Catching a Ride

Catching a Ride

Catching a Ride is a soft adventure about feeling lost, finding your way, and making friends at the roads.

You find yourself alone on a journey away from home. Driving an old car at night and no headlight.

Therefore, you need to utilize the passage of other vehicles to see the road, and memorize your path.

Gradually find out little friendships, and discover where to go.


The game is within the RSoft universe, and takes place in 2030 in a huge wave of climate changes, that forces people to move from their home cities, to a secure place.

Alle, had to rush out of his quiet town and venture out into the night in an old car with a burnt-out headlight.

Key Features:

  • Contemplate a minimalist art in Topdown-View.

  • Enjoy an original soundtrack with relaxing acoustics.

  • Feel the vibe of traveling on a nighty journey.

Read More: Best Driving Relaxing Games.

Catching a Ride on Steam

Little Brother Jim

Little Brother Jim

Little Brother Jim is an interesting game that is a bit of a departure from Mr. Bodur’s previous titles. The story begins with a taxi/parking simulator that is colorful, fun, and challenging at times. I had little previous experience with driving games so I crashed into cones, left and right, as I built my skills up. By the end, I was speeding through turns and jumping over obstacles!

In between the parking levels, there is a beautiful story about family, love, and the brevity of life. The scenery is gorgeous and I enjoyed reading the letters left by Jim.

Real player with 9.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Driving Adventure Games.

Overall good game depending on price paid - it’s worth noting that I received this for free via a competition and though I would pay for this game I wouldn’t pay more than £3. This is due to the fact that it is a very short game and there is a statement in the credits which undermines the whole perception of the story

! as you are lead to believe it is a true story but it is in fact fiction which really ruined it for me

At first, I felt like I was reading someones diary or invading someones personal life in some way. However, after playing for a short while I found the story intriguing and continued to complete the game. The driving game is easy and basic but surprisingly fun if your looking for a chilled play. The walking sim is beautiful and accompanied by a peaceful, pretty soundtrack.

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

Little Brother Jim on Steam

Porsche Hall of Legends VR

Porsche Hall of Legends VR

I play alot of VR apps that are basically just commercials for really rich people who are interested in a fancy car, homes, or air travel. People think because you have VR hat that you are rich. I’m dirt poor. I own several thousand dollars of student loan debt that I refuse to pay off. This, and other life stressers require me to indulge in this cybernetic escapism, even though I still feel jealous and bad when I’m inside something like this. It’s pretty god though There is a talking robot, a big hub environment, and 4-5 various car showrooms with some interesting models and videos and narration.

! It ends at some point too. Can’t wait for the end.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Driving Adventure Games.

Eh, it’s cool I guess. I frequently play racing games (Forza Horizon) and it is interesting to see some of the Porsche cars fully modeled right from your room.

The only complaint from me is that you are able to move inside of things, which makes me go a bit bog-eyed.

It is good if you are looking for a short VR experience about cars though.

I’d recommend this.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Porsche Hall of Legends VR on Steam

Ostrich Runner

Ostrich Runner

These are the most unusual races in my life, I’ve tried a bunch of projects, but this one surprised me the most, not the usual approach, and a bunch of different characters. Each of them has different abilities.

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

I played this game as a kid and enjoyed it a lot, but unfortunately the steam version is even more broken that the game from about ten years ago. There is at least one secret level in this game, but it won’t load for you no matter what compatibility settings you use as if some files are missing. The multiplayer also doesn’t work, displaying a game-crashing error when you try to join the single available suspicious looking lobby. There is an English language version, but the in-game input is still in Russian. Also the Steam overlay doesn’t work, but it’s quite common for older titles and therefore the least important part of this review.

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Ostrich Runner on Steam

Wingsuit Dream

Wingsuit Dream

fly the Sky In Your Dream

with Just Two buttons.

In this game, you can jump, hover and fly fast with ring

passing the ring carefully to fly further, gerthering coin for score!

do not fly close to obstacle, avoid star and space cat!

This Game Have 4 Stages, Each Has Several Minute

when you clear every single stage, you get bonus score by distance

Aim for the high score!

Wingsuit Dream on Steam

Queerskins: a love story

Queerskins: a love story

This left a bad taste in my mouth.

There just wasn’t enough time for reflection or enough moments to challenge the perspective that is being driven into us (that being Gay is wrong because it is against God). I suspect (hope) the intention was to prompt reflection and thought, but in a 15 minute 360 video, there is no opportunity for this, and the developers don’t fuel it at all.

The result, whether intentional or not, is a mess of bigotry and “cruel and irreligious piety.” I hate this. It should be withdrawn until it can be amended so that it isn’t provoking hate. I have reported it.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

game bad and about hating gays

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Queerskins: a love story on Steam