Portal Dungeon: Goblin Escape

Portal Dungeon: Goblin Escape

Sorry goblin fans, this goblin is adequate at best.

  • It’s dumb and simple enough to be the kind of inbetween game with nearly no story you can play on a “I want to click and not think at all.” break.

It’s literally just “click to break or attack objects” the game.

  • The goblin’s design is funny since his head looks like a dragon’s.
  • The music is generic and forgettable, seriously just mute it and pick your own music in the background.

  • The sound balance is terrible because the music can be at least adequately hearable. However, the sound effects are incredibly quiet by comparison.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dungeon Crawler Action Games.

Portal Dungeon: Goblin Escape on Steam

1428: Shadows over Silesia

1428: Shadows over Silesia

Shadows over Silesia is a dark action adventure game with fantasy elements, set in real medieval Europe. With true historical events in the background, you can mainly expect challenging puzzles and difficult battles, but also stealth passages and important decisions. You will come across possessed devil worshipers, sexual demons, and beasts from hell, as well as creatures well-known from European mythology.

Dark fantasy story

Europe is in the middle of religious upheaval and many preachers predict that the end of the world is near. The year is 1428 and the Hussites have just set out on their Silesian campaign. These heretics appear to be the biggest threat in the kingless country. But true evil of a completely different kind is lurking nearby and it does not intend to engage in religious disputes.

The game is linear and takes place during the entire Hussite campaign. It will be divided into thirteen chapters, with which you will be able to spend about 30 hours of playtime. You will experience everything from the point of view of the two main characters. Hynek, a grumpy Hussite hetman who doesn’t hesitate to swear or mess around with anything, and Lothar, a Hospitaller knight, a man of good education and manners who stands alongside his brethren in the front line of the Silesian defense. Each has their own motivations and views of the world around them, different equipment and abilities. Their fates will soon become intertwined. Will they face one another, weapon in hand, or forge a fragile alliance to stand shoulder to shoulder against a far worse enemy?

Isometric graphics

The graphics are inspired by classic RPG games. They are isometric, stylized, and a bit fairytale-like. The action often takes place underground, in the rain, or at night, which serves to amplify the dark atmosphere and focus, which is mostly placed on the contrast of light and shadow.

Challenging puzzles

The original puzzles you will come across on your dangerous journey will most definitely be challenging. Classic adventure games of the 1990s were a big inspiration. You will have to take advantage of your surroundings, look for objects, obtain information, and solve puzzles or encoded messages. Some problems can be solved in multiple ways, or they can be cleverly worked around.

Sneaking in the shadows

Sometimes you’ll have to blend into the shadows and sneak past enemies to avoid being detected. Following their patrol routes and habits will help you find the best path. Or you can try to quietly take them out, one by one.

Complex combat

The combat system is easy to understand but it takes practice to fully master it. Remember one thing: being outnumbered is a problem! If three or more opponents attack you at the same time, you will die! The key is to take advantage of their mistakes, wait for the right moment, and then attack. You will face not just knights, villagers, and robbers, but also various supernatural beings - and you shouldn’t underestimate them.

Diverse environments

During the game, you will move around on foot as well as in the saddle. You will visit various real as well as fictitious places in medieval Silesia. You will plunder villages, doggedly defend the city walls, and explore places such as secret dungeons, abandoned mines, or forbidden parts of monasteries. For example, you can look forward to visiting Röwersdorf, Nysa, the Brzeg monastery, or the Rabesberg castle.

Hidden coins

You will have the opportunity to search for two kinds of hidden coins. Only the best of the best will be able to collect them all. Not only will you fill your wallet with them and unlock unique achievements, but you can also occasionally use them to progress through the story.

Read More: Best Dungeon Crawler Indie Games.

1428: Shadows over Silesia on Steam

Dungeon of Trials

Dungeon of Trials

Fun and nice game that still needs more development, but I’ll thumbs up anyway for its price and because we can see how much love and effort creators have put into it. I must mention though, I’ve refunded since it was glitchy (a bunch of blue lines in between tiles) and for some other small stuff that imo should be in the game from the start: options in menu to go fullscreen or even to exit game are non existent, and the guild improvement menu is lame - you have to enter each option just to learn what it is and how much it costs.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dungeon Crawler Singleplayer Games.

STORY: 10/20

You have been given charge of a guild, a poor guild that needs funds and building up. You delve deep into dungeons and dark caves to explore for treasures and gold, so you are able to make your guild the greatest guild there is.

You get a little story at the beginning of the game, and that’s about it. I did not come across any cutscenes or anything whilst roaming areas to bring you, the player, into the world more, shame really. I think the devs really need to revisit this aspect.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Dungeon of Trials on Steam

Plague Infection

Plague Infection

Lucky me has the dubious honour of being the first to review Plague Infection, one of the latest asset flip fake games from ImperiumGame.

