

A hack and slash action adventure, set in a fantasy pixel art environment. With amazing music composed by Two Feathers, plus the Online Multiplayer Co-op Adventure, this game hands down is one of my favorite pixelated dungeon crawler still to this date!

IMPORTANT: This is more of a informational review that won’t be going into the game-play.

There are now two campaigns that you can play-through in this game.

Castle HammerWatch: The first and original campaign. Recommended to playthrough at least once before moving on to other campaigns

Real player with 203.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dungeon Crawler Action Games.

Hammerwatch is an excellent Gauntlet-style game with very clever level design and its own interesting mechanics.

The game offers two main campaigns for roughly 10 to 15 hours of gameplay combined, 6 playable classes with their own gameplay style, a couple extra maps (survival and defense), as well as a variety of crutches and handicaps to ease or spice up your game.

There also is a level editor and Workshop support for custom campaigns for additional hours of gameplay. I must admit I was expecting a little more maps than what is available right now, but most of the ones available are top-quality and very creative.

Real player with 84.7 hrs in game

Hammerwatch on Steam

Pursuit of the Bookkeeper

Pursuit of the Bookkeeper

Roguelike game with an unique spell casting system.

To cast spells player has to block his line of sight with his spellbook, but the enemies won’t wait politely for you to do it, so you need to treat each fight as a test of your tactical skills, especially later in game when you face bosses and groups of different enemies.

Randomly generated dungeons - each time you decide to go into the deeps, a different computer-generated map awaits you. Every level has a staircase leading deeper. The further you go, the more enemies there are to challenge you.

Gather money to trade with the Merchant - he sells spellbooks and keys, which allow you to start from a corresponding type of dungeon. Merchant can be met randomly throughout your adventures.

Fight powerful bosses - each for a given dungeon type, they spawn randomly below the first level of the dungeon. If you reach level 20 you’ll meet The Bookkeeper.

Dungeons are dangerous! Beware of traps and don’t forget to find some food to survive in the depths.

Good luck young wizard. Make haste, the Bookkeeper must be stopped!

Read More: Best Dungeon Crawler Magic Games.

Pursuit of the Bookkeeper on Steam

So Much Blood

So Much Blood

So Much Blood shows the potential of being a good game. It’s certainly not a lemon by any means. However, the flaws in the game, both fundamental and game design choices, make it a game that only genre fanatics will enjoy. The mass appeal wears off very quickly especially because you are limited to horizontal shooting and the procedurally generated rooms are too repetitive. There is, however, so much blood.


For a more comprehensive review of So Much Blood please visit Gamephasis . Please feel free to join our Steam group

Real player with 20.2 hrs in game

The first time I started the game, the first thing that hit me is the music. The music is good. The game is addicting, I’ve played for one hour straight and didn’t stop. The levels or stages have different feels to them. All the bosses are fun to try to beat. (Then lose all the lives) When you die you don’t lose everything, (ex. points) whick makes it feel like every life lost has did somthing good for me. The shop is done extremely well. It’s easy to navigate.

The music gets old quickly but you can easily turn it off and play your own music. The level design is bland. However since the levels are randomly generated, there is always a new level every time you start a new game.

Real player with 9.1 hrs in game

So Much Blood on Steam

The Dungeon Paradox

The Dungeon Paradox

I purchased this Early Access of Dungeon Paradox for $15 because i saw a video on YouTube with upcoming Turn Based Tactic Games and they had the trailer to this game so i was very intrigued. I am in my late 50’s and my first dungeon game i played was Wizardry 1 on a 48K Apple Computer back in the early 80’s and this game stole alot of hours of my life. Followed by Ultima and then the FTL Games “Dungeon Master & Chaos Strike Back” on a Amiga. Now its years later and many Dungeon games later this game peaked my interest. It brings back the old flavor of Turn Based Dungeon Crawler but with a Tactical Turn Based Maneuvers, I am glad i purchased this game and cant wait for it be finished. looking forward to see how they develop the combat system further and how the Ai on the advanced monsters will look also.

Real player with 21.3 hrs in game

An interesting take on Modern vs Fantasy.

Think of Breach and Clear meets D&D.

Though there isn’t much as of the current version, if you like the concept. Wishlist it.

Real player with 12.3 hrs in game

The Dungeon Paradox on Steam



Galdur features sprawling procedurally generated dungeons, a top-down fast paced twin-stick combat and spell crafting. It’s akin to a roguelike except it features progression in the form of expanding your spell crafting capabilities to craft a vast array of spells and by obtaining new passive abilities that synergize with your builds.

I can’t promise more detailed features just yet as the game is not close enough to release.


Galdur on Steam

Legend of Grimrock

Legend of Grimrock

I just finished the game and I can’t say I really loved it. It has good and bad sides. Overall though, it was mostly bad. I will still recommend this game because I might just be getting too old for this type of game. I was curious and once I started I just had to finish it but it was mostly not fun to finish. More like a chore.

I felt that the game was difficult, even on normal. Luckily, you can save in the middle of a battle and the game persists the HP of the monster you are fighting. So you can abuse this. The game did not reward me for being patient and efficient. In the end, I had tons of potions but never really had time to use them. I also had tons of bombs but similarily, the action was too fast for me to really make use of them. I am saying this because this is an ARPG. ACTION role playing game. You need to click fast on your screen to be good. There are no hotkeys to attack or cast spells - on purpose - and combat is real time.

Real player with 60.0 hrs in game

Grimrock plays like Eye of the Beholder with better graphics and actual depth of field. If you liked EotB, that’s a good thing. If you hated it (or have no idea what EotB even is), this game is PROBABLY not for you. It doesn’t feel like a modern game. It feels like an upscaled version of a game from the DOS era. The puzzles are vague and cryptic, there are no “directional arrows” pointing you where to go, very few map notations, you have to memorize (or write down) spells and recipes, and your supply of… everything is limited. If you do stupid things, you will die.

