

I really love this game! I’m a typical end of the world, apocolapyse gamer. I love my rpgs (final fantasy was my absolute life 3)! I’m a massive CALL OF DUTY fan. I loved the sims… theme hospital, theme park, zoo tycoon, the jurassic and dino ‘zoo’ kind of games… but i have never come across a game quite like this! I’m literally addicted to playing it! It took me about 4 days of frustration and severe persistance to get to grips with the game. But now i’ve been playing it a while, I can’t put it down (well… i can… i have two small children so i HAVE to put it down haha!) but!! i have some ideas/suggestions/thoughts i’d like to share!

Real player with 143.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dinosaurs Action Games.

Honestly, by looking at those screenshots above i wasn’t expecting that this game will have so many interesting gameplay mechanics. Perfect example of “never judge a book by its cover”.

If you like dinosaurs, looking for a challenge, don’t care about graphics and you value immersion/experiencing a lot of interesting events more than some virtual points, credits, loot boxes, skins, achievements etc then you will probably like DinoSystem. It’s a hard game, has a quite steep learning curve and sometimes needs good timing/order to do/craft certain things to survive. Here’s a bunch of observations about gameplay:

Real player with 67.4 hrs in game

DinoSystem on Steam

Dinosaurs A Prehistoric Adventure

Dinosaurs A Prehistoric Adventure

I don’t have a lot to say about Dinosaurs: A Prehistoric Adventure, it looked promising. I thought this would be a really cool RPG game but with dinosaurs. But sadly this game isn’t what I was hoping for. For starters it looked promising but it fell flat on it’s face. The game is frustrating, the combat system is really awkquard. And the control system sucked.When I was fighting another dinosaur I had trouble with the buttons during the combat, I knew which buttons to push but when I pushed a button to do a light attack and block and heavy attack and so on and so forth, I kept getting my ass kicked, I got to the point that I just got fustruated than having fun with this game. The graphics are so-so but they are nothing special. Also another problem with this game is unlike a lot of video games where you have W,A,S,D to move around, you’ve got to use your mouse and click on a certain spot in order to make your dinosaur move, and I thought what was the point of that. This game sadly failed to live up to my expectations. But hopefully all is not lost, the makers of this game has given us another dinosaur-themed game called Dinosaurs: Prehistoric Survivors. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for that game and hopefully the makers have improved since this game. I don’t recommend playing this game.

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dinosaurs Action Games.

You get to be a dinosaur and it’s free.

Obvoiusly game needs work, and hopefully is a WiP.

For those confused about the controls:

“Alpha 1” is the “1” key on your keyboard, “Alpha 2” is “2” and so on.

1,2,3 are your main attack abilities, light, medium, heavy

4 is your special ability

spacebar is block

left alt makes you jump (you should jump everywhere)

5 makes you eat whatever your dino type needs to eat

6 makes you drink water

“T” does some radar thing

“X” will show you all the keybinds on the screen

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Dinosaurs A Prehistoric Adventure on Steam

T-Rex Time Machine

T-Rex Time Machine

Another great and absorbing story. I loved seeing the development of the characters, and all ended well. I’m slightly disappointed I don’t have my own dinosaur though. 10/10.

Real player with 8.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dinosaurs Text-Based Games.

Felt extremely railroaded.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

T-Rex Time Machine on Steam

The Glassfire Amulet

The Glassfire Amulet

The Glassfire Amulet is a solid fantasy adventure featuring demon girls, feral cat girls, sexy barfly dark elf guys, and of course–most importantly–aloof dragon girls. It also features dungeons and classic rpg battles with dozens of monsters from the depths of the world.

Take it from Gibb the Platonic Tentacle Monster -

“Why are you quoting me? Don’t quote me, stop it. I’m going to my library.”

Game features:

  • A cohesive and original story from start to finish

  • Sidequests helping cute girls and guys withs stuff they should probably be able to do on their own

  • Lots of battles including elemental systems and enemy weapon weaknesses

  • Tons of skills and customizable party members! Want the tank to also heal? Can do!

  • Estimated Gameplay Length: 2 to 10 hours unless you’re achievement farming!

  • Achievements to farm!

  • Tons of dumb and dirty jokes

  • Replay Value (Hidden quests and romances)

  • Most importantly there is a wet t-shirt contest featuring only tyrannosaurus rex dinosaurs

The Glassfire Amulet on Steam

Tiktalec And The Dino Moonbase

Tiktalec And The Dino Moonbase

Great game to play when you are looking for some time to kill or are just looking for something new. The story line is simple and easy to follow and there are a lot of easter eggs that exist that are a challenge to find. Really worth the money for a simple game.

