March 7th: The review has been updated. Check the bottom of the review for more details

Have beaten the game a few days ago. Now, if you are looking for a review with some details, and if you are still not sure whether you should buy this game or not, then read on.

First, many people seem to be talking about the whole connection issues, and yes, it appears you need to be connected to the Xenoverse server in order to even play offline. But do you get disconnected so often that, it is almost unplayable? Not really. Most of the time, the offline mode works without any issues. But usually the online mode is off, and you most likely will end up seeing the message stating that the Xenoverse online is currently off. But yes, this game basically requires you to level up and all anyway (Unfortunately I have not done the online mode yet, so I might add some more to this review when I get my hands on it), so in the end, you should have no problem playing the game, at least the offline mode. And I will explain why the game is made like an MMORPG later in the review.

Real player with 256.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dragons Anime Games.

TLDR: The biggest problem with the game right now is the servers. There are some drawbacks in the gameplay department but the pros outweigh the cons. If you’re a fan of the Dragonball series and the world that Akira Toriyama has created then this game is a must buy. If you don’t really care for Dragonball but are interested in the gameplay it is a solid game but packed with fan service that will probably go over your head. You will also probably be less forgiving of its flaws and may not get enough enjoyment out of the story and the Dragonball world to offset them. Character customization is definatley the high point of the game, everything from looks to stats to skills is up to the player.

Real player with 104.2 hrs in game


Riders of Icarus

Riders of Icarus

Well as you can see I played the game for quite some time; Not counting that the Steam-Client itself is buggy af and you’re better off with the Nexon client so I switched to it after half a year.

After playing Riders of Icarus for 2 years since the Beta was released I can say: Never a Nexon game again.

The game also had a problem with cheaters since it did not had any mechanics to prevent people from uploading data into the game. It does not has any filter so there were numerous bugs (for example when you had connection problems) like item duplication. So at certain times some people were selling skill modifications for higher damage, no cooldowns, etc.

Real player with 1922.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dragons Free to Play Games.

With a decent amount of time spent in a game, it’s always hard to justify a negative review. To me it feels like if you really want to enjoy it, you need to go all in with ROI. In my opinion, this game isn’t designed for casual players but since it’s F2P, give it a try and decide for yourself :)

Lets start with the positive aspects

- Graphics & Story:

Characters and mounts are well detailed. The majority of the map aswell. I like the shiny overall look. The story is above standard and the rare cutscenes do look nice.

Real player with 872.2 hrs in game

Riders of Icarus on Steam



First Fighting game I’ve played. Very balanced at its current state, I hope it get a sequel or a big update to keep the game fresh,

Real player with 1205.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dragons Anime Games.

If you’re into masochism and you like Dragon Ball then this game is for you.

Now jokes aside this game is really good, the artstyle is stunning, the music is amazing, the roster is big and pretty balanced… but the fighting system is a bit of a pain in the ass, especially for the new players. You need to constantly make new combos if you want to get better at this game, and spend thousands of hours on Arcade Mode and training to even have a chance of being semi-good and develop game sense.

Overall I recommend it to anyone who’s into that sort of thing.

Real player with 103.8 hrs in game

DRAGON BALL FighterZ on Steam



Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot, a game that’s both great, and frankly disappointing. As the title would suggest, it covers the story of the anime Dragon Ball Z, although, I’d say that’s probably one of the biggest problems, but we’ll get to that later.

In DBZ Kakarot you get to play as almost all of the major main characters of the show, each with their own unique move sets, abilities, skills, and transformations. Said move sets are also quite nice looking, and change based on the form you’re in, and if your ki is surged. The base game content isn’t SUPER grindy, although it can get a little annoying at times having to collect all of the necessary orbs to level up your skills. Each of the skills are visually impressive, with decent lighting and sound, and in some situations they even have unique short cinematics that play when you use them. The transformations are also similarly visually impressive, and give you that great power-trip that you’d expect when transforming into a being of great power. The music is also quite good, although from what I can tell, most of it is just taken from other DB media (mostly the anime).