Plague Infection is another GameMaker Studio asset flip from serial copy+paste infringers, ImperiumGame. All these guys do is rip off game templates and projects from the Yoyogames/GameMaker Studio store, change the name and a few cosmetic details, and try to scam people into paying for someone else’s work on Steam. They have run asset flip scams dozens of times, and this is no exception. It’s nothing but a cash grab.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Plague Infection on Steam

Pocket Mina

Pocket Mina


The story is about heroine trying to find a cure for an unknown disease. This game was made with RMXP. It has J-RPG Turn-Based Battle with unique Custom Script. Gameplay will mainly focus on battle enemy by using items.


One upon a time there is an ever peaceful village. But one night, it’s been invaded by monsters. Bringing an unknown disease to the villager. The legend says “Meradic Herb” which growth far away can be used to cure this disease. Despise what seems to be dangerous, the heroine ultimately decides to go there to find a way to help everyone.


  • Item Synergy – You need to rely on using items to perform any traditional command-based JRPG battle such as normal attack and skills. If you run out of certain items, you will be unable to perform certain actions. Twist it a bit with Tech Upgrade to come up with difference effects out of the same type of items.

  • Familiar Partner – In this game, you’re alone. But you can choose to have an A.I. Partner traveling with you. In which you can indirectly command it. You can also use cooperate action for a greater damage or ask it to stay in defend stance.

  • Defend Break – You convert half of your receiving damage to your defend command. Which you can unleash it back to your enemy while performing defend (defend quarter damage received). Your limit depends on your DEF value.

  • Guarantee Escape – Escape command in this game is guaranteed to have 100% success rate. You can opt out of battle anytime you desire.

  • Aggressive Ailment – When you use your ailment, it will always have a high success rate at 95%. While if the enemy uses it, the success rate is kept at a lower, default rate. So understanding each ailment, stocking item and using it. At the right enemy and at the right time is also an important aspect of the game. Especially in later area.

  • Difficulty Selection – Aside from Hard Mode is harder. Hard Mode requires a different approach in order to win. Due to certain structures of the game, you can’t rely on what’s work in Normal Mode.

Pocket Mina on Steam



Shackled is the type of game that is entirely driven by the player’s willingness dive deeper into the world and uncover its mysteries. If you want to try and speed run the game without learning much about the world around you, you can with much greater difficulty than if you were to involve yourself in all of the side quests, strategic resetting, and world exploration to beef up your character.

Speaking of involving yourself, Shackled has tens of hours of content for a player who is looking to get the full experience per storyline (good, neutral, evil). The multitude of character interactions, environments, and quests questions your character’s intended purpose in the world and how much choice you truly have. Further lore tidbits are scattered around the world and require effort to both find and decode to understand the full story.

Real player with 7.7 hrs in game

Shackled has a lot to offer and is meant to be played several times to find all of the secrets and follow each path of the story. The game is tough and encourages you to find new ways to speed up and improve your character before continuing on to the next level. There are plenty of spells to use, each help out and allow you to adapt a run to a certain play style.

I tested this game during its development which is why I received a free copy

Real player with 6.1 hrs in game

Shackled on Steam



Exanima has, over the years, become one of my favorite games on Steam. I have come back to it over and over to get another hit of physics based medieval combat. The very small development team has continued to add content, improve physics, and craft their very unique vision over the years with consistency and quality. I think it’s important to mention that Exanima was intended initially as a testing ground and means of funding for another game that they plan on making. Since then the developers have focused on making Exanima its own game with the added benefit of everything they add here being applicable to the creation of their other game.

Real player with 408.0 hrs in game

It’s funny to see people complain about the game being dead when the devs make weekly progress reports and the beta is updated regularly. And you can even talk with the lead dev in the discord! Most EA games aren’t this transparent. I’ve been following this game for years, and it’s come a long way. There’s a small but dedicated team behind it. When an update comes out of beta, it’s bug free. And for just $15, you get a game unlike any other. IDK, game good. :)

Real player with 274.0 hrs in game

Exanima on Steam



It’s free, give it a shot! However, there are so many alternatives in this genre that are well established titles and also free or next to free that I would give Divilixa a lot longer in development before committing serious time to it.


Some feedback:

  • Make it so that the player can just hold the left mouse button down to attack instead of clicking over and over

  • Take a little time to edit the models so that there isn’t a white background to the player character and enemies (it looks like everything was drawn on Post-It notes, scanned, and uploaded into the game)

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game


fast game with modern day graphics with easy controls that moves from location A to B to C and so on,

good game.

Personal Suggested Purchase Price: NA (Free To Play)

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Divilixa on Steam

Rogue Summoner

Rogue Summoner

Fun game, not for everyone and often quite unforgiving but something fresh and new.

It’s a combination of a Roguelike and a creature game, which is unusual in itself, but rather than command them, they act based on pre decided abilities and behaviours and where you place them, though you are shown a lot of what might happen on a turn. There is some trial and error as you learn the creatures abilities, but it’s very satisfying when it all comes together. And the guide iIve just made tells you what all the creatures do so there is that.

