Brooklyn Sentai: Episode One

Brooklyn Sentai: Episode One

5,000 years ago, the evil X?X?X? Organization crashlanded on Earth. They were driven back into space by the protectors of the Earth. Today, X?X?X? have returned. Stronger. Crazier. Starving for chaos. In New York City, the citizens who would be the Earth’s protectors are about to have their lives changed. Five people will be entrusted with the power to stop evil. They will fight for their planet. They will fight for their city. Brooklyn Sentai.



A fresh take on music games that presents gameplay modeled after playing a real piano. Play and layer melody and harmony to fight evil.


Each episode focuses on one member of Brooklyn Sentai and features fully voiced acted cutscenes.


Jump, fight, and dance your way through early 90’s inspired retro platforming.

Episode One also includes the game soundtrack, featuring all the songs from Episode One and one song from Episode Two, in lossless FLAC format.

About the Developer

Nick Leyva is a content creator. His improv team, The Weird Ones, was assembled by Shannon O’Neil in 2012 for a run at the Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre in New York City, which sold out. The same year, his first musical FYM debuted at Dixon Place as part of their annual HOT! Festival in the lower east side of NYC. In 2015 he was selected to participate in the New York Musical Theatre Festival Songwriting Workshop, which concluded with a masterclass with composer Laurence O’Keefe (Bat Boy, Legally Blonde, Heathers). Also in 2015 Square Enix selected a song he composed for use in the promotion of the videogame Just Cause 3. In 2016 he turned to game development, and in 2019 completed his first commercial game.

Brooklyn Sentai: Episode One on Steam

Battle Star

Battle Star

I played almost 40h and want to keep going. As a f2p I like that you can get all the characters without spending any money. The graphics are good, sounddesign is catching and the turnbased combat is right up my ally. The only thing I might add is the option to change gear during missionselection. Other than that I would also like to see a male character who talks more (srly girls are not in shortage but where are the men?). That aside, the combat is exciting and story interesting (at least for me). I do love me a good grind (I did spend more of less 70% of my playtime grinding ressources) but that might not be the case for everyone. You can take it ez though. I recommend you try it out for yourself. Can’t wait for more exciting updates. ;)

Real player with 141.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Drama Strategy Games.

Summary: This is a pretty awesome game if you like SRPGs!

Story: It exists. It’s not great, it’s not terrible, just whatever. Pretty generic anime-esque stuff, a group of female fighters trying to take down the evil bad guys.

Artstyle/UI: Very good! The characters are clean and distinct, the attacks are flashy without being over-the-top. UI is tight and shiny, and easy to navigate. It’s anime style in the artwork, but chibi “big head” characters in the actual gameplay. It’s not distracting though, it’s very cute. Some character artwork is sexualized with huge cleavage, but compared to a lot of games of this stripe, it’s not over-the-top. Many characters are just badass/cool without being scantily clad.

Real player with 101.3 hrs in game

Battle Star on Steam

Angry Celt Warrior

Angry Celt Warrior

Witness the battle for the New World, as Damon the Angry Celt Warrior, and Elizabeth Yomoda aka. Widowmaker and all their battle hardened friends take on the diabolical Dr. Janet Anita, her evil henchmen and her army of Zodraz Soldiers.


A 2D Pixel Art, Action Adventure game with arcade-style gameplay which pits you against incoming hordes of soldiers and the bosses that await you! Battle through the evil forces that stand in your way, and witness the story unfold in cartoonish-style Visual Novel scenes, following the stories of Damon the Angry Celt Warrior, Elizabeth Yomoda aka. Widowmaker, and the Gaming Gods that created the New World.


You play the game as one (or two, or three) Angry Warriors that have been bestowed the Powers of Anger and Rage. A godly power that grants its user incredible strength and power that can take down even an entire army. Faced with enemies that want to rule the New World like Dr. Janet Anita, or who just want to be respected like Damon Healy, our heroes must punch, swing, yell and blast their way through their adversaries in order to save the New World!


-Damon the Angry Celt Warrior: The son of a proud and respected Celt Queen, Damon was reincarnated into the present day by Dr. Janet Anita. Realizing the truth of his return to the living, Damon sets out to rid the world of all those who seek to inflict harm. He comes across as a bit thick-headed, although it looks like he’s hiding something…

-Elizabeth Yomoda aka. Widowmaker: A highly trained assassin born to the last Japanese Samurai and a New Zealand spy, Widowmaker joins Damon’s crusade as his girlfriend and partner-in-crime. Intelligent, strong, flexible and oozing sex appeal galore, Widowmaker is a danger in all forms!


-Visually appealing Visual Novel artwork, backed by a befitting soundtrack

-Simple Arcade-style gameplay even casuals and novices can enjoy

-Thrilling combat against soldiers and bosses

-Enjoy a epic story spread out through Story Mode, Side Stories and Visual Novel Stories

-Mini-games such as Arcade Mode and Rush Survival (more to come)

-Free additional content for future updates (You bought the game already, so you deserve it!)


-Love simplistic gameplay

-Looking for a good way to pass the time

-Love an unfolding story

-Love interesting and wacky characters

-Love Cartoon-style art

Read More: Best Drama 2D Games.

Angry Celt Warrior on Steam



Stars received: 1.9/10 _ Note: v.5 [0.0 to 1] = personal impressions

[0.5] Controls & Training & Help

[0.1] Menu & Settings

[0.2] Sound & Music

[0.3] Graphics

[0.3] Game Design

[0] Game Story

[0.3] Game Content

[0] Completion time (level/game)?

[0.2] is it Enjoyable & Fun?

[0] Could it hold a spot in Favorites? (& if the Game can be repeatedly played again)

[0] BONUS point: Multi-Player related

[0] BONUS point: Review for VR

[N] - if Registration is required with providing PII

Game description key-points: kind of Hard-Core survival

Real player with 11.4 hrs in game

I’m pretty simple, if I see a game with a cat in it, I buy, so I didn’t realize when I bought Hellcat that it was released this month! And I also didn’t realize it was a Russian game translated to English and only had one English review lol. I figured with that considered, I would write a review for other users considering to buy the title, since there isn’t a lot of information given. I have played through the entire game, and played through level 1-7 four times. I have all of the achievements. There is ten levels overall, the first seven are solo, then a boss battle, then two levels were you must control both the Hellcat and his girlfriend, and then the end transitions into a fight against the GrandBoss. This game is very, very fastpaced and brutal. One hit will auto kill you, and there is no checkpoints, so players will go back to the very beginning of the level to try again.

Real player with 8.3 hrs in game

HellCat on Steam