Karen: An Outrage Simulator

Karen: An Outrage Simulator

I went into this game expecting 45 minutes-1 hour’s worth of silly little content that would give me, someone who’s worked in food and retail, a good laugh.

What I got was 3 hours of organ rupturing good humored, nail on the head scenarios that were so scarily familiar but also insanely ridiculous.

Without spoiling anything (yes, yes, there is a plot, and it is delicious), you go through a good handful of incredibly unique, inconvenient situations that could truly happen to anybody. No level feels like a repeat, no joke feels overused or like low-hanging fruit (unless you count the entire premise of the game as low hanging fruit). If you play on Normal mode, you have to figure out how to manipulate different characters to get what you want purely through intuition and guess work, WITHOUT you (Karen) becoming outraged and making a disaster of the place.

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Diplomacy Conversation Games.

Similar to other reviews, I thought this game would be shorter…offering maybe an hour of content. I ended up streaming it for over 3 hours.

I played this with a couple of other friends and we all took turns voice-acting Karen and the other characters. We spent so much time laughing our sides were sore!

I’ve also worked 7 years in retail and, again like other reviewers, have encountered my fair share of “Karens” and this game accurately depicts the stereotypical Karen in her natural habitat.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Karen: An Outrage Simulator on Steam

Megacity Builder

Megacity Builder

like the older city building games but with a national twist. incorporates multiple little cities to run a country. can really get lost in the constructing and managing

Real player with 42.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Diplomacy Political Sim Games.

Fantastic game! If you like lite sims, then this is your game.

It’s got a very detail orientated design for a game as lite as it is, its mechanics are nuanced and unique.

I strongly advise this game to anybody who is a fan of unique sims.

It has a bit of a learning curve, but never fear, its worth it!

Real player with 18.7 hrs in game

Megacity Builder on Steam

MesetaMiner (CodeName)

MesetaMiner (CodeName)

If you had a million dollars would the world be yours? Or what if you have a hundred million? Or what about a Billion? This is old fools power. This will not give you complete power over the world. The goal is not to make a lot of money - the goal is to get control of the money. CREATE THE MONEY and give it value. Play the game like the Federal Reserve and Artist.

Have you always dreamed of achieving international influence and making infinite money? Now you can achieve the dream of billions and earn influence, wealth and respect. Earn your billions during the crypto era.

MesetaMiner(codename) is an crypto simulator in which you can become the most successful “Business Man/Woman” in the world.

Create and buy new technologies, expand production, fund wars for profit, buy and build real estate.

MesetaMiner(codename) Features:

  • thought provoking questions

  • detailed constant changing economy

  • the elaborated logic of changing relations between business and security

  • the possibility of organizing the production of millions, billions, trillions of crypto currency

  • investments, giving out loans and development of real-estate

  • a dynamically changing exchange for trading/business

Read More: Best Diplomacy Casual Games.

MesetaMiner (CodeName) on Steam

Planet Colonization

Planet Colonization

This is a tough one to rate. I thought I was buying a builder. Instead it is a unique take on Real Time Strategy in which prices from the independent market are the key drivers in determining how you build a functioning economy to support the war machine to take down your rivals.

The approach is creative and unique. You have to focus on staying profitable. Whatever resources you need you can buy in the market. However, to buy in the market you need positive cash flow or sufficient assets to access credit. You’ll bankrupt yourself quickly if you ignore the price signals from the market to focus on building the production chains you need.

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

Information / Review English

Planet Colonization combines the Game styles of Strategy and Real-time Strategy game, which was developed by Araknumia Software. And is still in the Early Access Phase.


Gameplay / Story

It all started in a galaxy far, far away … A planet full of natural nutrients that you need to survive, a dream that is too good to be true, but really there. You are lucky enough to have found this planet and you are the focus. This is how the game begins!

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

Planet Colonization on Steam



You’re the warden of a prison-arena in a dystopian future.

A mix of strategy, management and fighting game in a cyberpunk 2D pixel art style.

Manage the prison, clone the best fighters, control them using only commands and maximize your profit.

Be the best Warden

As a warden you have 365 days to win the Prison Arena of the Year Award, or face forced resignation.

You will achieve this award by excelling in the management of the prison, hiring employees for each department, researching new technology, and ensuring victories on each stadium!

Have the best fights!

Give real time commands to fighters! They will respond according to their AI and personality which will adjust throughout the battle. Use the arena to influence the outcome of the battle. You will receive multiple bets and challenges as your priority is to entertain and make the most profit.

With the worst Historical Characters

Buy patented formulas, clone historical characters deemed as criminals by the Glorious State, and make them compete in the arena for punishment and entertainment!

