

Good game even if I don’t really like the music.

  • The game was fun

  • It got hard

  • Then I decided to slow down and learn the strategies

  • Could continue and game got even better

Real player with 23.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dungeon Crawler Arcade Games.

Review updated to better reflect the developer’s efforts

RoboPhobik is a decidedly basic overhead shooter with a sprinkling of features found in other genres. You play as one of several characters as you traverse a city populated by robots to rescue other humans and defeat the big boss PAL 9000. While interesting in concept, the execution is not the best and some features are rather basic. I think the best comparison is to certain games from the rogue-lite genre, specifically the indie game Dungeons of Dredmor or like Azure Dreams from the PS1, though this game does not feature the typical feature of losing all–or nearly all–progress when you die.

Real player with 19.6 hrs in game

RoboPhobik on Steam

Conception II: Children of the Seven Stars

Conception II: Children of the Seven Stars

So basically, this is a slightly naughtier Persona 3.

You’re a kid in an academy with specials powers, although in this game there is no separate reality, it’s all taking place in the same world so everyone knows about it, in fact it’s what your academy is for.

You bond with the ladies, you make star children with them and you go into very Persona style dungeons and kill things until you meet a boss that beats that dungeon. There is no sex in this game although the cutscene for making star children is pretty suggestive. It’s not that type of game if that’s what you’re here for.

Real player with 162.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dungeon Crawler Anime Games.

Child Factory 101

! its called Conception, what are you expecting?!

You are Gods Gift and have the ability to mate with every girl. By Classmating you produce with your Harem waifus an army of class specialized children to fight along with you to conquer new harem contender.

You don’t like one of your children? Dismiss it and make a better one with your new favourite waifu or with two waifus at the same time via Tri-Mating! Sometimes one of your Children you kicked out of the house will come back to visit her daddy and give you a bit of her hard-earned money she got while surviving the harsh world alone, but the only thing which will come to your mind is “WHO THE HELL IS KiKi?!"

Real player with 82.9 hrs in game

Conception II: Children of the Seven Stars on Steam

Mary Skelter: Nightmares

Mary Skelter: Nightmares

mary skelter: nightmares is a first person dungeon crawler jrpg that takes place inside of the jail, an enormous living organism that appeared out of nowhere one day and swallowed an entire city, mimicking it in the proccess. players assume the role of jack, a boy in his late teens who, after being rescued from one of the cells of the jail with his childhood friend alice, joins the dawn, a mysterious organization that aims to escape the jail.

jack, however, cannot fight the marchens, the monsters that inhabit the jail; the only ones capable of doing so are girls called blood maidens, who possess mysteryous super powers (and, like jack, are based on characters from fairy tales). alice, needless to say, is a blood maiden, as is red riding hood, the girl that rescues them at the beginning of the game; the other ones are: snow white, sleeping beauty, cinderella, rapunzel, gretel, kaguya, thumbelina and hameln.

Real player with 209.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dungeon Crawler Anime Games.

Ayt so since I’m very close to 100% in this game I guess now is the best time to leave a review. If you were looking for a number rating It’s a 9/10 for me :)


This game is a First Person Dungeon Crawling RPG. Unique things in this game include the ability to “de level” your charcters to be able to switch builds also gaining bonus skill points by doing so (or if you devolve enough you can build characters with every skill they can learn)

Each character has their own job lines that locks them into a certain range of flexibility but how you use the classes are generally up to you since you can just add skills from other jobs in the line to your current class. This kind of makes each character have their own “role” that dosent feel too restrictive at the same time. There are 10 playable characters and 5 job lines so when you get all of them you may double down on a certain job line.

Real player with 143.6 hrs in game

Mary Skelter: Nightmares on Steam



This game is the beginning of a new epic, in the short 16 hours I have played it all I can think about is where this story could go, and where it will take me. Playing the base game was immersive and wholesome to say the least. From reuniting a family of strong warriors to fending off a tyrannical empire, it is a rollercoaster of emotions that leaves you wanting another ride time and time again. And thus, Plus Mode offers to suffice until the next leg of the journey is developed. With new loot, harder bosses, and a dense lore to dissect. I can not wait to begin another adventure with these lovable characters and delightful soundtracks.

Real player with 51.9 hrs in game

Excellent RPG with heavy influences from old school JRPGs such as Breath of Fire, Final Fantasy, Suikoden and more. It pays homage to the games that inspired it but never gets too heavy handed with the tropes. Pixel art is excellent and the world is beautiful and alive. The combat system is standard RPG fare and is smooth and accessible to the player.

Only issues would be to make sure you have an SSD because I suffered major framerate drops because of my HDD loading speeds. However, this did not impact my review of the game. It was still playable.

Real player with 38.0 hrs in game

Familia on Steam

Magical Diary: Wolf Hall

Magical Diary: Wolf Hall

First and foremost I’ll state that I’m giving a thumbs up mostly because, if you’re a fan of the genre, then this game offers pretty much all that you may want from it: writting is solid, art looks great, and there’s all kinds of romance and drama for anything you might fancy.

That being said, I personally feel slightly disappointed.

For starters, events that are hinted at in certain routes as being relevant for others end up being a non-issue once you get there

! - the best example being how Kyo is pretty much absent through Minnie’s route save for a couple of dirty looks-, or how certain events that feel like they’ll have some impact end up being irrelevant

! -when you convince Minnie to talk to the professors about Kyo during Barbara’s route, it is never brought up again, we don’t get to know if he gets some sort of punishment-. There’s also the fact that certain choices seem to have pretty much zero impact on the development of your relationships and serve only to give you two or three different lines, which is okay with small dialogue options on minor events, but it’s not okay during a big emotional scene.

