Robinson: The Journey

Robinson: The Journey

HTC Vive Review

First of all they put so much love into this game with so many details. The world is just incredible. The jungle just feels alive and you are guided quite well by your friend, the flying robot, which explains the controls bit by bit when you need them and he is also very entertaining and tells you what to do next.


They are ok at best. Only the climbing part feels very nice. You dont actually use your hand in terms of grabbing stuff. You have your device in your hand which lets objects move. Thats absolutly ok, it’s just different. I personally like it because you have longer range and you can easily pick up things on the floor.

Real player with 19.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dinosaurs Sci-fi Games.

This game is a hidden gem buried under negative reviews. It’s not devoid of negative points (I’m gonna get to that later on), but it’s a game that really takes advantage of what VR has to offer. First off, the graphics are incredible. I was amazed by some of the environments, and had to stop more than one time just to enjoy the scenery, because you really feel the sense of scale in that game, it’s really impressive. And the dinosaurs are so realistic, you feel so tiny when the long necks are walking near you aha. Then there is the climbing part, which add even more to the experience. When you’re in the Jungle climbing these huge trees and you look down - you REALLY don’t want to loose your grip and fall. I got my fair rate of stress at certain times aha. I really liked the story too, and the ending was really nice.

Real player with 18.9 hrs in game

Robinson: The Journey on Steam

ARK Park

ARK Park

Edit 2: Really didn’t want to change my rating from positive to negative but there’s still no fix for the save bug that prevents me from progressing at all in this game and the devs now appear to have abandoned it. Still no way to aquire eggs in game despite the devs saying there is which I assume is part of the bugs affecting my game and if I import from Ark evolved, they’re gone next time I reload the game. A real shame this game is bugged and abandoned as it had a lot of potential, I’m really disappointed. If you run WMR make sure your saves are working ok during the trial period by shutting the computer down and restarting the program twice (the first save works, but no progress will occur after this) or you might get caught out like me if you have the same issue :(

Real player with 12.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dinosaurs Action Games.

This is very much a cash grab. but a lovely one. My guess is Snail Games got access to all the awesome models and animations from Studio Wildcards Ark Survival Evolved and threw together a few environments with the dinosaurs having some simple AI and a few animations. The movement options are few, teleport which works as expected, and trackpad locomotion, the head stearing kind that i personally hate. With trackpad locomotion it seems like your hitbox always stays in the middle of your playspace, and never updates to where you actually are in the room. With all these flaws, i still like it. Studio Wildcard made some awesome dinosaur models, and the environments are really good. The sound design is great aswell. The experience, which sadly is turned into a half-funtioning game, divides everything up into different areas that you teleport between. the map is not connected with gateways, you just teleport. This makes it feel like it is just a collection of stuff and not a whole experience. a lot of potential was lost due to the approach snail studios took with the material they had. hopefully they will do something similar in the future, but with a well thoughtout plan on how to do it well before beginning. There are a couple of dinosaur and mosasaur experiences out there, like the pleiosaurus in Summer funland, some other swimmers in ocean rift, a couple in Nature treks VR, and ofcourse robinson the journey. there are more, but i think these are the noteworthy ones. I think Ark Park is one of the greatest dinosaur experiences and definitely worth 26:- that i got it for on sale, once i got rid of all the blurr that is. To get rid of the blur you have to do as HOSHI82 says in a post,

Real player with 6.4 hrs in game

ARK Park on Steam

Atlantis Adventure VR

Atlantis Adventure VR

Atlantis Adventure is beyond Terrible. A really lame VR game. Now where do I begin, first off this game only goes for 20 minutes, and for a 20-minute VR game the asking price is a bit much. So who would want to pay that much money. Also there are no hand animations and reloading animations as well, and the game is so generous that you have infinite bullets, you heard me correctly Infinite Bullets. I feel the developers could’ve made the game a bit more challenging in having to reload but the fact that you’re giving unlimited ammo makes the game so much easier all you have to do is hold down the button and fire away. The only good thing about the game are the graphics despite a few bugs here and there. The enemies are meh, and the boss fights are lame. The dinosaur models look like they were ripped out of a Jurassic World game, don’t believe me take a real good look at the raptors at level one, I swear those raptors look exactly like Blue, Charlie, Delta and Echo and the T-Rex looks like the JW T-Rex, don’t people make decent dinosaur models for video games anymore. Also there’s not much AI to the enemies they just run towards you and you mow them down like a bloodthirsty killer, the developers should make the enemies more strategic, for example have raptors attack the front while the raptors ambush the player from behind. Also there were times when I glitched out of the level while fighting enemies no joke I was for some strange, unknown reason thrown outside the pre-determined path of the game and I had to restart.

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dinosaurs Action Games.

My recommendation is ONLY for VR arcade centers

This Game has good potentials for VR arcades however, they need to fix the sound, it is just too scattered and you don’t know what you are hearing.

Te sound of the truck is absent

the sound of the lady speaking is absent

Background sound is noisy.. too noisy

the sound of the gun is very low

This game is just good for commercial VR arcades

360 standstill and 3 DOF not 6DOF


I will refund for now until these and some other issues other reviewers will mention is fixed

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Atlantis Adventure VR on Steam

Bleeding Hunt VR Chap.1

Bleeding Hunt VR Chap.1

Honestly this game brings back memories of good old arcade rail-shooter games like Virtual Cop, Time Crisis and House of the Dead as well as the Jurassic arcade games. But those games run much longer than this, the playtime of this game is a joke, only 10 minutes of game play. How is that going to keep us VR gamers satisfied?! The replay value this game has is extremely low. The graphics are pretty decent but a bit rough around the edges. And besides this game isn’t worth $4.50 even if it’s on special and I’m surprised that this game has positive reviews because of the price. Well a cheap price doesn’t always mean the game is going to be good, in fact the game is down-right terrible and noone is going to play this game again and again. And besides if this is the first chapter of Bleeding hunt when, WHERE THE HELL IS CHAPTER 2 & 3???!!! If this game had a gameplay time of like 50 minutes or an hour then I would be happy but the fact this game only has the first chapter and only 10 lousy minutes of game time, it’s not worth your time nor money. So don’t bother playing this, even if the game is at a cheap price.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game

Great fun game if you like dinosaur movies and games.

