Killer Inside Us

Killer Inside Us

A 3d rendition of a popular 2d game that works quite well. Support for up to 10 players at once and the ability to wear a duck on your head as you spook those who aren’t dead yet… Sus.

Real player with 10.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Diplomacy Online Co-Op Games.

when the killer is questionable

















Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Killer Inside Us on Steam



Betray your friends- and lie your way to victory. In the multiplayer social deduction game Eville you find yourself in a village riddled by a series of murders. Some say it might have been you - or was it? Convince others you’re not a murderer to stay alive!

Inspired by popular social-deduction party games such as Werewolves this is a new take on the concept with realtime gameplay and interaction. Take on the role of a Villager or Conspirator and do your deeds when no one is watching. Place wards to observe other players or tread through the village to visit any house and go on a killing spree. It is your task to communicate with other players and prove your innocence. Use your unique role abilities to your advantage and make sure your team survives.

Devious murders are taking place in the once peaceful village of Eville. Each day the Villagers can decide on suspects and execute them until all evil-doers are found. Each night however the Conspirators gather and decide to murder another innocent Villager until they take over the village. You play as a random role and have no idea who is on your side. Use your abilities and social skills to find out!

Objective: Stay alive and discover the conspirators!

  • Win by executing all conspirators

  • Call in meetings, vote out and execute the Conspirators

  • Find your dead friends and use your abilities and social skills to find out who murdered them

  • Brew potions to save yourself, others, or poison people you think are suspicious

  • Lift the curses and evil magics brought upon Eville by the Conspirators

  • Trade with vendors and acquire items to protect yourself and gather intel on other players

  • Use your unique role abilities to observe players, talk to ghosts, see footsteps or place traps in the village

Objective: Deflect accusations and murder the Villagers!

  • Win by killing all innocent Villagers

  • Get rid of Villagers by sneaking into their home at night and murdering them, or trick Villagers with your deceptive skills

  • Wake up at night, steal and deceive the sleeping villagers

  • Put evil curses upon the village, securing your win

  • Buy trade goods on the black market, giving you unique items such as boots to protect you from traps

  • Use the underground to traverse through Eville in secret

In Eville you assume a randomly assigned role for each session. Convince others that you’re on their side to stay alive! Here are some of the available roles:

  • Detective - A nimble noble with an exceptional eye for the truth.

  • Axe Murderer - A blade master that got off the right path.

  • Shape Shifter - No one really knows who she is, and those that do never see her again.

  • Ghost Whisperer - A mystic with the ability to communicate with deceased Villagers.

  • Slanderer - Never takes the blame for anything. Always tries to frame others.

  • Trapper - A lone ranger with a powerful arsenal.

  • Seer - Places magical wards and observes other players during the night.

  • Mayor - Everyone knows him and everyone pays him.

  • Thief - Watch out for this one, or you’ll soon have nothing!

  • Guard - A crusader of justice and truth.

  • Smuggler - A master of the underground - clearing secret paths directly to a player’s home

More roles will be revealed!

  • Real-time 3D gameplay: Interact with players, vendors, NPCs, use items, visit player homes and use your role-specific abilities

  • Player Customization: Choose a Skin, Equipment, Accessories, Paintings, Stickers, Emotes, and more

  • Game Settings: Set custom rules for your own play session

  • Scalable session size: Roles are distributed and balanced automatically based on the number of players in your game

  • Rich discord integration (coming soon)

We take the community’s input very seriously. Listening to the feature requests and feedback from our fans is important to us, that’s why fans can have a direct line to us, via our discord community channel; where they’ll be able to discuss the development of Eville with us. Quite often game developers suffer from tunnel-vision, and we’re no exception. Having a springboard to bounce ideas back and forth with, can be quite refreshing. At the end of the day, our goal is to create a fun experience, and having the community’s direct feedback is essential to this process.

Read More: Best Diplomacy Indie Games.

Eville on Steam

Lux Alliance

Lux Alliance

This is a simple strategy boardgame, but that simplicity allows for a lot of interesting strategic game play. The combat system resembled the classic Axis And Allies board game rules, but with only two unit types – attack (armor, knight), and defense (infantry). Like that game, you can only build new units in your factory (or castle or city or whatever it gets called).

Unlike most board games (but like Diplomacy), all moves are simlutaneous. Every player issues orders to all units, then when all are complete they all execute at once. This makes attacking a risk, as you must move defending units off a territory in order to attack. Your opponent and you can actually exchange territories.

