School of Dragons

School of Dragons

Note, some of this is simply opinion because I enjoy the HTTYD franchise.

Pros- Reasons why I think its great

Hours of entertainment

Its flipping free so try it

Over 30 unique dragons

Many cool quests and maps

Fun minigames

Devs update for new amazing dragons/expansions every now and then

Cons- Yeah, this game does have some problems

I will admit, the membership thing is dumb

Once you do all the quests, not as fun

Some terrain glitches, ex. - Flying through ground

Overall, I think its a game that may not be for all, but anyone who sees it should most certainly try it

Real player with 171.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dragons Free to Play Games.

I’ve allot of Hours logged into this game and roughly almost every dragon in this game there’s pros can cons of this game for one it costs money to unlock areas and get better items and dragons unless you’ve at least 3 boulder dragons for stable quests near Titan Level it’s almost impossible to raise Gems without real life Cash getting Involved as well the Membership for this game isn’t worth the Buy WhatsoEver don’t pay for membership for this game EVER! for 30-60$ one can easily buy the whole game via area buy with Gems and a couple dragon egg chests as well while the membership costs around 10$ monthly and there’s at the moment no way of Canceling your membership with a 1 click system so it’ll continue to take money off even if you don’t want it too unless you create a forum page and actually spend the time to write back and forth to a Admin isn’t a admin for the game but just gives the Info to another Admin so it literally takes about a week to cancel a membership a normal Kid will have no idea how to do this in my honest opinion.

Real player with 125.6 hrs in game

School of Dragons on Steam

Riders of Icarus

Riders of Icarus

Well as you can see I played the game for quite some time; Not counting that the Steam-Client itself is buggy af and you’re better off with the Nexon client so I switched to it after half a year.

After playing Riders of Icarus for 2 years since the Beta was released I can say: Never a Nexon game again.

The game also had a problem with cheaters since it did not had any mechanics to prevent people from uploading data into the game. It does not has any filter so there were numerous bugs (for example when you had connection problems) like item duplication. So at certain times some people were selling skill modifications for higher damage, no cooldowns, etc.

Real player with 1922.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dragons Free to Play Games.

With a decent amount of time spent in a game, it’s always hard to justify a negative review. To me it feels like if you really want to enjoy it, you need to go all in with ROI. In my opinion, this game isn’t designed for casual players but since it’s F2P, give it a try and decide for yourself :)

Lets start with the positive aspects

- Graphics & Story:

Characters and mounts are well detailed. The majority of the map aswell. I like the shiny overall look. The story is above standard and the rare cutscenes do look nice.

Real player with 872.2 hrs in game

Riders of Icarus on Steam

Dragon Saga

Dragon Saga

fun getting into it, might not appeal to some ppl bc of the visuals, style.., i played it years ago and for thousands of hours, has a combat system that is part beat’em up like tekken/streetfighter/etc., also abilities simillar to WoW, with resources and cooldowns, also its possible to macro stuff together (cash shop item macro slot, thats a thing this game had worse, but is still there, pay for benefits, it can feel really grindy if you don’t watch out for EXP buff items (stacking the ones that work) for example, there is a currency that drops tho, that can buy you important cash shop stuff like that, but in the end everything can be reached with basic ingame gold by trading for cash shop stuff (some of it is only giftable, so a bit if a hassle, bc cash and delivery is independent, but there are few items there that are like that. this games has alot of outdated or clunky systems in it, like the market that is basicly an auction house that needs you to buy licenses to sell stuff for a fixed duration, low number of slots, if you buy stuff theres a search bar but the filters are really basic and theres no sorting except for shop points, like a score you can raise with an item xD cash shop ofc. well i could go on like that forever but i just wanted to make clear, it has flaws, its grindy, most content is mediocre, ai is stupid af, but the thing i come back for is the fast, nicely animated 2d combat that comes with a tacked on mmo. i can see what ppl don’t like about it but somehow theres alot of the fun stuff in mmorpgs, like stats, gear, upgrading (by grinding like a crazyperson), talent tree, lots of items, classes and skills, costumes, pvp, housing, crafting, etc.

Real player with 856.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dragons Free to Play Games.

Building end-game equipment

80% done

Prepared to throw in money/grind for enchantment protection

Waiting for sale


Stat you’re building for got a hard-cap.

