Minecraft Dungeons

Minecraft Dungeons

My new favourite ARPG I would recommend to anyone, Minecraft enjoyer or not, both casual and experienced with the genre :)

  • Graphics look nice, especially the lighting and shadows

  • Length of the game is great and it stays fresh and enjoyable even after a lot more hours

  • Combat is satisfying

  • Sounds and music is nice

  • Local co-op

  • Good price


  • Movement can be buggy in co-op

  • Need software to get local co-op to work without 2 controllers

  • Difficulty ramps up a bit too fast in later levels

Real player with 96.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dungeon Crawler Action Games.

This game is a great time to play by yourself but is even better when you can enjoy it with friends! Minecraft Dungeons has quickly become my go-to co-op game to play and is one that I think is absolutely worth purchasing!!

Real player with 82.5 hrs in game

Minecraft Dungeons on Steam

Cave Nightmare

Cave Nightmare


Thank you for sharing your game for us to play on Steam!

I had a lot of fun playing your game and finished all 10 levels in 43 minutes as well as grabbing all 5 of those achievements. The game is small but very complete and definitely worth it for the price. The character art and animations are smooth and each level has its own clear increase in difficulty, building in complexity as you progress through them. I didn’t encounter any bugs or issues whilst navigating levels, and even checked corners, walls and anything I thought would potentially trigger a problem. The controls are easy to understand and simple which makes the game play accessible to people of all ages or experience. This game can be enjoyed on both Controller and keyboard depending on the individuals preference.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dungeon Crawler Action Games.

Cave Nightmare is another asset flip from ImperiumGame. This time they took a template for a 2D retro pixel top down stealth game from Yoyogames/GameMaker Studio 2, changed a couple of things, and dumped it on Steam as if they wrote it themselves. Copying someone else’s work and calling it your own is a real nasty, morally void cash grab.

They did this before when they asset flipped Mad Bus, also known as ZigZag Infinite Runner Game by yönetici. And they’ve done it several other times as well.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Cave Nightmare on Steam

Crystal Rift

Crystal Rift

**** Key was provided by developer for review purposes ****

This review is of the 0.9.4 version of the game

I used a controller to play through this game

Crystal Rift

Crystal rift is an Indie Dungeon Crawler that shows puzzles, adventure, and creepiness. Currently only act 1 of 3 is available to play through in the story. An interesting aspect of this game is the letters that you find which slowly reveal bits and pieces of what is really going on and what happened beforehand. I will add a TL;DR at the end.

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dungeon Crawler Indie Games.

This is a dungeon crawler game best suited for a seated gaming experience. I think initially I was kinda iffy about it because I wasn’t used to the feeling of moving while sitting still, but a little at a time I was able to get used to it. Also, it helps out a lot to choose the smoothest animation for turning and moving. The game defaults for a smooth walking animation but a jerky turning animation.

The Controls are unfortunately set in stone with no way to change them. The game has you use the left hand controller touchpad to move forward, backward and strafe left and right, and the right hand touch pad lets you turn left and right. This would work great if it wasn’t VR and also if the touchpad was actually 4 separate buttons and not one button with 4 sides you can press.

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

Crystal Rift on Steam

Der Geisterjäger / The Ghost Hunter

Der Geisterjäger / The Ghost Hunter

You know the expression “handling something with kid gloves”?

Yeah, Der Geisterjäger does - except its “kid gloves” are boxing gloves with horseshoes in them.

Basically, DGJ is a mecha dungeon crawler that not only isn’t afraid of being “unfair”, it actually incorporates savescumming as a canonical ability for your main character - something like precognition from Katana Zero, if you will. “This is only a dream” is a sentence that, if you, like me, are not a particularly sharp tactical mind, you’ll get used to seeing. A lot.

Real player with 20.6 hrs in game

Der Geisterjager is a lot like Der Geisterturm, but better in every way. More enemy variety, interesting environmental challenges, and new hazards to deal with that aren’t mines. Along with quality of life improvements you should expect from continued development.

