Flag Collection

Flag Collection

It is a good collection of a lot of flags and banners

from states and organisations worldwide.

The saving function of the flags in the PNG picture

format shows a good quality.

In addition there are some informations about some

flags (banners) delivered with the picture of the flag


Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Diplomacy Education Games.

Entertaining, comprehensive, and educational game, though it’s underdeveloped. It has potential to be great, but needs some more work to get there. I recommend it if it’s cheap, but I ask the creator(s) to improve this game, or they won’t get better ratings.

Basically, there’s a reason this game has “mixed” reviews, but it’s still a good game.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Flag Collection on Steam

Bifrost Project

Bifrost Project

Great ideas, still needs work

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Diplomacy Base Building Games.

Bifrost Project on Steam

Court of Ashes

Court of Ashes

Full disclosure, I’m the brother to one of the Court of Ashes developers and brother-in-law to the other. That probably means my review won’t mean much to you but I still have a good reason to write it.

Over the last month I and some others have been beta-testing the game and providing detailed feedback. During my time testing I was very vocal in my comments. When something didn’t feel right I wrote it down and let them know right away. And no matter how often I or someone else brought something up did the developers ever make an excuse. When something could be better they made it better. Entire portions of the game were reworked based on the comments the developers received and the game had become so much better for it.

Real player with 20.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Diplomacy Strategy Games.

I stumbled on this game in my search list. I often browse indie games for little gems. This is one of them. This is a simple game that I believe is meant to teach you something about morality and service.

After the first 10 mins of playing the game, I thought there must have been a mistake at steam to give this game away for free!

Then I read the Dev message. I enjoyed this little game and would like to give you something in return (As Artimis may have said). “You have the makings of a thriving enterprise. You need only leverage the excess material at your feet, and like the fishmonger in my story arch who is told to turn low grad cuts into broth. Transmute what you believe to be refuse into accelerant.”

Real player with 7.7 hrs in game

Court of Ashes on Steam

Intelligence Trader

Intelligence Trader

I’ve been playing this for about 4 hours and I like it so far. It definitely feels like the game is unfinished and there’s more to come, but the basic premise of the game is clear.


Fun concept

Interesting story lines and missions

Nice graphics (I like the look of the agent photos)

Clear interface/map

Lots of potential for expansion by tying in the missions completed with the news headlines


A little unorganized. You can’t click on an agent placed in country and get information about them. When intel comes in to sell, you have to scroll around to figure out the highest bidder. (easily remedied with an icon indicating high and low price, or maybe highlighting with certain colors to shoe high or low)

Real player with 6.7 hrs in game

Bought it hoping find something similar to Kremlingames products. Unfortunately realised that it’s too early to buy it. Started the game and understand nothing. Russian translation is not finished, in some places in place of words I saw just black strips… Surprise… Cannot return an agent back from a country to base. News are very interesting, but I’d like to see it in a new window. Time moves too slow. There is no explanation what is specialization of agents.

Perhaps it’s only in Russian version, didn’t play English one. Hope to see something remarkable and interesting in future)

Real player with 5.9 hrs in game

Intelligence Trader on Steam

Lux Alliance

Lux Alliance

This is a simple strategy boardgame, but that simplicity allows for a lot of interesting strategic game play. The combat system resembled the classic Axis And Allies board game rules, but with only two unit types – attack (armor, knight), and defense (infantry). Like that game, you can only build new units in your factory (or castle or city or whatever it gets called).

Unlike most board games (but like Diplomacy), all moves are simlutaneous. Every player issues orders to all units, then when all are complete they all execute at once. This makes attacking a risk, as you must move defending units off a territory in order to attack. Your opponent and you can actually exchange territories.

Real player with 364.9 hrs in game

I’ve enjoyed this game when I had the regular PC version before as well. It’s something halfway between Risk, and Axis and Allies. There’s more than one kind of unit buuut only two kinds, lol. Additionally though you can also place a new production center. It' also simove, so you have to anticipate what the other powers will do. There are a variety of all against all and team scenarios as well difficulty levels. Within the difficulty levels there are a number of different AIs to play against. The variety of maps to play is fairly extensive - all different eras, themes, some areas, some point to point, some hex grids. I recommend it for those who like Risk level of strategy with a little extra.

