Bleeding Moons

Bleeding Moons

A unique and entertaining point and click adventure game in the vein of Space Pilgrim about war, politics, love and everything in between. The game is more of an interactive novel, the puzzle part is very easy, too easy I would say, so if you are expecting to get creative about picking things and combining them in the inventory, this is not the game for you.

The game tackles adult issues such as rape and abuse, but very tastefully, which is testament to the overall excellent writing. The world is rich with characters and they all have a story, even the many NPCs will tell you their tale. The creators really took their time with every detail, including some humorous: in a city with many stray dogs, of course you will find poop on the street :) … which should have been an achievement itself.

Real player with 35.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Drama Text-Based Games.

First of all, I’m writing this review as a huge THANK YOU to the creator. I just finished the game and I’m absolutely in love with it! I spent about a good 10 hours playing through the story and because I’m that kind of guy that wants to know everything, I logged over 200 saves. I’ll be going back to my final save later this week to try something a little different. After that I’m likely to try again from the beginning to see what I might be able to change.

! I was surprised to find out I was locked out of Luna’s ending but the rest were available to me

Real player with 13.8 hrs in game

Bleeding Moons on Steam

The St Christopher’s School Lockdown

The St Christopher’s School Lockdown

It’s awesome! I love it! The ending I got went out with a BANG! It scared the shit outta me lol.

Real player with 37.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Drama Politics Games.


A classic-style point-and-click adventure with a unique and eye-catching graphic novel art style. The characters are well written, dialogue is believable and well acted, and the environment feels very well lived-in, with a great use of flavour text to maximize humour and character by describing the world through the character’s eyes and personality. The only flaw I can think to mention is a few interface issues that can get annoying but should definitely not stop you from playing this little gem.

Real player with 23.9 hrs in game

The St Christopher's School Lockdown on Steam



So the trailers are very honest about the kinds of things this game does that might need content warnings. Guns and blood and mental anguish and stuff. But I also kinda wanna warn people about one other thing this game does because it’s pretty unpleasant. It’s also like my favorite thing this game does so, idk, up to you if you wanna keep reading.

This game fucks with you. The pretentious way to say it would be to call Psycholonials a “challenging piece of art” which I think definitely applies but, you know, jerk off hand motion. I’m not a writer but I’ll try to find better ways to phrase this because… it’s complicated. It keeps doing this thing where it puts you on the defensive by saying something super iffy, but I think after playing the whole thing that I’ve settled on giving Hussie the benefit of the doubt that that’s intentional and making a point. It drops a lot of really big, really red flags but all of them have a more charitable reading that is good actually but requires a lot of unearned good faith reading on your part to see it.

Real player with 16.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Drama Visual Novel Games.

Hi, sit down and bear with me. Keep in mind i have never felt the need to write a negative review to a game in my entire life. I am just sad.

This game is simply awful, just incredibly bad. There is nothing to like about anything except the music and SOME of the art. Jokes are bad, it’s just “2020 haha” moments and it’s boring. Seriously, i would never finish this if i played it alone, it’s not interesting. Bear with me, what is there to like about an edgy mental “celebrity” who destroys an entire country just BECAUSE? What’s to like about dumb conversations and just “oh, society is bad and i have the right to act like this because… i don’t know, i guess i can”. A lot of deaths occur simply because, too.

Real player with 9.6 hrs in game

Psycholonials on Steam

The Thought Police Hotline: Episode 1

The Thought Police Hotline: Episode 1

Follow Far2close - Visual Novel Playthroughs Curator Page

The Thought Police Hotline: Episode 1

Developer: Voonle

Publisher: Voonle


1. The story does keep its merits as sci-fi with interesting inclusions such as the government taking over privacy and tracking emotions, calls, and other activities. I could see the inspirations if this was inspired by Minority Report or the anime series PSYCHO-PASS, or just the outlook on real life itself.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

The Thought Police Hotline: Episode 1 on Steam

Orwell’s Animal Farm

Orwell’s Animal Farm

This game explains nothing about its gameplay (after multiple playthroughs I’m still unsure of what the Animalism stat does) and appears to be a buggy mess of RNG. Dead animals can still comment on events occurring (Napoleon and Boxer appear to be the biggest culprits) or show up at the gravesite despite being dead (such as the Cabal of Pigs ending where Snowball and Napoleon have died, but Napoleon is at the grave). You can run into problems where you have plenty of supplies and want to repair the buildings but you can’t until the option presents itself, or similarly where you had the opportunity to harvest with multiple animals to fill the supplies to their maximum but suddenly only one animal can be chosen and you have far less than usual. Sometimes it skips letting you plant for next year which makes supplies much worse and no longer lets you plant on subsequent years, even if you have the supplies to do so.

