

Don’t touch this game :) From level 55 is pain, not a game, from level 56 is all good, again. Just don’t get car with Wreckball on lvl 55. Still funny.

Real player with 9.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Driving Action Games.

The original game, the perfect combination of zombies and races, a lot of maps, dynamic music, a lot of different cars.

Real player with 2.9 hrs in game

DriftZ on Steam

Horror Drift (ホラードリフト)

Horror Drift (ホラードリフト)

Ever wanted to deliver tofu while drifting on japanese touge runs? Great, because this is your chance, only problem is that the tracks you were assigned to are a little…haunted. Try not to get discouaged by the sinister presences and complete your run to earn your fame into this haunted drift world!

An arcade racing game with a horror heart: drive through the best japanese scenery and touge tracks and show what you are capable of, but be aware of the dangers that lure in the dark. You can go for the points by drifting your tires out, or go for speed and best time, driving as fast as you can. Be careful though: on the tracks, numerous evil entities are trying to slow you down and make you crash. Will you be able to avoid them all and cross the finish line? Every drift you make, every corner you cross, will make you closer to unlocking new tracks and new cars, with an ever growing chioce that will be kept updated and renewed even after launch. But behind every corner lies a possible danger that may completely wipe all your progress, randomly generated for your (un)pleasure. Be fast, be smart, don’t get scared.

Read More: Best Driving 3D Games.

Horror Drift (ホラードリフト) on Steam

Fears to Fathom - Norwood Hitchhike

Fears to Fathom - Norwood Hitchhike

Fears to Fathom is an episodic psychological horror game where each episode unveils a short story narrated by the ones who survived.

You’re browsing the second installment of the Fears to Fathom anthology.

Fears to Fathom : Norwood Hitchhike

In the second episode of Fears to Fathom you play as Holly Gardner, a 19 year old who was driving back home from a gaming convention, as the traffic got horrible she decided to take the long way to avoid the traffic which leads to an unplanned trip to a motel. Little did she know what was going down in the Norwood Valley. She survived as she made the right choices.

Key Features

  • Atmospheric environment and photo-realistic graphics.

  • VHS film aesthetic.

  • Receive texts from NPCs.

  • Player voice activity.

Read More: Best Driving Thriller Games.

Fears to Fathom - Norwood Hitchhike on Steam

Motor Assailant: Prologue

Motor Assailant: Prologue

The game looks great, but the timer is a bit too tight, and the first boss is way too hard. Loved the intro movies!

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

It’s alright

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Motor Assailant: Prologue on Steam



Fun and quirky combination of the common memory game and a bullet dodger.

Sometimes a neat idea for a game comes by combining genres. That’s exactly what Memorise’n’run does.

Each level has a boss with a certain attack pattern. You defeat the boss by dodging its attacks while simultaneously solving the memory puzzle of finding pairs.

You only get to see the puzzle for a short time before everything is hidden, but you get unlimited number of guesses. That is, as long as you can dodge the bullets.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Memorise'n'run on Steam

Need for Spirit: Off-Road Edition

Need for Spirit: Off-Road Edition

As a speed runner of this games predecessor I thought this would be much of the same, and a worthy addition to our small community of trash game speed runners. Man I was so wrong.

The first game is so bad that it’s good. Slippery controls. Terrible camera. Every thing on each level was a soft lock waiting to happen.

This time round it seems the Devs have fixed up a lot of the bugs and things that would soft lock you from the first game, leaving just the “racing” aspect. But the game is so slow, and levels so long that you’ll quit from boredom before frustration. The “drunk” effects from the first game are either removed, or just didn’t load. I couldn’t tell as…well, they didn’t load.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Not real a game where i would say “buy it” realy not worth the money,

The game has some grafic errors ( cars dont have lights shown during night time but reflect on the ground), a total missing of music where you dont want to kill yourself after 5 minutes (also music sounds a bit shit when turning cam).

Not a single hint what the game is about.

Well, need a lot of work. right now i deleted it from my steam.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Need for Spirit: Off-Road Edition on Steam

Volt Patrol - Stealth Driving

Volt Patrol - Stealth Driving

This is a small jewel of a game! It’s challenging yet at time oddly relaxing. I love the visuals, the minimalistic designs are obviously intended as a nod to the graphics of the early arcade games of the 80’s. Also beautiful and atmospheric music. The game is short but worth the price. Support independent game creators!

Real player with 14.0 hrs in game

“We need more Volt Patrol - it’s too interesting not to push any further than this.”


