Purrfect Apawcalypse: Purrgatory Furever

Purrfect Apawcalypse: Purrgatory Furever

This game is amazing. I dont know if this is a step up from Love at First Bite but it is extremely good. figuring out the solution while getting brutally murdered by best boy is fun. You really get a feel for characters and there personality. If your on the fence for this game. PLEASE DO, its cheap and amazing. ALSO BUY THE FIRST GAME

patches best boy 3

Real player with 15.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dog Post-apocalyptic Games.

Hello I’m still stuck in this basement the dev has trapped under. I haven’t seen the light of day since the year 2008. This is a cry for help. Will anybody see this ? Time is a lost concept to me and the only drive that keeps me alive here is the possible hope I have for a chance at freedom

The basement door is heavy but someone please come help me

(P.S Sparky still p cool)

Real player with 11.0 hrs in game

Purrfect Apawcalypse: Purrgatory Furever on Steam

Purrfect Apawcalypse: Love at Furst Bite

Purrfect Apawcalypse: Love at Furst Bite

Purrfect Apawcalypse Love at Furst Bite (palfb) is a short visual novel which focuses mostly on the interactions between the characters.

The game isn’t very long but worth the five bucks or the equivalent amount of other currency.

While the writing isn’t the strongest its fairly decent and kept me entertained during my playthrough.

The interactions between the characters are both cute and sometimes horrifying and at times made me cringe because of what was happening on the screen.

The cute artstyle is one of the games strongest points and while it may not be to everyones tastes it fits the game well, making the games deathscenes (and there’s a lot of them) more shocking.

Real player with 1361.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dog Post-apocalyptic Games.

Going to go right out of the gate and say that this is definitely not your standard kind of game, and if you can’t handle gore - even if it’s cartoonish - then you shouldn’t play the game out of respect for your eyes. However, if you can handle that…

Welcome to Purrfect Apawcalypse! We have:

  • clifford the nonbinary dog

  • suicidal maniac who’s also funny as shit


  • bitch who died on a fucking toilet seat (very important, not ironic)

  • witch who will probably step on you (and not apologize (trust me it’s cool ok))

Real player with 19.7 hrs in game

Purrfect Apawcalypse: Love at Furst Bite on Steam

TV Kid

TV Kid

I love this game. The art and music come together to make a really fun and enjoyable aesthetic. Unlike most other clicker games I’ve played this one actually has some difficulty in it, so that’s another plus. Since its release, TV Kid has been getting multiple updates, adding convenient and noticeable features. The creator has said they would continue to work on and update the game at a slower and steady pace, which is most likely going to make any new additions even higher quality. This is a great thing because that will hopefully mean this game will have an increasing replay value over time.

Real player with 21.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dog Roguelike Games.

Fantastic game. I was stunned by how realistic the game is. The Attenborough-like narrator and the documentary setting make the game quite educative.

Bullsharks [Carcharhinus leucas] give live birth, which makes the enforced caesarean section at the beginning of the game totally believable. They are found in sweet and salt water alike, which totally explains how the shark can intrude that many lakes and rivers. They are also big on energy conservation. For example, they react to external factors and can decrease energy required for osmoregulation. That totally explains how the shark can eat an entire bbq society while crawling and jumping for several kilometres over a golf lawn. Arguably, bio-electricity and grenade-resistance are rather atypical mutations of bull sharks, but hey, who can really claim to understand nature? Similarly, the shark possesses an active sonar which seems unlikely given that it’s only to be found in marine mammals, but it’s totally possible that her father was a humpback whale (also given the incredible size that this specimen reaches).

Real player with 10.0 hrs in game

TV Kid on Steam

Cat Jump

Cat Jump

hmm the game is indeed something…. GREAT GAME

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

this is the best game ever!! i am trash at it but its epic af

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Cat Jump on Steam

Milo’s Quest

Milo’s Quest

Really fun game! little 2D pixel graphycs that made me think of Zelda and the first pokemon games. Challenging to remember the path without a map to guide you, so there was a bit of back and forth, but overall very cute and fun game! Puzzle are pretty easy I’ll admit, but some will make you think a bit about your next move. completed the game at 102% apparently XD For the price, it’s a fun game to try!

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

Cute zelda like RPG with casual difficulty. Works very well with a controller. The sokoban puzzles are quite easy and the game can be completed in 2-3 hours. The game could have used a reset puzzle button or something because the movement of boxes is janky at times and leaving the room and re-entering it to reset the puzzle also respawns the enemy units in the room that you have to kill again before you can start the puzzle again.

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

Milo's Quest on Steam