Spyro™ Reignited Trilogy

Spyro™ Reignited Trilogy

A fun and sometimes very challenging game.

Gameplay is focused on collecting everything in every level, with some basic environmental puzzles and simple combat to keep things interesting. The remake seems to stay true to its occasionally outdated old-school roots, which means difficulty swings widely between cool and casual to punishingly difficult. If you’re a completionist then get ready to sweat: there are time-based precision challenges. Most are fair and can be beat with a lot of practice, but a few really made me question my life choices.

Real player with 67.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dragons Cute Games.

I’m giving a positive review because the game does not deserve a bad review at all, but a lot of times the game feels clunky. If they bothered to patch the issues it could probably be in a better state.

The artwork / graphics seems to be the highest regard here. It’s amazing.

Music was there but nothing insanely amazing either. It’s alright.

The gameplay is what I have problems with, I like the basic levels best, exploring, collecting, beating enemies it feels nice but the jumping sometimes annoyed me when u try to make a jump and he slides of the edge instead.

Real player with 45.0 hrs in game

Spyro™ Reignited Trilogy on Steam

Panzer Dragoon: Remake

Panzer Dragoon: Remake

I discover Panzer Dragoon in 2003, when Orta, the fourth episode launched on the original X-Box. Back then I was amazed by the level of creativity of this game in terms of esthetism, soundtrack, lore, and gameplay. This title offered to the players who completed it in the Pandora’s Box the first opus released on the Sega Saturn in 1995. Of course, I tried it, if only to know what were the roots of one of my favorite title on the first Microsoft system. Sure, it already had aged quite a bit at the time, but It hadn’t take me long to fully realize the magic was already there.

Real player with 8.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dragons On-Rails Shooter Games.

When Panzer Dragoon: Remake launched on Nintendo Switch over a year ago, the game wasn’t in the best shape. Numerous technical issues plagued the game, along with missing features, leading to Forever Entertainment releasing a series of patches throughout 2020. Now that the game has stabilised, we’re in a better position to look at how Panzer Dragoon: Remake holds up as a finished game.


MegaPixel Studio, who developed the game, is a relatively small studio and used the Unity engine to develop the game. The result is a game that looks good, but isn’t AAA quality, it’s something between an AAA and indie game. But if you keep your expectations with the mindset that this is smaller budget game, you can expect to play and be impressed by a modern looking version of the original Panzer Dragoon.

Real player with 6.4 hrs in game

Panzer Dragoon: Remake on Steam

Dragon’s Lair

Dragon’s Lair

The 1980s. Ronald Reagan, Rubik’s Cube, MTV, and in the arcades, games like Pac-Man, Centipede, Space Invaders, Defender and others are eating up the quarters of America. Jump ahead in time a little and a new technology, the laser disc player, is brought into the arcade in the form of a game/animated movie called ‘Dragon’s Lair’. In this game, the player ‘plays’ the movie, that is, at certain points in the game the player is given the option to choose how the character moves. Choose the right option and the story continues, choose wrong, and the character faces a gruesome demise.

Real player with 19.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dragons Retro Games.

Back in ‘83 when this game first came out, we had a single arcade in our small city (that’s not so small now) that had Dragon’s Lair. Many of us fell in love with the game and a new challenge was present in our community arcade… to beat the dragon and save the princess. I dumped way too many quarter’s into this game and came back late from lunch on more than one occassion. The owner of the arcade had installed a monitor above the machine so others could watch while you played. In time I had developed quite a few followers that I think figured I was most likely to complete the game. Some would even let me play ahead of them even though they had their quarters lined up. A couple of times other people even paid for me to play the game. One afternoon, it finally happened. Amidst a small crowd of people surrounding the machine I reached the Dragon’s Lair. Of course I didn’t beat it the first time, but I played again and much to the enjoyment of the crowd, I defeated the dragon and we all saw the end of the game. I was very proud to have been the first person in our city to have defeated the game.

