Star Dynasties

Star Dynasties

Infinite potential, incredible progress.

I started playing this game during the indiecade demo mid-2020, and the evolution this game has been through in just one year is massive.


  • Dev very responsive to Player Feedback

  • Lots of Character Drama

  • Interesting Events (Expeditions specially)

  • Interesting Systems (Secrets, Justice, Gatherings, Favors and Negotiation)

  • Powerful Modding Tool (Seriously, one could create a full DLC-worthy experience with it)

Real player with 996.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Diplomacy RPG Games.


Have changed review to - Would recommend.*

Only about a third of my gamer friends are big head enough to truly enjoy this game, but I know they will enjoy it immensely. I can see this one sinking hundreds if not thousands of hours into, and I’m already hopeful they go series with it.

I have a great deal of hope, if only because of how quickly the developers are acting on feedback and making solid changes. Meaningful save files now exist. There’s still a lot going on, so I’m not yet done with this review, but the nature and flow of the game are starting to make more sense.

Real player with 122.9 hrs in game

Star Dynasties on Steam



123 hours, just came back for more after not playing for a few months, and had to write a review.

I can not for the life of me figure out the negative reviews (keep in mind though I am more of a ‘benefit of the doubt’ reviewer than a ‘this game is not precisely what I expect/desire therefore I will crap all over it’ reviewer). This game is a blast. I have to assume they are doing the usual ‘reviewing it as compared to some other game they like more’ or ‘reviewing it for what they want it to be rather than what it is’. Either way, my opinion is this game is one of the better unkown space games in existence. All these ‘FTL’ clones, and no mention of Interstellaria, is a travesty, this game needs more PR.

Real player with 124.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Diplomacy Pixel Graphics Games.

Short version:

It’s fairly similar to FTL with the added ability to explore planets (with simple ground combat), move your ship freely in deep space (with dynamic tactical space combat) and enjoy an entertaining plot that guides you through the open-world universe.

Is it perfect? No. There are issues and the UX is not the best, but unless that puts you off, you can definitely enjoy the game.

Coldrice seems to be working non-stop to fix any issues and there are also some planned improvements.

Real player with 77.3 hrs in game

Interstellaria on Steam




Real player with 11.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Diplomacy Strategy Games.

The interface makes the text-based Sublunar more confusing than it needed to be, but once you know your way around it’s a pretty average ‘risk management’ game. In order to complete the level, you have to dominate the region with your faction by completing quests, and as you progress the game will introduce more randomized elements. The tutorial is not very helpful which is part of the problem, I would recommend highlighting the buttons for the player because they are hard to find on your own. Generally speaking, to play the game you have to go to any city, select a quest, and then you have to make sure that your crew meets the stat requirements, including potentially mandatory gear and weapons. Some of the missions have an element of “luck” because you can’t see the secondary phase, but you can eliminate it by asking people in towns for information, assuming the city is under your alignment. When you start a mission you will have a choice of a faction, it’s not purely cosmetic, it affects the frequency of certain events and items in the store.

Real player with 4.7 hrs in game

Sublunar on Steam

Solar Echoes: The Star Legation

Solar Echoes: The Star Legation


Soon after the alien races began to explore outside their own star systems, they discovered each other. Hostilities grew into skirmishes and eventually, wars. However, some still desired peace. We’ve been taught that the Interstellar Union was formed in the year 1,023 LN. And we’ve been told of the human, Trey Donovan, who led the peace legation to unite everyone across the stars.

Details beyond that are varied and embellished, but we do have records of Trey’s past. This man, now considered a legend, was no diplomat. He grew up in entirely human-centric surroundings and had never ventured beyond human territories. He was banished to an exile colony after a dishonorable discharge from the military. He received no training for the peace legation that he supposedly led. Trey’s only known redeeming quality was his leadership and success in bringing law to a planet overrun with criminals.

How did this man travel to alien worlds and speak before powerful leaders? How was this human able to convince those alien leaders to send a representative with him to join the Interstellar Union? How did he survive the dangerous journey through space among an alien crew, several which were technically still at war with each other? There are still many unanswered questions about Trey Donovan and his journey across the universe. What really happened aboard that starship?


