Broken Dungeon

Broken Dungeon

i Really like this game, its def worth it for the game play and fast updates to feed back gameplay video at 60fps 1080

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dungeon Crawler Action Games.

The game is set on a sturdy foundation but will need some time to smooth out the balancing. It took me a few minutes to get use to the Casual Mobs and they increasing got harder as the dungeon went on at a nice rate, but when i finally got to the boss i got my *** pushed in as a i was horded by mobs and the boss all at once. Ill give the fact i spent almost an hour in the Dungeon and the ‘Dungeon Master’ gets more resources as the time goes on; like the game states, “find a balance of exploration and speed”. The mobs became predictable and fairly easy to defeat without much threat of death, and expect it be similar to later Mobs. The map is extremely useful however there was a moment when the only unexplored area of the map was far beyond where i was currently at and the dread that i had to cross so far was demoralizing, whether that is a good sign or not is hard to tell. i wasn’t sure if i was upset i had to fight through more mobs or the fact i was so far from my goal with nothing more than a brisk walk and minor dash (perhaps a limited run or alternate form of movement not tied to combat). Over-all i rate the game a job well done and expect it to only get better. I will continue to play and hope to improve myself and get even further next time.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Broken Dungeon on Steam



This game is an extremely enjoyable, albeit very physical VR experience. There is a distinct ebb and flow to the combat this turn-based RPG provides, an element I was initially skeptical about. Having come from playing many VR titles with real time combat, I excepted a turn-based VR game to get tedious.

I was incorrect.

Your turn is spent selecting which of the eight abilities you can bring into battle you will use, determined by AP(action points), and expending them. You are free outside of battle to tailor your loadout at any time, providing the ability to incorporate new abilities on the fly, or tailor your kit for upcoming challenges. There is also melee combat which allows you to expend your health rather than your AP to attack, providing a way to mix up your choices in combat.

Real player with 56.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dungeon Crawler Action RPG Games.

A unique experience, one you would not expect from a VR game.

One of few VR games that run heavy against the VR trend of first-person EVERYTHING. Arcaxer plays like the third person RPG game with hawk-eye’s view. While there is the option to play through any part of the game in first-person, the hawk-eye’s view is an enjoyable experience, one reminiscent of watching a tabletop RPG playing out before you. Even the combat pays homage to classic RPG games. This is the only part of the game (to my knowledge) where you are limited to first-person perspective. The combat plays out with turn based systems similar to classic Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest. Unlike those classical RPG games, however, you’re never stuck waiting for your enemies' turns. You will duck and dodge and you weave through incoming attacks. You will swing your blade and literally throw spells as you strike down your foes. Combat is turn-based, how you play is not.

Real player with 8.9 hrs in game

Arcaxer on Steam

Cartridge Monsters

Cartridge Monsters

i love this game, for being a pokemon style game with mythical creature twist makes the game more enjoyable!, i played from start to finish and from the visual attacks to the BGM for the regular fights and the bosses is very enjoyable, plus the visuals wasn’t to overbearing to the eyes, so for players just getting into vr i would say this game would be a good start, with it’s go at your own pace story,to taking the time to grind your monsters, so it doesn’t make you feel rushed to beat the game. it also really gives you the time to see the hard work put into a simple but enjoyable vr game.

Real player with 29.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dungeon Crawler Turn-Based Combat Games.

The voice recognition was great the last time I played this. Instead of just saying “Earth Nova”, you could say “Earth Nova that b^#&*!” and it would still work.

Tip I wish I knew: You have to actually aim and hit stuff when shooting magic bullets. Shooting in the general direction of something won’t work if the bullet doesn’t actually hit it.

Real player with 8.3 hrs in game

Cartridge Monsters on Steam



Everslaught, what can I say, it’s a dream come true, so to speak, as far as fast games in VR are concerned. I don’t know of any other game that brings this speed of the popular fps genre to VR. You fight with sword, grappling hook and shotgun in constant combination and it works so smoothly that you feel like you’ve never done anything else.

The beginning of the game is very leisurely and familiarizes you with the controls. But one thing is immediately noticeable, you move fast, with dash even faster. Early on you get your first sword and try it out on the first enemies. These are some kind of zombies. There regular types which grab at you and larger ones wield axes. When you kill one you’ll get blood capsules, which become important later in the game. The combat system is not fully physics-based like perhaps in Hellsplit or Blade & Sorcery, but rather designed for fast, action-packed fps play.