Real player with 16.6 hrs in game

Tiktalec And The Dino Moonbase on Steam

Lost Eden

Lost Eden

A game I loved so much from my childhood years has returned. Lost Eden was one of those classic games I could play for hours and never get bored. You play as Adam, the son of a king whose empire is threatened by an evil lord named Morkuus Rex the leader of the Tyrann. So you set out on a quest with various friends some are dinosaurs, some are humans and some are weird and fantastic creatures. Now let’s talk about the game. Even though the graphics may seem out-dated but to me this game still holds up well and despite the graphics from the 1990’s the animation is impressive for it’s time. And there are puzzles to solve during the game which requires a bit of brain power but none are too impossible to solve. Video-gamers should try out this 1990’s gem. And another thing I loved about the game was the fantastic soundtrack, It gives the game a sense of adventure and mystery. Playing this game was a nostalgic blast and it kinda reminded me of Dinotopia in a way. I know people are going to disagree, but Lost Eden would make a great Big-Budget movie from hollywood if done right. So do yourself a favour, give this game a go it’s a really relaxing and fun game.

Real player with 36.4 hrs in game

When I was young, my brother and I received a game from our godmother that we had no idea what it was about. All we saw on the case were the words “Lost Eden” and a pterodactyl flying over a jungle. We booted the game up and we started playing. AND THEN THE MUSIC KICKED IN. My brother and I were freaked out and imeadiately turned off the game. We had nightmares for weeks.

Flashforward a decade later, we start replaying the game with our cousin and we braved through it.

Flashforward another decade and it’s finally on Steam and still one of my favorite games from childhood!

Real player with 8.7 hrs in game

Lost Eden on Steam

Roskis: A Boozy Beginning

Roskis: A Boozy Beginning

This is the funniest game I’ve played this year. It is a relatively short (three hours) puzzle adventure with a slot machine combat system. Many unique ideas here, along with memorable character designs and a great soundtrack.

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game



Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Roskis: A Boozy Beginning on Steam

Guardians of Orion (Phase 2)

Guardians of Orion (Phase 2)

I really did once support this game and its developers. It’s true, read my old Prelude review, it’s still positive. I was heavily invested in Trek Industries' first title, Orion Prelude, having unlocked 99% of its achievements. I was happy to see an expansion of the Orion universe away from the limits imposed by Prelude’s systems, and it’s always nice to see indie devs improve upon their vision of an ideal game.

The game itself is not bad, per se. It has a good foundation, easy-to-learn mechanics and addictive gameplay. I spent many long hours, almost 300, happy to play it, eager to explore the gradually developing content and new systems. The game has lofty ambitions, and that in itself is, again, not intrinsically bad. The way the developers went about implementing the change is where crap hits the proverbial fan:

Real player with 474.5 hrs in game

Introduction: Guardians of Orion or also previously known as just “Orion” and also “The Orion project” is a pretty interesting and ambitious game which will probably include everything from PvP and PvE to space and planet exploration in the form of individual modules. As of writing this the PvP module is the latest module which was added besides the PvE module which existed for a while.

So besides the PvP module at the moment this game is pretty much like Orion Prelude (developed by the same developers) remastered in Unreal Engine 4 except that this game features more guardians or classes with more to be added but at the same moment it is missing vehicles which might be added at some point. Now I will mention regarding the various gameplay aspects.

Real player with 258.2 hrs in game

Guardians of Orion (Phase 2) on Steam

Jurassic Fantasy

Jurassic Fantasy

I really enjoyed this game!

At first I completely missed that you could put points into your stats by clicking on them so I moved around at the lowest speed, attack and defense which, needless to say, didn’t go well at all.

However, once I figured out how to increase stats it became 100x more enjoyable!

I eagerly await Jurassic Fantasy II!

Real player with 2.9 hrs in game

I’m really enjoying this game, but each time I play, the game ends up going to a black screen at some random point (typically ~10-20 minutes in) and it shows a picture of a sad computer. There’s no way to back out of that and return to the game. I wouldn’t mind so much if there was a way to save/not start over every time it happens. Any assistance would be appreciated!

4/22/21 Edit: I’m sorry, I really like the game, but I have to recommend against it at this point because it keeps crashing before I can finish it.

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

Jurassic Fantasy on Steam



I have always wanted someone to make a game where I could choose any time period in Earth’s past and experience surviving as any prehistoric animal, from infant to adulthood.

A game like Dinodrifters.

The first ever computer game to allow you to travel to every period in geological time.

And it’s REALLY fun!

Dinodrifters is a point and click survival game.

The game mechanics are simple but addictive.

You manage your survival stats (the usual stats of thirst, stamina, health etc), until you have grown to adulthood.

Real player with 12.0 hrs in game

Its really cool and i like how many extinct speceis it has cause since i was a little kid i have been a before modern human history

Real player with 10.4 hrs in game

Dinodrifters on Steam