Beasts of Bermuda

Beasts of Bermuda

we got a game at the begining around the release with bug that was okey to deal with , now after all the change the game as become a absolutly grind machine with less fun , garbage balance and lesser quality from update/fix ! the game was okeyish and understable at the start but now this is just a mess.. are they going to listen to their community demand or continuing to favor hype from Placeholder market item they work with and commisioned model/animation? ps : I miss the fun and i wish it back.

Real player with 2651.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dinosaurs Open World Games.

Beasts of Bermuda has been a hell of a ride.

Over my various accounts, I have roughly 6,000 hours total in this game.

I purchased this game on December 24th, 2018, and started truly focusing on the game in May of 2019. I loved the game. It was fun, colorful, and had a lot of unique creatures that no other dinosaur game could compare with, and best of all, growth took so little time that it wasn’t truly difficult to actually jump into the game.

Now, scroll ahead to late 2019, where growth was significantly slowed down. Personally, this is what began the downward spiral of this game. It would take up to 16 hours to get any medium sized dinosaur to 1.2 (the typical adult stage in this game), with the shortest period of time being 2 hours for the Velociraptor. While it was annoying, the smaller players could still feasibly compete with the big bois, as long as they had dedication and played smartly.

Real player with 1840.9 hrs in game

Beasts of Bermuda on Steam

The Beasts Of 9500

The Beasts Of 9500

Firstly, I’d like to just say that for a brand new game that costs literally $10, I’m more than pleased with the capabilities and experiences I was able to encounter and make with other players within the game. It is fairly bare but what Indie game starts off jam packed?

The Dev’s are active and respond back to the community when they can, They encourage and love feedback, Negative or Positive. The playerbase is fairly positive and updates are coming with each day going by. There are mechanics in game that I never would have ever expected in a fresh launch game. As a Dinosaur fan, I simply just love the different species that are available here, and I enjoy the really fun interactions that do take place in both Game & Discord. There are negative things to look at being no game is ever going to be perfect, BUT with exceptions that the Dev’s want to keep working towards the best this game can be. Staff are also active to resolve and correct any issues or answer any questions which makes things even more helpful.

Real player with 76.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dinosaurs Open World Games.

For those of you looking for documentation on the game such as controls, check out the English Fan-Wiki:

Some Pros -

So, as someone with quite a bit of time in The Isle, Beasts of Bermuda, and Path of Titans, I decided to give this game a try. Its an interesting mix of all three games, with graphics similar to a Beasts of Bermuda and Path of Titans hybrid. Its got a good dinosaur roster with several different choices of both herbivore and carnivore. The game also features 6 different AI dinos that can spawn in at any growth stage (yes there is a stage-style growth similar to The Isle Legacy). This game also has 2 flier dinos, which we all know is a huge plus as only Beasts of Bermuda has any legitimate fliers right now. There are also talent trees in the game similar to Beasts of Bermuda, and different skins that you can select like Path of Titans. Combat is click based, and functions a lot like The Isle including having fracture (bone breaks) and bleed mechanics that isn’t limited to one dino. Carnivores can pick up and carry corpses (its a bit busted but super funny!) and gores depending on player size. For what it is, I feel the game is appropriately priced (for myself anyways) at a modest $10 price tag.

Real player with 44.6 hrs in game

The Beasts Of 9500 on Steam

The Isle

The Isle

Removes mods Making the game much more bland “We will add them back someday” [4 months later] “Just two more weeks until the erima, And everything will be back to normal!!!!” [30 weeks later] “Two more months until ‘The isle-phase-two(TM)!!!!!!!!!! We’ll allow humans and other cool stuff guys trust us’” [A year goes by] “LOOK WE ADDED A TROOOOOOOOODON!!!!! WE SOOOOOOO CLOSE TO RELEASING Phase Two(TM)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

Real player with 1725.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dinosaurs Open World Games.

They broke the Evrima version pretty bad a few months ago and left it that way, for all but a few new test servers they operate ( extremely poorly, I might add). So all the community servers have bugs saving your dinosaurs and most have fallen to 0 and even shut down operations. A few reverted back to the original version of the game. That version is a dead-end development wise, but I guess a solution for some is you want to play yesterdays years game. Things for a new player are just too messed up right now so hold off until after Evrima update 4 or even possibly update 5 is out. The mechanics are really changing now so it could be the best game then or very possibly a waste of money. Before, all of this I would of said buy it for sure, as my 1000+ hours played in Evrima shows.

Real player with 1066.4 hrs in game

The Isle on Steam

ARK: Survival Of The Fittest

ARK: Survival Of The Fittest

This game saved my life.

I am 55.

My ex-wife and I have a daughter together, and adopted our son together. They are now both 4 years old.

When we were going through our separation, I found myself lost and miserable. I was self destructive. I got so mad one day from everything spiralling out of my control that I punched some concrete in a moment of overwhelming emotion. That caused me to break my 5th metacarpal in my right hand… my working hand… my games hand.. the hand that I held and carried my children to bed with.. The hand I desperately needed to make sure I could continue to provide.

