Vampires Dawn 3 - The Crimson Realm

Vampires Dawn 3 - The Crimson Realm

Vampires Dawn 3 is a more than worthy successor to the previous games of the series.

The story and characters are great, and some twists are simply spectacular. I enjoyed a lot the magic system with runes that can be combined to unlock different spells and to explore combat tacticts. The game world is believable and although there are many funny moments, too, the dark setting is one of a kind and the plot got me hooked from the first moment till the end. Especially the quite long prologue is simply phantastic.

Real player with 89.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Drama Vampire Games.


-Interessante Nebenquests / Nebengeschichten in den Dörfern.



-Alle NPC´s sind ansprechbar

-Interessantes, abwechslungsreiches Map-Design

-Charakterbilder sehen klasse aus


-Regelmäßige Updates/Patches


-Teilweise ultra schmalzige Dialoge

-Zu viele Gegnertypen sind automatisch immun gegen “Blutsaugen” & “Tod”

.dies mag sehr subjektiv sein, aber ich hatte das Gefühl,

andauernd in die Städte porten zu müssen wegen Blutmangel während des Dungeoncrawls.

Real player with 78.5 hrs in game

Vampires Dawn 3 - The Crimson Realm on Steam

SaGa Frontier Remastered

SaGa Frontier Remastered

This is a little bit late but I wanted to wait till I had more time in the game so I could give as good a review I can.

I’ll start with the cons first:

  • The biggest problem with this game imo, is the lack of story. Everything feels super rushed and half baked, it feels like they were speed running when they wrote the stories. What’s there is good and the premises are cool, but it definitely is just not as good story wise as a lot of other rpgs out there (such as persona and ff games). The lack of dialogue works to the games favor in a way cause big text walls can be very boring, especially when you’re not super invested in the story anyway. If you only like games with good story I would skip this game for sure.

Real player with 184.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Drama 2D Games.

This game should really be the standard by which remasters are judged. I got the original on the PS1 ages ago and thoroughly enjoyed it despite its flaws. The remastered version does a lot to iron out the original flaws (the inclusion of the new journal helps immensely in keeping on track with stories and events, which was likely the biggest flaw in the original), restores tons of cut or unfinished content (big-yay here), and gives a new character to play. It also has an in-game artbook, and the ability to change the gamespeed between x1 and x3 (and tracks overworld and combat speeds separately, so if you prefer exploration at x1 and combat at x2-3, it’s got your back).

Real player with 82.0 hrs in game

SaGa Frontier Remastered on Steam

Legends of Astravia

Legends of Astravia

Lost within the turmoil of Astravia’s past, you and your companions must find a way to unite its people before the Cataclysm brings about another age of ruin.


  • Exciting, timer-based battle system that relies on quick decision making. The twist: you control the timer; no more waiting for a bar to fill up or for turns to pass.

  • A varied cast of playable characters, each with unique combat styles and unique abilities to help you craft the perfect team.

  • Vast, explorable world filled with dungeons, caves, and towns. There are challenging puzzles to solve and treasures to find in every corner of Astravia.

  • Avoidable enemy encounters. Choose your own playstyle instead of being at the mercy of randomized, repetitive gameplay.

  • Modular skill system that allows you to swap abilities between characters, so you never feel locked in to a particular “build”.

  • An engaging story supported by varied side-quests. Alongside a fulfilling main quest, meet characters all over the world with their own side-quests and special rewards.


The world of Astravia is in conflict; severed by unrest between mysticians and humans who fear their magic. Once seen as heroes, the flow of time eroded mysticians’ feats into myth, and so anyone who shares their likeness in the present day must instead hide from the ruling country of Valica and its brutal knights.

Thus, the wandering mystician Oliver must tread with caution as he escapes the woods of a Valican territory. Spared by a mysterious assassin and at a loss as to how he got there, the stakes are raised even higher when Oliver realizes he must pass through Valica’s capitol in order to find answers about his own origins.

#### Chapter 2 & 3’s synopses will be revealed prior to their release.

Read More: Best Drama Magic Games.

Legends of Astravia on Steam

Masquerada: Songs and Shadows

Masquerada: Songs and Shadows

Masquerada: Songs and Shadows really took me by surprise, it really did. The game claims to be a RPG but there are very few elements to support that claim, especially given the fact that the story is quite linear and there are no choices for you to make, you’re basically just watching how everything unfolds. That said, there is a lot to say about Masquerada, both good and bad, and I believe it’s a game that went under a lot of people’s radar and I truly believe it deserves a lot more exposure and credit than it has received.

