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I completed the game and earned all achievements in the game, also created an achievement guide. I believe, that I experienced all the content and so I can share my experiences about this game.

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Documentary Historical Games.

This is an Exploration/indie/Visual Novel/Oral History game about a teenager growing up in Belgium during WWII.

This is a personal story. The devs grandmother is who is telling it and voices herself. You see the farm she was raised on.

  • Story

  • Graphics

  • Unique Puzzles via your phone and keywords

  • Voiced by the woman who lived through it

After finishing this I had to sit and just think about it for a while; it is a powerful story.

How many family histories are left behind that future generations will never know?

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

Brukel on Steam

That Dragon, Cancer

That Dragon, Cancer

Cancer. Tragedy.

Two words that have ended as synonymous far more often than anyone cares to remember. Cancer and other terminal illnesses are something that almost all of us have been touched by in some way. Whether it be from a person very close to us, ourselves, or just someone that has influenced us in some way. If it hasn’t, odds are it will at some point in your life. These diseases invariably impact us in a negative and tragic way. We have experienced loss due to them and watched others suffer unimaginable pain trying to survive and fight to stay alive.

Real player with 4.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Documentary Indie Games.

The worst tragedy parents can experience

Really heartbreaking story, it’s sad, it’s devastating and it could be hard to play this at times. Some people might not even finish this. But I have a lot to say, not necessary about the game but i’m gonna ramble now. This is not even a proper review, just my thoughts but so is the game, it’s not actually a game, more like an interactive story.

I have this fucking disease myself, I must deal with it, I know how hard it is and how it breaks you in both – physical and mental way. And it hurts not only you but everyone around you who love you and care about you. Of course you question “why me?” or “why them?”, “what they’ve done to deserve that?” Many people turn to god and say he’s in god’s will now. That thought never occurred to me because I consider god a mythical creature as real as fairies or dragons.

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

That Dragon, Cancer on Steam