Will any of your Gladihaters survive his 100th fight and earn his freedom?

All for the Glorious State!

Gladihaters on Steam

Democracy 4

Democracy 4

Solid 7/10 overall. Just don’t base your own politics on it. I’d say this game shines in its core mechanics and falls down in the accuracy of the policies/objectivity of the developer.

The only mechanical issue is that GDP is not generated by population but is in stead seemingly separate. So growing the population of a prosperous country does not correspondingly grow GDP.

Certain policies (cough college tuition cough) are way off in terms of cost versus performance and seem more like a policy ad from the dev than balanced game elements.

Real player with 174.0 hrs in game

Good game, more polished than the predecessor. Don’t be afraid of early access. It would be suitable as a finished game.

Would be nice to have some scenarios or what not to spice it up.

Real player with 16.9 hrs in game

Democracy 4 on Steam



A simple political simulator focusing on a gameplay element that was missing in Democracy 3 and not well developed in Urban Empire.

To keep it short: The game is fun, but somewhat lacking in depth and can be rather random at times. Better to watch gameplay videos to see if it is for you, unless you really love politics and want a parliament simulator badly.

To be more elaborate: The game offers a variety of policies that are unlocked through research. Policy effects are very clearcut and not as complicated and multi-layered as in Democracy 3. Also they tend to be rather simple. For instance there is a policy to establish a pension system, but it is not explained what kind of system it is, nor is it possible to have different types of systems (Democracy 3 at least distinguished between private and public pension schemes).

Real player with 27.1 hrs in game

Mixed leaning negative, with lots of caveats

Firstly, I love the presentation, the UI design, the idea of the sim. It is nice to see so many countries represented, with an actual democratic method of passing or repealing laws and legislation, via voting done by members of the chamber. It is a solid base for the game to (hopefully) improve with in time.

But, sadly, I feel the overtly positive points halt here.

While many countries are represented each one works exactly the same, even if their constitutions and ideology differs. Each will start with the same rules and a empty parliamentary chamber. It is like establishing the very first government. And then the system does not emulate the country you are supposed to be. Every country gets the chamber filled, and then the “lawgivers” themselves pick a PM/President. Not the majority holder. Not public vote. Not the popular vote or the most weighted votes as seen in real systems across the world. Only through pushing new rules and laws can you actually get around to emulating your chosen countries real system.

Real player with 14.3 hrs in game

Lawgivers on Steam

Distant Dials

Distant Dials

Distant Dials is a science-fiction MUSH (multi-user shared hallucination). It’s a multiplayer game requiring the player to create parts of the experience with others.

 Distant Dials is a game relying on dialogues taking place in 2875. The player is a human who shall through discussions with others or with an IA, understand his current state and the state of mankind in this era. He will maybe reach another level of understanding allowing dialogues with 9 other players on issues of the past leading to where humanity is right now.

Distant Dials on Steam

Epic City Builder 4

Epic City Builder 4

I really do like this game. Its very easy to pick up and feels like the kind of game il be playing for a very long time.

Im 28 hours in at time of this review and im am very happy i brought this game. Its like city skyline….. but fun

Real player with 63.7 hrs in game

Had an issue with not be able to save my capital but the developer was on it and issued a fix. I have spent alot of time well spent.

Real player with 25.4 hrs in game

Epic City Builder 4 on Steam

Weltreich: Political Strategy Simulator

Weltreich: Political Strategy Simulator

Weltreich is a political strategy simulatior where you rule the state by interacting with characters and with the map. Each of your decisions will necessarily entail a result. The game raises topical problems of the modern world, politics and humanity as a whole.

You play on befalf of the president. Answer journalist, create an army, balance between rating and wealth, cooperate with leaders of other states. Dictator or President? Develop your country in a liberal or authoritarian vector - the political compass will show the direction of both your politics and society.Control the state and society, research technologies with the help of a scientist.

After the apocalypse, only 3 bunkers stayed, in the place of each of which a state arose. To the right of the you, monarch Vasily Pynkin is building an authoritarian state, while on the left, the utopian leader Jakobe Prescott embodies quality and cosmopolitanism. Which side do you prefer? Will you cooperate with a dictator, democrat, or you choose your own, special path? Will you be able to build your own state, or will you start a war? Will you manage to hold on to power, or will you have to hand it over to the oppositionist? Develop your own political strategy in this post-apocalyptic simulation game!

  • You can resurrect deceased citizens or sell them to Satan

  • Follow the news world and social opinion in the newspaper

  • Base an army of mechanical robots and defend the border from dictators

  • Many endings, which are constantly updated

  • Check your and society vectors on the political compass

Weltreich: Political Strategy Simulator on Steam