Solar Echoes: The Star Legation is a Sci-Fi Visual Novel game with RPG elements, full of intriguing alien characters, bizarre foreign cultures, and interstellar conflict. Journey through space to gather and manage an alien crew, visit new worlds, negotiate with alien leaders, and even risk romance across the stars! Survival and success depends upon your choices and the reputation you’ve built among your alien crewmates. Can your diplomatic efforts with alien leaders lead to a peaceful alliance between all the races, or will you incite a massive interstellar war? Will your words bring unity, or chaos?


  • The Star Legation’s beautifully authentic style blends realism with a cel-shaded, anime touch. Design, art, and audio create a unique space-opera atmosphere.

  • 100’s of decisions to make in this epic, choice-driven branching story

  • Experience an engaging narrative filled with intrigue, humor, science, treachery, and heart.

  • RPG elements with 8 different character design skill choices to make

  • 32 possible endings (including 5 main endings)

  • Immersive and realistic dialogue: some character sprites have over 100 different expressions!

  • Optional Romance story routes with 2 human characters

  • Detailed background art, cinematic camera work, expressive character sprites, and animated sequences make this visual novel a dynamic experience!

  • Build relationships with memorable characters and develop a reputation that will alter the course of the story!

  • Over 20 hours of gameplay, with additional hours in alternate routes and endings

  • Awesome SciFi soundtrack by composer Andy Mitchell, featuring over 75 minutes of original music!

  • 15+ High Res CG’s to unlock, designed by the talented artist, Aeghite!

  • Hidden skill-related choices based on your character design that unlock extra routes

  • Optional Combat (auto-win option), or Challenge Mode

Solar Echoes: The Star Legation on Steam

Ever Fallen Empire

Ever Fallen Empire

Ever Fallen Empire is a turn-based galactic empire strategic management game.

( With significant “Custom Game” support. The main campaign is practically a mod resting on the framework. )

The galaxies of EFE are complex, and governed by a dense strata of Anchors Of Civilisation.

From the Integrity of Government, to the Cohesion of the Populace, and the Infrastructure of Industry. And 12 more.

Anchors that knock on to one another, causing waves of repercussions to sweep your territory. Waking people to the Empire’s deep corruption.

As the Annihilationists rise from their holes seeking to end all life, as your rivals move to take your throne for their own cruel ends, and the freedom fighters marshal rebellions to free themselves. A galaxy inhabited by men and women that seek to survive and flourish. Or steal and murder.

Some heed the Creator’s words.

Others, forge their own definitions of morality.

Factions of characters, join together. Funnelling their resources into effecting the galaxy at large.

Into assisting you, or fighting you.

You, the New Authority of the Ever Empire.

But you shall order vast operations.

To save Humanity from itself - and from you - for the last time in all history.

Cripple communication. Ruin space-travel. Shatter the very stars of our night’s sky.

Build deep archives of our histories cemented into leviathanic super planets.

Coax Autonomous Intelligences into siding with your ideals.

This is your empire. Your people, they are your responsibility.

You shall not allow it to become, Ever Fallen.

You will bring down this rancid empire, forever.

There are a number of campaigns, and once-off scenarios. As well as extensive custom-game tools that allow you to alter the very fabric of the galaxies you shall command.

EFE relies on imagination, and lacks graphical views or vistas. Though I do put effort into making it look presentable.

This is not an action packed game and is mostly menus. It is a slow paced strategy management game about planning for events far into the future.

This game sadly, costs a bit of time and strong mental effort.

Sorry about that. Not really much I can do given the subject matter.

But I promise you stories of a far future Humanity that has found itself enslaved to systems we are already weary of.

And that you will find yourself in complex, daunting situations of slim yet grand hopes.

Main Campaign

The main campaign hold you as the new supreme Authority of the mamothetic galaxy spanning Ever Empire.

An empire unmatched in all of history, with a single human being at it’s pinnacle of power.

Yet. You are tasked by your father to destroy it. Before it becomes more nightmarish than it already is. While keeping Humanity alive despite the downfall you shall incur.

Regardless of which campaign you choose. Use logic, thoughtfulness, and planning, reach a complex end goal despite strong opposition.

Execute planned Actions to effect huge portions of the galaxy known as Locells. Each with deep statistics that represent their current state.

Carefully shift these “Anchors Of Civilisation” to your needs. Forging rebellions, inspring collapses, upsetting economies, and suppressing would be attempts to maintain the Ever Empire.

Ultimately, destroy your own Empire.

Victory rests on your ability to predict the fallout of your actions as the supreme Authority of a science-fiction galaxy that tries to be real.

