Supremacy 1914: World War 1

Supremacy 1914: World War 1

If you are having a map without extreme gold abusers, this game really has it.

War feels like a true war, diplomacy, production, army size and versatility, distances, infrastructure, espionage, sabotage, betrayal…

This game is extremely hard and you have to be very patient to learn it. You must find old veterans who might teach you the art of this epic game.

There are very few games which put such a challenge on your skills, depending of your role - leader of a coalition, or a member.

This game will show you your limitations quickly if you attempt to win the greatest challenge - a 500 player world map, which takes ~3-4 months to complete.

Real player with 3564.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Diplomacy Strategy Games.

My own experience after years of playing (since it was a browser only game):

u start the game and u are too powerful in the tutorial round..u can win easily if u play a bit smart

u probably had fun so u start another round..your army is equal to other at beginning this time (which is good..things should be justified right?) and u make progress and expand..things sound alright but suddenly one nation starts to expand and progress way quicker than others..u are wondering and being amazed to see how some people play so good but things sound a bit weird at the same time..he starts attacking multiple countries and win against all of them..he is getting too strong and 2 or 3 times bigger and stronger than rest

Real player with 108.6 hrs in game

Supremacy 1914: World War 1 on Steam



Conquicktory is a minimalistic turn-based strategy focused on top-level decisions in your civilization’s development. You’ll control the diplomacy relations with neighboring countries, declare wars, plan the key strikes and distribute funds to the peaceful/military issues. Your subjects will do the rest of work - there is no need to deeply micromanage all the aspect of your glorious growing empire.

The game map has 3 views:

1. Military view. If you see a spear with a flag over one of your cities, it means that you can create an army in it. Simply touch and drag from it and you’ll see the army path. Army will capture cells around its path. The same dragging way is used to plan the movement of your existing armies. Also you can see the cells defense ratings on this view. Cells are defended by nearby armies, cities and forts.

2. Diplomacy view. Here you can select a country and see its current enemies (red) and allies (green). You can select a country and suggest a treaty to it, or declare war. Also here you can answer the treaties suggestions from other players

3. Economy view. You can see how much each of your cities brings to you, and set the funds spreading to war, peaceful growth and treasury. You can fund new cities and fortresses in this view.

Game features:

  • easy control mode which lets you focus on the top-level questions of you empire

  • simultaneous moves, which are performed once all the players have issued orders

  • challenging AI, which does not cheat but can make clever moves

  • spectator mode, where you can relax and spectate how the AI play (and try to guess the winner)

  • prebuilt maps of the world, continents and countries, which you can conquer

Read More: Best Diplomacy Strategy Games.

Conquicktory on Steam

Victoria 3

Victoria 3


Paradox Development Studio invites you to build your ideal society in the tumult of the exciting and transformative 19th century. Balance the competing interests in your society and earn your place in the sun in Victoria 3, one of the most anticipated games in Paradox’s history.


  • Lead dozens of world nations from 1836-1936. Agrarian or Industrial, Traditional or Radical, Peaceful or Expansionist… the choice is yours.

  • Detailed population groups with their own economic needs and political desires.

  • Reform your government and constitution to take advantage of new social innovations, or preserve the stability of your nation by holding fast to tradition in the face of revolutionaries.

  • Research transformative new technology or ideas to improve your national situation.


  • Expand your industry to take advantage of lucrative goods, taxing the profits to improve national prosperity.

  • Import cheap raw materials to cover your basic needs while finding new markets for your finished goods.

  • Secure vital goods to fuel your advanced economy and control the fate of empires.

  • Balance employing available labor force with the needs for new types of workers.


  • Use your diplomatic wiles to weave a tangled global web of pacts, relations, alliances, and rivalries to secure your diplomatic position on the world stage.

  • Employ threats, military prowess and bluffs to persuade enemies to back down in conflicts.

  • Increase your economic and military strength at the expense of rivals.

  • Accumulate prestige and the respect of your rivals as you build an industrial giant at home or an empire abroad.

Read More: Best Diplomacy Grand Strategy Games.

Victoria 3 on Steam

Victoria II

Victoria II

“Ugh… What could’ve been… Praise KEK that I at least have my videogames to live out my epic power fantasies”

Real player with 1707.9 hrs in game

Really fun game once you get the hang of it, and If you ever get bored of the base vanilla content, there’s so much creative and fun community mods that gives the game infinite replayability

Real player with 1442.6 hrs in game

Victoria II on Steam

Age of History II

Age of History II

Alright let me get this straight just because i have 700+ hours on this game doesnt mean that its the best. Obviously this game has some features and inequalities that i would like to tell people about. Now i wouldn’t consider myself a professional jusut yet but it has some bugs that i think are either bugs or baad game design. I like to structure all of my reviews based off of Price to gameplay so here are the 10 things that i will review to give the game a simple 1/10 score.

Well for starters this game is very simplistic which i like in a game + 1

Real player with 1248.0 hrs in game

at least let the community fix your game pls. or do something with it again? its fun but dont buy until something happens with this.

Real player with 726.8 hrs in game

Age of History II on Steam