Real player with 36.3 hrs in game

This caught my eye immediately, as a fan of Gunheart which ended up getting smooth locomotion+dash teleport+jumping… I have been craving an action title with competent traversal techniques, and I think this game delivers on that.

Here is a random list of details, some which are base mechanics which some might see as spoilers? You don’t start out with everything but I think that is just to give you a gradual introduction as to not overwhelm the player.


  • Smooth locomotion is mandatory, and it’s fast, which I enjoy but is likely not for everyone.

Real player with 34.7 hrs in game


Nock: Hidden Arrow

Nock: Hidden Arrow

**Update 2/9/17

Wow, I finally beat it! Talking about a feeling of accomplishment! The 3rd and final mission of the campaign takes skill and a bit of luck definitely won’t hurt. I got fed up after failing the “Not Another Wave Shooter” mission over 10 times in a row so I swallowed my pride and clicked the “Auto-finish current mission” only to find out it was the last mission. I couldn’t go out like that, so I decided I was going to beat it and about 5-6 tries later, I did. *Note/possible spoiler but not really, the waves are more or less random in this mission (regarding which enemies you face in a given wave) aside from the fact that the first wave is usually just one big orc or maybe 2 little goblins and the next waves will have more and/or bigger enemies to ramp up the difficulty each wave. If there’s a particular loadout on a wave like the 5th or 6th wave that you can’t beat, just try again and when you get back to that wave in the next try it might be different. Just, DON’T GIVE UP!

Real player with 7.5 hrs in game

I had fun despite how early along this game seems.

It’s a regular stealth-archery game. So far it is basically just sneaking down hallways and listening for goblins. You then distract them by throwing a ball and shoot them with a well-aimed arrow if they don’t see you, and panic if they do.


-Light arrows look AWESOME, although they could use a unique sound effect maybe

-Lighting design is creepy and effective

-Kills feel satisfying

-General scary feeling of not knowing what’s around every corner.

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

Nock: Hidden Arrow on Steam

Soul Scathe

Soul Scathe

Just spent a good hour on this last night fighting through the dungeons and i am really enjoying it so far. So there are some bugs as its in early access but the developer is extremely reactive to feedback and constantly updating. The combat feels very satisfying - its how you combine magic with melee and the environment! Overall i am looking forward to spending more time here! Playing this game on the Oculus Quest ( via Link)…the dark depths look great on the LED screens!

(update) So i have now spent 6 hours on this game and really enjoying the combat - love the lightening and electrical bolt ( electric slingshot), now have the axe and can decapitate my enemies…great fun!

Real player with 19.1 hrs in game

For a single dev game, Soul Scathe is quite impressive. I started playing this game close to when it first came out and the combat system and over all polish of the game has improved substantially. The game also provides a satisfying upgrade system. You collect gold and continue to level up as you make your way through the dungeons. You can allocate points toward different attributes choosing where to put your strengths. You can buy new weapons, spells, or potions with the gold you collect. As for the negative reviews mentioning the game being dead, the 2nd chapter was just released with new levels, enemies, and a new boss (I assume). The developer is also really responsive and addresses bugs, questions, etc.

Real player with 14.2 hrs in game

Soul Scathe on Steam

The Morrigan

The Morrigan

This has been a fantastic first free-movement VR game for me. I had some teething issues, but as a newbie in VR who last held a controller when D-pads were the only option I was expecting some issues.

I struggled to hit 90fps. I have a Reverb G2, it has a crazy high resolution and despite having an RTX3090 I was getting terrible performance. I don’t have a single game I can run at 100% resolution, so I was expecting to tweak that down a bit. It didn’t really help until I disabled anti-aliasing. With that off the game sprang into life. Anti-aliasing is almost a must for the older gen headsets, but with the sharp image on the G2 all it was doing was thrashing my GPU. This isn’t a fault with the game, they had to pick a sensible default, it’s just a bad option for G2 owners.

Real player with 12.4 hrs in game

My opinion of this game has gone back and forth. The Morrigan has serious issues with its VR implementation, but has a charm and approach of its own.

I loved the aesthetic.

