based Tactics Games.

Not normally a fan of turn-based games. This, however, is an exception. It is so compelling in it’s atmosphere, sound design, and gameplay. The graphics are serviceable, but the art direction is immaculate; very true to the setting.

The story is not too notable, but the characters, and their interaction are well written. My only gripe is the difficulty for any of the default settings get pretty easy pretty quickly even on max difficulty. But, the difficulty is actually very customizable, from your starting resources, to perma-death, and weapon selection; so make it as difficult as you want.

Real player with 63.2 hrs in game

Warhammer 40,000: Mechanicus on Steam

Warhammer Quest

Warhammer Quest

It’s an OK game but sadly when I play this I can only see the wasted potential of what could have been and the way it could have expose to others the warhammer fantasy universe like the Warhammer Quest (which this game is based on), Warhammer Fantesy Battles wargame or the Warhammer Roleplaying Game.

This game is a basic dungeon crawler where you explore the dungeon and kill monsters in order to reach to the final room and receive some rewards like items, gold, items and experience.

The game fall short in the amount of the random events you may encounter while dungeons crawling and sadly most of those events have negative outcomes so you will most likely try to avoid them if you can.

Real player with 182.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dungeon Crawler Games Workshop Games.


A poor implementation of a great board game.

It’s fun at first, but the developers have managed to take a great board game and turn it into a grindfest. It’s as if they were trying to make a free-to-play money pit game. To pile insult onto injury, the PC version is a crappy port of the mobile version, with clunky, painful keyboard controls, no option for remapping keys, and a ton of unnecessary clicking.

Ways the Board Game is Superior

  • You don’t have the absurd equipment restrictions of only being able to equip/ready 12 items, and, even more stupidly, only four of each tier (there are no item tiers in the board game). Access to bandages and provisions is critical to surviving the board game early on, but access to them is artificially (and absurdly) limited in the video game.

Real player with 87.6 hrs in game

Warhammer Quest on Steam

Strike Team Hydra

Strike Team Hydra

70/100 Quite fun.. but challenging

Playthrough: 30-40 hours fun (Campaign + Special Missions)

Also, the Replay-value is quite high ^^

Want to feel like a Space Soldier ordered to fight Aliens? Yay, then this is YOUR game ;D

Similar to Demon´s Rise 1+2 the Developers used the underlying Engine and most Systems to create a SciFi environment, instead of the medieval theme before. I have to admit, now the game is more polished than in 2018 and aside some general flaws regarding general Comfort and Mission Briefing - this game is quite fun ^^

Real player with 53.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dungeon Crawler Action Games.

Yes, this is a phone port, but it has been well optimized for PC play. It is a simple version of an X-Com type of turn-based tactical shooter, RPG. It is a lot of fun. You can choose up to 6 team members from a field of 12 different types which each specialize in different weapons/tactics. There is a Team Leader, a Medic, a Melee Assassin expert, a Flame Thrower, a Shot Gun, a Space Marine, a Psi Ops, a Missle Launcher, a Small Tank, a Sniper, and a teleporting Cyborg.

There are 28 mission battles in the linear campaign, and an additional 20 special one-off missions that you can also fight between campaign battles. The tactical fights are on a space cruiser, so tight quarters in corridors and small rooms. You can use cover to hide behind and suppression fire. Don’t group your team (beware of grenades). Each team member has Morale, Action Points and Hit Points, special abilities, different weapon skills, etc.

Real player with 24.4 hrs in game

Strike Team Hydra on Steam