FALAFEL Restaurant Simulator

FALAFEL Restaurant Simulator

It’s a fun little restaurant simulator. For 10 dollars I got about 9 hours of play before I beat the one and only challenge in the game (15 tables), but it looks like the devs are coming out with updates, so maybe there will be some expanded content. The physics can be kind of frustrating, sometimes a 100 dollar tub of falafel mix will clip through the wall into an alley you cant get to. It has some other quirks that I’d like to see be ironed out with patches. I wouldn’t mind unlimited sprint, a way to pick up multiple items, and a way to expand the restaurant. Everything right now is pretty simple. Looking forward to more content from the devs. Though there isn’t much to do after you get past the first challenge, I’d still recommend.

Real player with 10.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Driving First-Person Games.

ATTENTION ! GROSSE ARNAQUE ! Le développeur de FALAFEL Restaurant Simulator prefere sortir des jeux identiques sur le même modele plutôt que de mettre à jour FALAFEL Restaurant Simulator qui comporte énormément de bug et qui ne sera donc jamais terminé ! De plus il rédige de faux avis positif de tous ces jeux qu’il a Cree, enfin de faire gonfler la note des avis positif de ces jeux ! Voilà vous ete prévenues….

WARNING ! BIG SCAM! The developer of FALAFEL Restaurant Simulator prefers to release identical games on the same model rather than updating FALAFEL Restaurant Simulator which has a lot of bugs and which will therefore never be finished! In addition, he writes false positive reviews of all these games that he has created, finally to inflate the rating of positive reviews of these games! Here you are warned ….

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

FALAFEL Restaurant Simulator on Steam

Storage Hunters

Storage Hunters

Have you already heard about storage auctions? Do you want to try, but be afraid of the risks? This game was created especially for you! Hundreds of storages, garages, realistic auction system: hundreds of players compete for garages in real time! Buy, open, pay off, upgrade! Do you want to cheat? Be careful, law enforcement officers are watching you!

  • Open world

  • Unique upgrading system

  • Realistic auction system

  • In-game marketplaces

  • Law enforcement system

Read More: Best Driving Hidden Object Games.

Storage Hunters on Steam

VEGTERIA - Vegetable Shop Simulator

VEGTERIA - Vegetable Shop Simulator

Nothing but problems, food by the hundreds go missing, even when reloading that missing food does not show up, playing this game is a nightmare, prices are way too low considering all the bugs this game has, also we need player options , i do not like a game dictating what keys i use, please fix this very bad game

Real player with 110.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Driving First-Person Games.

First, let me say to please ignore the number of hours played. I left the game on pause while I did other things so the actual hours is whatever you see minus approximately 5 hours.

Secondly, I purchased the game as a bundle and I should have read the other reviews first.

Okay so here goes my review:

I played for 30 minutes and realized that the game was going to be sub par because everything is stagnant. The npcs don’t have any dialog and nothing basically happens except your character moving boxes around. I was excited at first because I thought that as I got better at the game by delivering vegetables that I would open up more veggies that made me more money but by the time I was able to do potatoes, I realized that my profit was extremely low. The max profit was $1 per item by this time and it seemed tedious to keep going. I wanted to get to the vehicle and the farm but really did not have the energy to keep going.

Real player with 12.6 hrs in game

VEGTERIA - Vegetable Shop Simulator on Steam

Dark Dealings

Dark Dealings

So i stumbled upon this game whilst browsing through the store and what a find it turned out to be!!! A nice little game with elements of Dopewars, the original gta and even sensible soccer especially when using the top down camera! Even feels and looks a bit like the original south park in 3rd person! Proper little diamond in the rough and i look forward to spending more time on the game and for future developments!!!

Real player with 7.2 hrs in game

To be up front I received the game from the developer for free.

I played the game for about an hour and the bare bones for an open world RPG has been laid out. Everything else still needs to be fleshed out. I think the developer would really benefit from making a free demo available so they could get a lot of feed back. I think this would be beneficial because the developer seems interested in the game being a success.

Keep in mind this game is in early alpha testing. The complete game could be great but in its currents state I don’t think it’s worth buying. I’m going to write out a review below but you can see my gameplay on my YouTube channel, linked below:

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Dark Dealings on Steam



Not bad as like other comments.There were serious contractions in the beginning, but it was not repeated later.

I don’t know this game is worth 40 TL, but I bought the game at 90% off. If u like simulator games you will love this game.

If I need to vote generally out of 10. I vote 6/10. If sell more cars and more shops, etc. I could have rated 8/10. But not bad in this form.

Real player with 22.3 hrs in game

ATTENTION ! GROSSE ARNAQUE ! Le développeur de Factory Runner prefere sortir des jeux identiques sur le même modele plutôt que de mettre à jour Factory Runner qui comporte énormément de bug et qui ne sera donc jamais terminé ! De plus il rédige de faux avis positif de tous ces jeux qu’il a Cree, enfin de faire gonfler la note des avis positif de ces jeux ! Voilà vous ete prévenues….

WARNING ! BIG SCAM! The developer of Factory Runner prefers to release identical games on the same model rather than updating Factory Runner which has a lot of bugs and which will therefore never be finished! In addition, he writes false positive reviews of all these games that he has created, finally to inflate the rating of positive reviews of these games! Here you are warned ….

Real player with 14.1 hrs in game


Adventure Farm VR

Adventure Farm VR

I think this is a possibility at fun… Unfortunately, there’s just too many game breaking bugs at this time. Just as an example, getting stuck in a wall, the game’s controls glitching to constantly show in multiples wherever you go (think your entire screen lighting up in blue curving teleport lines from every place you’ve walked in the last 30 seconds), and unfortunately for a friend of mine… Falling through the floor. We’ve tried to pick this up a few times, since purchased, but can’t get further than a few minutes in without something breaking. I hope the team continues to work on this and it isn’t forgotten or given up.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

This game barely works. IF you get it for free, its still not worth it because it takes up hard drive space. DO NOT BUY.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Adventure Farm VR on Steam