Cyber Rider

Cyber Rider

classic arcade game, pretty fast, really fun to play

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Driving Motorbike Games.

Honestly, I just bought this game for dat ass. . . what can I say, I’m an ass man!

| (Adult) Content | No. |

| Censorship? | Not applicable. |

| Hours of Gameplay | Thirty minutes. |

| Modding Support? | No. |

| Patch Available? | Not applicable. |

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Cyber Rider on Steam

Flatout 3: Chaos & Destruction

Flatout 3: Chaos & Destruction

DON’T BUY if you expect Flatout!

I played Flatout: Ultimate Carnage and Flatout 2 a lot and some day I saw Flatout 3 on sale for around 5 $. Totally blinded by the awesomeness of the previous Flatout games by Bugbear I ran into this trap without checking what I was actually buying…

After playing maybe like 30 minutes I was really disappointed since I expected something like a worthy successor for Ultimate Carnage which Flatout 3 clearly is NOT. I uninstalled the game and considered this my worst game investment ever.

Real player with 19.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Driving Destruction Games.

(Game was gifted to me by a friend, hence why I’m tagging it as having received the game for free.)

Having the (dis)honour of being one of few items on the Steam storefront to hold an “Overwhelmingly Negative” review score among Steam users, FlatOut 3: Chaos & Destruction is an absolute travesty of a FlatOut game, if not of a video game in general. One does not even need previous experience with the preceding titles in the series; even outside of comparisons to its vastly superior predecessors, FlatOut 3 falls flatout on its face.

Real player with 6.2 hrs in game

Flatout 3: Chaos & Destruction on Steam