Real player with 113.4 hrs in game



WHAT TO EXPECT: Combination of planning and strategy. Limited tactical assets and resources. Dungeon crawler. Roguelike elements. Procedurally generated rooms. Hands-off, auto-chess style, turn-based combat. Limited polygon graphic-style. 9 dungeons. 40 summonable creatures, half-dozen potions and rune spells. Immersive soundtrack. Singleplayer only.



Real player with 61.3 hrs in game

Rogue Summoner on Steam

Dungeons and Kingdoms

Dungeons and Kingdoms

The Dwarven Sons of Ivaldi have reclaimed the mountain and begun their quest to forge masterpieces for the Gods.

When you learned of this, you struck out with your family, leaving the safety of the human kingdom to venture into the wilds to settle and establish trade with the Dwarves.

There you begin to grow your community from a tiny village into your own mighty Kingdom.

Assemble a party of heroes and begin your adventure into the unknown seeking treasure, fortune, and fame.

Dungeons and Kingdoms is a combination of city building and small party questing adventures.


  • Modular building - Hundreds of modular building pieces available, build entirely custom structures and layouts piece by piece

  • Build Plans - You act as the build planner by placing all the pieces and build up modular buildings, then begin construction. Those build plans pass to the job system to be constructed by your workers. You can have many build plans in construction at the same time.

  • Full Preview - Build plans allow you to see what your buildings will look like fully connected and rendered in game. Your workers will only act on them when you start construction. You can cancel construction at no cost, so you can attempt endless Build Plans until you like what you see.

  • Edit buildings - Once placed and built, all building pieces can be removed or added allowing no end to how you customize and evolve your world

  • Assign Builder - Assign anyone for basic construction (fire pits, wood fencing etc) up to master builders for epic monuments and castles

  • Decorate - Hundreds of items available to decorate and furnish your kingdom


  • Save Build Plan as Blueprint - Start placing items as a build plan. When you have a collection of pieces you want to re-use (like a small house, or a smith) you can save the current build plan as a Blueprint. This allows you to place the entire Blueprint as a single building piece later, over and over.

  • Everything with Blueprints - You can use the Build Plan feature simply as a way to make many different Blueprints. Make a Build Plan, save as a new Blueprint, then Cancel the original Build Plan.

Tera forming

  • Excavate - Dig trenches and moats

  • Tunnel - Mine deep underground, building networks of mining cart tracks setting up functional production lines

  • Landscaping - Lower, raise or flatten the ground to customize the terrain for your kingdom

Grow Your Kingdom

  • Attract People - Either through increased wealth and prosperity, or great deeds by your heroes

  • Hire Specialists - Send word back to the neighboring kingdoms about specialty positions you need to hire

  • Trading - Negotiate trade with the local Dwarven city. Focus your early growth on what they need, trade for what you need, or what you can trade with other Kingdoms.

Manage Your Kingdom

  • Production - From peasants gathering mushrooms and berries to master masons sculpting great statues, assign your population to jobs to increase their skill.

  • Training - People will learn and improve at whatever job you assign them to, or send them off to other Kingdoms to learn special skills to bring back to your city.

  • Smart AI - While some of your people may not be geniuses, they are smart enough to go to work when something needs to be done. In other words, you don’t have to worry about getting bogged down micro managing everyone. You can be as involved as you want to be, but the more work you put in to managing your Kingdom, the more effective your population will be.


  • Risk - Outside the safety of city walls, the world is dangerous. From wild animals and other creatures, to bandits, and tribes of Orcs… or worse!

  • Economy and Production - Starting small, balance your growth with the available resources and trading partners to ensure your people survive

  • Defend - The more you have, the more others will want to take it. Building and maintaining defenses may make the difference between life and death.


  • Heroes - While most of your population will be regular people with jobs, you may attract, hire, or train up legendary heroes. Take your party of heroes on adventures and quests while leaving your kingdom to be run by the local council, or send your heroes out on their own.

  • Encounter Areas - The main map is for building your sprawling kingdom. Learn through rumors about quests where you assemble a party of heroes to adventure out into the wild including dungeons, over-world swamps and forests, crypts and other deadly lairs.

Play as Anyone

  • Perspective - All play modes are in either First or Third person

  • Variety - Your main character is the leader of your town, with the goal of eventually becoming a great ruler. You can also switch between any character in your Kingdom. Each character has their own unique skills and traits, training level, and inventory.

  • Skill - When you directly control a character, you may be able to increase that character’s production beyond their automated skill level by doing jobs manually

  • Automation - Perhaps you leave control of your city to your people and focus on adventures as one of your Kingdoms great heroes.


  • Weapons - Many different weapons to craft, buy, or loot, including swords, maces, hammers, axes, bows, crossbows, and several specialized weapons with many custom animations and sounds.

  • Custom Smithing - Either attract or train a smith of high enough skill, and build your own custom weapons with unique stats

  • Enemies - From neighboring enemy tribes of Orcs, to many different creatures and monsters ensures a diverse range of combat tactics and experience.

Sandbox Mode

Sandbox mode available - build anything you want without restriction or having to worry about resources, money, or dangers.

Dungeons and Kingdoms on Steam