Gigantosaurus The Game

Gigantosaurus The Game

Love the show, love the game.

Real player with 11.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dinosaurs Racing Games.

It’s probably weird to say for my age. I have been acknowledge the original show since Disney channel before the game was come out.

But in general why I’m into this game?? I know that the game itself was kinda not for my age. But myself, big fan of 3D platformer like this, I can’t really pull it away. Its very lightheaded game. The original show might get me into as well.

The fun part for me is just keep collecting and unlocking. Also has quite huge open-world to exploration. Racing mode is kinda fun as well. I was able get all of achievements by 2 days along play through the game. Only thing I was wish is the color tone itself, somehow not colorful as the show. But if that is the bast engine can do.

Real player with 11.7 hrs in game

Gigantosaurus The Game on Steam

Terror of Hemasaurus

Terror of Hemasaurus

Play as a giant monster and wreak havoc on humanity in this retro city smash ‘em up! Punch buildings, slap helicopters, eat humans, kick cars – enjoy multiple ways to cause carnage! Satisfying arcade action and mindless destruction for up to 4-players!

Earth is on the brink of a climate catastrophe! The Church of the Holy Lizard hatches a dubious plan to save humanity from its own reckless disregard of the planet – unleash a monster to kill, destroy, and inflict terror!

Embark on a rampaging trail of total devastation across multiple stages as one of four recently defrosted monsters. Roar with delight as you stomp terrified citizens and pulverise buildings in an apocalyptic, retro arcade blast of awesome monsters, satisfying destruction, and farcical fatalities!

Terror of Hemasurus is the latest game from Super Blood Hockey creator, Loren Lemcke.


Hemasaurus! Clocksloth! Salamandrah! Autonomous Hemasaurus! Four terrifying (but also kind of adorable) beasts, each with their own killer moves!


Explosive pixel devastation and mayhem on a monstrous scale! Reduce buildings to dust. Topple skyscrapers. Destroy everything!


Hurl humans into helicopter blades! Butt slam into crowds of terrified citizens! Eat people for nourishment! Smoosh them all to save the planet!


Do what the game tells you across a variety of levels! Kick cars into buildings! Rescue the cats and dogs! Total a tower in record time!


Got buddies? Good for you! Put them to use by getting them to join you for some local co-op carnage! Up to four friends can cause terror together!

Read More: Best Dinosaurs Action Games.

Terror of Hemasaurus on Steam



Fun game. Starts simple then becomes faster and more frantic as you progress. The developer is good people and it is great to support indie developers. Overall have enjoyed so far.

Real player with 92.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dinosaurs Action Games.

50% Robo

50% Dino

100% Video game

Real player with 7.1 hrs in game

RoboVDino on Steam



A compulsive twin stick asteroid-mining rogue-like set in procedurally generated space with a brilliant “risk” system where at the start of the game, you can choose to enable any or all of 10 different scenarios to make the game more difficult in return for a higher percentage of profit.

One risk makes your armour weak so only one hit can be taken. Another adds gold to some asteroids but also adds competition in the form of big mining ships.

The game eases you in gently, the 10 risks are unlocked as you play, letting you add more challenge as you get more confident.

Real player with 31.2 hrs in game

Tags: Tactical - Space Crew Sim

Additional Tags: Delete Local Content & Remove from Library

TLDR: Twinstick instance based freelancer. Fun but beatable in one sitting. Needs patching but dev abandonned due to contract with a new studio. Limited content. Grindy.

This is a one small map containing a few central hotspots. A police station spawning police cars, a fuel and ammo station and a mining station to sell ore. You go out and find cash lying around, get ore, and kill pirates to sell bounty items at the police station. You die respawn and as you unlock more things the world gets more populated.

Real player with 23.5 hrs in game

Cashtronauts on Steam

LEGO® Jurassic World

LEGO® Jurassic World

5/10 Quite the bug fest there, Tt Games

Due to Steam’s 4000 character limit, this is a strongly edited review from Gao Li Occasionally Reviews

Childproofing Jurassic Park

While LEGO is famously kid-friendly, Jurassic Park flicks are monster movies where giant lizards devour unsuspecting victims, which is why many of the more violent scenes were toned down to make them family friendly. For example, the death of Donald Gennaro – the lawyer who gets eaten by a t-rex on the toilet – is still shown here, but he’s spat out after apex predator’s fight against a raptor. Zara Young, meanwhile, stays devoured by the mosasaurus & plays cards with other characters in its belly. That said, even though the developers managed to elude graphic scenes, they failed to edit out the “adult” language.

