Furry Shakespeare: Dashing Dinosaurs & Sexy Centaurs

Furry Shakespeare: Dashing Dinosaurs & Sexy Centaurs

First let me just start by saying, Dont let the Title fool you. This story is just amazing. It will certainly make you laugh here and there, but you are almost certainly going to need a box of tissue too. For all of you out there, who like me, never really got Romeo and Juliet, here’s another shot at it. One that throws away all the almost impossible to read phrasing, and instead presents the story and even more importantly the story around the story in a way a modern reader can easily understand.

Real player with 5.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dragons Visual Novel Games.

In “Dashing Dinsaurs & Sexy Centaurs” you´re put in the role to be the director of a play “Romeo and Juliet”.

Your job is to tell actors (that are added / hired during the progression of the game) how to perform on stage. This training takes you 5 weeks and after 5 weeks you perform your play in front of an audience… afterwards criticians will review your play.

There are many choices how to design the play and so this game has a high replay value. Also these decisions are bound to archeivements so if you´re into archeivements you can get some archeivements here by re playing the game.

Real player with 5.4 hrs in game

Furry Shakespeare: Dashing Dinosaurs & Sexy Centaurs on Steam

Angels with Scaly Wings / 鱗羽の天使

Angels with Scaly Wings / 鱗羽の天使

Somehow managed to kill two love interests and a few children in under 4 hours

Edit: Finished game, time for final thoughts

TL;DR edition:



+Interesting way of how dragons are presented

+Multiple Endings

+Depressing as fuck

+When allowed to show, the plot is interesting.



-Some of the endings are too rushed or aren’t satisfying.

-The plot is jumbled

-Too much telling, not showing

-Writing seems a bit amateurish at times

-Could have used more art

Real player with 114.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dragons Visual Novel Games.

“So, what exactly is this VN?” you ask, watching the trailer and being absolutely confused on if you should use your ten dollars. Why you could get yourself some fast food with that. Maybe even fill a little bit of your car? Maybe to buy that one thing that’s on sale at your local grocery store?

Well, good sir or madam, what if I told you this VN purposely made the trailer and summary extremely vague? What if I told you I agree that the trailer doesn’t look all that compelling? I mean really, a dating game with dragons with visuals that contrast with each other through multiple artists? Seems like the sort of thing you would see on amateur furry Patreon sites.

Real player with 87.0 hrs in game

Angels with Scaly Wings / 鱗羽の天使 on Steam

Furries & Scalies & Bears OH MY! 2: Return to Kale Bay

Furries & Scalies & Bears OH MY! 2: Return to Kale Bay

So this game is a ride! One that you realize is going to go crazy about 15 mins. into it. I’ll not spoiler anything, other than to say Its definetly different. I’ve no idea why the author took the story in the direction they did. And it left ALOT of unanswered questions about what happened to everyone from the original game! Questions I was not expecting a sequel to bring up, and all the usual questions you would expect some answers from in a sequel. No Answers given, just unexplained mysteries. This one created alot of loose ends, which i absolutely cant get into cause spoilers! but grrrrrrrrr I so wana ask why what and how now!

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dragons Romance Games.

Dementia the game! (A Friend bought me this game)

The plot is super confusing and all over the place but none the less sort of all makes sense at the end,.its 4 am so i mean i’m tired as heck but yea it was an overall weird? decent experience or something. Breaks the 4th wall a couple of times and has some humor in their like dragons going to space even though they have wings and can fly.


Wyatt is a sweet heart best character in the game.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Furries & Scalies & Bears OH MY! 2: Return to Kale Bay on Steam

Furries & Scalies & Bears OH MY!

Furries & Scalies & Bears OH MY!

When it comes to Fantasy Visual Novel Dating Sims, I put this up there near the top of the list. The storyline is good, the characters have depth, and there is good emphasis on interaction.

If you looking for a X-Rated Visual Novel, look somewhere else, cause this story does not have that, nor does it need it. This means you are safe to play it without concerns about someone looking over your shoulder at the wrong time ;)

I wish more games like this existed, and am excited to see what the developer comes up with next.

Real player with 31.9 hrs in game

I really enjoyed this game. It was a short sweet “adventure” to another place. There are a few typoes that im sure will be caught and fixed in the next couple of days / weeks (i litteraly bought this on release so it is to be expected.) Other than that i cant think of anything that came off poorly.

On the positive side, all of the characters were interesting. The conversations were believable and managed both to move the story line and flesh out the character you are interacting with. When I finished the game, i was left with the sense that i really had gotten to know a bit of everyone. The only thing that could have made this better was of course MORE!!!!! lol but honestly thats the way I always feel when I’ve finished an enjoyable book of any sort.

Real player with 18.6 hrs in game

Furries & Scalies & Bears OH MY! on Steam

Furry Shakespeare: Oops! All Dragons!

Furry Shakespeare: Oops! All Dragons!

I do so enjoy these quirky little stories! Oh and I totally am not even slightly biased at all about the cast of this one all being dragons ; p

What can I say if you have played any of the games by Stegalosaurus and enjoyed them, this one will bring you more of what you have enjoyed in the past. Humor? Check! Strange unexpected plot twists? Check! The option to take things seriously and try to make the right choices, or say to Hades and blow it all up on purpose? You bet! Opportunities to meddle in other peoples lives and relationships, while pointedly ignoring your own? lol of course! hmmmm here’s a new one, love triangle???? Well some one does mention the idea…. But I havnt found it yet (although the two who “play” brother and sister would really make for an incredibly confusing one! lmao I can see it now….. but yeah that doesnt happen).