Real player with 60.5 hrs in game

Magical Diary Horse hall was an amazing game about attending a magic school, and also an adorable dating simulator. I’ve been waiting years for the sequel, so my expectations were sky high. I backed the Kickstarter with incredible excitement. I’m happy to say Wolf Hall lived up to all my expectations.

The game takes everything in the Magical Diary formula and expands upon it - it’s essentially a retelling of the first game’s school year from a completely different protagonist’s point of view. The game also very much continues the first game’s queer-positivity, female-positivity, and sex-positivity.

Real player with 50.6 hrs in game

Magical Diary: Wolf Hall on Steam

Queen Of Thieves

Queen Of Thieves

Now let me start off by saying I am a huge fan of this genre (visual novel w/ RPG elements) and of the developer, Winter Wolves. However, I cannot recommend anyone this game unless it is on sale. It seems that as the developer starts chugging out more games per year, the quality of them keeps dropping. None of his latter installments can stand up to the original Loren The Amazon Princess.


_Artwork (decent; not as good as previous games)

_Good soundtrack

_Diverse and distinctive characters.

Real player with 34.9 hrs in game

The interface is confusing, but it’s a good game once you figure it out.

Important notes:

You can select the type of heist (from the start) by pressing on the things that don’t look like buttons at all, this lets you take more challenging missions and level up faster.

The weapon comparisons are a little hard to read, but all the weapons are basically equal so it’s just up to your fighting style.

Another non-obvious thing is that you can remove gems from clothes.

And finally the story is a bit “much” with everyone wanting to do “it” with everyone else at the drop of a hat, but if you can get over that, it’s quite fun.

Real player with 27.2 hrs in game

Queen Of Thieves on Steam

Boyfriend Dungeon

Boyfriend Dungeon


I really want to highly recommend this game but the reasons I’m about to go into, I can’t. I would, however, say get this game if you like a short but pretty ok dungeoncrawler one shot.



  • Dungeoncrawling aspect done well

  • Beautiful art, beautiful characters

  • Diverse cast

  • Interesting characters


  • Shallow glimpses into the characters and finishes right as you start to care

  • No replay motivation (save for wanting to see dialogue)

  • Only 1 female dating option

Real player with 14.8 hrs in game

“We’re just too hot for this old rickety thing to handle."

Verona Beach – a chill place to spend the summer. Especially in a rent-free apartment previously occupied by your cousin. Kind of him to offer you the space, even if he’s one of the most obnoxious and interfering people you’ll ever meet. But hey, families – can’t pick ‘em.

But you can pick lovers, and that’s part of the reason you’re here. See, you’ve never had a date. Not even once. Your cousin, under some duress from your mother, has been assigned your wingman, but it won’t be long before you’re able to make connections at your own pace.

Real player with 13.1 hrs in game

Boyfriend Dungeon on Steam

Cardful Planning

Cardful Planning

A fun puzzle game with a dash of metroidvania. It might not be the longest game ever made but it sure is fun. A speed run and least deaths mode also add to the replay value if you want to challenge yourself or others buy topping the leaderboards.

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

Enjoy your puzzle platformers, check out Cardful Planning! Feels like it’s missing some culmination levels at the end but the dev’s looking into adding those. In the meantime, there’s already 50+ challenging levels and three game modes to get the most out of them.

Cardful Planning is an exciting little puzzle platformer that features four key abilities, 50+ levels, and three game modes that really add to replayability. Challenging and cleverly designed

For more niche curation, follow me at:

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

Cardful Planning on Steam

Lotharus - Bacon, Ale & Repeat

Lotharus - Bacon, Ale & Repeat


I’ve been playing this game for a while and I gotta say, it’s a lot of fun!

The story, while sometimes quite silly, is well thought out and interesting keeping me engaged and excited to play more.

I was given this game to play on my YouTube channel but I would definitely have paid for it.

Lotharus is an amusing RPG, the art is well done, the battles are a great challenge but not too difficult, the level layout is well planned with plenty of secrets lying around (make sure you explore!) and there are good puzzles with cool, different mechanics as well.

Real player with 15.6 hrs in game


I am from Reviews by Supersven, I have played this game and decided tha this game is totally worth it!

This is a Zelda-Like game where you visit dungeons and collect orbs to face the final boss!

Full of humor, nonsense and adult jokes!

A full review wil be aired soon but you can watch me play this game here!

Real player with 14.3 hrs in game

Lotharus - Bacon, Ale & Repeat on Steam

The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel

The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel

The Legend Of Heroes Trails Of Cold Steel I

-Background Summary-

Trails Of Cold Steel I/Sen No Kiseki I Is the 6th installment of Nihon Falcom’s Legend of Heroes Trails series, it is a new tale set in the Erebonian Empire in the western side of the continent of Zemuria.

It tells the story of our protagonist Rean Schwarzer and his classmates of Class VII. Group of nine students composed of nobles and commoners alike who are compatible and proficient of using the ARCUS - newly tested technology made for using coordination links, which are said to enhance and revolutionize the way wars are being fought. After being put to the test in an ordeal in an ancient old school building by their charming instructor - Sara Valestein, Class VII

Real player with 375.6 hrs in game

||This is a spoiler free “review” and this is a long review||

I’ve long reached the point where I can no longer properly articulate how special Trails of Cold Steel is to me.

I’ve been gaming all my life and after playing Cold Steel 1+2 it’s hit me that no other game will ever surpass the joy and emotion I got from playing these two games. This is not a thing that I ever thought would happen to me nor did I expect something that melodramatic to happen to me, but I am confident in saying that these will remain my favorite games of all time.

Real player with 165.1 hrs in game

The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel on Steam