Heading Out - A Narrative Road Movie Racing Game

Heading Out - A Narrative Road Movie Racing Game

Heading Out is a road-movie inspired racing game mixed with an immersive narration, character creator and resource management.

We aim to recreate the spirit of cult American road-movies from the past. Such as Vanishing Point, Two-Lane Blacktop and Thelma & Louise.

Drive through the American West

Welcome to the mythical American West. You’re a vigilante driving across the country in a muscle car. How fast can you go coast to coast? Who or what are you running from? Are you looking for an adventure? Or do you want to get lost on the highways carved in vast American plains?

Beautiful cars, hi-octane races and the joy of the drive

Hop into a classic muscle car, tune in to a great Americana soundtrack and go on a drive through the American West. Run from the police, chase other drivers, maneuver in traffic, break through a sandstorm, contemplate views during a peaceful night ride through the desert… And most of all: enjoy the ride!

Create your own hero & story

You’re the Driver . Using a deep but easy-to-manage character creator, the player will answer questions about their fears, dreams and ambitions. What’s your motivation? Why are you on the run? Who’s chasing you? Choices made in the character creator determine what the player hears on the radio. Because you’re making headlines and everyone is talking about you!

Meaningful choices and unique adventure

Choose your path across America. Keep an eye on your fuel meter, car condition and wanted level. Think strategically. Study the map. Meet mysterious travelers, make interesting choices and discover fascinating sites.

Will you help a stranger? Will you leave your past in the dust? Will you take up the challenge to a duel on the blacktop? Build a legend that is uniquely yours.

Rogue-like structure, infinite replayability potential

Every time you click New Story, a new adventure is created. You can become someone completely different, encounter new events and make different, meaningful choices. After completing a run, you can immortalize your adventure and share it with other players!

Read More: Best Driving Interactive Fiction Games.

Heading Out - A Narrative Road Movie Racing Game on Steam

Blind Drive

Blind Drive

What an interesting game. Blind drive puts you in the shoes of Donny… A guy who is blind folded and cuffed to the steering wheel of a vehicle and sent on his way down a highway against traffic. I will say nothing more on the story as I don’t want to spoil. Anyway, the gameplay is simple enough… You hear a vehicle on one side of the road, steer to the other! That’s not all though. The story takes some wild turns and puts you through many different and sometimes unexpected situations to test you. In all, the sound design is great and story is funny. For it’s price, I’d certainly have to recommend this insane and wacky journey. Sit back, relax, and happy steering!

Real player with 10.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Driving Action Games.

It’s not everyday one discovers a new genre - and what a pleasant surprise it is!

Playing eyes closed, flat on my back with surround sound headphones and a wireless keyboard, Blind Drive is a wild narrative-driven adventure.

The sound effects and spatial design create an immersive atmosphere, complemented with excellent voice acting and often hilarious one-liners (“Give me a break; I’m driving blind! Can’t you see?"), while the graphics make a complete mockery of my 32:9 monitor.

For gamers who think they’ve seen it all, Blind Drive is like playing VR with your eyes closed.

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

Blind Drive on Steam

Porsche Hall of Legends VR

Porsche Hall of Legends VR

I play alot of VR apps that are basically just commercials for really rich people who are interested in a fancy car, homes, or air travel. People think because you have VR hat that you are rich. I’m dirt poor. I own several thousand dollars of student loan debt that I refuse to pay off. This, and other life stressers require me to indulge in this cybernetic escapism, even though I still feel jealous and bad when I’m inside something like this. It’s pretty god though There is a talking robot, a big hub environment, and 4-5 various car showrooms with some interesting models and videos and narration.

! It ends at some point too. Can’t wait for the end. https://youtu.be/ynSRHCRGM7E

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Driving Adventure Games.

Eh, it’s cool I guess. I frequently play racing games (Forza Horizon) and it is interesting to see some of the Porsche cars fully modeled right from your room.

The only complaint from me is that you are able to move inside of things, which makes me go a bit bog-eyed.

It is good if you are looking for a short VR experience about cars though.