Congratulations, the gear you’ve spent months on is now useless.

You need to re-plan all your 16 equipments.

Your class is in the mid process of getting nerfed hard.

This game has been out for 6 years, yes?

and they still couldn’t for the life of it get class balance done.

Everytime they nerf one class, or change one/two stats to become useless,

Real player with 648.7 hrs in game

Dragon Saga on Steam



What a piece of garbage! lol

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Attached on Steam

Dragons and Titans

Dragons and Titans

Dragons and Titans. Let’s talk.

I saw this game, saw dragons, and thought “Well, why not try it out. It’s free so let’s see what it’s about.” And thus learned this is what a MOBA is called. For what it is, if you have no experience with any MOBAs it really is good. It’s a great “Get your feet wet” kinda game. Hell, I spent over 850 hours playing it so it must be good right? Right?! Well, frankly, if there was a “neutral” button, I’d put it. If I had made my review a year ago, it’d be an absolute thumbs up reccomendation. As of now, I can’t. It pains me to say it because this game is boat loads of fun. Was, I should say…

Real player with 967.5 hrs in game

wow it has been like 8 years since i first played this game…back then when it was only available in facebook, if it didn’t move to steam, i might have more playing hours than that lol…i didn’t even knew it got shut down ever since the servers got bugged and everyone lost their data (i lost all my skins and runes, submitted a ticket but nobody replied so i decided to drop it forever).

when it was in facebook, we have 800+ up to 1k players per day. it might sound too little compared to other MOBAs but no long queue time and could actually get into a game without bots was a miracle. when facebook no longer supports the game, slowly, our player base dropped to 100+, everyday i came online, all i see is just the few same people in my rank. the longest queue time was 2 hours and i didn’t get to play that day. then, i took a long hiatus, and when i re-logged in, d&t announced their servers got bugged, i can’t get into a game and can’t retrieve all my lost purchases. i didn’t log in ever since.

Real player with 319.3 hrs in game

Dragons and Titans on Steam

Dungeons & Dragons Online®

Dungeons & Dragons Online®


I have spent many hours on this game over the years, and even though it may feel a little antiquated now, it is still one of the best RPG’s that I have played in a very long time.

It feels like a true RPG, and a true adaptation of the AD&D Rule Set that true AD&D gamers are familiar with. There is none of that level scaling crap in this game which has become a trend recently. It is all leveled content.

This is one of the few games which I install every time I have to do a re-install of Steam for what ever reason.

Real player with 2656.1 hrs in game

I have been playing this game for years and only recently started playing it through steam. I would say my actual hours are probably closer to 2000. this is a huge, well established MMO with tons of content. if you like customized builds, look no further. you have the ability to create your character from the ground up. you choose where every ability, skill, feat and enhancement point goes, and you can even multiclass. ever wondered how an Archer Monk Wizard would fare in combat? Now you can find out.

Real player with 639.2 hrs in game

Dungeons & Dragons Online® on Steam

Forsaken World: Gods and Demons

Forsaken World: Gods and Demons

super nice free to play pc game! I realy like it! you can play it! + super nice charater options! 3

I love my girl charater like always!! 333 1010






Real player with 53.7 hrs in game

i mean its not intended to be a game that you play over anything what so ever else :P this game is meant to be a easy demand on hardware background auto go and pop in during load times or ques inside other games and for that it is indeed nice once you get so far it became the typical mobile rpg esk game could even compaire to afk arena outside hero collecting dailies to get stonger and having everything time gated so you cant progress. the comments for this game say its bad because its p2w but not any worse than any other mobile game really :/ you can deff play f2p just wont have shiny mounts but power you gain from mounts will match with enogh days logged into the game same with all other machanics of the game it seems. i feel like most of the rage in the ratings for the game are caused because of the players having expectations for the game to be a diffrent kind of game lol like they thought it would be a actual mmorpg and its not its a mobile mmo and for what it is not bad just pull up ff14 or what ever your poison is and set this game to auto run itself before long you will be onto the dailies stuff :) worth a look at if nothing else :)

Real player with 32.7 hrs in game

Forsaken World: Gods and Demons on Steam

Dragon Nest

Dragon Nest

[Note: this review was so long, it had to be continued in comments - see first reply by me for part 2. Also note that this is not your traditional dot point pro/con 5 second review. This is an editorial piece telling the story of how I fell in love with this amazing game.]