Real player with 12.9 hrs in game


George Orwell’s dystopian and satirist literary work undoubtedly influenced, and still influences, a lot of other creative people, who are inspired by his themes, and use them for their own work. However, having a full videogame adaptation of his work is something else, and now we finally got it with Orwell’s Animal Farm, which adapts the original allegorical novella. This text-based game tries to capture and expand the book’s themes and experience a bit by adding several story choices. There is not much more to this game, as you could say it is similar to a visual novel. Is it a good addition, though? Well, let us dive into the review to find it out!

Real player with 6.6 hrs in game

Orwell's Animal Farm on Steam

My Friend Stalin

My Friend Stalin

conducting the Politburo in my room has been a pleasure.


send in the tanks

Real player with 29.5 hrs in game

This is by far, the most amazing game i have ever gotten i got it for all of my friends, orgasamed in seconds.

Real player with 4.1 hrs in game

My Friend Stalin on Steam



**This is a very first prototype version! You may play it very soon and be invited to participate in development.

These are expected features.**

Attention: Prototype will be launched in june/2020. Your support will be welcome!

Choose who lives and who dies in a small peripheral hospital in a pandemic situation.

Live in the shoes of Keyla, a young doctor from the outskirts of São Paulo, in a pandemic situation.

2020. A small hospital on the outskirts of São Paulo lives the most bizarre story ever: a pandemic.

Many people cry out for service. Rich and poor. Women and men. Black and white. Children and old people. The hospital is getting full.

As a doctor, Keyla needs to examine. Examine and choose.

While choosing patients, Keyla also needs to have her personal choices.

Who will you save?


  • Play a 4-color pixel art game;

  • An adventure journey. Think carefully, act quickly;

  • Short gameplay rounds with replayability;

  • Choose through mini-games who lives and who dies;

  • Serve dozens of patients with based real-life stories;

  • Feel the sensation of being a doctor during the pandemic

The game design may get modifications.

Pandemia on Steam



A strange experience, if you’re interested at all I’d recommend not reading much more about this

Real player with 2.2 hrs in game

This is a “game” much in the same way a walking simulator or a VN is, so just fair warning.

I am currently on Day 4 and will update again when I get to Day 7.

I will not spoil specifics.

The “game” is best experienced as intended: do each day without changing clocks or anything. Do Day 1, and then do Day 2 the following day when it unlocks. Complete all exercises with honest intent, to include the writing prompts and meditation exercises.

There is a narrative and character and background amidst what feels like real mindfulness concepts. The blend between the real and fictional is intriguing and keeps me coming back each day. The layout of the exercises feels intended, with the motivational video leading into the discussions/lectures by KARE, then a meditation/breathing exercises that inevitably lead you to ruminating about what KARE just talked about, a writing prompt that sometimes gives you pause about wanting to be completely truthful, and a final checklist of items that you’re more than likely just going to click through without actually implementing.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

UnearthU on Steam



Suzerain is a really interesting story exploring the trappings of power, geopolitics, political dynamics, and the push and pull between reform and historic legacy.

Based loosely on the political situation of Turkey in the 1960s, your character inherits the reigns of a semi-democratic, semi-authoritarian country with a troubled past and present in a world increasingly pulled into the spheres of two superpowers. You inherit a recession, tense political situation, and a large, belligerent country breathing down the neck of your own. Your primary mandates are to resolve the political situation by siding with reform or using the tools of state to secure or expand your considerable powers and put an end to dissent; fix the economy; put an end to threat across the northern border through deft political maneuvering or military build up; and, of course, secure reelection.

Real player with 210.6 hrs in game

Excellent political simulator set in a very well crated world. The world-building is excellent. There are countless ways in which you can see the effects of your actions. The first half of the game is pretty boring especially on replay however second half of the game is always great and is worth the lengthy setup. I can’t recommend this game enough if you like games about politics.

Real player with 62.8 hrs in game

Suzerain on Steam

Sovereign Tea

Sovereign Tea

The artwork is adorable and charming. The music is absolutely on point for setting the tone and atmosphere. The story has a good level of intrigue with compelling characters. The game play is challenging which made completing the game feel all the more rewarding.

Real player with 65.5 hrs in game

Coffee? Tea? or perhaps Melee?

In 3HG’s most ambitious project to date, Sovereign Tea offers a unique Tactical Strategy adventure with a focus on unit-to-unit combat and resource management. Whether you’re new to the genre or a seasoned veteran, this game will present a stimulating blend of challenge and catharsis to your experience. The tutorial is intuitive and the first levels offer plenty of room to catch and correct mistakes. There’s even a hint function before each skirmish. However, out of pride, I didn’t really check it. That is, until around the end of the game. Much to my surprise, they weren’t step-for-step guides, but little details to keep in mind that may inspire a new strategy. There were a couple of instances where I knew I had a winning strategy, but I needed to grind through a some extra turns to yield results. Luckily, battles can be revisited (reenacted?) and if I were so inclined, I could try new loadouts or beat my turn record. The characters are written with such detail, they practically read with their own voice. It was fun hearing about a character and speculating how they’d behave or interact with others when they’re finally introduced (based on what I know about their namesake).

Real player with 41.0 hrs in game

Sovereign Tea on Steam