Real player with 364.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Diplomacy Strategy Games.

I’ve enjoyed this game when I had the regular PC version before as well. It’s something halfway between Risk, and Axis and Allies. There’s more than one kind of unit buuut only two kinds, lol. Additionally though you can also place a new production center. It' also simove, so you have to anticipate what the other powers will do. There are a variety of all against all and team scenarios as well difficulty levels. Within the difficulty levels there are a number of different AIs to play against. The variety of maps to play is fairly extensive - all different eras, themes, some areas, some point to point, some hex grids. I recommend it for those who like Risk level of strategy with a little extra.

Real player with 72.4 hrs in game

Lux Alliance on Steam

Rising Constellation

Rising Constellation

Rising Constellation is an awesome game which is mixing strategy and role play at a perfect level.

It offers many distinct gameplay based on factions and its agents mechanics - however, remind it’s strongly depends on team play!

Indead, this game is part of those who are perfectly designed to work in cooperation with your mates, but definitely not alone.

Use Siderians and rule your teamates, just because you’ll get the economy power - or perhaps you’ll prefer bite everyone using large fleets lead by Navarques.

Real player with 933.3 hrs in game

Rising Constellation is 4x RST game still in developpment.

Created from a small team of Swiss developper, I was a player of thier first MMO RTS 4x game: Asylamba.

I see RC (Rising Constellation) like an MMO RTS 4x game based on Agents (Navarques – Ereased – Sidérians).

I really enjoy the game for is background story (lore can be added by players participation) , B&W graphic style and is MMO possibility !

There is now 1 mod to play : fast flash 2H gamemode , this is quite small with 1 or to 2 games per week with a small cummunity.

Real player with 837.1 hrs in game

Rising Constellation on Steam

4th Generation Warfare

4th Generation Warfare

This Is an update to the review 11/20/21

Single player Is not bad to play. There are quality of life things that needs to be Improved.

  1. Instead of checking the phone for each person or backing out the menu to re open to view messages from characters to have a simple list of all messages.

  2. When you tell your military to move somewhere they will move Into borders of countries and start a war If still there traveling In two or three days.

  3. More defence from cyber attacks. As a large country you cannot defend against this. Other actors can ruin your entire economy and cause mass shortages withing days.

Real player with 106.9 hrs in game

In the beginning it was confusing but the more I played the more I realized all of the hidden treasures that this game has behind its sleeve. Its not those games that tells you everything right off the bat and spoiling all the fun by doing so, this is a progressive type game that the longer you play the more you discover and develop a history as the leader of the nation. By far one of the most underestimated games with extremely high potential by far I have ever seen to date. If you don’t like this game cause its hard, tutorials aren’t good, or you don’t understand the game play, I would say that the game provides difficulty levels and different modes to play through, play the actual game and this is 4th generation warfare which you should have researched what that means if you don’t know. Great Game!

Real player with 98.8 hrs in game

4th Generation Warfare on Steam

Conquest of the New World

Conquest of the New World

This is an old game I firt bought around 20 years ago. I enjoyed it a lot then and still enjoy it. The controls are very basic and the graphics are poor by today’s standards but it is still fun to play and does take strategy to conquer the new world. For $10 I’m very happy with my purchase, I’m only irritated that I had to purchase the game a second time because my current machines don’t support the old software.

Real player with 1783.2 hrs in game

This game is an old favorite of mine from many years ago. Although its graphics are now very dated, and it is a turn-based game in an era when most people seem to prefer real time (at least, the people who sell games seem to think so!), I have always found it to be a very well conceived, highly playable, and unusually entertaining game. It might very well have become one of my all-time favorite games if not for one fatal flaw: It contains a number of bugs which, in extended play, render it literally unplayable! The most annoying of these is that, in battles between large armies, the game hangs in the middle of the battle, and is unrecoverable. The only solution to this I have ever been able to find is to save your game before the start of each turn so that you have a fall-back position if you hang. Note that you must save under a new name, exit your game, and restart under the original name each time you do this (in other words, there is no “Quick Save” option as in so many other games). This makes it such a nuisance that you are not likely to do it. But even if you do, what’s the point? In order to not hang, you must choose not to have the battle. But without large battles, this game holds little interest for me. So when I saw that Steam was offering Conquest on their platform, I was excited to think that they might be offering a playable version, and I immediately bought a copy (at full price). Unfortunately, once I got well into the game (about Turn 120), the same old problem occurred. When playing on my own computer I was sometimes able to resolve the hangup by force-closing the hung game and rebooting the computer. Obviously rebooting the Steam server which supports this game is not an option. So here I am, having invested about a week in playing Conquest (actually 24.1 hours of play time according to Steam), and my game can neither be continued nor reverted to an earlier position – not that going back would necessarily help, anyway. I’m sure you can imagine my frustration level, and my disappointment that Steam did nothing to fix this potentially classic game before offering it for sale.

