Badland Envoys

Badland Envoys

In a broken world of desolated wastelands, chaos, rage and destruction dictate the rules of survival. Far stretches of the ruined land are ruled by self-acclaimed warlords and bandits that roam the roads with their diesel-fueled war machines, delivering the cruelty to anyone that dares to enter their domain. In all of this madness, pockets of a new civilization start to shimmer. That’s where you come in. As a member of the Badland Envoy’s, and elite guild of skilled drivers, you’ll be tasked with leading the expeditions between towns and newly created settlements, establishing safe routs, protecting the cargo, and eliminating any encountered threat. You’ll be a messenger, a porter, a warrior, and most of all, a new hope for those that try to rebuild humanity.

Do you have what it takes?

If you’re get stopped out there, you’ll die. Think fast, drive faster, react instantly. Remember, it’s not always about the speed of your car – sometimes it’s about the speed of your trigger.

Spending some of that hard-earned buck on your rides is always a good idea. Installing new armor plating, homing missiles launcher or a high tech nitro system can make a difference between life and death out there on the road. Be good to your chariots and they’ll repay you with the same. Trust me.

So you’ve got a few extra wheels and hired some new crew members? Good. You can trust them to have your back, but when things get really tough, don’t hesitate to give them commands from a more tactical point of view. It can save your life, and more importantly – your cargo.

If it wasn’t about the job, we’ll be no different than the bandits. The orders placed through the Guild give us goals, meaning and hope for a better feature. Remember that all orders have different sets of requirements. Delivering medicine through hills requires more vehicles, different gear and more specialized crew than a recon mission deep into marshlands. Plan ahead and you’ll be fine.

See you on the road.


  • Experience fast-paced, action-oriented vehicular combat.

  • Use Tactical mode for more top-down approach.

  • Unlock deadly vehicles to ride, upgrade and shine with style.

  • Gather unique vehicle customizations, including armor plating, weapons, and tuning parts.

  • Encounter savage enemies, each witch different strengths, weaknesses and combat tactics.

  • Challenge world bosses, including armored train and mechanized desert fortress.

  • Complete dozens of orders spread through the far reaches of Badlands.

  • Recruit additional crew members, each with a different set of unique skills and traits.

  • Traverse various environments – from town ruins, through desert wastelands, all to the bogged wetlands.

  • Experience a day and night cycle that affects gameplay – It’s harder to aim at night, but remember - it works both ways.

  • Witness various environmental conditions and dangers, like corrosive acid rain or deadly desert storm.

Read More: Best Driving Action Games.

Badland Envoys on Steam

Road of Dust and Rust

Road of Dust and Rust

You play as a convict, banished from a futuristic civilisation to the wasteland, where entire communities grew up during the years of this practice. As having a car is one of the basic rights in society, every outcast can keep his auto in exile, so wasteland life has been built around the cars.

The core of the game is mass car battles, where each car could be modified with various improvements, such as flamethrowers, raws, shields, boarding or kamikaze devices, etc. You can either destroy an enemy group or just leave them behind, if all of your cars are fast enough. These battles take place on procedurally-generated wasteland roads, filled with obstacles suitable for landscapes where a battle has been started on the global map.

Read More: Best Driving Action Games.

Road of Dust and Rust on Steam

Bionite: Origins

Bionite: Origins

At its current state I can’t recommend. I’ve re-downloaded when new updates were made, but sadly the game does not feel like BZ. The controls are too sophisticated (couldn’t implement the original’s?), unit AI needs a huge improvement, and many bugs just build on top of it all. Seriously though, commanding your constructor to build a guntower shouldn’t take more than 5 minutes. Bad pathfinding and controls plague a game where basic game mechanics should be a priority. Besides, 6+ years and it’s still in early access? Sorry, but donating to them was a mistake.

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Driving FPS Games.

As others have said, this game unfortunately seems to have grinded to a halt since 2018? Developers obviously lost interest. It’s a buggy mess that is COMPLETELY unplayable at this stage; controls are wacky and nothing seems to work correctly. Don’t buy it.

I think everyone was hoping something great would come of this spiritual successor… it’s a shame. Oh well, Battlezone 98 Redux and Battlezone: Combat Commander are on Steam now at least.

EDIT in response to developer:

I fully understand that game development is very difficult, especially when starting out or with only a small team, and as such, many projects take years to develop.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Bionite: Origins on Steam