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

Dragon's Lair on Steam

Gothic II: Gold Edition

Gothic II: Gold Edition

The Gothic series and Gothic 2 (w/ addon) has a cult following in both Germany as well as Eastern Europe. Developed by a tiny indie studio it featured absolutely fantastic storytelling in a fantasy world without any of the usual high fantasy bullcrap. The entire Gothic series is low Fantasy, similar to the Witcher series, but not as grim. What makes Gothic 2 really shine, isn’t grittyness, but roughness. It is an unique RPG in the way that there is a difference between knocking someone out and actually killing them, meaning that bashing in a few heads is a viable strategy for many quests, without actually having to become a mass murderer. This allows for very intricate quest design and many memorable moments. It also spoils the inner child in me when I once again have the ability to verbally announce that the player character is going to plant his fist into the face of someone and most of the time, for good reason.

Real player with 342.1 hrs in game

With most of the games what you see is what you get. But this isn’t the case. Gothic is a great game but Gothic 2 takes it on a whole new level. The amount of content, creativity and how much work the devs put into it is amazing. Another reminder that quality world building is important in games. Majority of devs don’t realize that having shit world design is a gamebreaker, so they just copy and paste same locations in a huge but empy world, make quests with obvious outcomes and no variety and dumb everything down. With this game though the bar was set so high that the devs from PB never managed to get close again. And likely they never will after Risen\Elex.

Real player with 196.4 hrs in game

Gothic II: Gold Edition on Steam

Romancing Monarchy

Romancing Monarchy

A good little game. Not so easy to play, because it needs some tactics about classes.

Bosses are strong enough to give a challenge.

After 5 hours spent, I’m far away from the end. Thank for this game. It is cheap, so i had no regrets to buy it. Honestly, I had never think that a little game like this gave me sensation that i search when i play a game. I’m not asking for more.

(if i wrote mistakes, sorry, english is not my first language)

Real player with 60.6 hrs in game

Loved it! Pretty good game! No need to wait for a sale at this price! It is under $3.50, so you have to remember you didn’t pay $50 for it, but it’s pretty awesome, I loved it!

Real player with 31.6 hrs in game

Romancing Monarchy on Steam



For one, the developer really cares about this game and it’s still being updated. Two, currently it’s on sale and it’s definitely worth more than what it is, even normal price. If you want a fresh Indie RPG with a nostalgic feeling, character customization, and open world; this it it. Will update my review in the future.


Still playing and it’s amazing. Finally got to building my house, it’s a bit quirky with the editing and camera controls, but it will only get better. I haven’t even touched Dungeon mode which has an increased level cap compared to Open World, so if you’re into Dungeon Crawlers; well this has a mode just for you.

Real player with 55.4 hrs in game

Some people are be nostalgic for the 8 and 16 bit era, and there are a ton of Metroidvania and platforming games shoveled onto PC and propped up by paid reviews. Gedonia is something else, and it made me so happy. Rather than the more common rip on the Genesis, Gedonia is like a lost gem from the original X-Box era, in the realms of Galleon or Kameo. There are a lot of simplified, modern touches, but the purity of the game and fantasy genre is endearing. It’s like finding out there was a 3D Zelda game you missed, gameplay wise.

Real player with 19.7 hrs in game

Gedonia on Steam

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition

I bought Skyrim special edition about 3-4 years ago on steam.

I had already played it a lot on xbox(360 for og and xbone for SSE) and the modding envy brought me to the PC platform.

I probably have over 3-4k hours into this game at this point not counting the sheer amount of time modding it and even making mods for it myself.

This game has gotten me through some pretty rough times too.

However here’s the rub, I bought SPECIAL edition not this crappy Anniversary edition.

If the upgrade is non optional (default Steam and Bethesda), which it is, then it follows this is by definition false advertising, which is straight up illegal.

