

pet Drivr is not a Huge game it wont Blow your minds

but it is not very expensive, it Does what it says, and might be enjoyable to Entry level VR players,

in no way is this a bad game, or yes you can pet the Dog, And no you cant run people of the road, or crash into more than 4 cars.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Driving Casual Games.

PetDrivr on Steam

Bushfires: Animal Rescue

Bushfires: Animal Rescue

Another one of those spread awareness game… this one is about bush fire / forest fire, probably inspired by the recent fire in Australia… but still a good idea to spread awareness and knowledge for the younger generations.

At first glance, one would thought this game is made for kids, but after trying it myself, all i can say is the difficulty balance needs to be lowered if you want kids to enjoy the game. It’s even a bit hard for the adults, and i mean it’s actually needing the players to memorize the map and plan a strategy on the go type of high difficulty. If you plan to sell this game to the adult, then you might need to reconsider the overall design in graphics and all that to a more adult-like design to tell them this isn’t a game for kids.

Real player with 5.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Driving Action Games.

I am giving some leeway with this review since it is an early-access game.

Overall, I would recommend this game. The gameplay and concept appear quite simple, but it is in-fact quite a challenging game. While you are attempting to rescue the various animals, you are also under a strict time-limit. Balancing the two means that you have to make on the spot decisions about how many animals you can afford to rescue (while still making it out in time).

There are certainly some issues with the game. The lack of camera controls (the camera is fixed to behind the vehicle) can make it rather frustrating at times. Both the landscape and fire can obscure your view of the car, and there have been a few times that I’ve ended up driving right into fire & dying because I couldn’t see where I was going. I think the net-throwing mechanic needs some refinement, along with the animal movements. Animals sometimes get stuck (allowing for easy capture), or glitch up to the top of the cliff (preventing capture). Capturing birds is rather difficult - you almost have to guess - as the pointer (which shows you where the net will land) clips through the rocks that the birds land on.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Bushfires: Animal Rescue on Steam

Adventure Farm VR

Adventure Farm VR

I think this is a possibility at fun… Unfortunately, there’s just too many game breaking bugs at this time. Just as an example, getting stuck in a wall, the game’s controls glitching to constantly show in multiples wherever you go (think your entire screen lighting up in blue curving teleport lines from every place you’ve walked in the last 30 seconds), and unfortunately for a friend of mine… Falling through the floor. We’ve tried to pick this up a few times, since purchased, but can’t get further than a few minutes in without something breaking. I hope the team continues to work on this and it isn’t forgotten or given up.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Driving Adventure Games.

This game barely works. IF you get it for free, its still not worth it because it takes up hard drive space. DO NOT BUY.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Adventure Farm VR on Steam



The storyline and complexity for a world first game foreshadowing our current future with technology.

This is a classic that you need to buy/play before going to Watch Dogs 2 so you understand it even more and characters in 2.

7/10 would play again.

Real player with 65.6 hrs in game

This is the first Watch Dogs game that I have played. i bought this game on sale. And it was completely worth every penny. First of all, the story line is engaging and attractive. As it is with Ubisoft, you could do side missions as well (if you want to). I am writing this before playing the last act; and even after finishing this game, I would love to play this one again sometime in future. It was an overwhelming experience for me with Watch Dogs.

Real player with 45.7 hrs in game

Watch_Dogs™ on Steam

8-Bit Commando

8-Bit Commando

We wanted the best, you know the rest.

A Contra look-alike, that does not stand to its predecessor. But is it THAT bad? Let’s find out! The game greets you with a nice soundrack and pretty good 8-bit graphics. Unfortunately the gameplay is ruined by bad controls especially in terms of jumping. And when you can’t land on a platform becouse of fucked up controls - you know that this game has an issue. A prefect run can be ruined by a single jump and then it’s back to the beggining or nearest check point (THANKS GOD FOR THAT). Also this game has a TIMER. And when such slow-paste game makes you rush the level becouse of the mistakes you made before - it doesnt’t help the situation at all. At least it has decent multiplayer.

Real player with 18.9 hrs in game


Rather than improving upon Contra / Probotector-games due better tech nowadays, this game just feels cumbersome (I really don’t have more fitting word here).

Main reason why I don’t recommend buying this game due how blatantly unfair this game is.

Note, this doesn’t mean you wouldn’t be able to beat this game. But it is still still unfair.

  • First of, and the majour flaw: The checkpoint-system is for the most part pointless / not worth it. In fact, it is just better to restart the the whole stage most of the times since they’re really short.

Real player with 7.3 hrs in game

8-Bit Commando on Steam