Real player with 72.4 hrs in game

Lux Alliance on Steam

Reiner Knizia Yellow & Yangtze

Reiner Knizia Yellow & Yangtze

Strong “Yes” recommendation. 1-4 players.

I’ve played a bunch of games solo and 2 online.

The game is great; levels of complexity in strategy without being difficult to play. Once of my favorite game categories is “deceptively simple”. :-)

I’ve never played the board game, but this port seems authentic and there haven’t been any glitches so far. I can’t comment on the AI since I’m new to the game, but I didn’t see anything dumb and it plays quickly and smoothly.

Seems like this is the kind of game that feels very different depending on the number of players.

Real player with 192.0 hrs in game

This game feels ideal for just getting started with online play with few pieces to manipulate and lots of careful strategy to consider. The game is won and lost by very subtle nuances of balance between all leaders. If any faction gets too bloated or carried away with one influence the others suffer and the scoring mechanic is rare, much like Knizia’s earlier Samurai. I like how this game has been rendered, with the building and falling pagodas adding a sense of action to an otherwise pacific game. Also that scoring is so visible and tallied automatically makes gameplay faster than IRL. The mouseover of details of each card are appreciated, but I would also like some hint of the special abilities of farmers to tear pagodas down. This is a case of the online game encouraging cardboard sales because I would buy this box.

Real player with 86.7 hrs in game

Reiner Knizia Yellow & Yangtze on Steam

Rules of The Mafia: Trade & Blood

Rules of The Mafia: Trade & Blood

Feels like a concept/mod for improving the old gangsters by adding infiltration options for your gangsters. Though that’s it, just the mod alone. You instantly bribe or kill officials and replace with people with your own. no election or other factors even. Game is a ‘clicker’.

Last waiting part of game after having replaced mayor holding office for x time is waste of time.

Most events are plain annoying like raids that take your money and kill all your guards at shops.

Bugs: you drag a portraits around in the attack screen, then they disappear from screen, never to be seen there again. as result, I never attacked places. Just bribed them back.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Just as many people I was also hyped before the release because th game looked very promising to me.

What I then got was a game so basic, that even my Grandmother could have played.

Basically the whole purpose of the game is, that you (A premade Mafia Boss) controle all the City Buildings and the City Government.

You do this by raiding the Buildings or buying them and Bribing or threatening Government Officials so you can then install your own people.

Sadly that is all to the game and it is pretty much the same throughout every walk, which makes it pretty boring after just one game which you can easily win in 20-30 minutes.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Rules of The Mafia: Trade & Blood on Steam

Taxer Inc

Taxer Inc

I have a suggestion - I would advise the developers to go deeper into the late stage of the game now. And add mechanics to the Government section - right now their role in the game is minimal. I think this part can be deepened. But that’s just my opinion.. :D

Real player with 30.5 hrs in game

This game is very interesting. The perspective of controlling other countries with economic power instead of military power is simple and innovative.

However, I have a complaint about the NPCs' behavior.

While the player is limited in terms of revolution points, the NPCs continue to annex other countries without such limitations. Also, with each turn, the rebellion points for annexing other countries become higher, making it impossible to complete the game if you focus on internal affairs.

The only solution is to annex NPCs before they become too big, but geography often prevents that effort in Asia and Africa.

Real player with 6.3 hrs in game

Taxer Inc on Steam



Betray your friends- and lie your way to victory. In the multiplayer social deduction game Eville you find yourself in a village riddled by a series of murders. Some say it might have been you - or was it? Convince others you’re not a murderer to stay alive!

Inspired by popular social-deduction party games such as Werewolves this is a new take on the concept with realtime gameplay and interaction. Take on the role of a Villager or Conspirator and do your deeds when no one is watching. Place wards to observe other players or tread through the village to visit any house and go on a killing spree. It is your task to communicate with other players and prove your innocence. Use your unique role abilities to your advantage and make sure your team survives.