Real player with 42.9 hrs in game

Legend of Grimrock on Steam

Nemo Dungeon

Nemo Dungeon

“Nice Roguelike Action Dungeon Game”

+ Point : It’s simple but keeps the basics well.

[1] Intro

Nemo Dungeon. It’s a roguelike action game made by RedPain. Thanks to its speedrun event, played this game. At first glance it looks easy, but it was harder than expected. Practiced many times to shorten my time record, but there are many talented players in the world. XD

[2] Game Experience

Its gameplay is similar to other action roguelike dungeon crawlers such as Enter the Gungeon or The Binding of Isaac. You start the game, by selecting one of the 3 square characters. Each character has 4 unique skills. Only one character can be played at first, but other characters will open as you play the game more. There are 4 boss battles available, and the map location changes each time you start a new game. There are 4 difficulty levels, and it’s a good idea to start with an easy level first. There is no special story, and if you win all boss battles, your record will be shown. This action roguelike game has only basic play elements. This game is simple but addictive and challenging.

Real player with 13.3 hrs in game

Played during the free weekend.

This is a nice little bullet hell rogue-like dungeon crawler, nothing overly complex, no story, no great graphics, no long load times, just pick up and play. I only played on Easy difficulty (I suck at bullet hell), and that was a fun casual experience for a few hours.

There’s nothing really special about it, but I found myself picking it up again and again for one more round, until I finally beat the final (fourth) boss. Didn’t encounter any bugs, was a very smooth experience, easy enough to figure out how to play and how to get better. Played with controller, worked well.

Real player with 4.4 hrs in game

Nemo Dungeon on Steam

Operencia: The Stolen Sun

Operencia: The Stolen Sun

Operencia: The Stolen Sun

A beautiful dungeon crawler which requires regular inventory and character attribute changes to succeed.

First Impressions🤔

The game looks and sounds wonderful with colourful backgrounds and a haunting melody playing throughout. Voice acting ranges from okay to excellent and special effect noises are loud, brash and attention seeking. It all culminates into quite an exciting experience.

Perseverance is needed as some battles almost appear impossible at first but you’ll need to think about your enemy’s strengths and weaknesses and tailor your team to win. Your party is customizable throughout the game and the line up can be changed also. You’ll be able to equip different items, potions, special skills and reassign your skill tree and attribute points. I spent quite a lot of time configuring characters to try and beat bosses. Some boss battles took me numerous attempts to win. It feels very rewarding to finally beat an opponent.

Real player with 78.7 hrs in game

“Alas, some buried treasure!”

This game starts off in promising fashion with a well put together tutorial that has you playing a party of highly experienced characters through a short adventure so you can get a bit of background to the game and familiarise yourself with the controls and gameplay. You then roll up your own character, choosing from either warrior, hunter or mage classes, and after a short intro, find yourself exploring a mythical sunken castle. You find your first companion quite early in the game and at this point, the game is quite enjoyable. The Hungarian lore of the game is interesting and refreshingly different, combat is well balanced, the level design and hand drawn cut scenes are nice and colourful and wonderful to look at, and the game looks like a well polished product. However, by the time you reach the third main area in the game (the Deva Fortress), the difficulty seems to take a tremendous spike with some ridiculously tough opponents, and you then start really noticing how bad this game’s combat mechanics are. I tried two playthroughs, firstly as a warrior and then as a mage. The mage I found could do better AOE damage but was flimsier than a wet paper bag. Regardless, I gave up with both at the Deva Fortress as the combat was just getting too frustrating.

Real player with 73.7 hrs in game

Operencia: The Stolen Sun on Steam

Plague Infection

Plague Infection

Lucky me has the dubious honour of being the first to review Plague Infection, one of the latest asset flip fake games from ImperiumGame.

Plague Infection is another GameMaker Studio asset flip from serial copy+paste infringers, ImperiumGame. All these guys do is rip off game templates and projects from the Yoyogames/GameMaker Studio store, change the name and a few cosmetic details, and try to scam people into paying for someone else’s work on Steam. They have run asset flip scams dozens of times, and this is no exception. It’s nothing but a cash grab.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Plague Infection on Steam

Runic Rampage - Action RPG

Runic Rampage - Action RPG

As I always start my reviews, play the game in English and don’t watch the translations. The Italian one is awful like every other one, so let’s stick with English.

This one is an action RPG with good graphics - I love them, 3D and with a view from above which allows you to see enemies and everything that surrounds you, since the fights are those of a hack ‘n’ slash and you don’t have a party, but a single dwarf XD.

Price is quite high (7€) so, get it on sale if you manage to!

The gameplay is really great and 100% joypad supported, so you have lots of combos, lots of equipment upgrades and most of all you’ll never have to deal with many sidequests or paths.. it’s a straightforward game with levels and bosses of increasing difficulty (never too hard, actually) and for a game like this to me it’s really good!

Real player with 43.1 hrs in game

I’ve put in only an hour and a half into the game, so take this review as an estimate of what you’ll feel like after that amount of time:


There isn’t a ton of storyline to this, but there’s some. You’re a dwarf fighting to find your lost brothers and (I assume) become the hero your father wanted you to be. You have to conquer four Acts, each broken up into three chapters, each of which has three maps - except for the last, which contains a boss fight. You collect gold, which seems to accrue across death (ie. no gold loss upon getting squished). You also pickup single-use powerups as well as temporary bonuses from single use statues. Finally, you also get skill points, with which to level attributes (str, agility, defense and greed)

Real player with 20.4 hrs in game

Runic Rampage - Action RPG on Steam