I’d recommend this.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Porsche Hall of Legends VR on Steam

Fears to Fathom - Norwood Hitchhike

Fears to Fathom - Norwood Hitchhike

Fears to Fathom is an episodic psychological horror game where each episode unveils a short story narrated by the ones who survived.

You’re browsing the second installment of the Fears to Fathom anthology.

Fears to Fathom : Norwood Hitchhike

In the second episode of Fears to Fathom you play as Holly Gardner, a 19 year old who was driving back home from a gaming convention, as the traffic got horrible she decided to take the long way to avoid the traffic which leads to an unplanned trip to a motel. Little did she know what was going down in the Norwood Valley. She survived as she made the right choices.

Key Features

  • Atmospheric environment and photo-realistic graphics.

  • VHS film aesthetic.

  • Receive texts from NPCs.

  • Player voice activity.

Fears to Fathom - Norwood Hitchhike on Steam

Welcome to PINEHILLS

Welcome to PINEHILLS

While the store page states it was released in August 28, 2021, it is not a full release. The files even state on the startup screen they are using the July Early Release. Therefore, this game is still “Early Release”. I spent 2 hours going into every empty building, going along every road, covered the lighthouse and even went as far into the ocean until you fall off the map. The game only has 3 “otherworldly” flashbacks. The total number of angels you can find are 4 of 12. The game is impossible to complete because there are no more angels to find on the map. Once you find all 12 angles I’m guessing the trapdoor inside the church will open and you can complete the game? If you want a “complete game” with a similar map check out Titan Chaser. Your money will be better spent there unless the dev releases the complete game of Welcome to PINEHILLS cause right now this is not it folks!

Real player with 3.8 hrs in game

The game is akin to one puzzle like you would find in Res Evil 4 and the whole game has been centered around it.

Find x number of angel statues around the game world and replace them in PineHIlls' church.

Problem is after that hiding three or four statues and placing some very empty stock asset structures in about about six different spots the devs never came back to scatter the remaining angels.

This should be Early Access but the empty discussion board suggests abandoned.

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Welcome to PINEHILLS on Steam

Wheels of Aurelia

Wheels of Aurelia

Some people complain that there’s no innovation in the AAA games anymore, just TPP loot crafting shooters with stealth elements. Well, on the other side we have Wheels of Aurelia that is trying super hard to look like nothing else, combining a racing game with visual novel. Too bad it fails at pretty much everything it tried to do.

We’re a rebelious women that doesn’t need no man, a feminist (or the one that only looks like one) that picks up another chick at the disco. Both then decide to have a long ride to France along the Via Aurelia road, having all kinds of topic to talk to - abortion, kidnappings, abortion, family issues, music, feminist movements, traditional values, abortion etc. If I’m being not clear enough, the game has a statement to make, and the year of the game isn’t random. It encapsulates two main events from 1978 that have taken place in Italy - Moro kidnapping and legalisation of abortion. Both of these topics will be pretty much on our tongues no matter where we’ll ride or what hitchhiker we take next. No matter what you’ll get ‘strong independent womyn’ vibe from the protagonist, Lella, that is as rebelious as annoying. Every once in a while you’ll have an option to pick up a topic for conversation or your passenger will ask you a question about another topic. These can then be answered in one of two ways, and it can be summarised by ‘yes’, or ‘sarcastic yes’. Many topics present no real input on the conversation, your answers will always be in the spirit of the defined character, later even called a communist. Opinions of your character will always be skewed in one way - someone said something controversial and you want to disgree? Nope, you can either agree or say something mildly controversial too. Question about abortion is a prominent example - you can say it’s either just a medical operation or it might be a traumatic experience. Other time you can say that men are no longer needed. The whole story feels like it’s been written by a raging feminist who tried to put as many leftist ideas as possible. Later in the game (as 10 minutes later) you can ditch your friend for different kind of passenger, a priest or a has-been race driver, and these conversations aren’t that bad, but first couple of runs you’ll probably keep Olga till the end and you’ll get sick of woke comments.

Real player with 10.9 hrs in game

This is not a game. It’s a visual novel, with somewhat mature topics. (TL;DR: read the last paragraph in my review.)