Real player with 4234.2 hrs in game

Have you ever imagined what it would it would feel like to jump off one of Gandalf’s eagles, use a parachute and begin to lob some 10-15 grenades at a terrifying assortment of Giant monkeys, Stegos, and T-Rexes awaiting below? Neither had I, which is what makes this game so very fun!

But in all seriousness I’ll preface this review by saying this is an excellent game that i’ve thoroughly enjoyed and will continue to enjoy playing, but like any game, it has its pros and cons, and i’ll try to point out the aspects of the game here that i’ve found most enjoyable or sometimes a bit frustrating.

Real player with 783.9 hrs in game

ARK: Survival Of The Fittest on Steam



I would not recommend this game to play, solely based on the fact that the game has quite a few cheaters and corrupt GM’s.

TLDR I have over 1000 hours played on official PvP servers and will share what happened to make me not recommend this game. In the last week before this review me and my one other tribe member encountered 2 players from china that we caught using ghosting to kill our tames, pixblocks (that had end-game creatures high lvl), and generators. We logged on and seen all this destroyed and caught them using the cheat to kill stuff through our multi-layered tek and steel base without having to blow through the walls and making an opening to get in.

Real player with 1075.1 hrs in game

I’ve also got this game on my Xbox. Was tempted to get it for the switch too. But def not worth the price you gotta pay for it. I’ve played Off and On since launch. Xbox and PC. Let me tell you about how Xbox went first. (I’m also leaving this as a review for the game too)

Back then i didn’t know this was a Chinese IP until i did some digging. Little did I know this is what it would lead to. Launch on Xbox had it’s problems. Constant Dcs and crashing. There was a point where you couldn’t fly anywhere because you’d go over maybe 5 blocks and freeze in place for a second. My guess is because the server couldn’t keep up with your dino speed (back when it was a thing) You could also use the dino speed as in advantage on Fury server to see peoples bases on the bottom of the floor. That almost ruined PvP. But what really ruined it was the fact that Dinos and structures were super super weak against players. IDK if it’s still like it now. But you could almost break into any base with a bone sword. So flying slowly started to destroy the playerbase.

Real player with 124.6 hrs in game

PixARK on Steam

Prehistoric Marine Monsters

Prehistoric Marine Monsters

I just got the game, I think the game looks great, nice models, controls are pretty good, feels a little lacking in stuff to do but the game is WIP so there’s more to be added but this game has great potential, If your a person who likes animal survival game this is one id take a look at

Real player with 4.9 hrs in game

Information / Review English

Prehistoric Marine Monsters is a simulation MMO that was developed by ‘Kill On Sight’ Game development and is still in the development phase.

Gameplay / Story

At the beginning of the game you choose from three different types of underwater inhabitants: fish, reptile or mammal. There are also categories which differ in the species such as: Dunkleoseus, Megalodon, Ichtiyosaurus, Liopleudrodon, Mosasaurus, Tylosaurus and Acrophyseter. Each type has advantages and disadvantages. You create your avatar and adapt it to your preferences. And then the adventure starts from the bird’s eye view and we find ourselves in nowhere in the great ocean. Soon we find some sunken boats, crashed remains of planes or simply stone pillars, which used to belong to cities. Our sea creatures will soon get hungry and we will have to look for food. Fortunately, there are enough other animals in the ocean that like to end up as a meal. But you have to keep in mind that everyone starts small, so you should choose your prey carefully and consider whether you should mess with an animal that is twice as large or look for something else. The models look great and you can see the attention to detail there. If you find another player, you can chat with him or even fight a duel, which is deliciously rewarded after the victory. The meat of the hunted prey tastes all the better. When you’re out and about in groups, it’s all the more fun. The controls still need a suitable fine-tuning, as it looks a bit fiddly and the game world could also be filled up so that it comes across even more lively. The developers are very active and you can find them on the servers, but questions can also be answered via Discord.

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

Prehistoric Marine Monsters on Steam

Pangea Survival

Pangea Survival

Despite all the bugs its a enjoyable title. The only thing I think needs improving, is sounds, resting animations, enemies regening health instantly, Brightness, make the tails a bit more stiff (I like the wiggle to them, but I think they get too crazy after a point), the lag/restarting server thing, it gets annoying after a little bit (Not a huge handicap, but it takes it a hot minute to restart the server, from what I noticed more lag = more tail having a seizure. I also think they need to work on the settings menu. Those are what I would consider top priority when improving the game. Focus on the current dino roster (Add more roars, some have 2 or 1 while others have 4 so you gotta bring them up to current standards of some of the other dinos) aswell as working on some of the animations like resting, some dinos don’t have it. Other than those, I do like the point system where overtime you gain a steady amount of points per minute, 3 points for carnivores and 10 for herbivores. But you also can get points by killing other dinos to progress to the next dino on the progression tree. I enjoy the system and keeps my busy. I also would like to add, the footstep sounds need to be redone.

