Killer Motive

Killer Motive

Game features:

1.Search for clues

You need to operate a character at the crime scene to find clues, some clues are arranged very hidden, and some are arranged in unusually dangerous places.

Part of the clues are related, and it is necessary to use reasoning and imagination to associate multiple clues to generate new clues.

2.Free reasoning

You need to talk to every suspect with a ghost, explore the relationship between the characters, and expose their lies and conspiracies.

3.Survival and adventure

Just in one moment you seem to trigger something, the bright room was transformed into a ghostly house. Not only do you need to survive in the hands of the evil ghost, but also to help her find the real murderer to give up the heart of obsession.

4.Plot puzzle

Use reasonable logic to reason, and you will soon break through layers of fog and identify the murderer.

Read More: Best Drama Mystery Games.

Killer Motive on Steam

Alfred Hitchcock - Vertigo

Alfred Hitchcock - Vertigo

Ed Miller, a writer, came out unscathed from his car crash down into Brody Canyon, California.

Even though no one was found inside the car wreckage, Ed insists that he was traveling with his wife and daughter. Traumatized by the event, he begins to suffer from severe vertigo. As he starts therapy, he will try to uncover what really happened on that tragic day.

Prepare yourself for a most disturbing investigation inside the human mind: truth is sometimes worse than madness.


  • An original story about obsession, manipulation and madness, inspired by Alfred Hitchcock’s masterpiece Vertigo.

  • Live a powerful narrative experience paying tribute to the visual and storytelling techniques of the thriller genre.

  • Investigate through the vision of three characters: everyone has a different story to tell.

  • Explore several timelines to cross-check the events and separate reality from deceptive memories.

  • Developed by the award-winning adventure game studio Pendulo Studios.

Read More: Best Drama Thriller Games.

Alfred Hitchcock - Vertigo on Steam



I highly recommend this product - but I need to first and foremost clarify that it is a experience and not much of a “game”. That isn’t a bad thing, you just need to know that going in.

I won’t retread the stuff that everyone else said - about the 5 viewpoints, 15 minutes long, etc., etc. - what I want to call out is the acting and execution of the story. You could hurry through the game and skim all the scenes to get the information you need in order to answer the 3 questions and “finish” the game, but that’s not really the best way to experience the content. I think the three questions are mainly there to give you a starting point for your investigation.

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Drama Mystery Games.


I love the presentation and I want to see more of this. There were parts of the story that didn’t gel for me.

Too short for the price (at under 60 minutes).

Nevertheless, recommended. Just get it on sale.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game


Nowhere New

Nowhere New

TLDR: If you like indies, play this game. Its story and atmosphere are well worth a few hours of your time.

This is not a full size game. It was created by a small group of students on no budget, and it shows. However, for that size and scope, it is impressively complete. I greatly enjoyed the couple hours I spent playing.


The writing is very strong. The mystery is intriguing, the characters are likable and complex, and the story is well constructed. There are several emotionally impactful story beats; at various points I felt shock, anger, suspense, horror, compassion, etc. I enjoyed the prevailing theme of identity, trust, and how our experiences shape who we are. Also, LGBT rep is a plus!

Real player with 3.2 hrs in game

Even though the game has unappealing visuals, I thought that the writing was very strong and I liked most of the characters. However, I ultimately was disappointed with the experience because the ending felt very anticlimactic, a big exposition dump to what otherwise was a mysterious story that could have gone in many ways. We play as a character that crashlands on a mysterious world where inhabitants lose their memories as they share them with other people. The game presents memory share as a mechanic but it’s somewhat cosmetic, for the most part, the story is pretty linear and you can only trade a few memories for a couple of hints, although I cannot confirm that as I decided to keep them. I wouldn’t say that it has any puzzles, you just have to talk to the characters in the right order, it’s not too convoluted. If anyone cares you can complete the game in about 90 minutes.

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Nowhere New on Steam

Deep Therapy

Deep Therapy

Deep Therapy is a pixel art platform game, where you take control of a psychologist.

As a psychologist you will deal with hostile minds that will try to “disconnect” you from it.

The design, the mechanics, the music … Always pay attention, because every detail has a meaning!

  • Explore the patients minds

  • The more levels you advance, the more difficult it becomes

  • Collect lost memories

  • Interpret their minds and memories

  • Give the final diagnosis

  • Precise controls

  • Challenging Levels

  • Unlockable hard mode

  • Puzzles

  • Gamepad and Keyboard compatibility

  • Achievements

Deep Therapy on Steam

The Flower Collectors

The Flower Collectors


Review by Gaming Masterpieces - The greatest games of all time on Steam.


Is this game a masterpiece? Nope, it is a little detective story about a political (?) murder in Spain after Franco’s death.