Full review at https://darkzero.co.uk/game-reviews/volt-patrol-stealth-driving-pc-review/


Real player with 12.7 hrs in game

Volt Patrol - Stealth Driving on Steam

Find the Oil Racing Edition

Find the Oil Racing Edition

[0.3] Controls & Training & Help

[0.1] Menu & Settings

[0.2] Sound & Music

[0.1] Graphics

[0.1] Game Design

[0] Game Story

[0] Game Content

[0] Completion time (level/game)?

[0] is it Enjoyable & Fun?

[0] Could it hold a spot in Favorites? (& if the Game can be repeatedly played again)

[0] BONUS point: Multi-Player related

[0] BONUS point: Review for VR

[N] - Registration is required with providing PII

Stars received: 0.8/10 ___ Note: v.4 [0.0 to 1] = personal impressions

Game description key-points: useless ….

Real player with 5.9 hrs in game

This game has little to no content I could not even get an hour in. Well before I even start THE EXIT BUTTON DOESN’T WORK! Besides the fact none of the car controls you see in the help section actually do anything at all. I would like to think Steam would test games before putting them on their store and make the ability to close it without using alt+f4 a requirement to make the store. I received a key for this game on an app where I played mobile games for points for keys. It was one of the low end rewards from the loot boxes, a sign not to even try it. The music only plays when your put of your car, where you have no body by the way, and its jungle music. In every area, in rocky deserts there is jungle music. I don’t even think there is a jungle in this game. The cars sound like an rc car at full speed when you pick it up overlayed with a person humming in an attempt to mimic the sound of a car. The cars go way too fast and its impossible to control your speed unless you just tap w repeatedly giving the car time to slow a bit then boosting it, because your car just speeds up until it hits max when you hold forward. Remember when I mentioned controls don’t work? THE BREAKS DON’T WORK. They tried to implement drifting which causes your car to just glide if you turn more than an inch like its on an air hockey table. I tried to play through the entire game before leaving a review but I got lost. I GOT LOST IN A LINEAR RACING GAME???????? The graphics are atrocious, I had my settings to ultra and I could see every pixel, on my RTX 2060 SUPER and 1440p monitor. I even tried it on my second lesser quality monitor and it was still horrid looking. There was one area with a stretch of solid white, I thought it was snow but it was just solid white. It was between a rocky valley and a lush green area, oh ya, you somehow leave track marks in rock. The water is excrement brown and has no physics, going underwater removes its texture so it looks like your in a hole. The destruction distorts the textures but some parts like the break lights stay floating as the rest of the car is scrunched up. Some areas you can see text through walls, if you back up into a wall the camera goes through it. Take the $2 you would spend on this mess and go to your local arcade/mall/bowling alley and play the racing games there, heck just buy four gumballs. Or take it and give it to a homeless person who could use that to buy a bottle of water or small amount of food and survive another day. Just buy anything but this mess of a game.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Find the Oil Racing Edition on Steam

CrashMetal - Cyberpunk

CrashMetal - Cyberpunk

I’ll talk about the pros and cons of this game to let you, the reader, know more about the game, at the end I’ll give my opinion on the game in it’s current state and let you decide whether it’s worth it or not.


The game is very well optimised for both my laptop and my PC and run well on both systems.

There’s a lot of customisation for the different vehicles that are currently in the game

The map is a decent size, it’s not huge and it’s not small

You’re able to teleport to the different races/bosses without having to spend any credit (aka in-game currency)

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

The game is really great although there are a lot of bugs, sometimes when I am in the performance upgrade page I go to press escape, but it doesn’t work and I have to close the game then reopen it for it to work. As well as when you enter drift area, you cannot go onto other events even after the timer for drift mode runs out, so you would have to go back to garage then back into the map to be able to access the other races, and the problem of “Name too short” while trying to access multiplayer, you can’t actually change your name so that kinda sucked. The graphics are really great, gameplay is a little confusing at first, but then you learn them quickly and the races are good but repetative.

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

CrashMetal - Cyberpunk on Steam



A great retro shooter with all the elements of the classics; moody atmosphere, bleak color palette, disturbing enemies, a well rounded array of weaponry, WELL HIDDEN secrets, spooky music, hell yeah. I spent years playing quake and doom, as well as unreal. This game is highly reminiscent of the late nineties and is quite replayable as I need to find more secrets. Well worth 15 bucks.

Real player with 18.8 hrs in game

Lenin, comrade lenin. eternal lenin lived, lenin lives, lenin is to live forever.














Real player with 9.1 hrs in game

HROT on Steam