No Time

No Time

This game has so much possibility. It’s so much fun, with the free roam option, it makes the game even better. Personally, ive completed act 1 and 2, and when act 3 comes out… this game will be awesome!


  • Free roaming: Just the ability to free roam is just amazing. Other time travel games don’t (usually) have free roaming, which this game does.

*The Growth of Mankind: from 1750-present, the evolution of mankind is unbelievable.. you can go see how the town was, is, and will be!

*Seeing yourself: If you go to a date you’ve already been to, you can see the exact steps you’ve taken in that year. Just do NOT get too close!

Real player with 306.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Driving Tutorial Games.

This game is really going to go far. It is a very interesting concept for a game! I love how the map changes when you time travel. You feel like you’re really time traveling! You can even see your past self reenact all of your actions! I accidentally left a Fusion Cell in 2014 and I saw myself leave them on the ground and I flew away to 1885! Very very addicting game. Especially with the hover conversion. It makes it a lot easier to time travel. I rate this 11/10. I wonder if someone will make a mod where it turns the DeLorean into the one from Back to the Future. And turn the Sir. Atom into a Mr. Fusion! If you’re a really intense Back to the Future fan like I am, this game is definitely the game for you.

Real player with 180.9 hrs in game

No Time on Steam

In The Long Run The Game

In The Long Run The Game

Sincerely i was a bit scared by other reviews but the game, at this date, seems not so scary to play and also character controls could be better (no keybindings).

There was a bug preventing me to create a new character but, after reporting it the dev(s) fixed the game in a few hours. I suggest the dev(s) to work on overall usability and to add more items and more things to do. I’d say 6/10 at the moment but I will change my opinion if the game changes.

Real player with 12.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Driving Indie Games.

I only write reviews in extreme cases. Right now the controls and menus seem like a joke. Everything about the game seems to be designed to make it completely unbearable to play. For instance, when you are mining, the character is heaving as though he is drunk and about to pass out. Since the mining ray is attached to a backpack it is constantly moving up and down and it is very difficult to perform what is supposed to be a very basic and simple task.

Some things should be simple and predictable. What the devs have done is like if you would design a car with the gear shift where the steering wheel goes, the steering wheel where the gear shift goes, and the gas pedal in the glove box. The major challenge in the game is finding the gas pedal.

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

In The Long Run The Game on Steam

Rover Simulator

Rover Simulator

It’s a very chill walking (or rolling) sim across some fun space landscapes. If you’re into mellow games and space exploration i definitively recommend. It’s a very nice way to relax if you love space.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Driving Adventure Games.

Anything space exploration gets my vote. It’s early access and hasn’t been out for long. First impression, this game has excellent future development. already it has out sanding graphics in my opinion. Well worth the buy.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Rover Simulator on Steam

Dinosaur Fossil Hunter: Prologue

Dinosaur Fossil Hunter: Prologue

This exceeded my expectations, and was very satisfying to play. For a free to play demo, I think this is great for a sim. A nice backstory, and a great taste of the full game. The idea of going from GPR to dig, encasing the fossils, shipping them, THEN cleaning the bones and building the displays was the entire spectrum, and it’s hands-on, not teleporting to the site. You have to drive there, set up the perimeter, and dig that stuff out yourself! Inspect what you dig, encase it in plaster, put it in the case, ship it, it’s the entire process, and that’s what I want in a sim. Also, you get achievements for a demo! One of them is still vexing me, but I’ll get it. Photos in the slideshow have images not in this prologue, but there is plenty here for an afternoon of fun, and I’m going to purchase day one. There’s a bit of noise about the lack of an avatar driving the car, but that is not an issue for me, and will likely be fixed in the full release of the game. Perhaps if/when gender and identity issues come up, but honestly there is no spoken dialogue, and gender-neutrality should be important in a game like this. Put tinted windows on the dang car, with a shadow, and it’s not an issue. There is enough depth and flexibility in gameplay for me.

Real player with 6.4 hrs in game

Nauseatingly bad.


Don’t get me wrong, there’s a good idea for a young children’s game here. Visually it’s interesting and there’s an attempt at adding variety with mini-games.

Unfortunately everything about it is just done poorly. The controls are slippery with a terrible lag even after turning up mouse acceleration. The camera is nauseating and just kind of floats and drifts, not always in the direction you wanted to go. I can’t go more than a few minutes without a glitch either visually or functionally, with something getting stuck on something or something falling through something. I’ve seen amateur games with more polish and less problems.

Real player with 3.7 hrs in game

Dinosaur Fossil Hunter: Prologue on Steam

Safari Park Ranger

Safari Park Ranger

Safari Park Ranger is a game in which you will play as the protector of a national park in Africa! Take care of animals, fight poachers, organize Safari trips and develop the park. Are you ready?


Your task is to take care of the health and good condition of the animals in the park. Remember that they are wild animals - handle them very carefully, keep a safe distance. Perform veterinary activities - treat fractures, cuts, use medication and keep the animals in the best possible condition for your care. Who knows, maybe you will save one of the endangered species? Wouldn’t that be a great achievement ?!


Africa is an amazing place that will welcome you with its rich flora and fauna. Explore the open world at will. But be sure to be on your guard! Some wild animals do not tolerate intruders on their territory.


Poachers are a plague that must be eradicated! People without conscience who will do anything for profit. Fight them with all available methods! Save animals that fall prey to poachers. Remove the snares and any dangers they leave behind. Install photo traps to catch the perpetrators red-handed, don’t let them destroy the park or hurt its inhabitants.


Who wouldn’t like to admire giraffes, elephants or lions in their natural habitat? Organize safari tours for tourists visiting the park. This will allow you to earn some money that will be useful for protecting the park, its inhabitants and for developing the business.


Develop the park. Expand its business, expand the headquarters to create the best place for your students to live. Make your park known all over the world!

Safari Park Ranger on Steam



Subluminal is a 3D car driving platformer about gaining speed and going fast.

Vehicles have precise maneuverability allowing you to jump in the air and manipulate your orientation to drive on all surfaces.

All vehicles are equipped with a space displacing mechanism known in Subluminal as a space displacing mechanism or SDM to propel the vehicle forward. This not only allows you to gain speed, but provides aerodynamic control and the ability to conquer any imaginable path.

Key Features

  • Free To Play: Alone or with your friends

  • Single Player: Achieve the fastest time possible, in an elaborate course, with elements that allow you to traverse off the conventional path and into the air. As you complete more courses, the difficulty rises; forcing you out of your comfort zone in order to use all your skill to complete these untraditional courses as fast as you can.

  • Multiplayer: Free-for-all where a Seeker has to convert a Proxy in order to convert them to a Follower. Proxies want to build up speed in order to reach subluminal and survive the time limit to escape the Seeker. If a Proxy converts into a Follower, the Follower may escape the seeker’s authority by influencing another Proxy and become a Proxy once again. A Seeker aims to convert all to achieve subluminal as a singularity, Achieving singularity is possible by converting all Proxies into Followers. Followers are at risk of becoming Seekers if they cannot convert another Proxy to take his place as a follower.

Subluminal on Steam




Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Cyclotronica on Steam