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

Furry Shakespeare: Oops! All Dragons! on Steam

Furry Shakespeare: To Date Or Not To Date Cat Girls?

Furry Shakespeare: To Date Or Not To Date Cat Girls?

Probably one of the greatest games I’ve ever played. I laughed, I wept, I mourned. I will never forget the impact this wonderful game had on my life.

Real player with 6.6 hrs in game

I wondered why this game only had but a single review. I wondered if I would enjoy dating Cat Girls, when I myself prefer Dog Boys. I wondered a lot as I played it, what it was that I was reading? I wondered who I was supposed to be. I wondered if I was really trying to date one of these people, Or was I trying to solve some mystery here, Or just survive some mind twisting Thing…?

I still dont have any answers to any of that, but I do know there are now two reviews for this game. And I know I’ll walk down all its different paths until I figure out just exactly what it is I have read. or come to the end of the last one and realize that there is just me at the end of it all, wondering….

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

Furry Shakespeare: To Date Or Not To Date Cat Girls? on Steam

Furry Shakespeare: Emperor Penguin Lear

Furry Shakespeare: Emperor Penguin Lear

You were just invited to partake in Elsinore Academy’s summer theater program! But then there was that horrible accident during the production of Cymbeline, and now you’re sort of a ghost. Emphasis on sort of. Everyone still thinks that you’re alive, to the point of maybe dating you, and you’ve even signed up for the latest play, King Lear, written by Girl Werewolf Hamlet.

Look, it’s a whole thing, okay?

Haunted by your past, you must make this the best play ever! Influence the main faculty, make friends and defeat enemies, and just have the best summer theater experience that a ghost actor has ever had!

Each segment of the game feeds into the next: your schooling during the day will affect the play during the night. As an incorporeal (somewhat) being, you have the ability to change how the play goes, and therefore how it is received by the general public. Your friendships and rivalries will spill out on to the stage, you’ll chart each actors progress and teach them new skills, and you might even alter King Lear forever! A drama might become a comedy, a comedy might become a drama!


  • Use your ghost powers to manipulate every aspect of the production of King Lear.

  • Interact with a host of students.

  • Date five people. Not all at once.

  • Solve the mystery of your own murder!

Furry Shakespeare: Emperor Penguin Lear on Steam

Furries & Scalies: Super Scary Halloween Spooky Times

Furries & Scalies: Super Scary Halloween Spooky Times

Finished my first run of the game in 100 minutes exactly.

First thoughts going in: nice comedic writing, realistic dialogue, very funny concept, pleasant art

Early in the game: I found that the mechanics of actual gameplay are not well explained in the beginning, causing me to no longer pass any skill check no matter what by act 2. The scenarios of deciding which attribute to use to solve a problem were fun little guessing games.

Late game: I’d given up trying to actually win at this point because of a mix of the problem in the last paragraph and because i seemed to hit the point of no return on how low my score got. By this point I’m already thinking about which character I want to get to know in the next play through, each of their unique personalities making me want to know more. I am still appreciating the comedy and writing.

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

Furries & Scalies: Super Scary Halloween Spooky Times on Steam

Fantasy Friends: Under The Sea

Fantasy Friends: Under The Sea

Fantasy Friends: Under The Sea is the newest opus of the Fantasy Friends series. Discover a brand-new submarine world, with a lot of surprises, and 12 new underwater adorable friends to take care of! (Re)Encounter a very friendly mermaid, Aurea, who will guide you in this bubbly adventure!

Explore the plaza, add decorations, get new magical sea creatures, buy them new clothes or even cooler toys to play with, and decorate the plaza with incredible fun items!

Enjoy the tropical seas but do not forget to breathe… You are still underwater!

The first pet-caring game with magic aquatic creatures:

  • From a cute dogfish to a surprising axolotl, discover 12 incredible aquatic creatures you will love to cuddle and play with. Each animal needs a specific food you will have to produce.

  • Collect hundreds of colors and skins for your pets and challenge your friends to see who will have the most unique creatures. Be the first to find the rarest ones!

  • Get cool accessories (hats, sunglasses, ribbons, etc.) to customize each of your pets!

  • Decorate the plaza in your own style with beautiful and magical items!

  • Random magical events can happen at any time underwater! Be careful of the surrounds!

  • Unlock special and exclusive items while playing with your pets. The more you are playing with a creature, the more your love power will rise… When the love power is full, your friend will highly reward you!

Fantasy Friends: Under The Sea on Steam

SHAKESPEARE? More like THIRSTspeare, amirite?

SHAKESPEARE? More like THIRSTspeare, amirite?

You know the drill. It’s a dating sim. But wait: not just any dating sim! One (or more) of your crushes like dating sims, and you, a humble programmer, have decided that is what you will make IN ORDER TO WIN THEIR HEART.

  • Create a cast

  • Write your dating sim over five acts

  • Use various skills such as actually talking to your crush to figure out what they like, and then put that in the game!

  • Navigate the new world as an independent developer!

Good luck! You’ll need it! Unless you’ve already played this game and have memorized what to do!

SHAKESPEARE? More like THIRSTspeare, amirite? on Steam