If you find the campaign too easy, go into the Universe Forge and make your own nightmare.

Maker’s Pace to you.

New Authority, of all Humanity.

= = = PLAY = = =

As the leader of a faction, plan your way to one of many complex objectives :

  • As the New Authority; Bring down the Ever Empire, and preserve Humanity despite it.

  • As the Dealkorator; Prevent the Ultimatum of Martel Legata, and preserve the efforts of the Second Authority.

  • As the People’s Choice; Overthrow the Autonomous Overlord that controls the last of humanity, and survive the cold of the galaxy.

  • And many many more user-generated custom campaigns. ( Yes, you can make your own. )

Take Action for your future, and counter the efforts of your opponents.

  • Actions ; Execute galaxy shifting actions from overthrowing Governments and detonating stars, to seeding new Factions within the galaxy.

  • Factions ; Computer Controlled Factions that can perform the same Actions you can. Each working towards their own goals and objectives.

  • Characters ; A living galaxy, with Ever Empire Officers, Rebel Leaders, and Local Heros taking Actions to protect their homes and further their desires.

Plan against a large, complex, and daunting galaxy.

  • 81 Locells; Galactic territories represented as simple square regions.

  • 15 Anchors; That represent all corners of civilisation. That play off of each other, change and shift, and determine Events and Catastrophes.

  • Events; Deterministic, non random events that are the complex result of your actions, and the Anchors of Locells.

  • Flags; Characteristics that determine how a given Locell operates. From Autonimous Artificial Overlords, to Super Novellic Nebula.

= = = MODDING = = =

A Universe Forger.

Allowing you to create the dreams or nightmares of your imagination :

  • Create custom Galaxies. ( Single Levels or entire Campaigns )

  • Create custom Factions, ( Name them, colour them, give them a personality. The Aggressive Orthogonal Oligarchy of Olivertee? )

  • Create custom Anchors of Civilisation, ( Name them, have things work because of them, have events triggered by them. )

  • Create custom Events, ( Cause and Effect, blockers and enablers. Cause a Sentient Cake Uprising if there’s too much food. )

  • Create custom Flags, ( Effect your anchors as you wish, have an Autonomous Overlord prevent Education and build war machines form your Infrastructure. )

  • Create custom Characters, and set their traits to be just as cunning or psychopathic as you wish.

  • Create your own Cutscenes for your own Campaigns.

  • Paint factional control.

  • Set Anchors of Civilisation.

  • Establish a history of past events.

  • Create Trigger programs to play Cutscenes and cause your own Events.

Then upload it to the Steam Workshop.

= = =

Ever Fallen Empire on Steam

Stellar Monarch

Stellar Monarch

If you are familiar with Eurogame style tabletop games, then the abstractions and economic focus (vice military control) will feel very familiar to you. The game’s pillars are not based on American-style wargames.

Many devs who make 4X games seem to have the souls of engineers; Aurora 4x being the archetype. In those games micromanagement focuses on design, production, and use of things like ships. Mastery of those concepts leads to victory.

This game requires micromanagement and is numerically obtuse as well, but it focuses on the qualitative values of game elements (i.e. cards) instead of design, production and use of things.

Real player with 30.3 hrs in game

There’s a lot left to be desired in this game. The UI is clunky, the artwork is amateurish (think early D&D), and there are some strong biases (no female officers, everyone is Caucasian). Maybe there’s a button to change that - but if there is, I havent dug it out from the UI yet (oh, that tiny button on the map pulls up a list of worlds? Which cannot be ordered to tell me most populous, most rebellious, etc?).

For all that, however, the game does two things well. It lives up to what it says it is - you’re the Emperor, not a warehouse clerk. You dont deal with the minutae of the empire, you have People for that - who are, admittedly, often trying to kill you. Or skim off the top. Or are just idiots. But you’re the Emperor, you have People for those People too; people with sharp, pointy objects - my purges havent reached Stalinist levels, but every once in a while, I do feel the need to prune my court of the more corrupt or stupid couriers or officers (‘fire’ all corrupt governors except the loyal ones? Meh heh heh heh).

Real player with 23.5 hrs in game

Stellar Monarch on Steam

Planet Colonization

Planet Colonization

This is a tough one to rate. I thought I was buying a builder. Instead it is a unique take on Real Time Strategy in which prices from the independent market are the key drivers in determining how you build a functioning economy to support the war machine to take down your rivals.

