

Dinogotchi reminds me of all the tamagotchis I had as a child, they’re all dead… But Dinogotchi is different, the game has a nice and cute art, the music and sound effects are nice but I feel like the game in general could have a extra polish.

I recommend the game, especially for those who already had tamagotchis in their childhood or for those interested in the genre.

Real player with 3.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dinosaurs Resource Management Games.

I am editing my review to update my opinions on the game, I will keep the original at the bottom of this for context, my biggest issues with parts of the game being unplayable is fixed so I think it’s fair and time to change this. :)

The developer of this game has done a good job at making a cute game and being open to criticism and fixing the problems. All the issues I reported were fixed really fast and it gives me a lot of hope for future updates.

The pixel art in the game is really well done, all the dinosaurs look cute and recognisable and overall really pleasant to look at. The UI is really nice and was updated recently to make the happiness, hunger and energy icons more clean which wasn’t necessary but a really nice change. The music is also very nice and cute, I enjoy it a lot, more songs would be nice but this is still good.

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

Dinogotchi on Steam

Dinosaur Shakespeare: To Date or Not To Date?

Dinosaur Shakespeare: To Date or Not To Date?

I guess I am one of the first reviews and I can see why. This game is not worth the asking price.

The game is pure nonsense. The self-awareness jokes are out of place and completely random.

There is no pacing, at all. The game is unnecessarily obtuse and convoluted in almost every facet of its writing and aesthetic. All of the clashing elements, which feel intentional, do not function well together and make the game incredibly difficult to follow or mentally gel together. The designs of the characters do not factor into their personality or habits at all. They don’t even seem to have a point or theme behind them. Beyond their interpersonal conflicts with each other, they are just “wacky and random” much like the game itself.

Real player with 6.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dinosaurs 2D Games.

Dinosaur Shakespeare: To Date or Not To Date? on Steam

Isles of Pangaea

Isles of Pangaea

Pretty unique little dinosaur simulator as it has some choices not usually found in dinosaur sims.

Isles of Pangaea has dinosaurs such as dimetrodon, sarcosuchos, archelon, and compsognathus…yup, that’s right, the tiny lizards from Jurassic Park: Lost World…few dino games offer this dinosaur to play with.

In fact, you start off the game with a choice of either Compsognathus or Pteranodon…or Archelon or Oviraptor…and you earn evolution points by eating (DO YOU GET POINTS BY KILLING)…

Real player with 29.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Dinosaurs Perma Death Games.

I have tried the other dinosaur games i have found on steam. Such as Saurian and prehistoric survivors. i don’t play multiplayer so i don’t know what those games are like. But if you want a single player dino game then get this one. Aquatic and flying dinosaurs are playable and you can be a stegosauras that alone is worth my money

Real player with 12.3 hrs in game

Isles of Pangaea on Steam



The Mesozoic began after a still unknown catastrophe on

End of the Permian, when 90% of all animal and plant species became extinct.

This cleared the way for a completely new world of flora and fauna.

In the Mesozoic Era the dinosaurs emerged and dominated the earth.

Mesozoikum is an open-world dinosaur survival game and guides you

through the atmospheric world of the Jura.

As a tyrannosaurus you have to fight for supremacy.

Rely on your senses and select the weak ones!


Desktop Dinosaurs

Desktop Dinosaurs

Enjoy watching cute hand animated dinosaurs inspired by 90’s Tamagotchi live directly on your desktop. Manage your environment, resources to raise and evolve your dinosaurs during their entire life. But don’t forget to show them love! Dinosaurs need love!

Features 🦕

  • See your dinosaurs live (eat, sleep, die…) directly inside your windows desktop

  • 2 species of dinosaur currently available (more to come)

  • Your progression is saved

  • You can name your dinosaurs

  • Randomly generated dinosaur colors sets inspired by NES console color palette

  • A shop where you can buy new dinosaurs eggs, plants and decorations

Desktop Dinosaurs on Steam

The Sapling

The Sapling

Very reminisce of Spore, but focus on natural selection and ecology which Spore seriously lacked. I completed all the current scenarios. So a 4 out 5 for me, and must buy for anyone who want an ecological game.

In a world filled with in-your-face tutorial, Sapling tutorial teach to basic and then allow the player learn the rest thru trying out all the functions and hover-over information. A serious plus.

The scenarios are both pleasing and challenging puzzles, and as I said before the scenarios teach the player how to use the game thru experimentation over in-your-face hand-holding flood of pop-up tutorials that plague the gaming world. Even once you completed all scenarios, the sandbox is actually challenging and very satisfying despite the fact everything is unlocked. With mutation and time-skip for sand-box, it allow you is more accurate natural selection.

Real player with 22.0 hrs in game

I really love this game, I also love creating creatures to play as, or to just simply observe them evolving! Its fun to see how they would do in the wild trough a simulation. Though, this game is small and all, I’d want to be able to use a brush tool to change moisture and temperature of places, with it automatically changing the color and creating puddles or mud, maybe even a coloring tool to give the ground some color! *With this there should be an option to make the lakes not be automatically created. But also, we should be able to create our own lakes, so we can make a swamp-like environment for our creations to survive in! But really, overall I’d rate this game an 8.5/10 , one of the problems I have is lag, even with a good pc and low settings, probably due to many things moving at once all the time and the crashing. Another issue is the time cap I encountered, everything froze and I could only get past it trough a time skip, which took a whole 7 minutes to be done. But I enjoy this game alot, despite the issues. Hope you guys can develop this game to be one of the best simulation games ever!

