Fading Visage

Fading Visage

Fading Visage is a bare boned single map where the objective is to follow a willow the wisp spirit with a kumbaya voice saying “follow me so I can tell you what a naughty monkey you’ve been”. It drags you out to a small dead wilderness area and points out a item that was present when the crime happened. Then two or three shadow people (that look like the letter A) appear ready to chase you back to the house from where you spawned from in the beginning. Upon reaching the safety of this house, you black out and the friendly spirit again asks you to follow so she can point out another item and tell you off for being a naughty monkey. After 5 or 6 of these repeated happenings it culminates with you having a choice to either live with yourself knowing you’re a naughty monkey or drown yourself in naughty monkey justice, the later apparently being the ‘Good Ending’. If you don’t make a choice within about 2,000th of a millisecond the game will choose for you this drowning ending. Both endings are pitiful for what can only be described as a fairly rushed out asset plonk and give me your money. I’ve played better free games on Steam. Only 10 minutes of ‘why play this rubbish’ entertainment slapped with an outrageous $7.50 price tag. Like the title, i can only hope this developer is a ‘Fading Visage’.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Drama Survival Games.

This game is alright. I think some of the other reviews may be a result of mistaken expectations; the tags on the store page are misleading. This is a very short walking simulator with horror elements. The story is okay, the graphics are mediocre, and the price is too high considering the length of the game. Get it in a bundle.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Fading Visage on Steam



Meh, nice idea but badly executed, You have to navigate through some kind of space anomalies which completely swallow any kind of light… of course there is a monster hunting you. To find your way through the anomalies you have to use a sonar, which gives you one particular sound for “wall ahead” and one for “no wall” within (approximation) 3 meters. Sounds like a good idea, but it sucks! You easyly lose orientation, especially when the monster is close behind you… and then you die. That also sucks because there is no way to save, only checkpoints, probably to make the game longer. Bugs - of course. The setting is a joke too. Textures and objects are so unbelievable repetitive, it actually makes this “horror game” kinda “funny”. Absolutely ridiculous!

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Drama Violent Games.

Terrible game

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Scenner on Steam