Real player with 68.6 hrs in game

So, ive had this game for a week or two and i will say this is the fastest i have warmed up to any dinosaur game!

Now, when i first tried it i thought it was more like a Roblox game on a high budget, and it may as well be - But that doesnt stop it, and that is merely an illusian for what actually occurs in the game.

To start things off, the Dinosaurs! As of now there are more than i can remember or count and most of these animals are playable, and some you may not have even heard of (E.G. Allosaurus Jimadseni). I will happily say that the Models and Skins are very well made, even with noticeable changes between AI Characters and Player characters, which have different color schemes from eachother to tell them apart. They also have some very interesting jiggle physics.

Real player with 23.8 hrs in game

Pangea Survival on Steam

Primal Carnage

Primal Carnage

Primal Carnage is a game I can entertain myself for hours on end. Whether you’re in it for the killing or just to mess around and role play (rp). I Recommend this game. It’s true this game hasn’t been updated in months or maybe even a year now but even so it makes a great game none the less. If you want to feel a realistic dinosaur game then this one should be on your list of games to try.

The gameplay is quite smooth if you have a decent connection to the internet, it only gets laggy if there is a player with a high ping or your internet is just slow. It’s a very smooth game and this is why I prefer it over Primal Carnage Extinction. The “improved” primal carnage (Extinction) is just too choppy for me and it just doesn’t have the same feel that Primal Carnage gives. When I fly as a ptera I feel free, I could spend hours just flying around a map doing tricks and going under/over hard to reach places. Bonus: Pteras can actually speed up in this game by diving, wheras in Extinction you’re basically just looking to get killed if you’re a ptera. The movement of the dinos feels realistic, for example the raptor pounces at what seems within logic (in game it looks to be around 15ft). The rex doesn’t vacuum you up into it’s mouth, you actually have to aim to eat the human. Dilos are a much harder class to play, so if you like challenges then you should play that class and try to get atleast 5 kills without dying. Another thing that I like about the gameplay is the accuracy in aiming, it seems very realistic although the bullets don’t slow down, they shoot the same speed as far as you want. Even still this game is quite fun.

Real player with 1153.5 hrs in game

Yes, this game is dead. None the less, I wanted to give this game a review, since it’s one of my most beloved games ever.

I’ve bought this game back in the day when it was still supported and not that long released on Steam yet. It was kinda an early early acces game, so before Steam’s EA-phase. It was released, but still very early in development, it still would get more dinos, maps, more modes etcetera. But man I loved it. I love dinosaurs, I love shooting the place up, what could go wrong? Well, long story short; an abandoned game does the trick.

Real player with 501.3 hrs in game

Primal Carnage on Steam

ARK: Survival Evolved

ARK: Survival Evolved

dont read or watch anything people say about this game or company there all lying and you will get lots of spoilers and make you play the wrong way even most reviews will be spoiling and tutorials or almost any youtube video except this one

this review is objective all im doing is laying out the facts if i got something wrong tell me


a story driven pve sci fi rpg about a mysterious island and you must find the mystery of the island and escape


unbelievable amount 100s of hours of content and you can replay countless times because each time you play will be completely different a long story lots of areas to explore so many items(over 1000) and so many enemies(over 100 not counting bosses)

Real player with 4302.0 hrs in game

When the game was released, this game was my favorite survival game, maps, jungle, tame dinosaurs, crafting, almost everything.

But since they created the TEK tier and the new maps, everything is gone.

It looks more like galactic fights than a survival game with dinosaurs. The essence that made it great has been lost.

Now when fighting pvp, either you are in a tribe with 5 friends or more, with a lot of tek or you do nothing. I recommend playing it in the Primitive Plus mode or else on PvE servers

Real player with 2754.0 hrs in game

ARK: Survival Evolved on Steam

CardLife: Creative Survival

CardLife: Creative Survival

I’m a bit in trouble here, cause the game has too many bugs to recommend, but I like it way too much to not recommend.

About the bugs. There are lots of them, often a restart is neccesary to get rid of them. Sometimes you can’t cut trees anymore, sometimes you suddenly fallthrough the ground and get an awesome view on the huge mines below the map and every couple hours there are some connnection problems with the server what will require you to wait five minutes and restart. Sometimes the bugs are good (all enemies gone or not attacking) sometimes they are really bad (I once fell through the map and landed in one of the mines in the mids of enemies that killed me, resulting in losing all my stuff)

Real player with 209.7 hrs in game

This game had such potential, it could have been a really fantastic world for players create and build in, but they refused to fix the bugs, and instead just released it as is, so they could move on to another get rich quick game.

We were still complaining about falling thru the land in the middle of mining, but I guess that was not considered important enough to address, it is still happening.

They had been told, over and over again that the six day log in requirement was not friendly to human beings, who take vacations, have holidays, or even problems with their computers.

Real player with 160.9 hrs in game

CardLife: Creative Survival on Steam