Dudes on a Map: Virtual Grid Paper

Dudes on a Map: Virtual Grid Paper

I can’t say enough about how great this tool is for helping with running my game! It’s simple to pick up and start playing with, without having to study tutorial videos. Easily import your own maps in jpeg form, and you’re on your way to having a great time with friends. There are some ‘fancy’ features, like having 2 different types of fog (one standard and one for secret areas you don’t want to accidentally reveal), marking up areas of effect, initiative tracker, add in your own monster/NPC tokens, and a dice roller (with the option of using symbol dice for different game systems). While these are great, you don’t need to use them if you don’t want to. I tired of trying to learn how to use other systems, and my experience of using dudes has convinced me that I don’t need to while still having a great time with my friends.

Real player with 241.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dungeon Crawler Tabletop Games.

Been playing since the earliest Alpha releases. Also, for respectful reasons of this review, I did not get it for free but I am close to the creator so, anyone reading this, perhaps you’ll feel that there’s bias BUT, I will happily preface it at the top here first.

Dudes On A Map, for me, can be described as the easiest non-tech proficient program for playing RPG’s online with your friends. While some may say “Scoff, there’s not nearly as many tools and all these bells and all those whistles.” I would reply to them “Good, I don’t want all that and, to be honest, I don’t want to take a small 101 course just to get my games running.”

Real player with 125.0 hrs in game

Dudes on a Map: Virtual Grid Paper on Steam



I use this regularly to stream tabletop stuff on Twitch and it works GREAT. If you want something more immersive than the prevalent 2D platforms, YAG really has a lot to offer. Your players can go First Person, Third Person, or even top down if they want. Flexibility and the already multiple updates are just two of the perks offered by using YAG.

It does take some additional prep on the front end from your GM building out your maps, but once they are built you can save them. The good news is you can make massive changes with the very easy to use terrain tools. I personally think it’s a fair trade off for the level of immersion.

Real player with 681.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dungeon Crawler Indie Games.

Bloody amazing. Its a dream so far, needs work but yeah, this is the best map building starting point for dnd or any board game so far!

Keep it up with updates and i expect we will all have this soon!

Real player with 123.1 hrs in game

Yag on Steam