The blocky, pixel dungeon graphics fit the game’s choices well. What’s more impressive is that many of the assets and characters come from the Unity Asset Store, but they’re woven together in such a unique way that doesn’t feel like cheap shovelware that you sometimes see using these assets.

Melee combat feels good and the initial selection of weapons is decent.

Real player with 11.3 hrs in game

The Morrigan on Steam

Operencia: The Stolen Sun

Operencia: The Stolen Sun

Operencia: The Stolen Sun

A beautiful dungeon crawler which requires regular inventory and character attribute changes to succeed.

First Impressions🤔

The game looks and sounds wonderful with colourful backgrounds and a haunting melody playing throughout. Voice acting ranges from okay to excellent and special effect noises are loud, brash and attention seeking. It all culminates into quite an exciting experience.

Perseverance is needed as some battles almost appear impossible at first but you’ll need to think about your enemy’s strengths and weaknesses and tailor your team to win. Your party is customizable throughout the game and the line up can be changed also. You’ll be able to equip different items, potions, special skills and reassign your skill tree and attribute points. I spent quite a lot of time configuring characters to try and beat bosses. Some boss battles took me numerous attempts to win. It feels very rewarding to finally beat an opponent.

Real player with 78.7 hrs in game

“Alas, some buried treasure!”

This game starts off in promising fashion with a well put together tutorial that has you playing a party of highly experienced characters through a short adventure so you can get a bit of background to the game and familiarise yourself with the controls and gameplay. You then roll up your own character, choosing from either warrior, hunter or mage classes, and after a short intro, find yourself exploring a mythical sunken castle. You find your first companion quite early in the game and at this point, the game is quite enjoyable. The Hungarian lore of the game is interesting and refreshingly different, combat is well balanced, the level design and hand drawn cut scenes are nice and colourful and wonderful to look at, and the game looks like a well polished product. However, by the time you reach the third main area in the game (the Deva Fortress), the difficulty seems to take a tremendous spike with some ridiculously tough opponents, and you then start really noticing how bad this game’s combat mechanics are. I tried two playthroughs, firstly as a warrior and then as a mage. The mage I found could do better AOE damage but was flimsier than a wet paper bag. Regardless, I gave up with both at the Deva Fortress as the combat was just getting too frustrating.

Real player with 73.7 hrs in game

Operencia: The Stolen Sun on Steam

Welcome to Graymount

Welcome to Graymount

WELCOME TO GRAYMOUNT is a narrative VR action-adventure game using advanced locomotion mechanics set on the bleak island of Graymount.

Featuring “push-forward” combat, movement, wall-running, and jumping, Graymount encourages players to explore each area in creative ways.

Please note that Welcome to Graymount requires the ability to turn a full 360 degrees.

  • THE STORY: After the murder of her partner, magician Madeline Blanchard is summoned to the mysterious city of Graymount. Using smoke, mirrors, parkour, and a collection of experimental abilities, discover your greater purpose at the “City on the Rock…”

  • THE ISLAND: Isolated from the “mainlanders” after a series of experiments gone wrong, the mutated and infected people of graymount were forced to retreat to tunnels inside the rocky base of the mount, constantly monitored by the watchful eye of Overlord Harlan Douglas…

  • THE COMBAT: Graymount features engaging gunplay in increasingly difficult scenarios and environments. Overtake the citizens of Graymount who want you dead with a collection of melee weapons.


    MidnightCoffee Inc. is a small indie game studio started and operated by Judah Mantell, a professional magician and game design teacher. Graymount also features a fantastic new soundtrack from breakout composer Eli Mantell.

Welcome to Graymount on Steam




ZIX is a multiplayer roguelike adventure VR game where you and some friends will team up to bring forth chaos across the lands with a variety of unique abilities available at any moment, and random chaotic augments you can find that will vastly change each run, creating new synergies that you can execute with a fluid physics based movement system, collecting blood and bringing it back to the Obelisk to destroy order and make your powers stronger.

Spread the will of ZIX across lands tarnished by order with your friends

Traverse lands using fluid motion, to reveal secrets hidden to those that lack the agency and skill that chaos provides.

Use the powers gained by letting chaos into your heart execute incredible displays of synergistic destruction.

Increase chaos to influence the multiverse to become more and more chaotic, unleashing new ways to wreak havoc across the lands!

ZIX on Steam