Devious murders are taking place in the once peaceful village of Eville. Each day the Villagers can decide on suspects and execute them until all evil-doers are found. Each night however the Conspirators gather and decide to murder another innocent Villager until they take over the village. You play as a random role and have no idea who is on your side. Use your abilities and social skills to find out!

Objective: Stay alive and discover the conspirators!

  • Win by executing all conspirators

  • Call in meetings, vote out and execute the Conspirators

  • Find your dead friends and use your abilities and social skills to find out who murdered them

  • Brew potions to save yourself, others, or poison people you think are suspicious

  • Lift the curses and evil magics brought upon Eville by the Conspirators

  • Trade with vendors and acquire items to protect yourself and gather intel on other players

  • Use your unique role abilities to observe players, talk to ghosts, see footsteps or place traps in the village

Objective: Deflect accusations and murder the Villagers!

  • Win by killing all innocent Villagers

  • Get rid of Villagers by sneaking into their home at night and murdering them, or trick Villagers with your deceptive skills

  • Wake up at night, steal and deceive the sleeping villagers

  • Put evil curses upon the village, securing your win

  • Buy trade goods on the black market, giving you unique items such as boots to protect you from traps

  • Use the underground to traverse through Eville in secret

In Eville you assume a randomly assigned role for each session. Convince others that you’re on their side to stay alive! Here are some of the available roles:

  • Detective - A nimble noble with an exceptional eye for the truth.

  • Axe Murderer - A blade master that got off the right path.

  • Shape Shifter - No one really knows who she is, and those that do never see her again.

  • Ghost Whisperer - A mystic with the ability to communicate with deceased Villagers.

  • Slanderer - Never takes the blame for anything. Always tries to frame others.

  • Trapper - A lone ranger with a powerful arsenal.

  • Seer - Places magical wards and observes other players during the night.

  • Mayor - Everyone knows him and everyone pays him.

  • Thief - Watch out for this one, or you’ll soon have nothing!

  • Guard - A crusader of justice and truth.

  • Smuggler - A master of the underground - clearing secret paths directly to a player’s home

More roles will be revealed!

  • Real-time 3D gameplay: Interact with players, vendors, NPCs, use items, visit player homes and use your role-specific abilities

  • Player Customization: Choose a Skin, Equipment, Accessories, Paintings, Stickers, Emotes, and more

  • Game Settings: Set custom rules for your own play session

  • Scalable session size: Roles are distributed and balanced automatically based on the number of players in your game

  • Rich discord integration (coming soon)

We take the community’s input very seriously. Listening to the feature requests and feedback from our fans is important to us, that’s why fans can have a direct line to us, via our discord community channel; where they’ll be able to discuss the development of Eville with us. Quite often game developers suffer from tunnel-vision, and we’re no exception. Having a springboard to bounce ideas back and forth with, can be quite refreshing. At the end of the day, our goal is to create a fun experience, and having the community’s direct feedback is essential to this process.

Eville on Steam



I have owned Realpolitks for a week now, so far I love it. It is a very good Grand Strategy Game, many people don’t like it and I see why, however here are the pros and cons in my opinion.


  • You can play as every country in the world, minus a few very small countries (e.g Figi).

  • You can start in the years 2020, 2050 and 2222, which all have different countries and starting points.

  • Very good starter game for anyone wishing to get into the Grand Strategy Genre, not to many aspects to learn, quite minimal.

Real player with 215.7 hrs in game

Realpolitiks Review

Nostalgia Goggles Factor: None

Crash Factor: Crashless

Bug Factor: High

A Polish-made Grand Strategy game set in our Information age. Starting in 2020.

The Good

  • 3 starting dates; 2020, being similar to our world today, 2050, a post-apocalyptic setting and 2222, where nearly every province is it’s own country.

  • Play as any country.

  • Every start date has it’s own time limit, 2020 ends in 2100, for example. When the end date is reached, the country with the highest score will be the winner. However, it can be much more fun to simply ignore the score game and just play it like a sandbox, setting your own goals. You can play past the end date.

Real player with 152.9 hrs in game

Realpolitiks on Steam