Real player with 39.9 hrs in game

NOTE: I noticed a few comments on this review. Please note that this is an old review. I have not played this game in a long time. It was in an unacceptably dire state the last time I played, and I don’t plan on coming back to it. Some have claimed that the issues mentioned here have been fixed. I can’t confirm if this is true or not, but I did say that if this game receives a patch, then I’d recommend it. So keep that in mind, please. Thank you. 3

Anyway, here’s my review, still intact and unchanged.

Real player with 33.3 hrs in game

LEGO® Jurassic World on Steam

Fossil Hunters

Fossil Hunters

I don’t like multiplayer games. When I play games, I play them by myself alone in a room with minimal human contact, I am a cretin.

Fossil Hunters has such a good understanding of what makes people work together that I honestly don’t mind it and it came as a pleasant surprise. When I play it with my friends it feels like we’re working as a team, taking on different jobs and actually helping one another out instead of finding ways to one-up each other. I was also impressed with just how polished the game is, especially considering my friends and I actively tried to break it only a few minutes after playing…

Real player with 22.8 hrs in game


✓︎ Unique game concept.

✓︎ Possibility to switch between single and local multiplayer modes.

✓︎ High variety of fossil pieces.

✓︎ Interesting environments.

✓︎ Clear controls, adapting to the type of joypad used.

✓︎ Good graphics, with well done illustrations.


✕︎ Repetitive gameplay.

✕︎ Very punishing obstacles.

✕︎ No inventory or any mechanics to organise objects inside the base.

✕︎ Co-op can be played only on a single shared screen.

Fossil Hunters is an indie exploration puzzle game by Reptoid Games. The purpose of this game is to dig for and arrange together fossil pieces, creating dinosaur skeletons. It can be played alone, or by up to four players on a shared screen.

Real player with 16.3 hrs in game

Fossil Hunters on Steam

Dino Galaxy Tennis

Dino Galaxy Tennis

This game adds a new option on how to spend an evening with friends.

Real player with 16.9 hrs in game

Nice game. Gameplay is challenging and fun. Didn’t finish story mode yet but looks promissing ;)

Real player with 9.6 hrs in game

Dino Galaxy Tennis on Steam

The Deadly Tower of Monsters

The Deadly Tower of Monsters

On some rare occasions, a game is found which seems not only close to flawless but proves an absolute joy to play. A game like this stands up in a crowd and says, “Hey! You remember fun? Try this, maybe!” The Deadly Tower of Monsters is such a title. In perfect honesty the author nearly feels an aversion to publishing any opinion on The Deadly Tower of Monsters, as it feels like it would fall short of doing the game justice.

To summarize, The Deadly Tower of Monsters is effectively a platforming video game incarnation of Mars Attacks: a perfectly satirical nod to the greatness that was the pre-3rd millennium sci-fi B movie. Looking at it, one gets a vague notion that the developer ACE Team may have originally intended a slightly different product, and partway through the life cycle decided, “You see these stitches? That faulty lighting? Yeah, we do too!” and ran with it in a new direction like it was out of style. Every cliche and trope of 19xx’s science fiction makes an appearance while the indomitable protagonists Dick, Scarlet, and… Robot, in the interest of saving the downtrodden population of an oppressed planet of ape-people, try to overthrow a maniacally space-evil space tyrant in space.

Real player with 15.3 hrs in game

I very rarely write reviews for games, but this is, by far, the most unique, enjoyable, humorous experience I have ever had playing a game. I believe I played for ten hours, and I didn’t play a single other game until I finished this one. Moreover, I will most definitely be revisiting it soon.

Usually, when game journalists say a game has a unique story, they’re just compensating for crappy gameplay and trying to elevate games to the “true artform” they wish it to be (even though every game is already clearly art). This game has it all: a story that is unheard of in the gaming universe; humor to please you endlessly; fantastic gameplay that ramps up in difficulty when you’re ready; 24 different and upgradeable weapons; and a look that you just won’t find anywhere else. The only thing I would note is that the combat isn’t very tight, but the game makes up for it in varying the gameplay and weapons as the game progresses, allowing you all sorts of unique and creative ways to kill stuff and solve other problems.

Real player with 9.4 hrs in game

The Deadly Tower of Monsters on Steam