The game takes about 8 minutes, and you can compare it like a simulator in a shopping centre or shooting game with guns at an arcade. There the gameplay doesn’t last longer than this, and you are mostly paying more for playing once.

Here you can play as often you want. So for me, it’s worth it to pay about 2 Euros for this fun game.

There are two different game modes: standard and advanced.

You can see all kind of different dinosaurs in this game.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Bleeding Hunt VR Chap.1 on Steam

Dinosaur Hunter

Dinosaur Hunter


Real player with 12.4 hrs in game

Everything costs coins, and some of the guns don’t really work. It is fun, but you always run out of bullets, and you have to use coins to by more, but it is REALLY fun.

Real player with 6.3 hrs in game

Dinosaur Hunter on Steam

Time Machine VR

Time Machine VR

This game has been a fantastic introction for me to VR and i am becoming quite a proficiant mini sub pilot. The VR graphics are amazing, a real sense of actually being there with all the vulnerability that would accompany that.

It can also be a great tool for people who suffer from a fear of heights and want a program that de sensitises them.I have discovered that the Time Machine VR game is great for getting the old acrophobia going. When you are at the base station which is sometime in the future there is a building made from steel girders etc with towers supporting satelite dishes. Land the pod at the front or back of the building then get out of the pod by simply standing up ( for this game you are seated) then take a step forward. From then on it feels like you are standing outside. Then using the controls on the X Box controller move straight up slowly to the roof of the building, it feels like you are on an elevator platform and totally exposed. If you have a fear of heights i guarantee this will get your palms sweating. When you are on the roof do a simulated walk around the perimeter of the building and if you dare have a look down. I could hardly do it to start with and the feeling i get is exactly the same as if i was really on top of a building. Iv just tried it today and i am just starting to get used to the feeling. I am going to do this for around one hour per day then when i can eventually do it without fear i will put the de sensitisation theory to the test by walking around somewher high in the real world.

Real player with 18.3 hrs in game

I read a lot of whines about this game and so didn’t buy it until there was a fairly low sale price. The Quest 2 support is non-existent; you have to use Emulate Gamepad to play at all. So that’s a strike against it. OTOH, I found I liked it much better than the reviews led me to expect.

I’m a sucker for underwater exploration, and the water model is not bad (the surface high above is quite realistic, “blue gloom” lighting is nice, etc). The world could be a little more richly dressed (more marine plants for example) but rock formations are quite nice and the playing areas, if a little small, are pleasingly complex. It’s an environment that’s fun to visit and just loaf around in.

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

Time Machine VR on Steam



Good game. My almost 4 year old loves this. He will just keep restarting over and over again. Would be good if there were other areas as I feel the ride is pretty short. But pretty good, keep up the good work.

Real player with 6.9 hrs in game

Варіація на тему “американських гірок” з тематикою динозаврів. Можна вибрати режим для дітей, де ви розміром з велетня, тому все динозаврики здаються маленькими як домашній песик. Траса одна, маршрут змінювати не можна. Тому рекомендую брати на розпродажі.

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

DinoTrek on Steam



I only played the tutorial but damnnn this game BUSSIN

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

I only played the tutorial and solo and the game looks amazing!

I have only found one bad thing in this game its the multiplayer mode.

There’s only host or join option in the multiplayer if you wanna play with randoms and stuff you cant cause there’s no quick match or server matchmaking in my opinion devs should add at least quick match option. The game is very fun with a cool concept, it gave me some scares (i think devs did a great job on the sounds and raptor models).Also it would be great if devs changed the hand models cause robot hands kinda dont fit.

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

VHAIP on Steam

Dino Eruption

Dino Eruption

The Developer have seem to abandon it, which is quite sad because it could be better with a couple of fixes.

My Reverb G2 only shows the left eye screen and the requested Patch which was promised, same like reworked Button Layout never happened.

I will take an eye out for this game but at the Moment I can’t give it a positive Review longer.

Lets hope that this might change again.

Real player with 11.8 hrs in game

Now THIS is the VR experience I’ve been waiting for! Blazing fast graphics and Rex model quality alone would have been worth the money for me. If you’re like Ross and love dinosaurs, this is a must for you. Jurrasic Eruption’s story is cool, but in graphics terms, it’s nothing compared to this gem.

I’d call this game a GTA of paleontology, as exploring and mesing around the world is s much fun here. The story is ok, but what ticles my fancy are seemingly unlimited options and highly interactive and responsive stuff, props and the environment, not unlike Crysis, or Return to Castle Wolfenstein (for those of you that remember).

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

Dino Eruption on Steam

Dino Tour VR

Dino Tour VR


Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

For a free VR experience, this is great for kids my daughter loved it. It’s only about a 2 minute thing, and there is a LOT of work that would need to be done before I could justify paying more than $0.99 for it. For free though, its great. You ride a triceratops around a short little loop, use your stick to put food in the feeder for a T-Rex, then ride back to the start. There are other dinosaurs around that you can see.

The feeder is a bit out of reach, i had to practically step into my wall to reach it.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Dino Tour VR on Steam