Real player with 38.5 hrs in game

Once again, this is the type of game where the “Yes” actually means “Yes, but-”, as in “Yes, but only if you like linear story-focused games with lots (and I mean LOTS) of reading”. Let’s get this straight: any mention of this game being an “RPG” is very misleading. There are no choices in the story at all; the protagonist (Cicero) is a defined character with his own personality and backstory, which I don’t think is a bad thing. There is very little exploration, aside from a few tidbits of lore and equipment sprinkled about, and since the game almost never lets you backtrack, it’s easy to lock yourself out of getting a certain lore entry or mask forever if you’re not careful. Pretty much the only RPG-like mechanic is the skills, masks, and enchantments you can pick between, so if you consider XCOM an RPG, then sure, I guess this game counts, too.

Real player with 27.4 hrs in game

Masquerada: Songs and Shadows on Steam



I’ve done a lot of thinking about this, and having played through the entire story I can safely give my judgement: This is not a good game. It’s adequate, at best.

Sure there is some stuff to like in here, but overall I found it severely lacking. Here’s my nearly free/ only minor spoiler review:

First of all, the writing and characters are absolutely atrocious. If I’m playing any sort of RPG, I want to be invested in who I’m controlling. In this game, every character hits an archetype from the moment you meet them and doesn’t grow at all through the course of the game. This doesn’t hold true for two of the characters: Locke and Van. But even in their cases, we all saw their individual plot-lines coming, right? (If I were doing spoilers in this review, there would be an earful here about how increadibly stupid and plothole filled a character Locke is here)

Real player with 85.3 hrs in game

A retro-esque JRPG that brings me back to the days when I had to do all my homework before my parents would let me play my videogame… In fact, Lost Sphear is exactly that, as it refuses to let you enjoy its mechanics until you’ve sat through 30-40 hours of uninspired plot first.

It’s narrowly a “no” from me.

If you like mechanics-heavy ATB-based JRPG combat, there’s a lot to love here. Global modifiers in the form of Artifacts allow you to change the battle mechanics, allowing you to warp them to favor your playstyle and character builds. Your characters start out as fairly cookie-cutter JRPG roles, but Momentum and Sublimation, though poorly-explained, allow you to permanently imprint your characters' skills with unique mechanics-abusing effects. Weapons and armor are modifiable, too, making almost every piece of gear technically viable* in its niche.

Real player with 74.3 hrs in game


Blood Knot

Blood Knot

I wish I could recommend that. The story seems nice enough and the dialogue is decent, but unfortunately I can’t give it a thumbs up simply for the fact that the UI is broken. Both the battle and the menu ones.

Sometimes when I’m in battle, the UI will bug out making the items names disappear and the HP and damage counters will not rise or fall. That way I can’t know what items I have (unless looking through its descriptions) and I can’t know how much damage I’m doing to an enemy or how much they’re doing to me.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Blood Knot on Steam

Rise of the Third Power

Rise of the Third Power

1587, 2A - 15 years have passed since the guns of the Great War at last fell silent. The conflict rocked the world, leaving half a generation of men and women lying dead on the battlefield. Of the many players that had acted on the world stage, only two remained: the kingdom of Cirinthia and the ancient Republic of Tariq.

In time, Dimitri Noraskov, a hero to the defeated Kingdom of Arkadya, rose from the ashes. He saw his king as a coward for surrendering, and a traitor for submitting to the Treaty of Evenheart. So did the people. They supported Noraskov when he overthrew the king. They supported him as he reclaimed the lands that had been stripped of them. And they supported him as he raised an army. Noraskov had theorized that the nations of the world were still too worn by the Great War to enforce the terms of the Treaty. Thus far, his gambit has proven successful.

The Arkadyan Empire shows no signs of curbing its aggression. It is feared by many that a reprise of the Great War, that at one time could have been prevented, is now all but inevitable. But there are those that believe it can yet be stopped…

Rise of the Third Power is a love letter to the glory days of the console style RPG, with modern conveniences such as auto-save and a combination of the best elements of Japanese and Western style gameplay and writing. Experience this fusion of East and West, old and new, in a game meant to surpass Stegosoft Games' previous work in every way!

  • STORY DRIVEN - Join a party of eight, each with their own unique ambitions, perspectives and personalities as they embark upon a suicide mission to topple the Arkadyan emperor, Dimitri Noraskov. A blend of humor, drama and tragedy await players as they navigate the treacherous world of Rin.

  • POLITICAL INTRIGUE - As the world of Rin recovers from the Great War, the balance of power remains badly skewed, with vacuums of power still waiting to be filled. The player’s party will be both beset and aided by schemers, liars and betrayers, all while the clock ticks down to a reprise of the greatest war in human history.

