DRAGON: A Game About a Dragon

DRAGON: A Game About a Dragon

Dragon: A Story About a Dragon

…is a 2D Platformer. The king has kidnapped your girlfriend to avoid you producing more dragons, and it’s up to you to get up your lazy butt, leave your house and go save her.

⚙ Game Description & Mechanics ⚙

As with most 2D Platformer, you stroll through levels, jumping over obstacles and attacking enemies that are spread across the levels. You have a melee claw attack and a short-range fire breath attack, although you learn alternative short-range attacks such as lightning and acid.

Real player with 9.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dragons Hand-drawn Games.

Very mix about this game.

It’s simple, it’s cute, has some quality of humor, controls are decent and responsive (take a little getting used to), and difficult gradually ramps up… but then it has glaring issues.

The final boss has a few bugs/glitches that you will have to expect to get damaged, no matter what. The lighting attacking that goes across the screen from left to right does not stop when you attack the power generator and flashes–it’ll only stop when it’s destroyed. Sometimes the lightning still stop before it goes completely cross or will speed up, all by chance.

Real player with 8.7 hrs in game

DRAGON: A Game About a Dragon on Steam

Dragon Saga

Dragon Saga

fun getting into it, might not appeal to some ppl bc of the visuals, style.., i played it years ago and for thousands of hours, has a combat system that is part beat’em up like tekken/streetfighter/etc., also abilities simillar to WoW, with resources and cooldowns, also its possible to macro stuff together (cash shop item macro slot, thats a thing this game had worse, but is still there, pay for benefits, it can feel really grindy if you don’t watch out for EXP buff items (stacking the ones that work) for example, there is a currency that drops tho, that can buy you important cash shop stuff like that, but in the end everything can be reached with basic ingame gold by trading for cash shop stuff (some of it is only giftable, so a bit if a hassle, bc cash and delivery is independent, but there are few items there that are like that. this games has alot of outdated or clunky systems in it, like the market that is basicly an auction house that needs you to buy licenses to sell stuff for a fixed duration, low number of slots, if you buy stuff theres a search bar but the filters are really basic and theres no sorting except for shop points, like a score you can raise with an item xD cash shop ofc. well i could go on like that forever but i just wanted to make clear, it has flaws, its grindy, most content is mediocre, ai is stupid af, but the thing i come back for is the fast, nicely animated 2d combat that comes with a tacked on mmo. i can see what ppl don’t like about it but somehow theres alot of the fun stuff in mmorpgs, like stats, gear, upgrading (by grinding like a crazyperson), talent tree, lots of items, classes and skills, costumes, pvp, housing, crafting, etc.

Real player with 856.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dragons Free to Play Games.

Building end-game equipment

80% done

Prepared to throw in money/grind for enchantment protection

Waiting for sale


Stat you’re building for got a hard-cap.

Congratulations, the gear you’ve spent months on is now useless.

You need to re-plan all your 16 equipments.

Your class is in the mid process of getting nerfed hard.

This game has been out for 6 years, yes?

and they still couldn’t for the life of it get class balance done.

Everytime they nerf one class, or change one/two stats to become useless,

Real player with 648.7 hrs in game

Dragon Saga on Steam

Shining Resonance Refrain

Shining Resonance Refrain

Shining Resonance Refrain is a JRPG remastered version of the Japanese exclusive “Shining Resonance”. The story plot revolves around the main protagonist Yuma Ilvern, a teenager who holds the power of the Shining Dragon, who ventures off on a journey with his fellow comrades to stop the Empire from utilising and abusing the ancient dragon’s power to achieve their selfish goals.

The game’s story plot is a bit cliche, where you have the main protagonist who progresses throughout the game, learning about the “bad guys” and their goals, gathering and helping strangers who later becomes your comrade that shares a common goal to defeat evil. Character development for the main protagonist is well written, as the more you progress through the game, the more you learn about Yuma’s “Shining Dragon” powers and how he acquired them. On the other hand, character development for the other playable protagonist is a bit subtle in the main story, however you do get to know them better throughout conversations and chats in side-quests, dates and skits.