If you are curious about the driving sections… They are extremely basic, they’re just a mildly interactive background scenario for dialog choices.

In this visual novel, you have the following kinds of control:

  • Pick which car you want to start with.

  • Pick one of three dialog options when asked. (Or don’t pick one, and go with the default answer.)

  • Choose between stopping to give a ride to hitchhikers.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

Wheels of Aurelia on Steam

Nightvision: Drive Forever

Nightvision: Drive Forever


So there I was, just minding my own business, driving through a mountainous highway. I wasn’t quite sure what I was running from, or exactly sure where I was going. I was admiring the beautiful sky, excellent lighting effects and great overall graphical presentation. I was navigating the treacherous highway and unpredictable traffic pattern, slowly falling into a driving rhythm guided by the soundtrack of chill electronic beats held together with adrenaline filled undertones. My will to survive was at an all time high. I dodged left around a vehicle, then right around a vehicle. I could clearly hear the sound of the air rushing around me as I narrowly missed multiple commuters, each miss slightly closer than the last. After clearing a few of these early morning drivers driving to who knows where, I let out a sigh of relief. No traffic was in sight - only me, the open road, the beautiful scenery and the mesmerizing music. I was 2 miles in to a 6 mile trek, and I knew the worst was behind me. I came around a slight right kink in the road, with my high beams on to increase visibility ahead. The road straightened out, and I began to make my way up a small hill in the path. Up ahead, I could see a bright beam of light - I flashed my brights on, then off, to try and signal the other driver to do the same. The light kept getting brighter and was nearly encompassing my entire screen at this point. I made my way to the far right of the road to give them as much room as possible, with no knowledge of the other driver’s level of competence. Just as I was cresting the hill, BOOM!!!! My heart nearly stopped. My car did stop - and shortly after I lifted my hands off of my Logitech G29, which is superbly supported in this game. I took a 1 minute break to allow my heart rate to slow down. I grabbed a clip of the incident to confirm what I had already suspected - as I crested the hill, the unpredictable computer driver moved into my lane at the last possible moment. We had a head on collision at over 100 MPH. The image of that burgundy SUV is now forever burned into my retinas. I have awoken in screaming agony every night since the incident. My heart has still not recovered, and most likely never will. 11/10 would crash head on into a computer player again!

Real player with 10.4 hrs in game

What are you doing procrastinating by reading the reviews? Buy it already!

I love this game, and I shall tell you why, if you’ve read this far but still not bought it…

Story mode gently eases you in to the high speed mountain driving experience. The difficulty starts to ramp up as you progress through the film noir style story mode, and new challenges are introduced gradually as you progress: with more winding roads, beautiful but treacherous weather conditions, and increasing traffic all coupled with the need to keep your speed up at all times.

Real player with 9.2 hrs in game

Nightvision: Drive Forever on Steam



A VR action-adventure game set in the unique and intriguing Hubris Sci-Fi Universe.

As a player, you take the role of a recruit in training to become an agent of the mighty and feared Order-Of-Objectivity, also known as the ‘OOO’.

Together with the pilot Lucia, you are sent to the planetoid belt of the Twin Planetary System, to search for the mysterious agent Cyanha.

You will have to use all of your agility and strength to survive the harsh environment and wildlife on a planet which is being terraformed. Along the way you will have to fight like a real OOO agent. You will learn to craft weaponry and control vehicles and machinery.

But more than that, you will need all the help you can get, as there are other factions eager to unravel the long-forgotten secrets of the OOO.


• Enjoy a full VR experience with free movement, climbing, swimming and jumping.

• Become part of the unique and intriguing Sci-Fi world of Hubris, the start of a new full–blown, multi episodic space saga.

• Savour some of the best and most immersive graphics in VR available.

• Fight alongside colourful epic characters against a mix of alien wildlife, humanoids and mechanised enemies, each of them requiring unique tactics to defeat.

• Gather and salvage resources, craft weapons and tools, control vehicles and mechanical devices.

• Unravel the OOO’s long-forgotten secrets.

• Earn your place as an agent of the Order-Of-Objectivity.

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