The single most important change is the addition of the credit system, you gain money for killing enemies now and the credits allow you upgrade your RCS as you see fit at repair stations dotted about the dungeons, creating an agency that the previous two games lacked while providing a much greater replay value.

Real player with 14.4 hrs in game

Der Geisterjäger / The Ghost Hunter on Steam



where do i start on this game’s review? heck if i know but i’ll try to leave it readable

the fun i have had in this game exceeds that of over 99% of rpg games i have ever played the combat is excellent its kinda like active time battle but each time you or the enemy gets their turn the atb bars stop increasing until everyone who has their atb bar around 10000 or so had their turn then atb bars resume increasing up to 10000 then those characters or enemies have thier turn rinse and repeat

the difficulty with the bosses is legendarily hard even by dark souls standards you will die a lot of times and when i say a lot I MEAN YOU WILL DIE A HEAP OF TIMES (assuming if you dont over power yourself because lets face it overpowered characters negating the challenge is less fun then stepping on the edges of lego pieces barefoot) joke aside the some of the bosses will take every single bit of knowledge you have from this game and any other similar role playing games to even have a slight chance take it from me i have been party wiped so fast i didn’t even have time to say darn i got shredded and owned lol (i party wiped so many times though not once have a rage quit because of the boss’s difficulty it happens because i made the blooming mistakes that made the party wipe happen oh for those fans of a certain super hard rpg game im not going to say who it is but all you need know is a certain npc appears from that series somewhere in this game when i saw them i was like nooo….. can it you are you really them? no blooming way its them (yes it was them i can tell because i played a good bit of that game series myself

Real player with 292.1 hrs in game

Wowee I sure can’t wait to finally play the LOT2 Plus Disk with an English translation, sure hope no nerf hammers hit

! Byakuren

_ ! Byakuren:


! Sutra skills: 14% - 12%

! Skanda’s Legs: SPD buff (11+SLv)% - (14+SLv*2)% / No longer states the buff gets higher if she kills an enemy

! Sutra - Duplicating Chant: Overwrites target’s de/buffs with

! Byakuren’s - Applies a buff equal to (36+SLv*4)% of

! Byakuren’s buffs_

Real player with 154.5 hrs in game


The Labyrinth

The Labyrinth

The Labyrinth in a Game where you go in and create a team in which you would go into a dungeon and attempt to make it to the bottom. Its fairly easy (I have played it on hard mode) and there are many different possibilities for the room to be. Overall its a fun game and I’ll be putting more Hours into this and There can be so much more in Future updates.

Real player with 101.5 hrs in game

I recommend the game.

This game has potential and places to grow and branch out, from different monster types to abilities. I was always a fan of these minimalistic game designs that just let you pass the time without having to stress over it.

At first the game seemed like a handful, lots of information but it turned out more simple and fluent in its controls than it seems. Sure its clunky and has some bugs, but is it worth its price? Sure it is! And if you still doubt if you want to buy it check it out on one of the many websites that its on for free!

Real player with 52.6 hrs in game

The Labyrinth on Steam

Adventure Field™ 4

Adventure Field™ 4

TL;DR: My view on this game might change after I beat it, however for now, I don’t recommend this game unless you are okay with highly repetitive and shallow gameplay.

The game feels… very shallow. It feels like one of those mobile games made with Unity by amature indie devs. As far as I have experienced, the game does not have many content.

Enemies are the same one over and over again, dungeons are just the same maze with doors that only differ in layouts, NPC dialogues are mostly the same, 90% of side quests just require you to bring them certain items, story and characters are bland (the game is clearly made in Japanese and the translation although much better than machine translation, so feels a bit awkward. I tried looking for a way to switch to Japanese language, but it seems like the game only offers English, which is strange).