Real player with 189.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dragons JRPG Games.

How to create your own harem simulator:

1. Be kinder than anyone.

2. Be the kindest person.

3. Did I forget to mention you have to be kind hearted?

I am on my way to create my own harem now! This has a 110% success rate you wouldn’t believe it until you have tried it yourself, start now! In fact it is so effective it would also work on guys…

Jokes aside, I am a big fan of the shining series from the sega genesis days and this is my first shining game since Shining Force II, I went in not expecting this newer one to be anywhere close to the older ones, because chances are it won’t and that’s probably why I was able to have fun with it.

Real player with 179.3 hrs in game

Shining Resonance Refrain on Steam



March 7th: The review has been updated. Check the bottom of the review for more details

Have beaten the game a few days ago. Now, if you are looking for a review with some details, and if you are still not sure whether you should buy this game or not, then read on.

First, many people seem to be talking about the whole connection issues, and yes, it appears you need to be connected to the Xenoverse server in order to even play offline. But do you get disconnected so often that, it is almost unplayable? Not really. Most of the time, the offline mode works without any issues. But usually the online mode is off, and you most likely will end up seeing the message stating that the Xenoverse online is currently off. But yes, this game basically requires you to level up and all anyway (Unfortunately I have not done the online mode yet, so I might add some more to this review when I get my hands on it), so in the end, you should have no problem playing the game, at least the offline mode. And I will explain why the game is made like an MMORPG later in the review.

Real player with 256.5 hrs in game

TLDR: The biggest problem with the game right now is the servers. There are some drawbacks in the gameplay department but the pros outweigh the cons. If you’re a fan of the Dragonball series and the world that Akira Toriyama has created then this game is a must buy. If you don’t really care for Dragonball but are interested in the gameplay it is a solid game but packed with fan service that will probably go over your head. You will also probably be less forgiving of its flaws and may not get enough enjoyment out of the story and the Dragonball world to offset them. Character customization is definatley the high point of the game, everything from looks to stats to skills is up to the player.

Real player with 104.2 hrs in game


Furry Shakespeare: Dashing Dinosaurs & Sexy Centaurs

Furry Shakespeare: Dashing Dinosaurs & Sexy Centaurs

First let me just start by saying, Dont let the Title fool you. This story is just amazing. It will certainly make you laugh here and there, but you are almost certainly going to need a box of tissue too. For all of you out there, who like me, never really got Romeo and Juliet, here’s another shot at it. One that throws away all the almost impossible to read phrasing, and instead presents the story and even more importantly the story around the story in a way a modern reader can easily understand.

Real player with 5.6 hrs in game

In “Dashing Dinsaurs & Sexy Centaurs” you´re put in the role to be the director of a play “Romeo and Juliet”.

Your job is to tell actors (that are added / hired during the progression of the game) how to perform on stage. This training takes you 5 weeks and after 5 weeks you perform your play in front of an audience… afterwards criticians will review your play.

There are many choices how to design the play and so this game has a high replay value. Also these decisions are bound to archeivements so if you´re into archeivements you can get some archeivements here by re playing the game.

Real player with 5.4 hrs in game

Furry Shakespeare: Dashing Dinosaurs & Sexy Centaurs on Steam

Dragon Nest

Dragon Nest

[Note: this review was so long, it had to be continued in comments - see first reply by me for part 2. Also note that this is not your traditional dot point pro/con 5 second review. This is an editorial piece telling the story of how I fell in love with this amazing game.]

Although I like to consider myself a true gamer-girl through and through, I have to admit that there was one single genre I’d never tried - an MMO. The whole “pay to play” thing was a huge hurdle for me when I was a child, and so despite my fascination with the idea of such a large, virtual community, everquest and the like were always out of reach.

Real player with 4099.9 hrs in game

For some clarification: I have played this game since Open Beta around September 2011, long before it was released on Steam so I’d average around maybe 5,000 hours give or take a thousand.

This game used to be the greatest thing since sliced bread. The combat is phenomenol, still kind of is. The story is gripping although a little trope-y. Most if not all of the classes are unique in their own way, each having their own playstyle. Now why would I not recommend this game despite all the good things, it’s only because the cons heavily outweigh the pros.