  • CUSTOM BATTLE SYSTEM - Rise of the Third Power offers eight playable characters in a battle system built from scratch, each with their own strengths and weaknesses, all of whom are meant to participate in battle simultaneously without the need for tedious party management. Combine each character’s unique powers and disadvantages, analyze the abilities of your foes, set your formation and charge into battle.

  • PERSISTENT EQUIPMENT - Each piece of equipment found, purchased or stolen is a permanent, unique upgrade for each character. Instead of purchasing replacements, the player purchases upgrades. No more buying that awesome helmet back in town only to stumble over a better one as treasure in a dungeon. Each character has 3 equipment slots with 8 upgrades each, with 192 to find in total. This system avoids the tedium of inventory management, while also giving the completionist something useful to hunt for.

Rise of the Third Power on Steam

Fate of Persephone

Fate of Persephone

This RPG is partially inspired by the classic Sleeping Beauty story. Fate of Persephone attempts to give a new spin on role playing games: a predominately female cast of characters, a ‘magic only’ battle structure, and a focus on alternative ways to advance in the game. The game awards experience points not only for fighting but also for acquiring wisdom through puzzle solving, lore studying, secret area finding, etc.

The game also will feature four times of day that are based off of the time of the realm to add different moods to every area. Some treasure chests are ‘random prize’ to pay homage to the classic paper-and-pencil RPGs that so many of us love. A full digital audio music score in high-quality stereo WAV format is also included to allow us to more accurately help the player to become engrossed in the game; as we feel that music is one of the most powerful forms of art available to games. The project also includes voice acting as well.

Some of the features we have implemented:

  • Free moving inventory management

  • User friendly player equipping interface

  • Quest Journal that keeps track of game objectives

  • Automap that allows ARBITRARY fast travel

  • Atmospheric particle systems (dust, rain, smoke, etc.)

  • Voice acting with accurately timed mouth animations

  • Conversation trees with player decisions that determine future events

  • Play your way with multiple input styles (keybinds, icons, viewport)

  • Inventory trash can that can retrieve last five items discarded, if needed

  • Strong music score and ambient atmospheric sound tracks

Fate of Persephone on Steam

CZAR: Decision

CZAR: Decision


_There are three kinds of people.

The one who keep reaching the light.

The one who stay in between.

And the one who succumbed to the darkness.

This is the story about war, love, and peace._

CZAR: Decision is a mix RPG-VN game. You play the role of an inhabitant of Sriharja Kingdom named Sagara. He and his friends were involved in an incident sixth years ago where miasma burst out from the ruins, later the suspects were arrested. Today, the incident repeats, revealing the mystery and the truth of the past …


  • 7+ Hours of Gameplay

  • HD 2D Graphics

  • Unique Turn Based Battle System

  • Visual Novel-styled dialogue

  • Original Artwork

  • Music composed by Japanese Composer SHIDO STRIFE

CZAR: Decision on Steam

Dead Hearts

Dead Hearts

You can listen to OST on Gamejolt page!

In Dead Hearts you play the role of Zero, Nekojin living in a village in the mountains. One night the village is invaded by elite knights of the neighboring empire, Araynia. You, your sister and childhood friend, are the only ones to emerge from this event. After a successful escape, you are forced to survive in the wilderness and wander for a long time to a prosperous city to join the gendarmerie and take revenge.

Dead Hearts is an RPG with dynamic action, battles happen in real time with a view from above. Earn levels, items, silver, companions, new skills and better equipment to face increasingly powerful opponents. There are many different quests in the game to move the story forward… or to help a settler from the surrounding village with his problem of rats. The game has several endings, and some romance with some of the characters, as well as the dynamic character of the main character, which changes depending on the choices made or events in the game world.

The continent on which the action takes place was divided into 2 parts: Western and Eastern.

  • The western part is mainly desert, and is mostly inhabited by elves.

  • The eastern part is more diverse, both in nature and in the races living there.

In the west there are nations:

  • Theocracy of Elfrand

  • Dishan Empire

  • Satsuran Kingdom

  • United Commonwealth of Continental Nations

  • Chetiak

In the east there are nations:

  • Principality of Ywjilthar

  • Araynia Empire

  • Chetian Federation

  • Vrignian Monarchy

  • Polonian Republic

  • Abria

  • Wiederescian Republic

In the game world there are four, uncovered, humanoid races:

  • Humans

  • Elves

  • Nekojin

  • Angels

Dead Hearts on Steam