Real player with 12.0 hrs in game

This game has a lot of potential! Feels like an old school RPG with a puzzles, strategy, and exploring. There are grammatical and spelling errors which I would have no problem helping out with (for a small fee of course ;) ) Overall the game has a lot of depth, good music, and some minor mechanical issues. If you are looking for a break from the latest RPG maker rehash this is a great buy.

Real player with 10.9 hrs in game

Adventure Field™ 4 on Steam

Catacombs 1: Demon War

Catacombs 1: Demon War

Just finished the game.

It is short as is stated and contains around 15 screens in total. I thought the story was totally ok and the writing was surprisingly good. There is a lot of variety in monster types and combats are quite nicely executed. The game - while not hard when I discovered I can flee from combats - was hardest in the beginning and I ended tha game at level 5.

The only thing which got more frustrating was that the further you got the further you had to retrace your steps back to town to heal and buy spells. But that was somewhat mitigated by the fact that you could pick up town portal scrolls and also carry a lot of healing potions but most importantly escape combats with good success.

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game

UPDATE: After this review and the following discussion, the developer quickly released an update to fix the balancing problems. So essentially, I’ve been paying 5 bucks to be his beta tester, thank you very much. The update fixes some of the problems, but not all of them; at least, you can’t get through the game by simply spamming the same two attacks forever. We’ll see what the future holds.


TL;DR: Don’t spend money on this. It has like 2 hours of playtime, most of it boring grind.

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

Catacombs 1: Demon War on Steam



I really wanted to enjoy this game, but in its current state, it’s not worth the price. Really hope the developer continues to work on it and patch out all the nasty bugs.

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

This game is great! The combat system, torch mechanics, traps, potions and enemies make the overall experience both thrilling and enjoyable. My played time is ~1.2hr, which is how long it took me to beat the game. That’s over several attempts. In reality, an experienced player could likely beat this game in 15 minutes or less.

! There are only two levels for this whole game.

The developer should really consider doubling or tripling the number of areas to explore. If not entire new levels, maybe smaller off shoots from main areas? In this regard, this game would benefit lots from Steam Workshop support. I would also like to see a slight increase in visible light radius and more weapons (the entire time I’ve only seen a crowbar). A way to exit the game beyond ALT+F4 or force closing would also be nice. That said, I still think this game deserves a positive review – just don’t buy this thinking you’re getting a huge world to explore.

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

Crawler on Steam



pretty cool game, especially cause 2 of my favorite games are earthbound and LSD dream emulator

One thing I can say is please fix the issue with the tracks looping when you can. it’s very noticeable on the shorter, early tracks or tracks that are short by nature, like cutscene tracks or the title track. When it loops, its really noticeable and choppy and kind of irritating. I like almost everything else about the game though. I hope you will add a lot more and finish it someday.

EDIT: Also, I got softlocked. Its after the floor where the green faced “ryan” guy chases you, i fought ebikaron and the purple room i was poisened for a few floors, idk why if it was the demon sticker or what, but pls make it obvious how to get rid of poison. Because now I’m softlocked in the room(s) where I have 1 HP and its a forced Brock Lee fight where he says “cement? no thats concrete baby!” I went through the door to the dojo but theres nothing there besides crows, a ryan who just talks about lsd, and then the door back. you can walk through the sprite to the door back and see some sprites from sun tzu eastern mind but they dont work when you press space on them

Real player with 15.5 hrs in game

a funny yet dissociation-inducing journey of quirky internet humor, horrifying eye imagery laced with morse code, droning tunes chopped with decades-old vocal samples, and bizarre visuals that shine like old internet and LSD dream emulator. followed by one of the nine muses, climb your way up a tower where each floor becomes more deconstructed than the last.

the story is vague, something something nirvana, something something samsara. the importance and potential philosophy of it can become lost in the witty comments about the bone zone and the vague images of a man-fish wearing a “women want me fish fear me” hat. but it’s supposed to be bizarre. you’re climbing, because everyone climbs the tower.

Real player with 9.2 hrs in game

Disillusion on Steam