Real player with 207.3 hrs in game

For me, Kakarot serve as an unusual balance between an arena fighting game and an open world RPG. You can free-roam doing sides or even grind ur EXP level. The combat have a mix of Xenoverse and Tenkaichi mix together with great visual effects and aesthetic. Combat mechanics are simple yet fun. You get to combo mash or unleash your 4 special move from the attack pallete. By completing missions or scavenging stuff, you can aquire a D medal which can teach you a new move. You can also customize your skill tree which is I like on an RPG game. Theres nothing really I hate about it and I highly recommend this game for DBZ fan even for someone new to this franchise.

Real player with 64.8 hrs in game




A game I have over 700 hours in, made youtube content for and have semi retired from touching now. What do I think of it? It’s all over the place frankly. Some things it does right and others it does awfully, but ultimately it’s the brand name and the concept that keeps it going with players even now.

It’s another 3d arena anime fighter on the surface, but also an action rpg in disguise, It’s one of the few anime properties in the world which is so well known that some don’t even see it even as anime anymore, that’s how normalised it is.

Real player with 735.4 hrs in game

I’m writing this review after the latest DLC that was released. Legendary Pack 2, granting us quite a few new characters, some awesome Skills, and more. The story isn’t bad and from the cliffhanger, it’s not quite done yet… which I’m not sure if it’s distressing or comforting. I love this game, probably more than any other Dragon Ball game that I’ve played. I don’t do PvP for my own personal reasons, but the PvE with PQ’s, the main story, the side stories. It’s all so much fun. But one thing I will say, is maybe it’s time to put the old girl to sleep.

Real player with 535.5 hrs in game




Imagine a frantic arena in which players must feed their oversized Draglutton to gobble their opponents. Notice the random food popping everywhere? Colorful wizards casting clunky spells at each other and, most importantly, friends hilarious battling in utter chaos ‘till digestion do them part? You got the picture now, don’t you? Well, we called it Dragluttony, a 4-player arena party game based on food and gluttony.


Welcome to our Wizards Kingdom my Sweet Little One. As you should know, this year is important for all of us: Adelmar, our beloved King, organized the greatest witchcraft tournament we have ever seen. You’ll have to compete in the Royal Arena and the winner will be granted with an official Court Wizard nomination! - Oswald, Grandpa Wizard


Fly freely in the arena with your Draglutton to feed it as fast as possible with the magic food popping randomly to make it grow bigger and bigger!

Be the first one to reach the maximum size to eat your friends: the hunt is on, but hurry up because your Draglutton will not remain huge forever (only a few seconds to be precise)!

Try quirky recipes Oswald offers you and use them to grow your Draglutton faster!

Use strong spells and potions (also quite random) to achieve victory!

Couch Gaming

Do you believe in the social aspect of bringing players together in the same room is more powerful than anything else? Do you like couch gaming at a real punching distance of your friends? Then you should play Dragluttony!

One-minute onboarding

Dragluttony perfectly combines simplicity and pleasure of playing, with accessible gameplay, one-minute onboarding, a pinch of randomness, quirky spells and potions and unexpected fighting mode linked to food and gluttony for intense, chaotic and hilarious combats!

Hight replay value

The gameplay evolves as players progress through levels, with new game mechanics, surprising spells and potions and unlockable quirky characters for even more gaming fun!

Dragluttony on Steam



this one is in need of Speed…..havent played very long yet but, it is in need of some speed. looks good. so far, so good for early access. havent had any tech problems with it and, havent found a bug yet. just slow, thats my only problem so far. worth a look but, i would wait for a few more patches/updates. see what happens. will amend as we go

been a while, still needs a lot of work. still slow, i understand that items boost speed but wow is this slow going. also, whats up with not being able to start a mage ? you are stuck with sword and bow. the skelly’s lvl up fast. now dodge until you put points into it. the troll is still a grind. way to slow.

Real player with 9.8 hrs in game

early look at game.

Great graphics. Looks like planned for LONG term play.


Absolutly NO information given. NONE!!

movement is low, aiming is slow and blatently off. the first quest is definatly going to use all your gold and potions and even then you have to be lucky. dont bother tryign to be a mage as you cannot until you get to mid game. and to survie to mid game you have to focus vitality defence and physical. if you kite something, it runs back and heals so kiting not working.

Overall: not a good showing so far. I will play some more to see if it improves, but so far not impressed with the plot thought.

Real player with 9.2 hrs in game

Deadsiege on Steam