

EarthNight is an absolutely fantastic runner game, where you skydive (spacedive?) though each successive atmosphere, while landing on, running across, and slaying massive dragons. You can tell how much love and passion was poured into this game from every angle.

Every run, you collect pieces of the dragons, which unlock new temporary power-ups when collected for the first time. These power-ups then show up on runs, and you have to collect them to get their temporary effects. You can also use your currency, water, to buy the power-ups early, if you’re finding a dragon too difficult or not fun and just want the power-up. You also collect eggs each run. Every dragon has 3 eggs, each one makes you do more damage against that dragon on that run. Eggs and dragon pieces are also used for upgrading your items and water tank.

Real player with 13.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dragons Hand-drawn Games.


Yes. Get it. Or play it on Apple Arcade. This is such an interesting one.

This weirdness. A seven years in the making autorunner from a studio whose founder said of the genre ‘People got bored because it’s boring.’ THAT’S where you need to start when you’re aiming to upend a genre. Also, a title pitched to bring mobile gaming its own Spelunky. You could say it was unpunctual to that aim given the releases we now see on the small screen or, perhaps, just in time for Apple Arcade’s mainstreamification. In any case, what a mission statement; what a millstone of expectation and prospects round a studio’s first game’s neck. How’d it do?

Real player with 12.8 hrs in game

EarthNight on Steam

Furries & Scalies & Bears OH MY!

Furries & Scalies & Bears OH MY!

When it comes to Fantasy Visual Novel Dating Sims, I put this up there near the top of the list. The storyline is good, the characters have depth, and there is good emphasis on interaction.

If you looking for a X-Rated Visual Novel, look somewhere else, cause this story does not have that, nor does it need it. This means you are safe to play it without concerns about someone looking over your shoulder at the wrong time ;)

I wish more games like this existed, and am excited to see what the developer comes up with next.

Real player with 31.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dragons Dating Sim Games.

I really enjoyed this game. It was a short sweet “adventure” to another place. There are a few typoes that im sure will be caught and fixed in the next couple of days / weeks (i litteraly bought this on release so it is to be expected.) Other than that i cant think of anything that came off poorly.

On the positive side, all of the characters were interesting. The conversations were believable and managed both to move the story line and flesh out the character you are interacting with. When I finished the game, i was left with the sense that i really had gotten to know a bit of everyone. The only thing that could have made this better was of course MORE!!!!! lol but honestly thats the way I always feel when I’ve finished an enjoyable book of any sort.

Real player with 18.6 hrs in game

Furries & Scalies & Bears OH MY! on Steam

L.S.D. (Lasting Spiritual Derangement)

L.S.D. (Lasting Spiritual Derangement)



L.S.D. is a first person shooter set during a hallucinogen trip.

It’s a dream-like experience, in which things don’t seem to make sense. Because they don’t.

You keep waking up in different, weird open worlds. You have no choice but to explore them, trying to survive and to get back to reality as soon as possible.

Suddenly you’ll find yourself in magic medieval-like towns, fighting against fire-spitting dragons with a magic sword, then you’ll find handguns and rifles to attack fierce giant creatures that come right at you.

You keep waking up in mysterious, unexplored places.

You’re in a loop. You keep living the same moment again and again.

It’s up to you to decide how you’re going to live it.

Are you going to slaughter those dragon with your sword, or are you going to let them rip your head off?

Will you try to wake up from this nightmare? Or will you take control of your dreams?

What you’ll find in this game:

  • Giant open worlds;

  • Creatures that try to kill you;

  • A psychotic narration;

  • Magic swords;

  • Very loud rifles;

  • Very loud handguns;

  • More creatures that try to kill you;

  • Things that blow up for no reason:

  • Even UFOs! Maybe. I’m not supposed to talk about it.

The game also features original music by Salvatore Palermo.

And all of this for about the price of a cheap cinema movie ticket!

Keep in mind that L.S.D. is being developed by a solo, but very passionate, indie developer! That’s me!

If you got this far and you’re reading this then it basically means that we’re friends, so I’ll stop using the third person.

L.S.D. is my very first commercial game. I love creating games that feature open worlds and that let me channel my creativity in unusual ways.

That’s how I came up with the idea for L.S.D.

Since I’m all alone, sometimes I use some beautiful pre-made assets created by amazing artists that let their work be licensed online and I try to make the most out of them.

If you’d like to get notified about the game (and sales) at launch, make sure to put it in your wishlist!

Wishlisting L.S.D. is a great way to support me in creating the game of my dreams in a completely free way.

Feel free to contact me for feedback, advice and anything related to the project.

Read More: Best Dragons Psychedelic Games.

L.S.D. (Lasting Spiritual Derangement) on Steam

Jump With Dragons

Jump With Dragons

The graphics alone make this game worth the 0.59 I payed for it. It’s both fun and challenging. I suggest changing the key bindings under settings because the controls were awkward. I was also having problems getting my controller to fully work with it. I could look around, jump, and dash but I couldn’t walk in any direction so I was stuck playing with the keyboard and mouse.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Not perfect but good.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Jump With Dragons on Steam

Last Memory

Last Memory

Nice platformer. Reminds me of INSIDE.

Real player with 6.3 hrs in game

Graphics ✅

Gameplay ✅

Memories to Access last level ❌

Overall score: 6.9 / 10

Thank you for reading this review

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

Last Memory on Steam

SHAKESPEARE? More like THIRSTspeare, amirite?

SHAKESPEARE? More like THIRSTspeare, amirite?

You know the drill. It’s a dating sim. But wait: not just any dating sim! One (or more) of your crushes like dating sims, and you, a humble programmer, have decided that is what you will make IN ORDER TO WIN THEIR HEART.

  • Create a cast

  • Write your dating sim over five acts

  • Use various skills such as actually talking to your crush to figure out what they like, and then put that in the game!

  • Navigate the new world as an independent developer!

Good luck! You’ll need it! Unless you’ve already played this game and have memorized what to do!

SHAKESPEARE? More like THIRSTspeare, amirite? on Steam