Real player with 838.7 hrs in game

Conquest of the New World on Steam



This game is something truly special. It’s smart and sophisticated, with fabulous yet understated art and music. The gameplay is very satisfying, and it makes me feel like an evil mastermind even when I lose! Play this game, you won’t regret it.

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

Oversight on Steam



One of those games that is both well programmed and well made to make nuclear war just another giddy joyride.

The game focuses on a world during the late 70’s and early 80’s, where nuclear war is taking place, and up to 6 nations can declare into it, the nations include The European union (and several other nations not currently in the EU) The USSR, (A and some parts of Kazakhstan) Asia (Not Ocenia, Australia, or Mongolia) Lain America (Not including Cuba) Africa, and North America including Canada and the United States.

Real player with 113.2 hrs in game

This was my first game bought online on steam… years ago. It’s an an-and-off relationship, and recently I got back into it a little, and the old fever caught on again!


  • not much required in terms of specs (although it can blow the fan a lot in certain situations)

  • UI has a great visual design

  • soundtrack is fitting

  • game mechanics depend on other players to work out one way or another: good online games are common

  • interesting game modes, for example: diplomacy. Everyone sees everything at the beginning, being in one team. Who defects first? Lots of maneuvering and chit-chatting among parties and backstabbing! Oh the backstabbing! Boy did we have fun with that!

Real player with 90.3 hrs in game

DEFCON on Steam

Lux Delux

Lux Delux

Risking it All

Lux Delux is a Risk game where you play on technically an infinite variety of maps and control various “pieces” as you attempt to defeat your opponents. This plays very much like a board game with very little strategy to it. You’re going to find yourself just build doom stacks of units and then plowing through enemy territory. At the same time, there is immense satisfaction as you finally plow through enemy stacks and make the entire board your color. The unique boards you can play with that users created can range from plain to superb and complex. Despite having the exact same mechanics every time, seeing these new environments and moving your units throughout them makes you feel like you’re conquering completely new areas. Even the hex-based maps that seem to be abundant have their own unique flair to them. This game is not particularly hard, even on hard AI so I recommend at least playing on medium even if you’re a more casual gamer.

Real player with 77.2 hrs in game

Game Summary:

I’m sure there are several different board games this would be similar to, but when I look at it, it reminds me of Risk. Risk isn’t as notorious as Monopoly is for being a relationship-ruining, hours-long game, but from the times I’ve played Risk it does tend to take a while. Plus, there can be some contention as to what rules or style to base the game off of, as randomly drawing cards can set someone up and screw other people. However, getting to select where to start also has some drawbacks as it can develop an immediate rivalry between two players whilst another can dodge the conflict and conspire against both. This rendition of the game offers the benefits of strategy and territory-conquering board games, without the need for physical space. It also would probably be faster since it’s pretty easy to set up different rules and situations without much effort.

Real player with 16.7 hrs in game

Lux Delux on Steam



I recommend this game but there are some major things missing from it.

Missing from international diplomacy:


-Illegal annexations

-Proxy-wars (non-declared wars)

-Any international punishment system VIA the UN at all (that has been demonstrated)

-International court/UN positions that manage world politics

-smaller countries (Belgium, Netherlands, Ireland, Korea(s)) that don’t necessarily play a roll in world politics as heavily as the current nations

-secession (though that may be hard to do)

Real player with 3095.3 hrs in game

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m enjoying my time with this game so far. But I would NOT recommend it to anyone. Unless you have very specific interests in you game mostly involving chatting on Discord apparently. I’m having fun bumbling through and clicking around and being sort of a maverick. But honestly the community seems REALLY toxic (as you might expect) and overall this game is just not what I thought it would be. I’m just playing every free game I can get my hands on right now until Cyberpunk 2077 comes out, cause I’m SOOO bored of everything else I own right now. If you’re in a similar boat, or feel like toxic discord servers are where you thrive, give the game a try then.

Real player with 20.8 hrs in game

POWER on Steam