Although I like to consider myself a true gamer-girl through and through, I have to admit that there was one single genre I’d never tried - an MMO. The whole “pay to play” thing was a huge hurdle for me when I was a child, and so despite my fascination with the idea of such a large, virtual community, everquest and the like were always out of reach.

Real player with 4099.9 hrs in game

For some clarification: I have played this game since Open Beta around September 2011, long before it was released on Steam so I’d average around maybe 5,000 hours give or take a thousand.

This game used to be the greatest thing since sliced bread. The combat is phenomenol, still kind of is. The story is gripping although a little trope-y. Most if not all of the classes are unique in their own way, each having their own playstyle. Now why would I not recommend this game despite all the good things, it’s only because the cons heavily outweigh the pros.

Real player with 1911.0 hrs in game

Dragon Nest on Steam

Dark and Light

Dark and Light

After over 4000 hours played (mostly on this account) and almost a year of early access, I’m ready to review this game. And for the short attention spans in the room, let’s simply say this isn’t worth your money and the game has no long-term potential. Buy it and play it for a few weeks if you want to get a taste of a fantasy version of ARK, but do not expect anything in the way of proper game development or commnication from the dev team.

Here are a few of my main reasons for the review.

  1. Lack of forward motion. The game has seen only small improvements since launch. It is a beautiful world with great animals to tame, but it’s largely the same world I signed up for when it first released. They added two half-assed dungeons that are incredibly buggy and short/boring. They added an airship that was a disaster at launch and continues to be so. With the exception of that and maybe 3 new animals, there’s simply no new content in this game. What’s saddest about this is that they’ve actually prioritized new content OVER fixing existing issues. This means they’re actually prioritizing new content and still managed to squeak out barely enough to warrant a handful of announcements. The game is almost exactly where it started.

Real player with 4372.5 hrs in game

This game isn’t balanced at all, the grind is long and unrewarding, toxic players love to grief the newbies who have no way to fight back. Reminds me of ARK before it’s release. They also eventually plan to implement cross-server transferring which essentially killed ARK, yet this game pretty much died with the release of Conan Exiles. Nerfing the flying battleships and easier ways to break into manor was essentially the final nail in the coffin. Many exploits and bugs that veteran players use to constantly keep their grip on their servers. The three race thing sounds neat at first yet is basically useless, what large guilds do to lock down a server is simply split into 3 guilds, one for each race then essentially lock down the vendors and the altars used to make myhtical feed. This prevents new guilds from establishing a foothold. So basically it’s a Tri-Fecta Super Guild that lock down a server and constantly raid new players who are trying to learn the game or fight back.

Real player with 1250.8 hrs in game

Dark and Light on Steam



This game is a revival of a 20+ year old game that maintains many of philosophies of old school gaming.

First thing first. This Game Is Hard. Hand-holding is new, and slowly being introduced to help the new generation of gamers, but for the most part you are going to have a hard time. Be prepared to get lost, be prepared to die. Be prepared to get confused. Fortunately, the community is very kind and is always willing to give you a helping hand.

Why is the game good? It allows nearly infinite customization. You can make your character into nearly anything you want - A Stone giant mage? We’ve got you covered. A blade-wielding ninjja pixie? Yup. A halfling who is demi-god and master of the elements that slays multiple foes at once with a combination of dragon breath and thunderstorms? You betcha. There is also an insane amount of replay value as you dream up unique combinations of characters and then create and play them to see your ideas come to life.

Real player with 1868.0 hrs in game

This is a great old-school, “open-world” game that has been around long before Steam. I’ve been a fan since 2007. I don’t know if I’d call it a MUD or an MMO anymore, but it fills a niche that other games just don’t seem to be able to these days.

In Wyvern, players train their characters by fighting monsters throughout the maps of the world, through randomly generated dungeons, and by performing quests for the NPCs of the world. Each level rewards skill points for a player to allocate as they please. There are a handful of races to chose from, and many skills to train that players can train at their own whim with skill points gained through levelling up, though meta skill builds do tend to be the most powerful.

Real player with 636.5 hrs in game

Wyvern on Steam