Real player with 1911.0 hrs in game

Dragon Nest on Steam



Okay, so hear me out before you just write me off as a hater - I love the HELL out of this game. I do recommend it, but not on the PC. And here’s why.

So, the first problem that you’ll notice is that if you have Win10, then the game, on your first launch, will tell you to run the game in Win7 Compatibility Mode. Now that’s not so bad in itself, as it works relatively fine in compatibility mode - plays decently, seldom lags during actual gameplay. Nothing too big. But then there’s the other issues.

Real player with 93.4 hrs in game


It’s definitely not worth it at full price. I managed to get the game at $16 on sale and I wouldn’t recommend going much higher than that. I can’t recommend spending anymore than $20 on it. The game is deeply flawed, chock full of Defense-style missions, and a lot of uninspired questlines with no satisfying pay-off. Still, the combat was pretty smooth and I did enjoy it enough to want to continue to play it after finishing the main story.

Only pick it up if you love Dragon Quest, like Musou/Dynasty Warriors games, and see the game on sale for $20 or less. If even one of those criteria don’t apply, then skip out on this title. You aren’t missing out on any worthwhile experience.

Real player with 49.0 hrs in game

DRAGON QUEST HEROES™ Slime Edition on Steam

Esperia ~ Uprising of the Scarlet Witch ~

Esperia ~ Uprising of the Scarlet Witch ~

On a fateful night, Diana Pendragon, the second princess of Mediana is betrayed by her own army, and set up as a traitor and a witch.

In the middle of the war, King Uther Pendragon fell victim to a curse the court blamed on the young Diana.

Escaping with her most loyal knight, the princess set up on a quest to find allies and uncover what’s really happening in the shadows, in order to clear her name and reclaim her title.

Little did she know that what she was about to discover about herself and the nature of the world would change her fate, her family and the country forever…

Our campaign has been fully funded on Kickstarter, thank to all the backers!! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/prismalice/esperia-uprising-of-the-scarlet-witch

Features you expected the game to have (and we have those!):

  • Over 20 playables characters with their own story and development.

  • 20+ different classes with their own weapons, movement type and skills.

  • A rich storyline with original elements you haven’t seen anywhere else like a military empire, a dark cult, dragons, and heroes who fight for justice.

  • Around 20h of playtime.

Features you wished the game never had (and oh dear, we do have those!!):

  • Permadeath (disabled In Easy Mode). Because characters die when they’re killed.

  • (Un)Fair RNG (you’ll learn that 90% isn’t a guaranteed hit…)

  • Depression caused by the sight of your precious waifu/husbando dying in front of your eyes to that 2% enemy critical hit

Features the game actually has, and you probably didn’t expected

  • In-game choices that will influence your journey and unlock special story elements

  • Character exclusive quests, that focus on the backstory and relationships of each units.

  • High quality art for characters and in-game events.

  • Arthurian myths elements. Lots of them. Please, the heroine’s family name is Pendragon, what do you need?

Esperia ~ Uprising of the Scarlet Witch ~ on Steam

Love of Dragons

Love of Dragons

Cute visual novel. Though some of the back story is not… Anyway, decent read. There are choices, but they don’t seem to matter much. Might suggest getting on discount.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Love of Dragons on Steam

Romancing Monarchy

Romancing Monarchy

A good little game. Not so easy to play, because it needs some tactics about classes.

Bosses are strong enough to give a challenge.

After 5 hours spent, I’m far away from the end. Thank for this game. It is cheap, so i had no regrets to buy it. Honestly, I had never think that a little game like this gave me sensation that i search when i play a game. I’m not asking for more.

(if i wrote mistakes, sorry, english is not my first language)

Real player with 60.6 hrs in game

Loved it! Pretty good game! No need to wait for a sale at this price! It is under $3.50, so you have to remember you didn’t pay $50 for it, but it’s pretty awesome, I loved it!

Real player with 31.6 hrs in game

Romancing Monarchy on Steam