The approach is creative and unique. You have to focus on staying profitable. Whatever resources you need you can buy in the market. However, to buy in the market you need positive cash flow or sufficient assets to access credit. You’ll bankrupt yourself quickly if you ignore the price signals from the market to focus on building the production chains you need.

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

Information / Review English

Planet Colonization combines the Game styles of Strategy and Real-time Strategy game, which was developed by Araknumia Software. And is still in the Early Access Phase.

Gameplay / Story

It all started in a galaxy far, far away … A planet full of natural nutrients that you need to survive, a dream that is too good to be true, but really there. You are lucky enough to have found this planet and you are the focus. This is how the game begins!

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

Planet Colonization on Steam

The Prologue to a Dream of Home

The Prologue to a Dream of Home

One hundred years before the events of A Dream of Home, Dr. Seth Schumann’s reality simulation is nearly complete. With the birth of the Narcissus Project, Eridean scientists have discovered a means to project the soul as art. Who will finish Schumann’s unfinished masterpiece?

The Prologue to a Dream of Home on Steam

Raider Bots

Raider Bots

The Raiders are a lawless space fleet consisting of a handful of battle hardened operatives. In their quest for riches, they have scouted a planet that is home to an abundance of valuable resources. Unfortunately, it is already occupied by multiple factions, battling for control. Your mission is to conquer the planet and place it under Raiders control. Combined with a powerful Battle MECH, you will raise an army of Battle BOTs in order to take on the thriving native factions.

Key Features:

  • Two Main Modes, World Mode and Battle Mode - Plan your moves in the World Mode, then jump into Battle Mode to experience battles in real time.

  • Mechs - Dominate the battlefield with your very own Mech, with a plethora of unlockable weaponry.

  • Collect BOTs - Take control of a variety of Battle BOTs, each with their own unique characteristics.

  • Specialize BOTs - Specialize BOT effectiveness on the battlefield with a variety of collectible upgrade modules.

  • Conquest - Take control of Strongholds dotted across the planet. Strongholds will help fund multiple large scale armies necessary for total conquest.

  • Commander Drone - Command your BOTs and activate special abilities with the Commander Drone; which affords a top down view of the battle where you can issue orders, classic RTS style.

Raider Bots on Steam



Stellaris is a fantastic game.

I have seen thousands of stories unfold during my playtime. I’ve watched humanity bloom into a galaxy-spanning civilisation. I’ve watched megacorporations be seized by fanatic communists. I’ve seen weapons created that span the circumference of quasars and watched them wipe away entire solar clusters. I’ve unlocked the secrets of the universe again and again, scoured the galaxy for relics and found stories spanning universes in scale, stories that go beyond the beginning and the end of what we would conventionally call a universe. I held the line against an extra-galactic threat while the galaxy crumbled around me, a threat that had followed the Prethoryn Scourge to our local cluster and fed on our galaxy as a cow would a field. My empires proved and disproved the false vacuum theory again and again, and when that empire eventually fell; futurespawns travelled back in time to warn the past against the coming storm. A revolt against fate itself had formed, and after swiftly taking over the galaxy through diplomacy it found itself fronting that storm yet again. This time it was ready.

Real player with 1967.2 hrs in game

This review is difficult to leave as I have lots of great memories with this game. Its unique approach to RTS Space Strategy is incomparable to anything else on steam at this time. Which is a real shame because Paradox Interactive continues to fail with DLC updates and constant redesigns.

The game has been practically remade at least twice. Entire game feels more like a beta with constant major changes to core gameplay, to fix things that should have been fixed before release. Which ironically, PDX Interactive fails at almost every, single time. Every update that “fixes” bugs only temporarily patches them or just changes them to be slightly more bearable. For instance, every claim of late game lag being fixed might as well be ignored. You can choose a tiny galaxy, and you’ll still have lag in the late game. Pop changes or whatever other crap they’ve put it in hasn’t fixed much of anything. But what it has done is break mods, introduce new & more upsetting bugs, and piss off the community. They also released some stupid launcher so they could shove ads in my face when I launch the game, but in doing so also broke mods by introducing frustrating & upsetting mod order issues. Literally never was an issue before the launcher, now I have to shuffle mods around to hopefully not crash when loading saves. Which you might as well just delete your old saves if the devs release an update, because its going to break.

Real player with 700.2 hrs in game

Stellaris on Steam