Real player with 19.9 hrs in game

The Sapling on Steam

Dino Nest

Dino Nest

Hi I quickly fell in love with this game. It has a mostly smooth interface, and with some practice, one can find a nice rhythm to the game play. I love the genetics aspect, especially the pack genetics area, though I hope they expand it to include more options to improve genetic traits and abilities, or focus on certain ones? I would recommend enhancing the “Circle” colors on dinos of the specific rarities EPIC and RARE. They are easily merged into the common category to me due to the color of their circles. I currently have 40 points to spend on pack genetics and nothing to spend them on! ;( That being said, I feel the normal difficulty is fine, and there is a “hump” that definitely can be difficult; namely getting your pack of dinos to a solid six in numbers. In all game play for me, I have found that if I don’t get the good luck to develop a solid three, then four pack of dinos, the game ends up killing me. Once I get to four, I feel bad luck or bad choices will get you killed, but otherwise you can be safe. My current goal is to have a full set of 15 legendary dinos. I have gotten there once but lost two babies quickly so back to trying to get there again! I like the color variations. I feel something like nest expansions can be added to other parts of the map to further enhance specific gameplay or nest challenges. Nest expansion area suggestions: add a “MAXIMUM” option to the menu that adds or removes meat or leaves to the expansion. I found it challenging to add one at a time a lot. The nest expansion is a little confusing to me in regards to adding the dinos to them. They are an extra storage area for leaves and meat when no dinos are present. But when you add dinos they deplete the meat and leaves, and seem to do things, but I am not clear on what, or how beneficial it is to me to add dinos to expansions or simply sacrificing them in the “Pack” menu? I’d like more interaction and a better understanding of the nest expansion areas. Love the game and will keep on playing, looking forward to what else you have in future updates! Thanks for making a great game!

Real player with 34.2 hrs in game

Cool game so far. I have some tips to make the game even better! But you don’t have to follow my tips in the game.

1. The battle is not bad, but it can be better, when the fight is with the statistics, like in Boxing school. With life points and the damage that your pack make or the each Dinosaur and other things that you can decide. The battle shoud be a bit slower for me. One other thing is, when a other Carnivor has a Cadaver and you attack the Carnivor, you shoud get the meat from the cadaver and from the Carnivor (when you killed the Carnivor).

Real player with 19.1 hrs in game

Dino Nest on Steam

Furry Shakespeare: Dashing Dinosaurs & Sexy Centaurs

Furry Shakespeare: Dashing Dinosaurs & Sexy Centaurs

First let me just start by saying, Dont let the Title fool you. This story is just amazing. It will certainly make you laugh here and there, but you are almost certainly going to need a box of tissue too. For all of you out there, who like me, never really got Romeo and Juliet, here’s another shot at it. One that throws away all the almost impossible to read phrasing, and instead presents the story and even more importantly the story around the story in a way a modern reader can easily understand.

Real player with 5.6 hrs in game

In “Dashing Dinsaurs & Sexy Centaurs” you´re put in the role to be the director of a play “Romeo and Juliet”.

Your job is to tell actors (that are added / hired during the progression of the game) how to perform on stage. This training takes you 5 weeks and after 5 weeks you perform your play in front of an audience… afterwards criticians will review your play.

There are many choices how to design the play and so this game has a high replay value. Also these decisions are bound to archeivements so if you´re into archeivements you can get some archeivements here by re playing the game.

Real player with 5.4 hrs in game

Furry Shakespeare: Dashing Dinosaurs & Sexy Centaurs on Steam

The Dinosaurs Are Here

The Dinosaurs Are Here

The Dinosaurs Are Here is a physics-based sandbox game set in a nowadays park where you can control a dinosaur.

Hunt for humans and try to survive against the park security guards!

The game features procedural animations, an advanced dinosaur IK system, and ragdoll humans that you can grab, eat and throw as a dinosaur.

You will need to manage your hunger, thirst, health, and stamina during your play.

The game is set on a beautiful huge park with football fields, baseball fields, tennis courts, playgrounds, ponds, restaurants, bars, and much more!

You will be able to find lots of hidden secrets and unlock amazing achievements if you like exploring!


You will be able to control your head and tail in a simple yet advanced way.

Rotate your head to better target your attacks or simply throw an object that you’ve already grabbed in a specific direction.


Grab humans and have fun with them!

Depending on the angle of your attacks you will have the possibility to take a human from his hands, legs, neck, or spine.


Each object will be pickable depending on your mass and the object’s mass.

That means that a big dinosaur will have a better chance to pick a big object, while a small dinosaur will only be able to pick smaller objects.

Also, bigger objects will mean slower head movement when holding them, which translates into smaller throw distances.


The AI will have an advanced perception system that will rely on sight and hearing.

If you make too many noises they will be able to hear you from a great distance and escape if they are normal civilians or chase you if they are security guards.


  • Physics-based dinosaur game

  • Huge map with lots of secrets and achievements

  • Survival & hunting game mechanics

  • Advanced AIs with perception systems that are able to hear, see and predict

The Dinosaurs Are Here on Steam

Mythos Ever After: A Cthulhu Dating Sim

Mythos Ever After: A Cthulhu Dating Sim

A very short uhm “Dating Sim” with a wide and eclectic cast of characters to interact with. TBH for me its was much more of a head scratcher than anything else. It was hard for me to really find and keep up with any real kind of story line, as there seemed to be several all playing out at once, with a steady rush of decisions to make on things that arnt really fully fleshed out enough to know exactly what you are making the decision about, nevermind guess as to what sort of out come any decision will have (in advance of making it that is, everything gets wrapped up in the end, even if you have know idea what you were doing as you played)

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Mythos Ever After: A Cthulhu Dating Sim on Steam