Real player with 1332.3 hrs in game

Broken beyond repair by the last update- and not for the first time. It’s time to move on I guess… has been interesting, rather nice at times, but no more. Enough is enough- we worked hard to create these ..fragile worlds of wonder… this forced update *(THANKS, STEAM) broke the very fabric of our alternate realities …10 years after the dust could have silently settled…

I guess I am not the only one going crazy during pandemic- I buy and mod guitars like mad, I re-decorate my home..got a friend who started to learn to play ukulele and others study un-ironically the ancient art of ..pickles for Heaven’s sake, asking grannies around for best recipes… And these guys code. Re-code, re-do something..just to make something happen “in the meantime” or whatever…Just like M$ with their disaster win 11, these guys just can’t stay in /do something non-neurotic it seems..And we’re on the receiving end.

Real player with 1019.1 hrs in game

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition on Steam

7th Deep

7th Deep

A simple game with some surprising depth. I t has replayability due to the number of characters you can choose ( 7) and can be combined into any team of 3 or less. There are several save slots and if you find yourself fighting monsters beyond your ability you can teleport back to a location and redo the levels for more experience. If you like this type of game I highly recommend 7th Deep, and you can’t go wrong at this price.

Real player with 51.6 hrs in game

I have only played for a short while, but wanted to pop in and say that I am loving this game. It’s a little different than other RPGs (no blue sky in sight, nor an Inn), and I like the difference. Makes a nice change.

Anyway, I highly recommend this game for those players who want to have fun with an easier to play game.

–- — —


After having played for quite a few hours and experimented with which characters work best, I know now which my 2 favourite characters are. The first one is mad, bad, and dangerous to know, and I love him. :)

Real player with 45.1 hrs in game

7th Deep on Steam

The Dragons’ Twilight

The Dragons' Twilight

I bought this game with no expectations, but ended up pleasantly surprised. For a first effort and for the price, Dragons' Twilight is a definitely a game worth checking out.

The maps are a bit sparse and there are a few grammatical/capitalization errors. However, what the developer does do with the more limited game map is fairly impressive. Never did I feel like there wasn’t enough to explore. The story also is quite engaging with some rather decent character development. This development does fall away a bit toward the latter part of the game, particularly with the introduction of more characters. I actually found myself wanting to know more about certain characters and their connections to one another.

Real player with 184.1 hrs in game

I really enjoyed the game, and very reminscent of 90’s RPG’s, which I loved. It was very straightforward, overall easy to figure out controls, etc, and what puzzles were included weren’t overly complex. Challenging but not frustrating. Even if you missed some weapons, armor or magic, winning battles and the end bosses was still possible. The few drawbacks in my opinion was that it was a bit heavy on the “gay” jokes at one point, there were regular but minor spelling errors throughout, and there weren’t changes in visiting locations or dialogue after a major event that was supposed to prompt them.

Real player with 42.9 hrs in game

The Dragons' Twilight on Steam

Legends of Amberland: The Forgotten Crown

Legends of Amberland: The Forgotten Crown

Of all the dungeon crawler games that followed the template set by Wizardry (grid-based, first-person perspective), Might and Magic is probably the second most important one in terms of renown, forging its own path from the very first game by basically using the ideas from Wizardry but offering something different and unique.

Where Wizardry was a dungeon crawler, Might and Magic games were basically world crawlers that emphasized exploring a large overworld at the expense of in-depth and intricate dungeons. Might and Magic does have them, but they are often simple structures with few vertical levels and really there to throws lots of monsters at you, not get you lost in them.

Real player with 36.7 hrs in game

This game is that little nugget of gold you find in the lees. First thing I thought when I fired it up was Might & Magic 3,4, and 5-arguably my favorites. Imagine if MM had a really easy interface and user friendly controls. The menu swapping is nice and fast, simple clicks to rearrange and sort. The game play isn’t tedious.

-The good-

You can tell the art (despite the lack of animation) is quite nice and does a good job to capture that old fantasy wonderment. It’s pixeled but the graphics are just it’s painting on the car. It’s pretty colorful and you can easily tell what things are. Pretty good variety of character portraits for both male and female.

Real player with 17.9 hrs in game

Legends of Amberland: The Forgotten Crown on Steam