Tank Shoot 2D - Battle to save City Flag

Tank Shoot 2D - Battle to save City Flag

Tank Shoot 2D is the ultimate couch cooperative arcade-style game for 1 or 2 players.

You are in battle to protect your city flag - if enemy tanks shoot flag, game-over.

Kill all enemies to reach next stage.

Collect items to gain special powers.

New levels bring new and smarter enemies.

And new levels bring new types of walls and new challenges.

This game with classic gameplay mechanics will bring back childhood memories and provide you countless hours of fun and entertainment!

Read More: Best Driving Action Games.

Tank Shoot 2D - Battle to save City Flag on Steam



This game sucks so much. I got diarrhea all night long after playin' this.

โ€“ Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Driving Arena Shooter Games.

It feel like I got rape and didn’t realized it until the game is over.

โ€“ Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

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