A grumpy ex-policeman, bound to a wheelchair after an accident, spends his time rolling around in his little flat (2 rooms, balcony), smoking, watching the neighbours with his binoculars, drawing little pictures, taking pills against his pain… but mostly sleeping and being bored. This flat is his world, and this is where the game takes place. Suddenly a gunshot in the night, and a dead corpse in the middle of the plaza under his flat. A young, terrified girl knocks on the door, breaking into his little world. And so the story begins…

Real player with 16.8 hrs in game

[url] Please see my curator page for more games that are worth your time [/url]

Approximate amount of time to 100%: 4h+

Estimated achievement difficulty: 3/10

Minimum number of playthroughs needed: 1, but you might end up with at least one more

Has it been in a bundle: No

Is there a good guide available: Not yet. I tried to write one, but it isn’t easy for this game. I hope somebody else will be able to make a good guide.

Real player with 10.0 hrs in game

The Flower Collectors on Steam

Conway: Disappearance at Dahlia View

Conway: Disappearance at Dahlia View

It’s a fun and interesting detective game.


  • good voice actors

  • interesting rendering style, I love the subtle outline effect.

  • compelling and fresh gameplay. Every scene had something new and interesting.

  • probably the best lockpick mechanic in a game


  • I did find myself arguing out loud with the protagonist when he’d make blatantly wrong and biased observations, but after finishing the game I think that was an intentional character flaw to propel the narrative. It’s just frustrating to feel trapped by bad decisions the character is making without my input.

Real player with 20.0 hrs in game

The third entry in White Paper’s portfolio brings back wonderful Ether One memories, not only because it references its setting a great deal, but especially because it shares the same approach to building its central character. Conway is the same type of main character you played in Ether One: he’s stubborn and determined and frail, especially frail, so frail that watching him on screen is almost painful: he can’t climb stairs, he blunders about from hotspot to hotspot, bumping into things and knocking stuff over all around him, he himself gets knocked out a few times during the investigation and you almost expect he won’t be up again, but being frail and moving clumsily mean nothing when you’re that stubborn and determined and he’s just as set on solving the case as Thomas Fletcher was on sorting out his mind in Ether One.

Real player with 17.5 hrs in game

Conway: Disappearance at Dahlia View on Steam

Fading Visage

Fading Visage

Fading Visage is a bare boned single map where the objective is to follow a willow the wisp spirit with a kumbaya voice saying “follow me so I can tell you what a naughty monkey you’ve been”. It drags you out to a small dead wilderness area and points out a item that was present when the crime happened. Then two or three shadow people (that look like the letter A) appear ready to chase you back to the house from where you spawned from in the beginning. Upon reaching the safety of this house, you black out and the friendly spirit again asks you to follow so she can point out another item and tell you off for being a naughty monkey. After 5 or 6 of these repeated happenings it culminates with you having a choice to either live with yourself knowing you’re a naughty monkey or drown yourself in naughty monkey justice, the later apparently being the ‘Good Ending’. If you don’t make a choice within about 2,000th of a millisecond the game will choose for you this drowning ending. Both endings are pitiful for what can only be described as a fairly rushed out asset plonk and give me your money. I’ve played better free games on Steam. Only 10 minutes of ‘why play this rubbish’ entertainment slapped with an outrageous $7.50 price tag. Like the title, i can only hope this developer is a ‘Fading Visage’.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

This game is alright. I think some of the other reviews may be a result of mistaken expectations; the tags on the store page are misleading. This is a very short walking simulator with horror elements. The story is okay, the graphics are mediocre, and the price is too high considering the length of the game. Get it in a bundle.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Fading Visage on Steam



TRACHI is an interactive fiction game that plays similar to a visual novel. Upon starting the game, I was impressed by the minimalistic style of the opening and menu. Everything is simplistic yet looks very sharp, and you can immediately tell that a lot of effort was put into this game.

The tale starts off with an inquisition of sorts, and as you converse in this opening sequence the plot begins to unfold. The timeline bounces around as you are spoonfed piecemeal bits of information that slowly come together. I thought the use of this enhanced the storytelling and definitely kept me intrigued. Most of the characters have their own sprite art, and both the pixel and portrait art look top notch.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Kinetic Novel with some interaction.

I enjoyed the writing a lot (and I disliked writing in most VNs I’ve tried so far).

Canny use of sound-effects gives so much atmosphere. They are proof that the devs have a deep understanding of storytelling.

I stopped playing after midgame because of too many crashes and slowdown. Reason is my old pc, I guess. Should work better if you have a bit more than the minimum specs.

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

TRACHI on Steam

Manipulate: Sacrifice

Manipulate: Sacrifice


This indie-horror game is very bland. The game feels empty, the walking pace is horribly slow which takes this game longer to beat, the sub title text is incredibly small and goes a quickly making it hard to understand what the hell is going on at times.

Also the cut scenes are hilariously bad and often don’t make sense.

It’s a very easy, straight forward walking simulator and you can beat in about 1 hour if the walking speed wasn’t so painfully slow.


Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

Great effort for a small team nice work. The graphics are not very good, but the gameplay has been.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Manipulate: Sacrifice on Steam